The Dick & Don Show: S1

By the-pulls

955 61 30

DISCLAIMER: The following is a fan adaptation of JonJon's AU "The Dres & Don Show". I originally made a story... More

EPISODE 01: Time's Bitch
EPISODE 02: Manager's Moxie
EPISODE 03: Someone's at the Door
EPISODE 04: Evening in the Archives
EPISODE 05: Into the Depths Down Below
EPISODE 07: Who You Gonna Call?
EPISODE 08: sevenfootframeratsalonghisback
EPISODE 09: Grand Finale
Season 1 Notes
Season 2
Miscellenious Notes! [+ Dres&Don Show]

EPISODE 06: Masculine Masquerade

27 3 0
By the-pulls

Don's aunt comes to visit
(Notes: Don and Dick are working at a gas station now
Don's aunt's name is Meredith Mondelli; aunt Meredith)

Don has taken the day off while Dick and Dashlie are at work because today was a special day, his aunt was coming. Waking up like usual from a nightmare, he gets ready, dressing in an odd fit to hopefully please his aunt, as she nor the rest of the family had ever seen him wearing his usual clothes, and if they did he would probably be mocked on his masculinity for it. When he finishes his morning routine, there's a knock at the door and his aunt is there. A happy reunion. His aunt has a rental car and they talk about where to go. Don hasn't had breakfast yet so they go to Waffle House, but Don can't eat anything because he's too nervous and doesn't have an appetite. His aunt wants to meet his friends, so they head to the gas station

Dick is at work and Don shows his aunt there. She is trying to act amazed that he works at a gas station, as previously he had been working for a big corporation, but Don assures her it is only temporary until he and Dick figure stuff out. His aunt questions who Dick is, and he realizes he never told his family about his friends. His aunt gets super excited that he has friends, complaining about how he never really had any growing up, and while she was happy to be his friend, he did need to have friends his own age, as she knows hanging out with your aunt isn't necessarily something a teen would want to do.

Don leads her into the gas station, where they find Dick. Don calls out to Dick and he turns, and Dick, who had been stocking shelves, stops completely when he sees what Don is wearing, and he drops what he had been holding out of shock. Don and his aunt approach, Dick greeting him, a bit surprised.

He starts off saying "why are you wearing—" but Don cuts him off and says "another flannel today? Even though I wore one yesterday? And the day before that? And the week before that? And the many years before that? You know me, I love my... flannels. Some may think it was a problem" Dick looks between Don and his aunt, trying to figure out what is going on, before he leans in and asks if Don is in danger, and if so blink twice. Don's aunt hears that and laughs, saying she's his aunt and it's a pleasure to meet him.

She questions Don why Dick would think he's in danger, and Dick just says he doesn't wear flannels EVERY day, so to talk about it like he does kinda concerned Dick, and the fact he was with a woman Dick had never seen before only added to that worry. Don's aunt laughs once more and compliments Dick, saying he's a good friend for worrying. She questions Don why he seriously never told her about Dick.

Don says they only really became friends a few months ago when they were still at work, where they and another girl (Dashlie) had met. Don's aunt understands, though she's a bit confused why Don never contacted the family, mainly her, about the big change in moving, only telling her his address. Don says he doesn't want the whole family parading around behind him trying to be sure he was safe, he's gotta live his own life, and Don's aunt understands.

The two then bid Dick farewell, as Don is taking his aunt to see Dashlie, and Dick quickly pulls Don aside to ask what is going on. Don says his aunt is merely visiting and nothing else, but Dick clarifies that he wants to know why Don changed clothes and is acting so weird, and Don snaps that it's really none of his business. Don's aunt calls him from the front of the store and Dick let's him go

At the pet store, the birds that had once escaped back in episode one had been put in a cage more sturdy. Don asks if his aunt wants to take a pet home, and she says she wants the whole store, no but in reality she would love to but she wouldn't be able to hold on to it for the entire drive home. Dashlie approaches, not realizing its Don, and when they turn around she is very surprised. She also seems boggled by his clothes but brushes it off for the moment, instead switching to a friendly smile and greets the two, calling Don's aunt his mom.

An awkward silence passes for a second but no more before Don's aunt quickly correct Dashlie, saying her sister has sadly passed away. Dashlie apologizes profusely and then changes the subject, making small talk and asking Don's aunt how long she will be in town, and she says only today since she's on her way to New York to visit the rest of the family and wanted to stop by and visit her favorite nephew. Dashlie nods, saying she finds that interesting, before Segwaying into Don's clothing, asking what he's wearing, to which he gives a similar response he gave Dick.

The two stare each other down, trying to read one another's minds, before Don's aunt gets uncomfortable and asks if there's an ice cream parlor around here. Dashlie says yes and points her in that direction, also saying how she's getting off of work soon and would love to join them. Don's aunt loves that idea, as it'll give her time to get to know Don's friends a little more, but she asks Don first if it's ok, to which he reluctantly says it is. The two then head off, Dashlie soon following them

Dashlie runs into Dick on her way out. He says he's skipping work because he hates it there anyways and also is trying to find Don, as he had been acting weird and it really stuck with him for a long time. Dashlie teases Dick about Don being on his mind all day, and Dick just scoffs, saying he had been having a decent day until Don came in acting all weird. Dashlie agrees, saying they need to figure out what's really going on. Dick takes a moment to look at her, asking if that's a little invasive. Dashlie notes how he was on his way to do that anyways, wasn't he, and Dick sighs, reluctantly agreeing, before Dashlie leads him to the ice cream parlor

Back in Don's perspective, Don had ordered a simple dipped cone, as he really didn't have an appetite today. Don's aunt worries about him for a moment, noting how he hasn't eaten all day and he's all skin and bones (she wraps her pointer finger and thumb around his wrist, still having a bit of room). Don shakes her away, saying he eats fine, it's just today he's been feeling a little under the weather. Don's aunt asks if that'd why his friends think he's acting a bit strange, and he says he guesses.

