That was Then, This is Now. [...

By _random_things_

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They had made their point, they would not give up without a fight. Cora and the 100-correction the 47-now use... More

Welcome to the New Age
I Need Him
Smart Cocky and Stupid Cocky
Tough Love, Shitty Medicine
No Such Thing As Safe
Just Barely
The Weight of Bricks
The Effect You Have
I'm Sorry.
He Knew

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

290 6 3
By _random_things_

Chapter 10: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

The walk to Ton D.C. was quiet. Cora trailed behind the wagon, her eyes flickered between Raven and the wrapped body.

He knew.

That's what she'd been telling herself the entire walk. It probably wasn't true. That same promise she granted Bellamy she couldn't grant herself the same relief.

His shoulder bumped into hers. "You doing alright?"

She forces a tight lipped grin, "Yeah. You know stretching my legs. Thinking about all the ways this could go wrong."

He huffs, "You're telling me." He looks ahead.

"Something on your mind?"

"Mount Weather."

"When isn't it?"

"Our people are still in there. If  Clarke can get out, there's gotta be a way in."

"An inside man?" A sour feeling grows in her stomach. Bellamy, as the inside man? She silences any concerns see how Clarke had said not repeatedly. She wanted her friends back, but no at the cost of...him.

"Yeah, someone on the inside to bring the entire thing down. We know what they're gonna do. If we take to long—"

"—we won't. We'll come up with something." Her hand reaches out, hand rubbing at his wrist.

They made camp right before the sun went down. A clear division between the two. Clarke sets up her pad somewhere near the middle. Cora watches from the fire, fingers arms wiggling at the warmth.

She watches Bellamy stroll over, he mutters something. Her reply is just as quiet sitting around a small flame.

Another grounder passes, muttering something to Lincoln. She pays only a small mind to their conversation. Something about being a traitor. Her eyes fell back to Raven. She stares distantly at the fire, thoughts lost elsewhere.

It hurt. All of it. No one was happy. Sleep sounded better than the realities of their situation.

It came sparsely. She tossed and turned most of the night, unable to fully relax. When she did, her mind contorted the heavily radiated faces of her friends. Monty's head was turning far past the point where it should, You have to help us. Jasper appeared next to him. They're going to kill us. Miller reached for her she stumbled back hitting something else. She turns face to face with a mutilated harper, she trips trying to get away. They all reach out for her, dripping hands each for her. She unable to catch her breath, gasping.

Gasping awake, the sun was barely rising. Light hues of blue prefaced the pinks that would follow. She rubs the little sleep from her eyes, sitting up slowly. They ate a poor excuse of a breakfast and continued on.

When they arrived, a gate slid open. The commander and her first stood side by side. Lincoln walked up handing over his blade. "We need to disarm before we enter."

Clarke dropped hers in next. Bellamy failed at holding back an eye roll, releasing the clip from the gun. Sliding the strap off his shoulder. He hands it over to Gustus. Cora handed over the quiver and bow. He eyes the emblem carved into the wood. She forces an overly-kind smile.

Her gaze falls to Raven, who holds a steady glare. First the knife from her bag, her gun, another blade tucked into her brace. Gustus  turns her around, pulling another blade from the top of her bag. Then the side. He turns her back around and takes another thing from her bag.

He turns back to the commander, saying something Cora assumes is all clear. They turn back go the gate and everyone enters behind. Finn's body carried in by grounds on a stretcher. There's a chorus of cheers as the commander enters. The tone shifts, hostile stances and weapons raised at the Sky People.

"This can't be good." Cora mumbles slightly behind Bellamy.

A single man stops their movements. Still not understanding, she gets the gist of it. Sky people suck. Why are they here? They killed our families, and then took our prize.

Gustus doesn't move, he orders the man to step aside. He doesn't. Lexa nods to him, strides towards the man. A swift punch from the tall man sends the grounder tumbling onto his back. Cora flinches, gaze falling to the people surrounding as the assault continues. Looks blend of disgust, pity, some of horror. Blood spills from his nose, mouth? It's hard to tell. Clarke pushes to the commanders side, her words meant for the commander only. Whatever she said worked, the mans assault is brought to an end by his commanders word.

