Always in my hart// Johnny La...

By Ind1anna

21.5K 239 98

There is some language!! Adeline Robinson a beautiful teenage girl moves from Utah to Encino, Los Angeles whe... More

I. The move
II. The beach disaster๏ฟผ
III. School
IV. Karate
V. The note
VI. Hangout
VII. Halloween
VIII. Halloween part 2
IX. Date?
X. Country club
XI. Mr. Miyagi
XII: young love
XIII. Octopus
XV. Golf' N stuff
XVI: Sick
XVII: Birthday
XVIII: The party

XIV. New student

536 7 6
By Ind1anna

I walked into my science classroom and sat at the back like usual. I put my bag on the desk and took our my book and pencil case just as Mr. Cameron our science teacher walked in.

"Morning class" most people groaned. call me a nerd but I like science.

"Today we have a visitor he is just a side teacher so if you need any help please don't be shy to ask" the teacher walked in ... oh god. It was Carlos, yes like Carlos my mums boyfriend this will not be good.

Suddenly a girl my age ran into the room and stopped at the door panting with her hands On Her knees bending over.

"I- is thi- this is room...G6 right?" She managed to catch her breath.

"Oh yes you must be new I'm your science teacher Mr. Cameron you can sit... ah over there right next to Adeline" he pointed at me I raised my hand so she could see me. She walked over and sat down. She had dark skin curly dark brown hair she was about the same size as me 5'5 and she was gorgeous.

"Hi, I'm Carmen Diaz" she extended her hand out I took it and shook it.

"Adeline" I smiled.

"Hey umm do you by any chance have any of these classes" Carmen showed me her timetable.

"Actually I have all of your classes for the rest of the week"

"That's great I could really use a friend to show me around so you mind" she asked looking nervous.

"No not at all" I smiled friendly at her.

The rest of science went well Carlos did notice me we agreed not to tell the teacher. Carmen was really cool and was very good at science.

After that we had maths then history next was art, English then P.E

We were all getting ready in the changing rooms me and Carmen were talking when I felt a arm wrap around my shoulder I look and see it was Tommy.

"Who's this pretty lady" he winked at Carmen she looked uncomfortable.

"Quit it" i elbowed him in the stomach she looked at me as if to say thanks I just nodded the rest came out of the changing rooms.

"Johnny wants to meet you outside the changing rooms" Jimmy said practically jumping on me.

"Ok but first I'll walk Carmen to the field" I wiggled out of their tight grasps.

"I can walk by myself no need go have fun" she smirked I smiled and said bye then ran the other way back to the changing rooms. I felt someone spin me around it was Johnny he then pulled me closer and kissed me while smiling.

"Hello to you two" I ran my fingers trough his fluffy blond hair. He closed his eye and inhaled and exhaled deeply. When he opened his eyes again he looked deep into mine and gave me a quick kiss before he through me over his shoulder and ran down the hall I laughed and he did two but when we made it to the field he put me down to go and play football. I went over to Luisa, Haile, Janet and Cathy.

We talked for a while sat on the benches watching the boys play. When Tommy noticed all of us staring he shouted something to all the boys just as he did that they all took their shirts off i shook my head and tried to fight back the heat showing on my cheeks as they all laughed and smirked at us. They knew what they were doing.

Me and the girls had an option wether we wanted to participate in this lesson or not so we didn't and after we went back to the change of rooms I heard people say my name so I walked closer hidden from the people so i couldn't see who they are.

"I saw you hanging out with that Adeline girl earlier what are you like friends or something" the voice said but I didn't recognise who it belonged to.

"Yeah, she seems nice" wait that was Carmen voice.

"You shouldn't be associated with her she's bad news, she stole my man" it wasn't Ali's voice and she wouldn't say that so who the hell are these people.

"Really but why was she so kind to me then" Carmen innocently said.

"Uhh-I- it's an act she plays yeah she becomes your best friend then boom she stabs you right in the back" what a liar.

I peeped around the corner to see three girls surrounding Carmen.

"Hey, those are lies I don't even know you" I reviled myself.

"Yea-yeah you do, don't act dumb" she was clearly nervous.

"No seriously I don't know you and I didn't steel your man he wasn't your man" I stated Carmen looked confused

They scurried away not looking back. Carmen looked at me still confused.

"I have a boyfriend and she obviously thought that he was hers and just jealous I guess" I explained hopefully clearing things up for her.

We walked to the changing rooms together talking about classes. When we exited the changing rooms I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and pick me up. I laughed and pull my legs to my chest he put me down and turned me around.

"Hi sweetheart, you doing anything after school" I was digging into my memory of something I might have to do but nothing came to mind.

"Not that I know of why" I asked his hands still around my waist.

"Let me take you to Golf'N stuff" he looked back down at me.

"Yeah, ok what time?"

"Since it's the last lesson of the day in about ... and hour" we started walking to the main doors out of school.

"Yeah sure" I pushed the doors open.

The rest of the walk home we talked about about the tournament in just under a months time.

"You have to be there to cheer me on" he put a hand around my shoulder.

"Yeah I would always be there to cheer you on" we both looked at each other then looked away smiling and continued walking. Eventually we had to split paths so Johnny could get cloths and his car from his mum and stepdads house.

I got home and there was no one there. I frowned but carried on going to my bedroom anyway.

I had a shower, dried my hair, did a quick face wash and got changed. Hair:

And put a necklace and earrings on.

I didn't put any make on apart from a bit of mascara.

I went into the kitchen to get a snack when i heard a knock at the door. I went to open it and saw Johnny in a tight white polo t-shirt with black trousers and white trainers/ sneakers.

"You look lovely" he said looking me up and down.

"You don't look to bad either" I said. I closed the door and made sure to lock it before walking to Johnny's car.

On the way the radio played I want to know what love is by Foreigner Johnny kept glancing at me when he realised I saw him doing it he blushed and turned his gaze back on the road.

Bonjour, don't ask I just wanted to say hi in a different language idk why. These chapters are quite boring but I promise it will get more interesting as it gets closer to the tournament.

Word count:


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