Medaka box reacts to the mult...


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All was normal at Hakoniwa Academy, well as normal as a school full of abnormals can be. That is, until an in... Еще

Chapter 1:Kumagawa Misogi
Chapter 2:Psychiatrist
Chapter 3:Faceless
Chapter 4:If friendship
Chapter 5:Past and present
Chapter 6:How long
Chapter 7:Another weapon
Chapter 8:Abnormal chirstmas
Chapter 9:Look, Medaka-chan!
Chapter 10:Are you seroius, multiverse!?
Chapter 11:The Kumagawa
Chapter 12:Angry minus is worst minus
Chapter 13:Hero? No way!
Chapter 14:Even pluses aren't imune to the internet
Chapter 15:She died, but he didn't forget her
Chapter 16:The king and his queen
Chapter 17:Getting a new toy
Chapter 18:Cruel? Kind? Forget it, he's a minus!
Chapter 19:How many rip-offs of skills are there?
Chapter 20:He's free because he wants to be
Chapter 21:Detective extrordinare minus!
Chapter 22:He's a zombie? What's the difference?
Chapter 23:Shounen jump invades the multiverse
Chapter 24:No war can satusfy a minus, but this one is dissapoiting
Chapter 25:Green hair was a dead giveaway
Chapter 26:Attention! Don't look into Kumagawa's soul!
Chapter 27:Darkness is great for a minus
Chapter 28:You just don't get his artistic view
Chapter 29:Souls are a great garniture!
Chapter 30:Names and hands go well together
Chapter 31:How to party as a minus 101
Chapter 32:A minus needs friends too, sometimes
Chapter 33:Sweet and twisted is the receipt of a minus
Chapter 34:Old habbits die hard
Chapter 35:The doctor recommend as much minus as possible
Chapter 36:Abnormal intrligence is the norm at Hakoniwa
Chapter 37:Sadism and darkness are quiet charming on a minus
Chapter 38:Every morning needs a fresh massacre
Chapter 39:The best friendships are formed with snacks
Chapter 40:Things are great in two
Chapter 41:Sometimes you shouldn't stay around libraries
Chapter 42:Imitation isn't alwais the highest form of flattery
Chapter 43:Every marriage has it's own ups and downs
Chapter 44:All the events need to have sustained injuries
Chapter 45:We need to take care of our pets
Chapter 46:A sense of fashion is something that should be keept under control
Chapter 47:A being is formed with a body and a soul
Chapter 48:Be careful at the incantation of your summoning
Chapter 49:Let's play a little to pass time
Chapter 50:A reunion with you bullying target is alwais fun
Chapter 51:Mettings aren't alwais important
Chapter 52:When reality bends to your will, math's not so hard
Chapter 53:Sometimes it takes a minus to admit the reality
Chapter 54:If you don't wanna get threatened, don stalk
Chapter 55:If you put more skills, you still won't be a real abnormal
Chapter 57:This is how you do an introduction
Chapter 58:A girl is alwais happy to see her man slaughter someone!
Chapter 59:There are uneeded characters in this world
Chapter 60:When you have children you need to care and kill for them
Chapter 61:Undo or undo the undoing, that is the question!
Chapter 62:A look into a monster's heart
Chapter 63:Those two are dangerous...wait, they combined!?
Chapter 64:He still prefers the justice fanatic
Chapter 65:No one likes pedophiles
Chapter 66:How many skill cheap knock-oofs are there?
Chapter 67:So he did want a rematch!
Chapter 68:Dates are the most fun when they have murder included!
Chapter 69:Alright, she deserved it!
Chapter 70:Hot springs are great for a get together!
Chapter 71:Even a minus would like to live in confort
Chapter 72:Isn't a minus the very embodiment of a fallen human?
Chapter 73:How would a relationship with Kumagawa go? Let's find out!
Chapter 74:Negative and positive qlwais meet each other, no matter what!
Chapter 75:Let's play murder tag!
Chapter 76:People look for alike qualities within each other
Chapter 77:There's not so much of a difference between zombies and humans, huh?
Chapter 78:Just a poll episode...but with style!
Chapter 79:How many points was that?
Chapter 80:King of Minuses and Seduction!
Chapter 81:Who said Servants can't have fun?
Chapter 82:If it didn't work the first time, try it after the end if the series
Chapter 83:Power is not the only thing the King of Minuses has going for him!
Chapter 84:This is not a game worth playing!
Chapter 85:Now that's how you get the job done!
Chapter 86:He had training for this, but the question is how much?
Chapter 87:Don't forget to sculpture the smile!
Chapter 88:New additions are scary!
Chapter 89:Corruption has many ways, you know?
Chapter 90:That facade doesn't work on us!
Chapter 91:Even angels aren't excepted from society
Chapter 92:He has a vampire harem now?
Chapter 93:Who'd think they'd be a healthy couple?
Chapter 94:Let's crush them already!
Chapter 95:Aren't reunions with your victims just lovely?
Chapter 96:Let me show you a thing or two about love!
Chapter 97:With those two around...Why are we even trying?
Chapter 98:Myouri might have made a huge mistake!
Chapter 99:The original Shiranui has come!
Chapter 100:What are you doing here for, you old goat?
Chapter 101:It's nice to have a bit of balance!
Chapter 102:There is the concept of too many redos!
Chapter 103:You really are what you eat!
Chapter 104:Show ne the real angels...No, I said the REAL angels!
Chapter 105:They just don't make dragins like they used to
Chapter 106:This shop has the right to brutalize their clients!
Chapter 107:How much propriety damage is gonna be at that tournament?
Chapter 108:How can I escape him!?
Chapter 109:He sure has some serious willpower
Chapter 110:Ain't trauma a bitch?
Chapter 111:Funerals are a happy ocassion!
Chapter 112:Don't you dare understimate Tetris!
Chapter 113:Iihiko would've done the same
Chapter 114:He's not picky
Chapter 115:A show off as alwais!
Chapter 116:Let's play Build a Cybertronian!
Chapter 117:Talk about critical hit
Chapter 118:This is a rare combination
Chapter 119:A true child menance, this one!
Chapter 120:A big bug is still just a bug
Chapter 121:A hands on approach to wizardly
Chapter 122:A dark hero... Wasn't that Iihiko?
Chapter 123:Not a hospital this time
Chapter 124: That's a bloody romance
Chapter 125:He choose the all route!
Chapter 126: Crashing is part of flying
Chapter 127: Bullying your neighborhood predator
Chapter 128:Mointains can be deadly
Chapter 129:They're never too much apart
Chapter 130:Death is not enough
Chapter 131:He sure knows how to bet
Chapter 132:Honey, his existente is a curse in itself
Chapter 133:What a nice lasting friendship
Chapter 134:In search for a blood sucking loli!
Chapter 135:Damn those flying rats!
Chapter 136:He alwais likes pokimg bears
Chapter 137:There are many kinds of clubs
Chapter 138:They get like that sometimes
Chapter 139:Breaking is a part of racing
Chapter 140:What an destructive coincidence
Chapter 141:Is it him or the machine?
Chapter 142:Couple goals, but double
Chapter 143:Your honor, the mirror was a bully

