Best friend or more?

By doah019

25.4K 395 126

I don't really know how to describe this story this is my first story and it will be boring at the start but... More

~chapter 1~ forever buddys
~chapter 2~ a little
~chapter 3~ lets not rush
~chapter 4~ does it count?
~chapter 5~ not what it looks like
~chapter 6~ what now
~chapter 7~ where are you going?
~chapter 8~ im so bored
~chapter 9~ congrats
~chapter 10~ tiktokers?
~chapter 11~ child hood storys
~chapter 12~ please
~chapter 13~ its ok i promise
~chapter 14~ but i dont want to
~chapter 15~ LA
~chapter 16~ what about...
~chapter 17~ a week without you
~Chapter 18~ funeral
~Chapter 19~ here for a while
~chapter 20~ hate comments
~chapter 22~ midnight drive
~chapter 22~ appreciative
~chapter 23~ quick turn
~chapter 24~ old things
~chapter 25~ good old days
~chapter 26~ im right here
~chapter 27~ worst...
~chapter 28~ having a good time
~chapter 29~ uncle and aunt
~chapter 30~ dont want to hear...
~chapter 31~ thinking about everything
~chapter 32~ do i need him?
~chapter 33~ do you think so?
~chapter 34~ are you ok?!
~chapter 36~ non stop hate
~chapter 37~ congrats guys
~chapter 38~ not the best
~chapter 39~ drunk mistake
~chapter 40~ stressed out
~chapter 41~ drink the pain away
~chapter 42~ last day in paris
~chapter 43~ childish
~chapter 44~ officially an uncle and aunt
~chapter 45~ feel for her
~chapter 46~ surprise
~chapter 47~ alone and bored
~chapter 48~ fight, make up
~chapter 49~ my love
~chapter 50~ babys here
~chapter 51~ deja vu
~chapter 52~ remember how much...
~chapter 53~ her broken heart

~chapter 35~ paris...

304 8 11
By doah019

Noah pov:
I go to pull Dixie closer to me but realise she's not here "baby" "yes" "come back to bed" "baby we have to pack" "oh shit" I shoot up and run to the restroom "how do you look so hot in the morning" she blushes, I grab my tooth brush and brush my teeth "I'll pack for you bubs" she kisses my cheek "no no" "yes you do what you need" i continue to brush my teeth as I hear Dixie packing both suitcases "do you need help love" "no I'm ok" I do my Face routine and get ready grey sweatpants and a hoodie and my Jordan's and I'm ready I go back upstairs to help Dixie pack "here let me help" I move her out the way putting my hands around her waist she sits on the bed watching me like staring into my soul "what" I say chuckling as I face her "nothing" I finished packing and everyone is meeting at the airport "Dix you need to get ready" "oh yeh" "here" she comes out ready we head downstairs and get in the car and drive to the airport "I can't wait to be in Paris" "me either it's going to be amazing"

Dixie pov:
I'm so tired I'm not a morning person and it's really showing today, I look over at Noah and smile I'm glad I have Noah in my life I really needed him and I don't know where I'd be without him "you ok" he puts his hand on my thigh "yes fine" "well we are here" we get out and see the others we get our suitcases and walk over to them "are we all ready" "yep" "come on then" for once we aren't late or aren't almost late we sit and wait for our flight to get called I sit on Noah's lap and dig my head on his chest "I hate early morning flights" "me to" "why do we always chose them" he chuckles rubbing my back "I don't know baby maybe so we actually get up" "hmm good point" "how you feeling anyway" "ok I have a little headache" he kisses my head I look up and meet at his gaze staring into his beautiful hazel/green eyes "I love you Dixie so much" "I love you much more Noah" we Kiss and I lay my head back on his chest until our flight gets called we stand up and my mind goes blank for a few second "you sure your ok" "yeh fine" I shake my head to maybe wake me up I walk over and board the plane we sit in first class and I'm so happy I get to sleep as the chairs turn into beds "nap time" "yay" we change the chairs into a bed and I lay my head on Noah's chest "goodnight love" "night night bubs" 18 hour long flight this was going to be fun

Noah pov:
I try to go to sleep but I can't Dixie keeps moving around everywhere typical when we fly I lay and watch pretty little liars on my phone "I fucking hate flying" "well hi to you to" "ugh" "you wanna watch with me" "yes" we continue watching pretty little lairs for atleast 4 hours "im so tired but can't sleep" "I wish I could help bubs" she snuggles up into my chest climbing on top of me "hmm better" I chuckle "I'll wake you up soon for food" "no please don't" "but you need to eat" "I'll eat when we land" "okay fine" she plays with my hair until she falls asleep

Bryce pov:
In Paris we have something to tell the others we included Tatum in this to, me and Addi are having a kid and it's a boy we are planning to tell them tonight and we do Tatums gender reveal tomorrow night,me and Addi can't decide on names yet but we have a few ideas "you ok baby" "yep just my back hurting a little" "look at your bump it's so big" "it's not that big" "it's bigger than last time though" "I can't wait to meet him" "me either he's going to be perfect"

Noah pov:
I drifted of to sleep for a while until I wake up to the feeling of falling ugh I hate them dreams, I sit up forgetting Dixie is on top of me "Noah..." "I'm sorry" I lay back down "it's okay" I yawn I was still so tired and drained a lot has been going on with social media I've been getting a lot of hate for my past mistakes I don't understand why people bring them up years later but it's been hard so I've taken a break but I decided to keep my fans who support me updated "flight with bestie <3" I posted it on my story and put my phone down "hey Noah" "hey Bryce" "I see she's sleepy" "when is she not" "so how's things going with social media we haven't really had time to catch up" "it's ok but I'm getting a lot of hate for a high school mistake" "trust me I've been there and I still get the odd few comments about it but it'll fade and then they'll see the real Noah who's learned from them" "wow Bryce hall talking sense" "also tonight me and Addi have some exciting news" "Bryce hall excited Over something wow" "what so I'm not allowed to be excited" "I'm just joking well it was good catching up a little" "yeh see ya dude" he walks back over to Addison and Dixie starts sleep talking "I do I really love you" she's so cute I kiss her and wrap my arms around her rubbing her back she moves around a little god she's so fidgety I then slowly drift of to sleep thinking about all the amazing memories we are going to make In Paris I can't wait and Maybe we will come here on our honey moon...

Word count: 1034

Cute I guess but I don't now if y'all want smuts or not I need to knowww so please tell me!!

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