She turns facing her people, "The Sky People march with us now. Anyone who tries to stop that, will pay with their life." She turns back around heading away from the crowd. There's an immediate submission form the grounders.

The group starts to move again. "Warm welcome," Bellamy huffs quiet and sarcastic.

The blonde bites her lip. It's not funny, she knows it's not funny. It's not funny, but the overwhelming emotions of the past few days are bubbling in her throat. She fails to stifle a soft snort. Bellamy glances at her, shaking his head.

Finns body is placed upon a pyre, still wrapped. Cora stands next to Bellamy, both behind Raven. Next to him is Octavia, then Clarke and slightly behind her stands Abby and Kane. Lincoln stands behind Octavia and Bellamy.

The Commander begins to address her people. Behind them, Lincoln quietly translates, "People of Ton D.C., in fire, we cleanse the pain of the past." Cora's gaze settle on the ground. Lexa takes a torch from Indra. She goes to light it, pausing. Her attention turns to the closer blonde. "Clarke," She extends the torch to her. Her eyes flicker from Clarke's hand to the torch.

The surrounding bodies all tense at the action. Cora's hand searches until wrapping around Bellamy's. He returns the grip both focused on the flame in her hand. She light's pyre.

Her words are soft, "You gonplei ste odon."

The flames ignite further. Her grip on his hand tightens watching his body be engulfed by flames. He eyes glance to Raven, tears slide steadily down her cheeks. They wait, watching the Pyre burn down. When the fire finally settles they step away.

She squeezes his hand once more before dropping it, "Are you okay?" Her voice loud enough only for him to hear.

"I don't know."

She presses her lips together nodding, "I saw them carrying a bunch of food into that building." She nods to a rubble-stone building down the ways. "Maybe we'll actually get some decent food. Not some shitty panther."

He knows what she's doing and his chest bubbles in appreciation. He shakes his head. "I worked hard for that meal."

"You mean after I set the perfect bait?"

He huffs a soundless laugh. She watches the way his shoulders tense.

"Hey, this could be a good thing. A way to...move forward."

"But what if they don't—"

"—But what if they do? What if, everything works out." She nudges his shoulder. "Give the underdogs a chance yeah?"

He presses his lips together, exhaling loudly. He rolls his shoulders. "Fine."

She presses her lips into a closed smile, "Thank you."


When they enter the hall, there's a long table lined with pre-portioned meals. Cora takes a place at the end next to Raven. Sandwiching the bird between the blonde and Bellamy. Then Kane, Clarke, Abby, Octavia, and Lincoln take seats in the respective order. They're still standing waiting for the commander to indicate otherwise.

Kane steps forward with a bottle of moonshine wrapped in cloth. "Please accept this gift, Commander. We drink this at special occasions, I believe this qualifies." He unwraps the cloth extending the glass bottle to her.

She glances to her side man, who takes the bottle on her behalf, then hands it to her.

"Thank you, Marcus of the Sky People."

"You're welcome, Lexa." He pauses taking a steadying breath, "don Trikru. Just, uh, don't drink too much of it." He cautions with a sincere grin.

The commander's attention shifts, "Clarke, let us drink together."

"It would be my pleasure."

Two glasses are presented, Lexa pours lightly then reaches across handing one over.

Her number one speaks up, "Heda, allow me." He takes the risen glass from her. With his pinky pointed he brings the cup to his lips, eyeing Clarke the entire time. He takes a sip, then hands the glass back over to the Commander.

"Tonight, we celebrate our newfound peace. Tomorrow, we plan our war. To those we've lost, and to those we shall soon find." She raises the glass, Clarke mirroring her actions.

At once, Gustus falls over the table with a groan. Dishes clatter as he coughs. His gazes rises, terror overcasts deep seated rage.

The sky crew takes cautious steps back, eyes wide watching the scene unfold. Cora keeping herself slightly in front of Raven, her arms barely extended.

He throws himself back against the wall bending over. "It's poison," a voice calls.

Bellamy's eyes drift to the cup in Clarkes hand. He reaches across Kane smacking the glass out of her hand.