Chapter 56:You should never ever try to manipulate a minus

1.7K 51 43

Najimi thought about the last universe. That was a proof that quantity is not the same think with quality.

Really, for all the hype that amalgamation of skills got, it was a real dissapointment. Really, even Myouri could've beaten that creature. Possibly even kill it with enough explosive balls at hand.

Really, she has no idea qhy Hanten would lose his time with that. His thing is the preservation of unique things, and that was just a cheap imitation with a horror look.

Bill:Alright, time for the next one!

Najimi:And what us the title of the chapter?

Bill:It's called "Flower and minus humor".

Zenkichi:...Here we go again.

The screen showed the scenary of nature with no trees. Kumagawa was walking around this scenary.

Kumagawa Misogi was someone very hard to impress. Not even the portal with eyes fazed him in the least. The view after was beautiful, he might add.

The entrance of a garden field with sun flowers. The sun was his principal problem. He want to keep his skin pale, he has a look to manage.

Myouri:...Wait, he looks like that intentionaly?

Najimi:But of course. It is his design, after all.

Myouri:And I thought he was a shut-in.

When he decided to move to the field two middle aged mans screamed after him.

Man 1:Oi, you can't go there!

Man 2:A horrible youkai reside there!

Myouri:Well, this youkai hasy condoleances.

Kujira:They say it's horrible, so maybe it's a sadistic, mass murdering monster. They should get along just fine.

Kumagawa:[I'll be the judge of that.]

He went on his way, completly ignoring the unimportant characters. The two have spoken to each other to teach him a lesson. The two fools didn't realize they signed their deaths.

Najimi:What ugly clowns.


Najimi:Haha! Good one, Hanten!

Kumagawa was admiring the flowers at. The sadistic flower youkai named Kazami Yuuka happend to cross paths with him.

To say the least, she was surprised by the fact her usual sinister face didn't startle him at all. In fact, he simply waved his hand at her.

Yuuka:My, it's rare to see people visiting my garden.

Kumagawa:[Oh, I know the feeling. No one wanted to be in my vicinity either.]

