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By zilch_expectations

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[Featured on @NA on 13th January 2023] [Featured on @WattpadRomanceIN on 25th May 2023] [Featured on @Stories... More

Author's Note
Chapter 01| Crabby and Jet Lagged
Chapter 02| Traipsing Down The Memory Lane
Chapter 03| Bonfire Talks
Chapter 04| Close, Yet So Far Away
Chapter 05| Like a Moth to a Flame
Chapter 06| Love & Sleep
Chapter 07| The Deadliest Weapon Of All
Chapter 08| Let Me Hear It All
Chapter 09| Apologies, Make-ups & Fights
Chapter 10| Caving In
Chapter 11| I Don't Share Swiss Chocolates
Chapter 12| Barely Concealed
Chapter 13| Tumble Down With The Moon Cycle
Chapter 14| Food Is The Way To Everyone's Heart
Chapter 15| Girl v/s Uterus
Chapter 16| One Thing Led To Another
Chapter 17| Once A Lover, Always A Lover
Chapter 18| Souvenirs
Chapter 19| Cold Hot Coffee
Chapter 20| Mood Swings
Chapter 21| Healing Is A Slow Process
Chapter 23| The Cat Is Out Of The Bag
Chapter 24| Argue
Chapter 25| Caught . . .
Chapter 26| Hanging By A Thread
Chapter 27| More Who Care
Chapter 28| Not Hiding No More
Chapter 29| . . . Into The Fire
Chapter 30| One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Chapter 31| Show Me
Chapter 32| Like Old Times
Chapter 33| A Blast From The Past
Chapter 34| Ex-Magnet Indeed
Chapter 35| The Inevitable
Chapter 36| What Next?
Chapter 37| Courage Isn't The Absence Of Fear
Chapter 38|Something Good, Something Bad
Chapter 39| What Goes Up Must Come Down
Chapter 40| Confessions & Accusations
Chapter 41| My Coping Mechanism
Chapter 42| Old Habits Die Hard
Chapter 43| Need
Chapter 44| Anger, Truths, and Promises
Chapter 45| Back To You
Epilogue Part One| Earth Side
Epilogue Part Two| Ecstasy
Final Author's Note❤
Bonus Chapter 01| Drunk & Gullible

Chapter 22| Getting Comfortable

688 22 4
By zilch_expectations

Chapter twenty-two: Getting comfortable


"Seconds?" Kai offered. "There's plenty more where that came from."

"Oh, yeah," I agreed enthusiastically. "Load me up."

He grinned at that. "With pleasure."

He got up, bringing a new plate of sandwiches with him. He removed the plastic wrap. "Help yourself," he urged, sitting back down beside me. He was eating, too. And did I mention that those sandwiches were little pieces of heaven? Cause they were.

"I need the recipe," I moaned out. "This thing is out of the world."

Damn, that was an understatement. The sandwiches were the most perfect balance of spicy and sour. It had the right amount of everything. Ahhh.

"Nope," he denied, biting into his umpteenth serving.

"Why?" I whined when I finished chewing. "I need it." I took another big bite. It hit my tastebuds just like the first one had: full of flavor and divineness.

"Nope." He smiled teasingly. "Why else would you ask me to cook next time?"

"Urgh." I groaned, hiding my smile behind my sandwich.

I knew I would have found a way but he didn't need to.

* * * * *

"Do you want to change?" He asked when we finished. I was helping him wash the dishes.

"I don't have a change of clothes on me." I sighed, drying my hands with a kitchen towel, disposing it off when I was done. I had forgotten to keep them despite his reminder last night.

"Wear mine." He shrugged nonchalantly.

I stopped a grin from forming.

Slow, I reminded myself.

"No." I dried my hands. "I need to be home soon."

Kai rolled his eyes. "I'm sure Griffin will survive without you in the house for a day."

"I know," I mulled the thought over in my head, "But he will still ask me where I am and freak out. He's grown too accustomed to looking after me. He's like my big brother."

"I gauged that," Kai remarked. "And that's why I want you to tell him about us. He should know."

"You're right." I bit my lip in consideration. "I will do it. Soon."

"Okay," he agreed easily.

My phone buzzed in my purse before I could respond and I excused myself to pick it up. It was . . . lo and behold, Griffin.