Indra draws her sword pointing it at the blonde, "It was the Sky People."

The table is pushed to the side, clearing the small protection is offered. Bellamy places himself in front of everyone. Cora's hand finds Raven's wrist holding her steady as they move in closer to their group. Bellamy's hand extends in front of Clarke, barely holding her back as she tries plead their innocence.

"This wasn't us. You have to know it wasn't us."

Lexa's eyes waver in uncertainty, shouting something in trigedasleng to her people.

They're cornered in further, growing more on edge. "No. No. We didn't do this."

"Gustus warned me about you." Lexa snaps, "but I didn't listen."

"Lexa, please." Clarke stands almost face to face with the commander.

They move in closer side to side, trying to keep each other safe. Grounders break through feeling up the pockets and pants of the Sky People. Cora flinches at the rough movements.

"Tell me something, Clarke." Her voice is laced with venom and betrayal. She steps forward, now in the blonde's face. "When you plunged the knife into the heart of the boy you loved, did you not wish it was mine?"

Cora watches the man stifle through her little belongings.

"Heda," a man calls next to Raven. All the attention falls to him. He lifts a small vial.

"That's not mine," Raven defends quickly. The ground speaks more handing over the vial. "I'm tell you. That's not mine. He put it there when he searched me."

Cora watches the way the anger boils over. Her voice drops as she shouts, "No Sky Person leaves this room." The same man pushes both Cora and Raven out of the path of the Commander as she storms out.

"Do something," Octavia pleads, looking up at Lincoln.

"Indra." He calls. He calls for her again in trigedasleng with more gusto.

She turns, a narrowed glare falling on the man. There's a short exchange.

"Let me speak for them."

"You are them."

She slams the gate shut.

They all exchange glances, varying in shock, concern, confusion. They're left alone long enough that Cora takes a seat, she eyes the freshly mashed potatoes in front of her. Her gaze lifts looking at the others. Lincoln and Octavia sit too, talking quietly. Bellamy searches the building for any kind of escape. Abby and Kane talk amongst theirselves, likely diplomatic strategy. Clarke stands aimlessly. Raven tinkering her knee brace.

Eyes still on the group she grabs a spoon scooping up a small amount. Be a shame to let it go to waste. She thinks, eyes bouncing between the rest of her group as she takes a bite.

Clarke steps up close to Raven, her voice is hushed, still loud enough for Cora to hear. "Raven. I need to know the truth."

Raven doesn't subdue her voice. "I'd step back if I was you."

"You wanted me to kill Lexa yesterday. If you tried to poison her, I need to know."

Raven's gaze lifts, turning with her swing, her fist collides with Clarkes cheek. All eyes land on the women. Cora puts down her fourth bite before it reaches her mouth. Abby's quick to her daughters defense.

Raven's voice wavers wet in anger. "You're the only murderer here."

Octavia stands too, ready to jump between them.

Cora watches still seated. Clarke's gaze falls in the gap, staring at the empty stairs that lead to the gate. "Leave me alone." Octavia, Abby, and Raven all look to the empty space, then back to the blonde. "You gave me no choice. Why did you turn yourself in?" Her breathing picks up, heavy, fast, and uneven.

Abby stands in front of her, placing a hand on each shoulder. "Baby."

Clarke turns out of her grip walking to a relatively unoccupied corner and sits, forcing her breaths to slow down.

Cora picks up the spoon, her eyes, like everyone else's still trained on the other blonde. She brings the bite to her lips, standing. She shuffles away from the table, allowing Clarke her needed moment and space.

She strolls over to Bellamy, still pulling on fixtures that aren't loose. "How's it going?" She asks, trying to mask her semi-full mouth.

His eyes narrow on her for a moment before shaking the bar rather hard. "Give it a chance, she says. It'll all work out, she says."

"So maybe I was too hopeful."

He tosses her a look, you think. His brows furrow seeing the spoon in hand. "Are you...eating?"

"It seemed like a shame to let it all go to waste."

His eyes stay on her taking spoon from her hand. With a simple word he drops the spoon, "No."

"Well, I'm not coughing up blood yet so..." Her words trail following him to the next wired framed window.