That was true. He wasn't evil or anything like that. It just, people didn't get his sense of humor.

Myouri:Because it implies realy fucked up things.

Najimi:No one appreciates dark humor these days.

Yuuka:Truly sad. But, don't get to close to the flowers. They might feel threatened and things become painful.

Vines enveloped Kumagawa. The next thing was Yuuka stabing the tip of her umbrela through his neck. He wasn't affected by it.

Rather, he kept smiling. Yuuka's shock grew more when he saw him vanishing and reapering behind her. All the previous wounds and blood not being present at all.

Najimi:Ah, the old All Fiction trolling.

Medaka:It's not so good when you're on the reviving end of it.

Yuuka:Aren't you going to, you know, atack?

Kumagawa:[Hm, why should I?]

Yuuka:Well, I just stabbed you.

Kumagawa:[Yeah, but it's understateble. I just came to your place uninvited. And it would be a real shame to scratch that beautiful face of yours.]

Zenkichi:...Well, I didn't expect that. He's resonable for once in his life.

Najimi:Still a total flirt, though.

Yuuka blushed. No one ever said to her she was beautiful. It was something new to her.

Kumagawa felt the smell of smoke. He calmy walked to the smell, Yuuka after him. He found the first men with a lighted tourch, ready to set flowers on fire.

Kumagawa:[Crime agains nature? Even for such a pathethic existence as yourself, that's low.]

Najimi:Tch. Normals.

Hanosode:Really, they have no class.

Man 1:I wanted to have some revenge. But you made it easier!

He moved the tourch to hit Kumagawa. But the fire expanded in the air and moved oposite, incinerating much of the man.

Yuuka:It looks like you have your own tricks.

Kumagawa:[Of course. I'm a magician, you know.]

Well, he wasn't really. But in the end, it's there such a big diference between a magician and a reality manipulator? He doesn't thinks so.

Najimi:Well, magic does entrail some sort of reality bending. Like making fire out if nothing.

Medaka:I do remember you having magic skills as well.

Kumagawa:[Now if you excuse me, someone wants to play with me.]

Yuuka:Can I watch?

Kumagawa:[Of course. I alwais welcome spectators.]

In the exit of the garden the other man was waiting for his friend. But, he has seen Kumagawa exiting. Unknown to him, Yuuka was watching them on a tree.

Kumagawa:[You were right, there was pretty scary.]

Man 2:Didn't I tell you, runt?

Kumagawa:[Please, shake my handas apology.]

Zenkichi:...Shake hand?

Myouri:He's fucked.

The man shaked it with a smug face. Just for a moment later to reveal it wasn't Kumagawa's hand. It was his friend's severed hand. He let it on the ground, scared.

Kumagawa:[What's the matter? This is the hand of friendship. You should treasure it.]

The man pushed Kumagawa and began to run, scared for his life. Unfortunately for him, that was the wrong move.

Kumagawa:[Hey, illegal move! You get a red card, mister.]

Kumagawa took out a red card and throwed it at the man. The card moved at bliding speed and cut off the man's legs.

Zenkichi:Remind me to never play football with him.

Kujira:Just think what activities he has planned in ouur absence.

Zenkichi:...I think I'm gonna die from overwork when we get back.

Yuuka:I like his style.

Kumagawa:[Now, you should treasure your friendship.]

He took the hand and went to the man. With a twisted smile he forced the hand down the man's throat, killing him.

Yuuka:Bravo! Bravo!

Kumagawa:[Thank you. Now, could you guide me to a place where I could sleep?]

Yuuka began to blush again. She played with her fingers, averting her gaze.

Yuuka:Well, there is my home. If you would like?

Kumagawa:[Yes, please.]

Myouri:He's moving fast.

Kujira:Well, he can move at lightspeed

Bill:Alright, picture time!

A picture appeared on the screen. The picture had caused flashes of light from several phones in the room.

Kujira:Wait, isn't she that girl the suitor he was talking with about hand-bra jeans.

Zenkichi:Yes. And it looks like Book Maker provoked this.

Kujira:That and a lot of photos taken from thirsty girls.

Zenkichi:...Didn't you took some, as well?

Kujira:What ac I say? He does look good.

Back at Hakoniwa, Aka returned to the student council room, now with all the mugs back. Seriously, that man has no shame.

Kamone wa looking at his phone. He decided to put a question to his fellow student council members.

Kamone:A classmate offered to take me out. What do you guys think she neans?


Aka:A date?

Kumagawa:[It can mean a date, food and murder if she puts in enough effort.]

Aka:...I'm sure that's true for you.

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