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______ ❝ it was late at night, you held on tight. ❞ ash-tray x female ! oc More

special announcement!
angus ♡


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     ISABELLE WAS ASSISTING ASH, FEZCO AND FAYE with the shop, she was rearranging the snacks and by rearranging she meant eating them. Ash tray was in the back doing whatever he does and told isabelle not to disturb him.

"Do you like, have a home?" Faye asked, putting the blunt to her lips and taking a hit. Isabelle nodded, she couldn't fully pay attention to faye without noticing her lips, they were obviously fake but she wasn't the type to judge. "Yeah, kid, like you've been with me and ash for two-days straight, don't your parents get worried?" Fezco added onto fayes question.

Isabelle visually winced at the mention of her parents, what could she say about them, that her dad was a psychotic, abusive, murdered who killed her mom and her mom was a too sweet-loving woman who was killed in front of her daughter. "No, they don't really care." Isabelle lied, shrugging her shoulders.

Fezco hummed in response, taking the blunt from fayes hand and hitting it himself. It was a repeated pattern of them passing around the blunt until it was a roach as they asked isabelle questions she struggled to answer. After answer a question about her mom, isabelle felt herself getting emotional so she avoided eye contact and glanced out the window.

When she looked out she could've shitted her pants, outside the door was Cal Jacobs. Now isabelle didn't know too much about cal but the fact that he was a gay-man who fucked little boys. That was enough for her too hate him, and the fact that he recorded child-pornography. Isabelle knew what fezco beat up Nate badly at the party last night, she didn't care because he deserved it after what he did to her cousin.

"Shit, fezco, that's nates dad." Isabelle warned, glancing to fezco who was already death staring the older man walking inside the shop. Isabelle gulped, sitting up from the counter she sat on and walking around the store so she could get closer to fezco in a un-obvious way.

"This your store?" Cal asked, walking over to the candy section that was thank-fully far away from isabelle. Isabelle glanced up at fezco who was clenching his jaws. "It's a family business." Fezco answered, darting holes into the older-man who was walking closer to isabelle. Now, fezco didn't know isabelle all too long but he had a guilt on himself that if anything happened to her while he was around, it was his fault.

"Do your parents own it?" Cal asked, grabbing a bag of hot-chips from the aisle that isabelle was in, the brunette froze, cals presence was cold and gave her anxiety, all she could think about it those poor kids he probably groomed. Isabelle snapped out her thoughts and saw fezco moving his eyes simultaneously, telling her to move away.

But before she could move, cal did first. Walking to the register that fezco was sitting at. "You usually ask this many questions, man?" Fezco queried, watching cal who stopped right in front of him. "Just you." Cal responded, his eyes flickering from fezco to isabelle, a smirk tugging on his lips that made ash who was watching the whole scene, wanna shot him in his face.

"She tell you who I am? Who her dad is?" Cal asked, referring to isabelle who was on the verge to a panic attack from the tension in the small-store. Fezco eyes flashed to isabelle who was shaking and back to cal. "Nah man." Fezco lied.

Faye was confused, like usual. "Are you a cop?" The blonde asked, staring at cal who didn't look to her while answering. "No." Cal deadpanned. In this moment isabelle felt like her heart was gonna beat out her chest, she watched as cal reached into his pocket, a clicking sound was heard when he did so. Isabelle gaped and fezco turned to her, a look of terror and worry in his eyes that quickly went away when they heard the sound of another gun clocking from the back room.

Ash, thank god for ash or they all probably would've been dead. Cal faced dropped, looking to fezco and isabelle who glanced directly back at him. Cal slowly reach out his pocket, scaring the ginger a little but his nerves eased when he pulled out a twenty dollar bill. "Just a concerned father." Cal told, grabbing his chips and walking out the door.

Isabelle let out a sign in relief, blocking out fayes voice asking if she was okay. The thirteen-year-old girl was still breathing heavily and her vision was staring to blur, she was having a panic attack. Yeah she was used to seeing guns and had one held to her head multiple times, but this time felt different. Because she wasn't only about to get shot, but her new friends too.

Ash placed the gun back in the cereal-box and walked out the room door, his eyes narrowing around the room for fezco. "Yo, where fez?" Ash asked faye who pointed outside were the ginger was watching cal leave his store. Ash was relieved to see his brother safe, he nodded his head once and turned back around to go back in the back-room.

That was until he saw a familiar-brunette sitting on to ground by the drinks, her hand over her chest as she kept mumbling "breathe". Ash furrowed his eyebrows and walked over to isabelle who didn't even recognize he was there since she couldn't breathe and all. "Yo, isabelle you straight?" Ash asked, trying not to sound too concerned.

Isabelle paused, hearing the buzz-cut boys voice made her even more embarrassed than before. She opened her eyes that were blurred by her tears, ash concerned faced turned into a pitied one when he saw her crying. "What's wrong?" Ash asked, kneeling down so he could be face to face with the brunette.

"I'm fucking having a panic attack and getting PTSD from my dad abusing me and the only way this will go away if is i cut but i can't because i lied and told you my dad did it and i don't want you to think i'm a weird bitch who self harms everyday even though u already know." That's what isabelle wanted to say, but she couldn't so she remained quiet and tried to focus on her breathing. Ash was growing more concerned when her breathing spaced out even more, he sat up, opening the fridge that held the drinks and pulled out a water. He kneeled back down at opened it, putting it to her mouth. "Drink this, if you're having a panic attack it should help." Ash instructed.

Isabelle nodded, drinking the water that ash was holding in his hand. The liquid calmed her nerves a little but she still couldn't control her breathing fully. Isabelle wondered how ash knew she was having a panic attack, maybe he got them too, from what she saw today, ash wasn't afraid to kill, he probably did kill and got PTSD from it, or he's just smart.

"I'll be back, don't move." Ash told, getting up from the ground and sprinting to the back room. Isabelle exhaled, shutting her eyes to try to imagine a peaceful time. Her mind went to her fifth-birthday, everyone was so happy, Her dad, Her mom, Isabelle. Isabelle opened her eyes when she felt another person sit by her, it was ash and he was holding the Mp3 device that she gave him.

"What are you doing?" Isabelle asked, her voice low but loud enough that the buzz-cut boy heard. Ash ignored her, pulling the earbuds into the device and finally look up at her. "I know you ain't know me for a long time but, just trust me on this." Ash told, waiting for the brunette to nod before he moved his hand to her hair, moving it behind her ear. Isabelle shivered at his touch, feeling something go inside her ear.

Ash put the other ear-bud in her opposite ear and sat next to her, pressing the "play" button on the device and waiting a few seconds. He was thankful for see the girl body relax within seconds of hearing to instrumentation of the song. Isabelle felt a smile appearing on her face as she heard the sound, and to her surprise it worked.

"It will take a while to make you smile"

How did ash know that Space song would help the girls panic attack was a mystery, maybe it was because he was good listener or maybe because he actually liked isabelle. Ash jumped up slightly went he felt a body embrace him into a hug, he looked down at saw isabelle body connected with his. Ash hesitated, should he hug he back? They barely knew each other and he wasn't the hugging type but something in him changed, he wrapped his arm around the girl.

"somewhere in these eyes i'm on your side."

• • •


feel free to point out any spelling or grammar errors!

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