"Yeah, Griff?" I answered it, shooting a smug look at Kai. He rolled his eyes with a smile, walking over to the bookshelf.

"Where are you?" He asked, sounding worried.

"I'm okay." I chuckled. "I'm out with my friends."

"It's seven-thirty!" He exclaimed. "You're usually back by now."

"And I am an adult," I reminded him like I always did. Was I really that emotionally unstable or was he just overprotective? "Twenty-four, to be precise."

"Olive," he sighed, "You could've texted me this."

"That I'm twenty-four?" I jested. "But you knew that already, sweet brother of mine."

He groaned. "You know what I'm talking about."

"Well, yeah I do." I laughed. "But, you called and I answered didn't I? I am well. everything is good. Now, how's George?"

"He's fine," he mumbled. "We're making dinner."

"Hmm," I hummed, an idea popping into my head. "Make it a date," I suggested.

"What? No," he shied away. "You'll be home soon, right?"

"Actually, I might be late," I told him, watching Kai pick out a book. He didn't know it, but even through his t-shirt, his muscles rippled in his back with his every move. And might I say, they rippled deliciously.


"Adult," I cut him off with one word.

I didn't blame him. When we had initially moved in, I had let myself become too dependent on him. Coming back to NYC had bought back too many memories and reminded me of too many broken promises. I had almost lost myself in a spiral and once again it was Griffin who took care of me. He had seen me at my worst, and he knew the cause of my spirals. His concern was pretty valid considering we had just returned from the reunion after meeting a guy who caused most of it.

So to answer my own question, yes I had been pretty volatile in my first few months back here.

"Right," he breathed. "Are you okay, Olive?"

"Yes, Griff," I lowered my voice. "I am."

"You have become too good at fooling me with that sentence," he complained. I winced lowly. No lies there. "Please, swear it on me. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm sure," I said truthfully as Kai held up the book for me to see with a huge smile on his face. I couldn't help but smile back. "I'm feeling better than ever. Trust me. Enjoy your evening and give George my love."

"Okay, I believe you," he said reluctantly. "Thanks, Olive. Take care. Call me if you need me."

"Stop worrying, Griff," I said. "I know what's going on in your head regarding me. I do. Just, trust me. And go, help your boyfriend cook."

"Ah, you really are fine," he noted, and I swear I could almost hear his smile. "It's been a while since I heard that bossy tone."

I chuckled. "Bye, Griffin."

"Bye, Liv." He disconnected the call. I pulled the phone away from my ear and dropped it back into my purse.

"Everything alright?" Kai asked as he came to me.

"Yup," I popped the 'p'. "He was just worried."

He frowned, cupping my face. "You look tired."

"I feel tired," I said honestly, holding back a yawn. Having eaten a lot, the feeling had magnified by a hundred times. "I had a lot of extra work to do. My boss is a bitch."

"Take a nap," he said, frowning slightly at the last part.

"Now?" I asked him skeptically.

"Now." He confirmed. He looked down at me, head to toe, and mumbled something under his breath before he said, "Come with me."

I could've asked 'where?' but I just followed him instead. I noticed that although it was a penthouse apartment, it was still just a three-bedroom place. It made sense considering he didn't like taking help and had always been a minimalistic person. Well, as minimalistic as it got for a multi-millionaire.

He lead me to the master bedroom, flipping on the lights as we went. He opened the door to his closet and disappeared inside, coming out moments later with a hand towel, a plain black hoodie, and a pair of sweatpants.

"Change," he ordered, holding them out to me. "Get comfortable."

I wanted to resist more, just for the sake of it, but the clothes looked inviting. I sighed, accepting them and he pointed me to his ensuite bathroom.

"I'll wait," he said.

I nodded and went in, closing the door behind me and making sure it was closed all the way. I freed my hair from the ponytail and ruffled them before twisting them into a bun. I washed my face with water, wishing I had my facewash so that I would get off the little makeup I had on. I dried my face and then made a quick job of changing into the sweats. I had to roll up the legs of the pants a few times to avoid tripping but I managed. The sleeves of the hoodie were way too long for me but I didn't mind. I neatly folded my office wear and with one last look at myself, I walked out with my worn clothes in my hand.

"Done," I declared, closing the door as I stepped out. This time, I couldn't hold back that yawn. His lips tugged up at my sight.

"There she is." He smiled in satisfaction. "Go ahead," he gestured at the bed, "It's all yours."

