Killer Games

Galing kay MS5454

503 133 44

Emma is a police officer who is very good at her profession. She is appreciated by everyone for her being a t... Higit pa

Chapter- 3
Chapter- 9
Chapter- 10
Chapter- 13
Chapter- 15
Chapter- 24
Chapter-25 (final)
Bonus chapter 1- Hoseok
Bonus chapter 2- Jungkook & Tae
Bonus chapter 3- Jimin, Joon and Jin
Bonus chapter 5- Namsope

Bonus part 4- Yoongi

11 3 0
Galing kay MS5454

Yoongi opened the door and entered into his apartment. It was a tiring day for him. He threw his bag on floor and lay down on couch. He was about to sleep but his phone made notification sound. He took his phone from his pocket and checked it.

July 2nd

Tomorrow was the day, the day she left him, alone in this world. The moment he saw that on his phone he just put it away and walked towards shower. He removed his clothes and let the water flow through his pale skin. It didn't take any longer for him to break down into tears. He leaned against the cold tile and cried. He misses her so much. He never thought he would fall in love with someone until he met her. Her memories flooded in his mind.

I was sitting in café with Hobi and Joon who were talking about random things. I wondered how they were still friends. Hobi talks about dance or girls and Joon usually talk about studies. i couldn't help but smile and look outside. That's when i saw her. Her dark hair was tied into ponytail. She was wearing simple clothes. Her hazel eyes were sparkling through the glasses she wore. She was smiling at a kid who offered her lollipop. i was lost in her smile. i watched her walking into the café. i silently watched her walking towards counter ordering something and talking with girl in café.

"Joon, who is that girl, she seems familiar", Hobi asked making me look at him and Joon rolled his eyes.

"Seriously Hobi? You don't know Hana?" he asked him.

So her name is Hana

"Who is she?" Hobi looked confused.

"She is in our class ", Joon narrowed his eyes.

"What? why didn't I noticed there was this cute girl in our class?" Hobi was shocked.

"Well for that you have to visit class once in a while", Joon again rolled his eyes

Hobi rolled his eyes too, "well, let me talk to her".

What no......

Hobi was about to stand up but Joon pulled him down.

"Hobi, please no, we just came from running around the town, please let me rest", Joon begged him

"Okay, I'll meet her in class next day", Hobi shrugged.

I was boiling inside but i sat expression less. I  watched her going out with coffee after wishing café girl.

Next day Hobi flirted with her which ended up her crying. He panicked and brought her to café.

He made her sit with us and went to get her coffee. I looked at this innocent girl near me.

"Are you scared of him? "I asked her softly.

She looked at me in fright and I gave her a smile.

"Don't worry that fool just flirt, he is no harm". I looked towards Hobi.

She looked in same direction. We saw Hobi walking towards us and fell slipping on floor. The cold coffee in his hands was all over his head. Even I laughed when I him in that state. I saw her suppressing her laughter as Joon ran to help him. After sometime Hobi came back with some coffee and awkwardly smiled at her. From that day they both became friends.

 As she and Hobi became friends she started to hang out with us. I was happy but bit jealous too. She always hangs out with him and now they keep secrets. I feel they are hiding something from me. My best friend and my crush has some secret. What if they are dating in secret? No way they won't keep it from me. What if?

One day I went for meeting with my teachers and was going to café. Joon told me Hobi and Hana will be waiting for me there as he had some work. I saw Hana and Hobi bickering around as I entered café. Hobi was holding her wrist and Hana was whining. They looked so close and Jealousy was filling inside me. I went near to them then I heard what Hobi was saying,

"If you don't buy me that cake, I will tell Yoongi that you like him"

"What?" I was too shocked. She likes me? I couldn't believe what I just heard.

Suddenly Hana noticed me standing behind Hobi stunned. She was so shocked to see me and Hobi turned to see why she was shocked. When he saw me he clapped his hands in his mouth. Before I could say something she removed Hobi's hands from her and ran away. I was standing there looking at Hobi.

