Bloodbound {L.s}

By _Londonisbigbiatch

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Where a council of elite vampires runs New York City, and follows a young man who's just gotten a job as the... More



173 12 54
By _Londonisbigbiatch

Harry slides the phone into his pocket and pulls out the mandrake vial. Harry holds it up for the light, examining it. The red powder is refined, silky, mysterious.

The elevator arrives. Harry tucks the vial into his pocket and knocks on the door of the conference room. Louis lets him in.

"Excellent, Harry. Come in, please," Louis says ushering Harry inside.

Harry sees two other people seated at the massive table. A handsome man with an intense gaze and a sweaty older man who looks Harry up and down with hungry eyes.

"This is Harry, my new assistant," Louis introduces.

"You do go through them rather quickly," The younger man says.

"Harry, this is Liam Payne of Payne Industries," Harry says nodding to the younger man.

Harry reaches over to shake Liam's hand, but he dismisses it with a curt nod.

"Liam is a brilliant and fascinating man, but warmth is not his forte," Louis says.

Liam rolls his eyes at him.

"I, on the other hand, would be more than happy to shake your hand, gorgeous..." The other man says and Harry watches him in disgust.

"...And this is Simon Cowell of Cowell Meats," Louis says with a glare at Simon.

Simon rises and grasps Harry's hand in his. With his other hand, he reaches out and strokes Harry's forearm gently.

"What a beautiful, beautiful boy..." Simon compliments with a wicked grin on his face.

Harry mentally gags at the man's attempt to seduce him.

"How dare you!" Harry winds up his hand and slaps Simon across his face. Simon reels back at the force.

"Hey! Not cool!" Simon says angrily.

"Back off him, Simon. Now," Louis says sternly stepping in front of Harry protectively.

"God, he looks so hot when he's angry," Harry thinks to himself but shakes it away immediately. Not the time.

"why is everyone so touchy? I'm just complimenting a beautiful boy," Simon says.

"Touch this beautiful boy again, and he'll break your fingers," Harry retorts.

"I wouldn't test him, Simon. He seems to mean business," Liam says amused from his seat where he's sitting watching the scene unfold.

Simon, equal parts shocked and thrilled by the slap, backs off, but keeps studying Harry, curiously, creepily.

"Ah, how tragic. No one has any fun these days."

"Back to business. To commemorate our partnership, I have chosen some small gifts for you. Harry, can you do the honors?" Louis asks looking at Harry.


Harry reaches into the wooden box and pulls out the bejeweled scarab, "The scarab is for Mr. Payne."

Harry glances over to Louis to double check and sees that he was smiling encouragingly. Relieved, Harry hands the scarab to Liam. Liam turns it over in his hands, admiring it.

"Ptolemaic Dynasty. Very nice, Louis," Liam compliments.

"I thought you'd appreciate it," Louis says.

"The scarab is a symbol of rebirth, if I'm recalling my college class correctly?" Harry asks.

Liam glances up at Harry, as if really noticing him in the room for the first time. Simon clears his throat loudly.

"Lovely. Poetic. But what do I get?"

Harry pulls the dagger from the wooden box.

"Ooo... angel with a switchblade! I'm in love," Simon says with a smirk.

"For god's sake," Liam says fed up of Simon's attitude.

"Actually, it's an antiquity from the 14th century... and it's for you, Mr. Cowell," Harry says.

"Please, call me Simon. Or Daddy. Whichever you prefer," he takes the dagger facetiously making a point not to touch Harry's hand as he does.

"Thank you, Louis. And did you see, I minded my manners," Simon says.

"Congratulations, Simon. You did the bare minimum to not be walking slime," Louis glares and then turns to Harry, "Thank you Harry. You may go."

"Let me know if you need anything, I'll be at my desk," Harry says.

Harry leaves the room when Louis nods.

"God, what a creep. Though Liam seems pretty cool," Harry thinks.

Harry heads to his desk and waits for the meeting to be over, and texts his roomate Niall.

Harry: It's getting late and they're still in there. This = weird. Do I stay or come home?

Niall: It's your first day. Stay. It's not like you have plans.

