Perfectly Incomplete (Zayn Ma...

By brokenwritter_

7.8K 970 370

Her life is perfect but incomplete without love. She's got everything she ever wanted in her life except one... More

Perfectly Incomplete
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (The End)

Chapter 11

237 27 17
By brokenwritter_


Why do I feel so much pain? Why am I crying from last three hours? Why am I missing zayn so much that it hurts like hell? What is this? What is happening to me? God please give me the answers.

These stupid tears are not ready to stop and people are starring at me like I have lost my loved once or close once! I haven't cried this much in my whole life and here I am sitting in a flight full of people and flight attendants starring out of the window of plane while crying like a kid!

I closed my eyes and tilted my head towards the window and thought about all the times I spent with zayn while tears still Rolling down my cheeks. I am sure I am looking like a shit right now.

I miss him so much that it hurts! I miss his voice calling my name! I miss How he always felt nervous around me. I miss How he cared for me the day I fell from the tree. I miss his scent. I miss his hug. It feels like we are never gonna meet again.

I cried myself to sleep thinking about our first encounter and all the beautiful moments we shared together.

When I arrived at the airport I quickly went to one of the washrooms to fix up the mess I've made of myself before Liam and Louis come to know about it. I entered the washroom and saw myself in the mirror.

What a mess! I quickly washed my face dried it and applied light make up from my bag. I then brushed my hair and put it in a ponytail. I looked at myself in the mirror and relaxed. My eyes were still red. I took a deep breath and made my way out of the washroom.

I took my luggage and went towards the exit. I was searching for two familiar faces but I found none. Where did they go?

"EVIE!!!" Louis screamed and hugged me suddenly scaring the hell out of me.

"What a nice way to greet someone!" I said sarcastically.

"Hey I haven't seen you like from ages!" He explained.

"Hey how are you Leeyum!" I hugged liam ignoring Louis.

"I am great evie had fun?" He asked hugging me back.

"Mmmm yeah!" I pulled away and he took my luggage while three of us went towards the parking lot where the car was parked.

"Okay so now I am gonna drive!" Louis announced.

"No!" I and Liam said in unison.

"C'mon let me drive I am not that bad am I love?" Louis asked making an innocent face.

"Yes you are." I shot back making Louis fake cry.

"I am driving that's final." Liam took away the keys from Louis and sat on the drivers seat, Louis beside him on the passenger seat and I on the back seat.

"So how was London?" Louis asked.

I tried my best not to cry. It only reminds me of Zayn!

"Evelyn?" Louis called.

"Huh! Ya it-it was great." I answered shakily.

"You okay love?"

"Umm ya just a bit tired."

"Okay. Wanna grab some burgers to eat at home?" Liam questioned.

"Yes!" Louis answered

"What about you Evie?" Liam asked.

"Ya sure." I smiled.

He paid for some fries and burgers and took away. The rest of the ride was silent.

"Evie? We reached wake up." Liam whispered tapping on my shoulder.

"Oh! We reached?" I don't know how I fell asleep in the car. I searched for the key in my bag and opened the door as we reached to my apartment.

Liam kept the luggage in the living room as Louis sat on the couch with all the food.

"Hey don't you dare eat everything tommo." Liam yelled.

"I can Payno!" He yelled back.

I made my way towards my room and shut the door behind me. I went to the bathroom and splashed plenty of water on my face. I heard a knock on my door and I went to open it.

"Hey dont you wanna have some food? Are you seriously alright Evie?" Liam asked with a tone of concern in his voice.

"Umm.. Ya I will just have a quick shower and catch you guys." I smiled weakly.

"Okay." He turned around and I shut the door.

I saw it was 9 at night Louis already fell asleep on the couch and liam was sitting on the floor watching TV.

"Hey! I was waiting for you c'mon I haven't ate anything thought I would give you a company." He pated the place beside him.

"Here." He handed me a burger and took one for himself.

"Where is prim?" I asked.

"She will be coming tomorrow she is with harry he took her to meet his parents and will stay the night there." He answered.


"What's wrong Evie?" After few minutes of silence He questioned taking a last bite of his burger.

"N-nothing?" I answered but it came out more like a question.

"You know you are not good at lieing." He handed me a tissue and I wiped my mouth and hands while he did the same.

"Lia-" I was about to say him everything when Louis' phone rang and he woke up. He answered the call and checked the time.

"Hey Evelyn I need to go now it was El's call so see you later." He took his phone and car keys.

"It's okay bye Tommo!" I hugged him.

"Hey mate you gonna stay here or coming with me I'll drop you at your place if you want to come?" He asked liam.

"Uh no I am gonna stay here with evie tonight as she is all alone." He starred at me.

"Okay bye take care."

"Bye! Good night" I said and closed the door.

"Thank you liam for staying with me tonight." I smiled weakly.

"Tell me now what's wrong? I know something happened there in London you need to tell me." He ordered and gestured me to sit next to him on the couch.

I sat next to him and started crying uncontrollably. All the tears I've been holding back rolled down my cheeks. I hugged liam tightly and sobbed hard on his chest. He hugged me slowly rubbing his hands on my back to stop me from crying.

"Shh Evie, please don't cry. Tell me what happened?" He wiped away the tears from my cheeks and cupped my face.

"I don't k-know w-what is happening liam. I-I don't know why I am crying so much because o-of.. him." I stuttered hardly forming a proper sentence.

"Him?" He asked, confusion all over his face.

I was thinking of deleting this fanfic but there were readers who said not to delete it. I tried my best to write as I could no longer think about this story coz of zayn. It really hurts to write but I am okay if my readers are happy. Thank you

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