He stops abruptly, eyes meeting the blonde. "That's not funny."

"I know," she pushes her lips to the side. "I'm sorry. Really though," she leans against the wall next to him, "do you have a plan?"

"Hope they don't decide to kill us."

"Great. Very helpful."

He huffs, "You're welcome." He shakes another bar aggressively.

Cora's eyes scan the room, Abby sitting in front of Clarke. "I can't tell if we should be more worried about Raven or Clarke."

He swallows, glancing over his shoulder at the women. His voice is quiet, for her ears only. "You think she did it?"

"No." Her reply is quick, loud enough only for him. "It would've made his sacrifice worthless, she knows that."

"Does she?"

Cora sighs leaning her head back. "I hope so."

"If she didn't do it," he starts, still facing the wall. "That means someone is setting us up."

Cora's brows furrow, another heavy frustrated sigh, "Ugh, I hate this."

He huffs in agreement, taking a seat on the stoney stairs. He rests his elbows on his knees. Cora's hands reach up rubbing at her own shoulders.

"What I did to Finn was nothing like what you did to him." Clarke tenses loudly, drawing everyone's attention.

Abby's voice stays hushed, "Don't do this now Clarke."

"I was protecting everyone." Her frustrations grow, tears springing in her eyes. "I didn't have a choice, you did. You turned him in."

"No, I trusted Thelonious to talk to your father and convince him not to go public." Abby's voice grows in desperation, shaking her head.

"You knew Dad would never stop. You knew what would happen to him."

"I was protecting everyone too. I was protecting you." Clarke shakes her head standing. She turns to walk away. "Clarke, please." She rises meeting those bitter blue eyes.

There's a heavy pause, "We are the same." Her words a sour realization. No one else comments on the confessional, going back to their own quiet conversations.

More time had passed, Cora rests her arms on a table, her forehead seated against her palms. Her head snaps up when the gates open, quickly blinking the tired form her eyes. She stays seated giving her body a moment to catch up. In enters Nyko and Indra and the grounder who was guarding the door.

"How's Gustus?" Lincoln asks.

"Gustus will live." Nyko's words bring little relief.

Indra orders something that sounds like "Take her away." Grounders enter pushing past.

Cora's quick to her feet at the words, body tensing for a fight.

Kane's the first to protest, "What are you doing?"

Bellamy's louder, "She didn't poison anyone." He puts a hand up stopping the lead.

Cora moves, standing in front of Raven. Her eyes narrow on the men in front of her.

"I argued for all of you to die." Indra announces loudly. "But the commander is merciful. She wants only one."

"She's innocent," Lincoln tries to reason.

"I don't care. They move, they bleed."

Bellamy is forcefully pushed to the side.

"Take me!" Cora's words burst through her lips, stalling the pursuit. She steadies heavy breaths through her nose. "Just one right? Take me. What difference does it make?"

"Cora." Raven's voice is wet and uncertain. "What're you doing?"

Indra's eyes narrow. "What makes you think we want you?"

"You want to cause more grief? Kill the person who wasn't supposed to die."

The offer is too tasty for her to resist. She lifts her chin. "Take that one instead."

"Wait—" Bellamy starts. There's an eruption of protests, all mixing together.

"Figure out who did it." She locks eyes with Clarke. She doesn't resist as she's escorted out the door.

She catches the beginning of Indra's final words, "The rest of you are free."


Once this is over, can you watch out for Raven for me?

Stupid Finn and his stupid sappy looks. The words leaped from her lungs before she could even process what she'd done. She keeps her expression relatively neutral. She's stripped of her jacket, left in a faded grey short-sleeve. Angry eyes narrowed in on her. The cool air is a sharp contrast to her flushed skin. She's lead to a thick wooden post. She imagines this is the way Finn was supposed to die. She can't stop the growing panic, her breathing picking up. Fuck you.

She's turned her back pushed against the bloodstained wood. Her arms are lifted above her head bound together then tied securely to the post.

Gustus and Lexa walk out shortly after.

"This isn't who I called for." Lexa's eyes look to Indra.

"She offered herself up." Indra says, the barest hint of pleasure behind her words.