Harry: Yeah... I guess he did say I'd have to work some nights....

Niall: Careful w/ that. Been more weird attacks all over the city...

Harry: More? 😳

Niall: Yeah...

Harry: Ugh, so creepy. What are you up to tonight?

Niall: Date night w/ Mike.

Harry: Sexay... Have fun, you be safe too.

Harry: Gotta go! Later!

Niall: Bye H.

Harry hears the door to the conference room opening, and hears Louis saying goodbye to Liam and Simon.

Harry tucks his phone back in his pocket as Louis approaches his desk.

"You're still here?" Louis asks shocked.

"Well, I wasn't sure if you still needed me, so..." Harry trails off, "How was the meeting?"


"Fair...enough. So is there anything else I can do for you, or?"

"No, you're welcome to go home, I don't want to keep you any later. But..." Louis stops looking at Harry as if studying him.

"But?" Harry promts.

Louis hesitates for once... as if thinking it carefully over...

"I make it a point to get to know my new employees. Especially those who I'll be working closely with," Louis starts.

"There is a restaurant I was planning to go to tonight. One of the finest in the city. Perhaps you'd care to join me for dinner? If you're not busy that is," Louis smiles.

"Sure, I'm not busy," Harry agrees.

Now would be the perfect time for him to learn about Louis both professionally and personally if he plays his cards right.


They both head into the elevator and Harry asks, "Are we... going out?"

"Not out. Up," Louis replies.

Louis holds a keycard up to a scanner in the elevator, and it started heading up.

"I didn't know it was possible to go any further up in this building," Harry says surprised.

"It's a private restaurant. Tomlinson Corporation employees only," Louis says.


"Seriously," Louis says smiling over at Harry.

The doors open, revealing a gorgeous private restaurant with an incredible view of the city.

"Oh my god..." Harry mumbles in awe at the sight.

"Being the CEO... well, it has its perks," Louis says looking out at the view.

A few minutes later, Harry sits at an elegant table for two, with stars above and an incredible view across the city. A live band playing mellow jazz.

"Have you decided?" Louis asks after a while.

"Sorry, what?" Harry asks looking away from the view to look at Louis who was sat down in front of him.

Louis tips his head subtly towards the waiter, who is standing patiently next to Harry, waiting for his order.

"Sir," He greets.

The waiter, in crisp black pants and a white shirt, has no pen or paper. He is listening expectantly, his hand clasped behind his back.

"Um, this place is so amazing I haven't even looked at the menu.."

Harry quickly scans the menu, open at the table in front of him.

"Holy Jesus... I could pay my back rent for the price of two entrees," Harry thinks.

"Order anything you want. Truly," Louis says upon seeing the hesitant look on Harry's face.

"Uh, I'll have the... Housemade ravioli with ricotta and Tuscan Morelsn" Harry says.

"Are you a vegetarian?" Louis asks curiously.

"More so lately. Feels like the right thing to do," Harry replies.

"I admire the intention. It's just not for me. I'm a carnivore, through and through," Louis says.

"Well, perhaps someday," Harry says.

"Perhaps," Louis says with a slight frown.

Louis turns to the waiter.

"Steak for me, please extra rare. And a bottle of the Chateau Latour Bordeaux. Thank you," Louis says.

"Of course, sir," the waiter replies and retreats.

"That wine..." Harry starts but Louis cuts him off quickly.

"My apologies. I didn't intend to be presumptuous. Do you like red wine?"

"Yes, but that's... a $900 bottle!"

"You know your wine," Louis says smiling.

"Browsing expensive wines is a kind of person therapy for me and my mom. Never thought I'd get to drink one," Harry replies smiling at the thought of his mother.

"So now, I suppose you think I'm pretentious and presumptuous," Louis says with one eyebrow raised.

"Oh no, not at all. I'm just impressed," Harry shrugs.

"I spent a lot of time in France, which has made me quite choosy about my wine. I hope you like it," Louis says as if Harry's approval means everything to him.

But that's just ridiculous.

"Thank you, that's very generous."

"So, what were you doing in France?" Harry asks trying to make conversation.

"I..." Louis trails off.

"Sorry, I don't mean to pry..." Harry say apologetically.