I had a hard time digesting the news for a few days. I had never loved anyone. I was afraid I might hurt her. She avoided us. She stopped hanging out with Hobi as well. She ran away from him when he tried to talk to her. Seeing her like that hurt me. When I encountered her one day in the corridor, she ran away again, so I decided to end it. I stormed into Hobi's classroom next break and dragged Hana out with me. Hobi and Joon were watching me with their mouths open. I pulled her up to the rooftop and made her stand before me. She wasn't looking at me.

"Why are you avoiding me?"

She wasn't answering

"Tell me Hana, what I heard that day was true?"

She kept silent and I sighed

"Are you scared of me too? like rest of the school?" I asked her sadly.

She raised her head and looked at me. Her eyes told me she understood.

"'s not like that...." she tried to calm me.

But I was hurt that she views me as well.

I let her go and about to walk away.

"I'm sorry if I scared you"

"No.... I'm not scared of you.... listen......I'm shy", she shouted from back which made me freeze on my spot.

"I'm sorry if I acted like I'm scared of you but I was face you...that is the truth", tears were flowing from her eyes. I gathered some courage and walked towards her.

"Do you really like me even though I'm like this? A monster for everyone?" I grabbed her shoulders.

"You.... are not...a monster....", she was struggling to look into my eyes.

"Then do you like me?"

She nodded

I pulled her to a hug, she was shocked.

"I love you Hana"

"What?" she was shocked.

"I liked you from the moment I first saw you in that café"

"That day when I cried?"

"No before that, I had already fell in love with you"

"I love you too"

She just hugged me tighter, I caught her chin and made her look up. I leaned closer to her face and she closed her eyes. I slowly kissed her.



"How did he got to know that you like me?" I asked her parting from kiss.

" ......sketching.... your...picture in my book", she was blushing.

"He used to black mail you a lot?"

She nodded

"Where is that picture?"

"With him, he too it with him that day"

"How about watching your best friend running for his life?"

She chuckled, "don't hurt him too much"

"I won't"



That evening I was standing outside school gate when Hobi, Joon and Hana walked towards me. Hobi ran and hugged me.

"Congrats mahn......"

"Well thanks....", I smirked at him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he was confused

"Well I heard someone was blackmailing my girl for a long time", I looked at him.

He let me go and looked towards Hana but she just stands there laughing.

"It was good to know you.... bro", Joon patted Hobi's back.

"I...I....", he was taking few steps back as I rolled my sleeves

"where is the drawing?" I asked as I gave Hana my watch.

"In I'll go and TAKE ITTTTT............", Hobi ran with all his might as I ran behind him. Joon and Hana was laughing hard, and walking together they knew we will be in Hobi's house so they slowly reached there. When they came into Hobi's room I was standing there twisting Hobi's hand in his back which made him whining.

"Hana......I'm sorry....... tell him to let me go......", he cried as Hana came in.

"Let him go", she giggled and I obeyed.

She went near Hobi and twisted his ear.

"Ouch.... Hana it hurts...."

"You have to buy me cake for a week", she ordered

"What a week?"

"Yes, a week or else Yoongi will take care of you", she let him go and came to hug me.

I hugged her back and kissed her in her head. Hobi acted like he is sick and Joon was smiling. Those were happy days. Hana was my everything. She made me happy. She, Hobi and Joon brought light to my life. I started enjoying each and everything. I expressed my emotions more in front of them. They supported me well.

Hobi was so passionate about his dream and Hana supported it well. She believed in him and motivated him to follow his dreams. She told him to prove his parents that his dream is not something small. She told him it was their concern about his well being is making them doubt his abilities. She was our hope. When Hobi fought with his parents and came to my house I called her. I made him talk to her. He was bit relieved when he talks to her and agreed to go with them. I and Hana decided to go to his parents' tomorrow and talk to them. but the news we heard made us devastated. They met with an accident and is in hospital. I and Hana with Joon rushed to hospital. They all were not awake especially his parents. We stayed with him one by one. But we couldn't save his parents. That was when Hana started acting weird. she looked like she wanted to tell me something but scared. I tried to talk to her but she always changes the topic. At funeral, Hobi told us he won't dance again and going to pursue career as a police. At first we tried to talk to him but he was stubborn. It hurt Hana seeing him like this. When Hobi was asleep she came to talk to me and sat near me.

