EPISODE 07: Who You Gonna Call?

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A/N: I censored one part of the notes because it's uncomfortable, but it's towards the end so don't worry. It's the entire reason I put in a SA warning in the beginning of this book

But it is a super fun scary episode

My notes are a little weird looking through them now (by that I mean I don't take plot notes the same way anymore), but I mean it works so eh

Also fair warning: since these are notes, the spooky parts are lowkey cringe a bit. It was just me describing things that I would elaborate on when actually writing, so it's kinda simplistic and gets right to the point

Also also, there's mention of possession, so if that makes you uncomfortable then feel free to skip

Ghost busters (Dick calls a ghost busting business, and the hunter arrives, turning out to be Dousie. She helps expel the ghost all the while an ugly tension builds between her and Don. Dousie also allows them to join the ghost busting business for the time being so they can help out, because otherwise they would have to stay out of the house while she did the work
-The "ghost" is actually the same entity Don encountered in the basement. It isn't named but is similar to a skinwalker, only smarter when it comes to mimicking people)

Dick gets ready for bed in his bathroom and hears a strange noise, feeling like he's being watched. When he turns around, the door to the room is cracked open when he was pretty sure he had it closed. He goes and investigates down a dark hallway (which the light doesn't work on) while he practically hears the crescendoing violins. Then he pauses at a closet and opens it up, revealing Dashlie on a violin.
He asks her how the hell she got in his house, she says his door is unlocked.
He says he definitely locked it.
He keeps his windows unlocked.
He locks them all too and never has a reason to unlock and open them.
He doesn't do that with his attic window.
He doesn't have an attic.
He keeps his basement door unlocked.
You mean to tell me you broke into Don's house, went into his basement, traveled through the long, dark basement with a violin just to emerge into Dick's house and sneak into a storage closet to practice the violin?
Dick closes the door on Dashlie and locks it, sick of her shit. She calls after him that if she dies in there, it'd be his fault.

Dick continues into his living room and searches around, fixing to watch some tv before heading to bed, when he hears a sound coming from down the other hallway, in his bedroom. He goes to check it out, and just before he is about to open the door, he hears his doorbell ring several times followed by frantic knocking and Don asking if he is home. Dick answers the door and Don is panting, in his pjs and barefoot, clearly having run all this way. He says he had a dream that someone was in Dick's house and it was like watching a horror movie where the main character is dumb, but the main character was Richard so it was very painful to watch, and in his dream, Richard opened a door and he got violently stabbed and killed. Don was so startled by the dream that he hadn't thought to call Dick, thinking he wouldn't pick up, so he just ran all the way to his house instead. Don also says he had a dream before it that he was trapped in a room that was like a storage closet, but the ceiling went on forever and there was no escape.

After Don finishes telling Dick his nightmares, Dick tells Don what happened just now, and Don starts to freak out again, but Dick calms him down, assuming it was most likely all Dashlie. Just then, the doorbell rings, and they answer.

Dashlie is there, returning something to Dick that he left at her house during the game night replacement episode.

Dick takes it but after she's gone, Don and Dick go back to the storage closet Dick previously locked Dashlie in for kicks.

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