"It was quite sometime ago. I was a bit of a wanderer before I became interested in the ways technology could improve the world. Perhaps my most recent work is a bit unconscious penance for my less- than- noble youth," Louis glances away, lost in inscrutable thought, then turns back.

"So. What's your story Harry?" Louis asks seemingly invested in Harry.

"Oh, hmm... I guess I'm the classic case of a small town boy coming to the big city to see what it's all about," Harry shrugs.

"And have you found out?" Louis asks intrigued.

"Not yet."

"Well, let me know when you do," Louis says with an expectant look.

"I will, but it might be a while," Harry says nodding, "There's so much to do and see and experience. The city is so amazing and so different from where I grew up. Literally no one else in my family has left our town. I've always been the adventurous one."

"Are your parents worried at all about you being here?" Louis asks.

"Oh, they've lost their minds. We're talking texts every morning just to make sure I'm alive," Harry says and Louis chuckles a bit before Harry continues, "but they try to be supportive of whatever I want to do."

"And what is that?"

"I don't know yet. All I know is, I want it to be something meaningful," Harry frowns lightly.

"Sounds like we're a good fit," Louis says and Harry jaw drops as he stares wide eyed at Louis.

"You and the Tomlinson Corporation, that is," Louis saves.

"Oh, absolutely," Harry says smirking a bit.

"When I started the company, I didn't want to limit myself to only one type of investment. I wanted the freedom to pursue any type of innovative technology that had the potential to transform the world. I firmly believe that in time, we will eventually solve the diseases, poverty, environment threats, even death itself. Our capabilities are endless," Louis explains.

"Wow. Your optimism is so sexy..."

Louis just cocks his head slightly.

"Did I just... say that out loud?" Harry asks a blush coating his cheeks.

"Say what?"

"I'm not saying it again."

"I have no idea what you mean."

"Is he kidding, or did he really not hear me... please, please let him not have heard..." Harry thinks to himself.

The waiter returns with the wine, "Your wine, sir."

God how Harry wishes he's the one calling Louis sir right now.

"Why don't you let him try it," Louis says nodding over to Harry.

The waiter hands the tasting glass to Harry. Harry takes a sip and slightly moans at the taste. Louis eyes almost bulged as he subtly adjusted his pants which went unnoticed by Harry.

"That's amazing. Definitely the most incredible wine I've ever tasted in my life," Harry says.

The waiter pours full glasses for both of them and Harry takes another sip.

"Describe it to me," Louis says.

Harry shakes his head slightly getting rid of the dirty thoughts before answering, "Bold and Earthy."

"You can do better than that," Louis says.

Harry closes his eyes. Maybe it's just the wine, but Harry suddenly feels a surge of a memory washing over him.

"Like...I'm running through a pasture of overgrown, dewy grass at sunrise... Past flowering honeysuckle and ripe blackberry bushes...and I close my eyes, so all I feel is the feeling of the wet grass touching my skin. And all I see is the golden flicker of sun..."

Harry opens his eyes. Louis watches him intently, his eyes shining, as though experiencing it through Harry is even more pleasurable than drinking it himself.

"If you're enjoying the wine this much, I can't wait to see what you think of dessert," Louis says amusement laced in his tone.

After dinner... which was seriously the most delicious meal Harry's ever had. Harry and Louis stand on the restaurant balcony, overlooking the New York City skyline.

"It's all out there," Harry mumbles not expecting Louis to hear him but he did.

"Your apartment?"

"Ha, no. Just, everything. The city. The future. I love this place," Harry sighs happily.

"It's my favorite city as well. And I've tried more than a few in my time," Louis replies.

Louis leans on one arm against the balcony railing watching Harry who was leaning over the railing with both arms crossed on the railing.

"I feel like my search is just starting, but somehow I know that something special is here." Harry says glancing at Louis from the corner of his eye, An adventure, a moment... when I'll just do what I'm supposed to do, where I need to be."

"I felt that way once too. I didn't always live like this. As a boy, my family was... well, let's say we weren't wealthy." Louis says.

For one moment, Harry can see a dense forest... smell the wet earth... feel a chill breeze...