That's when Dick and Dashlie arrive. They order and take a seat outside, Don sitting by Dick on instinct and Don's aunt sitting by Dashlie. Don's aunt notes how the weather is nice before jumping in and asking if Dashlie is Don's girlfriend. Dick chokes on his slushee and Dashlie also chokes on her ice cream before laughing, saying no while Don sits there, a bit shocked that his aunt had just asked that. Don's aunt says she was just wondering because it had seemed like forever since he had a girlfriend, and she goes on to say that Don was a real ladies man in high school, listing off girl's names, saying things like "Jolene was cute and nice, why did you ever break up with her?", "I liked that girl Scarlett, she was fierce. I thought you two were great together!", or "Margaret was a real catch, wasn't she? Why'd you let her go?"

Dick says he never took Don to be a player like that, and Don is just melting then and there, wishing to disappear as he shrugs and says he wasn't really much of a player. Don's aunt laughs at that and says he totally was. It was like he dated girls just to break their hearts; Dashlie says that's cold hearted. Don says it wasn't ever like that, he just broke up with them because he just found them boring. Don's aunt reminds him of a few girls that were very interesting, and he just says they mustn't have been interesting enough for him and maybe one day some girl will come along and put up with him.

Don's aunt then brings up Dousie, asking what ever happened to her. Don reminds her that she had stalked him and tried to burn his apartment down because she thought he was cheating on her with Dashlie, and when they broke up she continued to stalk him up until they moved for reasons unrelated. Don's aunt hisses, feeling awkward, but then says she was cute at least, and Don shrugs, saying he guesses

Dick notices Don has yet to touch his ice cream, which is melting already. As Don's aunt and Dashlie chat, Dick asks Don if he's going to ear his ice cream, and Don just says he isn't hungry. Dick leans in (making something stir inside Don a bit) and asks what's been going on, and Don assures him that it's nothing, he can have his ice cream if he wants. Dick wraps an arm around Don to pull him in and let him know he's being serious (this only makes the feeling inside Don even stronger) and says how if something is going on, Don can tell him, because something is obviously wrong. Dick looks up and happens to catch Dashlie's gaze, and he pulls away from Don to speak out loud and asks Don's aunt if it's alright if they pull him aside for a moment for a quick chat. Don says he doesn't need to, that they're being ridiculous, but she agrees

Dick and Dashlie confront Don, asking what is up with him. He is annoyed beyond belief at this point, wondering what their deal is that they feel the need to intrude in his personal life. They say they are just worried about him, and he says that can wait until tomorrow, it is just one day, but Dashlie is persistent, saying she needs answers now, cutting Dick off when he was making a move to let up. Dick looks at her and says it's his life and they really shouldn't be doing this in the first place, they are ruining his day with his aunt.

Dashlie says there is no day to enjoy when he's in distress and clearly not happy. Don says it's really none of her business, Dashlie says it is, Dick says it isn't. Dashlie will not give up, saying he isn't being himself and needs to fess up, and Don finally cracks under the pressure. Don says he can't let his family know about the clothes he wears because they'd seem "unmasculine" or "a disgrace to the family name." Dick is boggled by that, saying it's just clothes and wondering why it should even matter what he wears. Don finally snaps and says it just does. Neither Dick nor Dashlie know what it was like living in that household, a family that loves only one side of him but not the whole picture. He doesn't want to lose the one person who knows what it was like losing his mother just because of something stupid like the clothes he wears.

Don's aunt overhears this and asks Don if that is true, if Don really feels that way. Don is panicking as she approaches, but she just laughs, noting how he was being weird the entire day like he was hiding something, very badly at that. Don feels bad, saying he didn't want her to be ashamed of him. Don's aunt assures him that she doesn't care about the clothes he wears, she's just happy to spend time with her nephew. He has his own life, his own personality. What Dick said was right, it doesn't matter what clothes Don wears, it should only matter to himself. The two hug for a second or two and Don tells her to not tell the family, and she says she will die before she tells them anything he doesn't want them to

After that, the episode ends with Don's aunt saying they should head back and Don should put on the clothes he feels more comfortable wearing. Don makes a comment about how much he hates flannels.

Dick and Dashlie watch them go, Dashlie wondering if they should follow them. Dick looks at her and says they aren't following anybody, and Dashlie crossed a line back there. Don didn't owe them any information and the way she pressed him like that despite the fact he was unhappy about it was disrespectful. Dashlie just snickers, saying "look who's talking, Mr. Judgmental."

Dick starts to say that that's a completely different situation than the conversation they are having now, but Dashlie cuts him off, saying it all ended up perfectly in the end, so what's the harm that was done? Dick says that it could've ended awfully, Don's aunt couldn't have come in at that moment and Don would've stormed off, losing his trust in them and ruining the one day he has with his aunt. Dashlie just smiles and says that it didn't happen, so there's nothing to worry about.

Dick watches her skip away, blood boiling at her attitude and deciding to go home for the day

A/N: that awkward moment when you're gay and Italian and your friends won't stfu about your stupid clothes when you just wanna spend time with your dead mom's sister

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