The Nightmare Panther

By Startrekgirl16

14.5K 426 22

William 'Will' McCoy is the twin brother of Henry 'Hank' McCoy. He is a mutant who is always looking for good... More

Character Information
William's Powers and Abilities
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 9

555 17 0
By Startrekgirl16

Covert CIA Research Base

Third POV

As Moria, Charles, Felix and Oliver and the Senator walks in heading to the lounge area discussing the plans for Russia.

"We've got intel that Shaw is meeting with the Russian defense chief in Moscow. So go ahead. Say it." Senator said to Moria as he looks frustrated.

"I'm not here to say, 'I told you so' You know why I'm here." She tells.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Clearance to bring along your mutants. Fight fire with fire. Make sense." He though about her offer.

"Wait! You're okay with this? Sending in a bunch of untrained, unorganized freaks?" Another agent said overhearing their conversation which makes Oliver look at him angrily.

"These freaks...are dedicated, hardworking people." Oliver said to him getting into his personal space.

"And may I remind you Will and Hank are both mutants and without them this facility would've been shut down a while ago." He said as Moria gently moves him away from the man.

"Plane leaves from Russia in a hour."

"I'm tell you, these kids are not ready for Shaw." Felix tells him still in disappointment.

"I think they're going to surprise you. They're an exceptional bunch of young people." Charles said to him believing in his new team as he, Felix and Moria walks towards the group of mutants hearing very loud music playing.

"What the hell...?" Moria comments seeing the kids partying and drinking.

Hank is hanging from the chandelier, Ben and Darwin are testing Darwin's powers of adapting. Sean, Andrew and Alex are dancing on the table and couch as Erik and Will dance in their natural forms not a care in the world. Sharing a drink with a black panther jamming out to the song.

"Come on! Harder! Harder!" Darwin said to Ben as the three adults just stare at them in disbelief while Charles and Moria are, Felix is chuckling at the amazing sight.

"What are you doing." Moria shouted getting everyone's attention making them look like deers seeing head lights.

"Who destroyed the statue? Why is there a mountain lion?" She practically yells at them as she yells Erik and William turns back into humans as they all stand there drunk out of their minds.

"Ben destroyed the statue..." Hank said jumping down from the chandelier and continuing talking but Will walks drunkly towards her point his finger at her.

" Eddie...and a panther." Will said pointing at Eddie with hiccuping between his words.

Will tells her while swaying on his feet as the guys behind him starts giggle and chuckling.

Felix start laughing not being able to hold it in anymore but Moria and Charles look angry. Moria starts to walk closer to Will raging in anger but Hank pulls Will back behind him before Moria starts yelling at them for being children, Eddie starts to growl at her.

"No...No Ben's name is Zeus. That is would we call him now. We were thinking you should be Professor X and you should be Magneto." Erik said as he and Alex pointed to both men.

"I expected more from all of you." Charles tells them but mainly at Erik and William before he and Moria leave. Felix puts up a thumbs up and smiles at them before he too follows after them.

"I am going to go, um...Eddie stay with Alex." Will said before leaving.

William's Garden

As William sits in his garden listening to the birds for him, Oliver stands behind him before walking over to him and sitting down next to him.

"Charles told me what happened." Oliver said to him after a few minutes of silence.

"And you're here to yell at me." Will said while petting some of the new birds.

"No." Oliver said getting Will's attention quickly.

"What? Why not."

"Because I saw you and the other dancing and having fun." He said looking at his face.

"And you wanna know what I saw." He question making Will nod slowly.

"I saw a very reserved boy, with that biggest smile I have ever seen on his face. You looked like you were having fun, relaxing for the first time over." Oliver said to Will making him tear up.

"I am so proud of you." He said as Will starts crying as they both hug.

Russia Military Retreat

As Charles and Felix with a few agents sit in the back of a truck Moria and Levene in the front driving incoming on the wood.

"We got a problem." Levene said to them making Charles and Felix look confused.

"This was not on the map, I am sorry." Moria said as she shows them what is in front a gate with armed man surrendering it.

"No matter what happens, act normally. I'll take care of this, all right? Now, listen to me." Charles tells everyone and putting his fingers on his head.

As a armed guards asks where they are going but a dog starts barking.

"Open the back." One of them asks and Levene gets out and opens the back to see no one inside.

"Where's Shaw?" Felix asks as he and Charles, Moria and Levene watch from a spot near the trees watching the helicopter leaves but only Emma is there.

"I don't know. But if she's a telepath and I read her, she'll know we're here. Let me try something else." Charles said before he places his fingers on his head before getting into one of the soldier mind.

"Shaw sends his apologies, but he's indisposed. He asked me to come in his place. And between you and I, honey, I'm a lot better company." Emma said to the General.

"Please come in." He said to Emma as the both move inside.

"He's not coming. So what now, boss?" Charles asks Moria.

"Now nothing. We're here for Shaw. Mission aborted." She said in defeat.

"The hell it is." Felix argued.


"She's his right-hand woman. That's good enough for me." Felix tells her.

"The CIA invading the home of a senior Soviet official? Are you crazy?" Moria fights back.

"I am not CIA." Felix said as he starts running down hill.

As Felix runs down the hill using his powers to take down the guards as he runs past many of the guards knocked down in pain screaming. He runs towards the house as two men with guns start running towards him but he uses his powers knocks them down as he runs knocking one of the guards unconscious with his leg before going inside.

"I am sorry I can't leave him." Charles said to Moria before he starts running after Felix.

Inside the house

Two gunned men come up to Felix but Felix they uses his powers to destroy the gun breaking them into pieces, before knocking them out with they own guns.

Outside the house

Charles runs to Felix but stops to help the young man tried up in sharp metal wire.

"Calm down, it is okay. Forget my face." He said making the guards fall asleep before chasing after Felix once more.

Inside the generals room

The general and a mind image of Emma cuddle and kiss as the real Emma sits in a chair disguised by him eating a chip. As Charles and Felix barge into the room causing her to freeze up in shock.

The mind image of Emma disappears and the general tries to show them but Charles force him into sleeping as Emma gets up shifting into her diamond form.

"You can stop trying to read my mind, sugar. You're never going to get anything from me while I'm like this." Emma said as she tries to run away but Charles and Felix catches her and bind her arms to the bed posts.

"So then you can just tell us. Where's Shaw?" Felix asks but he refuses to answer making Felix wrap around a piece of metal from the bed around her throat her breathing.


"Felix, that's enough!" Charles yells Felix tightens the metal bars around her throat.

"Felix, that's enough!" Charles yelled as the metal binding shatters her diamond form.

"There you go she won't be shifting anytime soon, and if she does just a gently tab will don't." Felix said a he sits down watching her.

Charles bends down to meet Emma in the eyes as he lifts his fingers to his head before entering her mind.

"We are the children of the atom. Radiation gave birth to mutants. What will kill the humans, will only make us stronger." Shaw said as images of world destruction appears in Charles head.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Emma asks Charles stops reading her.

"This is worse than we previously imagined." Charles said to Felix before looking at Emma.

"We're taking you with us. CIA will want to question themselves."

"I doubt it. They have bigger things to worry about right now." Emma said making both Felix and Charles look at her than each other opening they eyes wider.

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