"I dreamed of one day standing before a view like this... but now that I'm here, all I can do is wonder what's next," Louis says.

"You mean you don't know?" Harry asks surprised.

"No. And that's both terrifying and amazing."

Louis looks deep into Harry's eyes. Blue meeting green.

"I think I know what's next... we keep working towards a better world," Harry says.

Louis smiles wistfully, "So we do."

He looks down at Harry, searching his eyes... then steps back.

"It's getting late. Can I call a car to take you home?" Louis asks kindly.

"Especially with those attacks around the city lately," Louis says suddenly getting angry.

"I'd appreciate it! Thank you so much," Harry replies.

"I's take you myself, but... I have to head back to the office to wrap a few things up."

Louis cocks his head to the side. In that second, in the moonlight, he seems different... inscutable...

"This was pleasant. Thank you for joining me, Harry."

"Of course!" Harry replies happily.

"I think... we're going to do great thing together," Louis smiles.

"Me too," Harry replies.

Louis heads back down, calling Harry a car on his phone. Harry gazes out at the city lights, smiling faintly...

A little while later, Harry arrives back at his apartment. His roomate Niall is there, hanging out on the couch playing Fifa...

"Goal!" Niall yells out excitedly as he scores one.

"Happy as I am to see you crushing it, didn't you have a date with Mike tonight?" Harry asks.

"Still waiting for him to text me," Niall says with a frown.

"Oh.." Harry says trailing off.

"Forget it! Tell me about your new job," Niall says getting happy again.

"It was... good," Harry says, "surprsingly."

"Awesome! Overly Excited Roomate fistbump," Niall says raising his fist.

Harry shakes his head at his friend but raises his hand to fist bump him.

"Mate, no one deserves a break more than you," Niall says.

"Yeah, yeah. You're just happy I can make rent," Harry teases.

"Not gonna lie, that's a perk.." Niall grins, "Well, let's toast to you being gainfully employed, and... wait, what's your actually job anyway?"

"I'm assistant to the CEO," Harry answers.

"Wait, the CEO? Like Louis Tomlinson?" Niall asks shocked.

"Yeah," Harry nods.

"Oh shit! Tell me all about him!"

"I'm telling you everything... if you have a beer with me," Harry smirks.

"Sure thing. Just know that Mike is supposed to text me any minute," Niall says and Harry sighs.

"He bails on you everytime..."

"No, he doesn't," Niall protests weakly.

Harry just glares at Niall to which he deflates a little.

"Okay, he does..."

"Why do you put up with it?" Harry asks.

"I don't know. Honestly," Niall sighs.

"Niall... You deserve someone better," Harry says eyes sympathetic.

"I don't know if I'm quite ready yet. But thanks. You're the best mate," Niall says and Harry nods patting him on the shoulder.

"No, you. I'm here for you no matter what. You need to be with someone who appreciates you for your deep awesomeness," Harry smiles and hugs Niall.

"Now, bring out the beer!" Niall cheers.

Niall grabs two bottles of beers for the the fridge and hands one to Harry after opening it.

"A toast to Louis Tomlinson!" Niall cheers raising his glass.

Harry laughs and both clink their bottles together.

"What's he like?" Niall asks after they were settled on the couch.

"He's... super hot," Harry says.

"Now that's what I'm talking about! Spill!"

Suddenly Harry remembers something.

"Oh no..."


"The red mandrake!" Harry replies as if Niall would know what he's talking about.

"Red mandrake? Are you into magic now? Because I'm always down for a Harry Potter marathon..."

Harry pulls the small glass vial of red powder out of his pocket, "I forgot to give it to Louis."

Harry throws on his jacket, "Sorry, sorry I have to go!"

Harry rushes out into the night, leaving Niall alone.

Harry dashes back to the office, begging the security guard to let him in, and takes the elevator to his desk. Harry sees a crack of faint pight under the door to Louis' office, just beyond...

Harry mentally cheered realizing Louis was still here. Harry pushes his door open...

"Louis.. oh my god!"

Louis looks up at Harry from where he was biting into Eleanor's neck. Canines out, blood dripping down his chin and his eyes glowing bright red.

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