I laughed, keeping my clothes on the bedside table as I eagerly climbed in. It was comfortable, but it was missing something.

"Sleep tight, Livvy," he came over and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes as his lips lingered there.

"Get in here," I whispered.

"I'm not sleepy," he said.

"You don't have to be. Just lay here till I fall asleep," I muttered. He sighed before briefly touching his lips to mine.

"Okay," he said, getting up. I opened my eyes, watching him as he switched off the lights. He walked to the opposite side of the bed and got in. I scooted close to him immediately and he released a chuckle, his arms going around my frame promptly. I smiled, raising my head to kiss his jaw. His stubble tickled my lips lightly.

"'Night," I said against his chest as the warmth made my eyes droop invitingly.

"'Night," he susurrated back.

* * * * *

Okay, when I had said night, I had not mean literally meant 'night'.

When the rays of the sun filtered into the room, I stirred in Kai's arms, my eyes fluttering open. I looked around, feeling disoriented.

Yeah, that did not help.

"Kai," I whispered, stroking his head. Somehow in the course of the night, he had managed to shift in a way that his head was resting on my stomach and his arms were wound snugly around my torso. I could feel his warm hands which had sneaked under the hoodie against my bare back.

He didn't stir.

"Kai," I said louder, patting his cheeks. He groaned as he came to. His head moved and the movement tickled me, making me giggle despite my unspoken predicament.

"Good morning," he said, his voice deep and hoarse from sleep. His eyes squinted up at me.

"Good morning," I mumbled, pushing his hair off his face. His eyes closed as if in contentment and in that moment I wanted to stay there forever, just like that. I almost forgot but then I heard the faint sound of my phone ringing and I came back to reality with a jolt.

"Kai! Get up!"

"Hun?" He asked dumbly, his brain still foggy from his slumber.

"We overslept," I stated. His eyes opened, this time finally showing me those brown orbs I loved so much. They reflected awareness.

"What time is it?" He asked, moving to get off of me.

"I don't know!" 

I panicked, throwing the comforter off me and scrambling out of bed, making my way to the living room where I had left my purse the night before. I frantically searched for my phone, which was buzzing violently, and accepted the call without a second thought.

"-pe she does! Wait, I think she did," I heard a distant, stressed-out voice say. "Olive?"

"Heyyyyy, Griff," I sang awkwardly, keeping myself from facepalming.

"Oh, thank God!" He exclaimed. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied airily as Kai walked in, his hair mussed adorably. He wasn't wearing a shirt and his sweats hung low on his hips. As he moved, his muscles rippled sexily. My mouth went dry and my brain short-circuited. So much that I missed what Griffin said.

"I'm sorry." I tore my gaze away from a smirking Kai with a mild half-hearted glare. "What did you just say?"

"Are you drunk?" Griffin asked incredulously.

I blanched. "What? No!"

Not on what you're implying, anyway.

"Oh, really?!" His tone clearly said he didn't believe me.

"Yeah, I swear," I tried to convince him. "Now, what were you saying?"

"I asked, where are you?" He repeated impatiently. Behind me, I heard Kai walking into the kitchen and I made sure to not let my eyes wander there so as to keep my head in the conversation. "I've been worried sick!"

"I was with my friends," I said as I massaged my eyes to rid them of the lingering sleep. "I told you."

"Are you kidding me?!" He burst out indignantly. I winced. So playing cool wouldn't work. Noted. "I've been trying to get to you since last night! Do you have any idea how troubled I was? You didn't even reply to my calls and texts! What's worse, I didn't know who you were out with so I had no way of knowing you were okay. What were you thinking?!"

"I wasn't thinking, that's the thing," I muttered.

I glanced at the clock and I almost groaned. I needed to leave right then if I wanted to make it to work on time. "I'm sorry, Griff. Look, I need to go. I'm running late. I know I messed up. Can we talk when I get home? I promise I will tell you everything."

"You better," he snapped. "Six o'clock, Olivia. I will be waiting." He didn't wait for a reply.

The line went dead with a dreadful beep.

Oh, boy.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Thoughts? I waannaaa knnnnnooooowwwwww!!

Hehe. Make sure to hit that star button if you liked the chapter!

QOTD: Cashews or Almonds?

See ya tomorrow! Take care <3

All my love,

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