"Is this true?"

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.


Lexa's eyes say plenty. That was stupid of you. Her eyes still burn with a subdued rage.

"Raven's innocent." Cora states firmly.

"You really believe that? Enough to exchange your life for hers?"

"Assuming Clarke doesn't prove you wrong? Yeah, I am."

"It won't be quick, it'll be painful and will drag on for hours."

"More time to prove her innocence." Her eyes flicker to Gustus. "I see you're looking better already."

He glares at her.

Lexa steps towards her, her hand resting on her sword. "I take no joy in this, Cora." Distantly the others are let out of the holding room. "But this time, justice will be done."

"She's not guilty, none of us are." Her breathing is shaky, face to face with the commander. "Maybe you want to reevaluate what's going on closer to you."

Lexa lifts a smaller blade to her tricep. Dragging down slowly, not enough for muscle damage but enough to make her bleed. The blondes' eyes close, she presses her lips together muffling a cry. Lexa turns stepping away from the blonde.

Indra isn't as forgiving. She lifts her shirt enough to expose her stomach. She drags the blade across her torso, ripping a cry from Cora. Tears finally spill down her cheeks.

Bellamy's stopped by Kane, "We have to do something. We can't just—"

"—We can't do anything."

"There's got to be something." He tries to argue, a hand firmly holding his arm and him in place. His chest rises and falls in quick panicked breaths. He flinches at every scream torn from her lips.

"Lincoln talk to them." Octavia pleads.

Raven's brows furrow at where she should be. "Why did she do that?" Her words are just above a whisper, tears sprung in the corner of her eyes.

"Lincoln talk to them. These are your people."

Another louder cry come from the woman.

"Not anymore." Lincoln walks forward to Nyko.

"You're no longer safe here, my friend. I'll do my best to make sure you get away. Then you'll be on your own."

Cora's hands grip onto the rope another shout pulled from her lips. A blade drags up her side. Another on her other arm. None of them deep enough to hit anything vital, but in quick succession ensuring she'd bleed out eventually. She tries to keep her eyes open for as many as possible her best attempt of a glare at the smug faces. Her screams grow louder and longer with each dragging blade.

Clarke busts through the door. "Clarke what're you doing?" Bellamy asks, another cry filling the air.

"I need that bottle now." She walks with purpose, Bellamy on her tail.

"Do you have a plan?"

Nyko disappears into the building. Clarke stands right at the edge of the grounder guard, "Stop!" She shouts drawing the attention of everyone.

Cora's head barely drops for a moment, still eyeing the next blade thirsty for her blood.

"Let her pass." Lexa allows, the men pull back the others following close behind.

Bellamy's eyes land on Cora calling for her to look their way. She does eyes landing helplessly on him. She takes the reprieve to catch her breath, her body caught in a never ending tremble.

"One of your people tried to kill you, Lexa, not one of mine."

Indra steps up from behind. "You should've run."

"I can prove it." Her eyes meet Lexa's before taking the bottle from Nyko. Uncapping with ease she takes a long drink. Brows pinching together at the burn as it travels down her throat.

Lexa's shoulders burry her anger, she keeps her voice steady. "Explain."

"The poison wasn't in the bottle. It was in the cup."

"Told you." Cora voices hoarsely, droopy eyes meeting the commanders. "We didn't do this." She exhales shakily.

Gustus mutters something to Lexa, likely trying to disprove their evidence.

Bellamy spends a long moment looking at the ground mulling over past conversations making the connection. His eyes lift a narrowed glare locked on Gustus. "It was you." He lets it hang for a moment, continuing, "He tested the cup, he searched Raven."

"Gustus would never harm me." Lexa quickly defends.

"You weren't the target. The alliance was."

"We didn't do this, and you know it." Clarke states with a honed confidence.

Lexa takes a breath turning her attention towards her right hand man. She asks him something in trigedasleng. "You've been accused, Gustus. Speak true."

So he does, "This alliance would cost you your life, Heda. I could not let that happen."

Her voice is quieter, betrayal sits on her tongue, "This treachery will cost you yours. Put him on the tree."

