Season 2

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A/N: I gotta tell you guys, trying to compile all the sporadic notes for season two on top on listening to "I'll Die Anyway" by girl in red is not fun

It just makes me all so sad

I had all these ideas

Now no one will know what this could've been

Know that this is incomplete, so the season 2 notes will not make a lot of sense chronologically

Overarching conflict: Still the same, must find meaning in all of this despite the changing world

-Don and Dick will live at Dashlie's mom's house until they find a home
-When Dick leaves, he eventually ends up challenging his stepdad to a fight, a fight he loses
-Don was abused, stalked, and sexually assaulted by his ex Dousie. She needs to be punished

Ep 1 - Peace Was Never an Option
Just when Dick and Don were getting comfortable with their homes and lives, life comes in the way of Drendan, Dick's brother, evicting them. When they thought their houses would be fine, life comes in the way again to destroy them. The real owner of the plot of land Dick and Don live on received it all in a will and discovered they own it, so now Dick and Don have to move out by the end of the day. They are shocked by this but Drendan doesn't make the rules

Don wakes up as usual but his routine is interrupted by knocking, where he opens the door to find a teifling in a suit. He is led out of the house politely and sees Dick being led out as well, seeming agitated and annoyed as he's shoved by a goat in a suit. Then a figure steps out of a black limo-like car that has been parked in front of them, and out steps Drendan, Dick's older brother

Drendan possesses Don to fight Dick, as he is a powerful imp and is able to do that. Dick tries to fight Don off as Don tries to choke him, Drendan's voice coming out of his mouth and mixing with his own voice. Dick is finally able to pin Don down and demands Drendan to get out of his friend. Drendan giggles and says "if you say so" and leaves Don. Don is left dazed and confused and a bit flustered as to why he is being pinned down by Dick.
Drendan then informs them that they have by tomorrow to pack up and move out. The construction crew is arriving in the morning and will demolish the houses ASAP. Both Don and Dick say that that isn't nearly enough time to get everything out, and Drendan just shrugs and says they better choose all their sentimental things and use their time wisely

Dick is packing his stuff up outside and then discovers that old radio that was messing with time last year. He picks it up and puts it back in the house, returning with another box only to see the radio back. He tries to pick it up and throw it but it just reappears when he turns around

Dick checks up on Don to find him having a mental breakdown on deciding what plants to bring with him. He spent all his time and money on them, he can't just leave them. Dick makes fun of Don for having more friends than plants, and Don gets mad. Dick reassures him and informs him Dashlie is coming soon with a u-haul. Dick tells Don that he can put his plants in Dick's car if he wants, and Don calms down after that. Dick then asks if he has packed anything else up and Don confesses he spent the entire morning stressing about his plants and thinking of what to do with them

The morning they are supposed to leave, Dick finds Don sitting at the back of the houses, looking out into the field and lamenting over everything they've done all for it to be lost in a day

Drendon arrives back. Dick tells him he's ruined his life and he is an awful person for doing this. They argue a bit. Drendon delivers that gut-punching line:  "Somewhere along the line, you decided you were a failure. And so, what a surprise, you became one." or something along those lines

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