"Yoongi, listen carefully, there is something I have to tell you"


"Err...... don't trust anyone around you"


"I mean...."

"Wait isn't that Rhea from your class with her brother...."

"What are they doing here?"

"May be visiting Hobi......"

"Keep them away from him, never let them near him."


"I don't like them, they need therapist."

"You are frightening me, Hana."

"Do you know they.........."

I looked at her but her eyes went wide like she saw something. I looked around to see nothing


"Huh?" fear was visible in her eyes.

"What about them?"

"They.... they......seduce.... I mean Rhea, what if Hobi flirt with her?"

"His parents are dead and do you think he will flirt with her now?"

"No not now...I...mean future.... just keep him away from them...."


That was the last day we had talk. Two days after she started to act weirder. I was worried about her. She panics when she sees men. Not only men when she saw Rhea she was shivering. This went about four months. Hobi was sad but getting better. We three applied for police training. Hobi was stubborn about this. He left his dream of dancing forever. I and Joon was stressed about Hana and Hobi's condition. Hobi was understandable but Hana, she never hides anything from me. One day I saw her talking with Rhea and she looked very stressed. I went near them and Rhea wished us luck and left. For two days Hana didn't came to school. she didn't say anything to me. So, I decided to visit her and went to her house. Hobi and Joon joined me as they were also worried. As we reached her house we saw her mom and little sister.

Little mina ran towards us. She was just four then.

"Hello oongi...."

"Hello mina, where is your sis?"

"Sis, is.... not.... well"

"What happened?"

"We don't know son, she is not even eating food, oh Hobi you're here too? "her mom came outside.

"Yes, aunt, I thought I should meet her", Hobi replied

"Three of you come in, I will go and call her", Mom took Mina in her hands

We all went in and sat in her couch. Her mom knew about us and supported it well. She trusted her daughter with me. Hobi and Joon were her only friends and her mom loved her too. we were waiting for them when we heard a cry.


We ran into her room. I was shocked at the sight. She was lying there lifeless in her bed. I froze there for a second but quickly called an ambulance and took her to hospital. But she was already dead. She took her mom's pills to find peace. I don't know what I felt when I lost her. I felt numb. I felt my happiness has been taken away from him. A nurse came and handed me a note from her pocket.

Sorry Yoongi, I'm scared, I can't take it anymore. I'm really sorry. You will find a good girl in future. You and Joon must take care of Hobi, I'm sad that I had to do this to him. But I'm sadder to leave you. You are great person, promise me something, never go back to a lone wolf. I'm sorry and love you.

I broke into tears. "Why did she had to do this to me?" I was sitting there frustrated.

I heard a sound and turned to see Hobi and Joon crying.

No I shouldn't be crying; I should be standing with him or else she will beat me up. Hana wants me to keep these two safe. I must do it.



Yoongi woke from his memories when he heard his phone ringing. He was sitting in bathroom floor with shower on. He stood up and offed shower. He grabbed a towel and went out.


"Hello son"

"Tell me mom"

"Are you busy tomorrow?"

"No I'm coming there"

"No need son, I was going to say I and Mina will manage it here"

"No mom, I will come"

"Son, I know you loved my daughter so much and thank you for that. But I can't just watch you living like this. Just......"

"Mom, how many times I had tell you, don't worry about me"


"No but tell mina I'll be coming, Joon and Hobi will be there too. we are bringing someone else too."


"Hobi got a lover"


"Yes, mom you heard it right, he fell for a girl"

"I'm so happy"

"We too"

"Hana will be so happy "

"I know, and Emma is very nice girl"

"I can't wait to meet her"

"Sure mom, see you tomorrow"

"See you son"

Like I promised I'm going to bring Emma to meet you, Hana. If you were alive you would have loved her. She is very strong and brave. She knows very well to manage Hobi too. She is very brave that she would stand in front to protect Hobi. When I see her I wish you were there, I wish if I could see you laughing with our team. I miss your laugh....i miss your smile...i miss you....


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