That's word enough, without instruction Bellamy jogs past towards Cora, Abby and Kane hot on his tail. A fresh wave of tears hit her when her hands are released. She moans in painful relief her arms wrapping over Bellamy and Kane's shoulders.

"I got you." Bellamy assures hands carefully gripping her side. "You're okay."

Her breathing begins to even out barely relaxing in their holds. Her head leans towards Bellamy as she's guided away from the post. She rests a moment on a barrel while Abby wraps the abdominal wounds. She mostly stifles any pangs of pain. If sleep was calling her name before, it was screaming it now. Nyko comes back with a blanket. He hands it off to Bellamy waits for Abby to finish the final knot on her belly. He wraps it over her shoulders as Abby moves on to her arm.

Her eye narrow seeing Gustus tied to the post. Her voice is rougher than she expected, "They're gonna turn around and do the exact same thing to him?"

"He's guilty." Marcus replies.

"He was trying to keep her safe." She explains to no one in general. Bellamy's hand remains on her upper back fingers rubbing delicate circles.


Gustus doesn't cry like Cora did. Stifled groans are all he lets out. They'd moved into actually stabbing him, over and over. They're well into the punishment when Raven breaks the silence, "This would've been Finn."

Lexa approaches him for the last time. He mutters a dying mans wish, "Be strong."

They all watch intently as she unsheathes her sword. Setting it up for a direct plunge into his heart. Gustus barely nods to her. Her voice barely waivers. "Your fight is over." She drives it swiftly and slowly into his chest, forcing his final breath from his lungs. His head hangs lifeless.

"We're not so different," Abby starts sounding like a statement, "...are we?"

Cora's eyes linger on the now dead man. Settling in how entirely stupid that plan of hers was. Bellamys hand rubs flatly over her back. She leans into him wordlessly.

They're given their own area for camp. The sun had set and food, albeit not the same feast as prior, was given to them. Cora stands near a fire extending her palms to the warmth. Raven approaches cautiously as if not to startle her. The blonde acknowledges her with a nod of hello, her throat ached from the screaming.

"Why did you do that?" Raven asks bluntly her eyes on her.

Cora's gaze stay on the flicker of the flame. "Honestly? I made a promise and I felt it slipping through my hands. It wasn't that I doubted your strength if that's what you're thinking." The confession surprises the both of them. "Although, I don't think I could've watched you go through that." Her eyes finally meet Raven's.

"Thank you."

Cora's lips tug at a grin, she leans over, head resting on Raven's shoulder. "I didn't doubt you for a second."

They settle in by the fire, Cora lies on her back counting the constellations. Her head away from Bellamy, opposite of Lincoln and Octavia.

"How did you know it was Gustus?" Lincoln asks, breaking the silence,

"He'd do anything for her, to protect her. It just made sense." Bellamy's gaze flickers to Cora, then back to the fire.

"Look at the thanks he got." Octavia fires back, her own hands dancing with the flames.

The blonde had gotten to 23 when Raven's voice shouts from the tent. "Guys!" She walks towards the group.

Cora sits up too fast, blinking away stars spotting her vision. "What is it?" Bellamy asks already on his feet. He extends a hand to Cora eyes still focused on Raven. She reaches up taking his hand, partly pulling herself up with some support. 

They all crowd into a circle. "What is it?" Clarke asks.

"We need help. Forty-seven of us are trapped in Mount Weather. They've taken Harper and she may already be dead."

"Talk to him. Say something." Clarke demands looking at the radio in Raven's hand.

"We don't know how much time we have left."

"It's repeating."

"Please hurry."

"They're alive." A small amount of excitement sits in Octavia's voice.

"This is Jasper Jordan. We need help."

Bellamy looks to Clarke. "We need to do this now. We've got the alliance, now's the time to use it."

Cora's eyes stay on the radio listening to the message again.

"First, we need an inside man. You were right." Cora's head snaps up at Clarke's words. "Without someone on the inside to lower their defenses, turn off the acid fog, an army is useless. You should go." 

"I thought you hated that plan." Bellamy states almost as a question.

I hate that plan. Cora's eyes bounce between the two. They'd talked at length about it. If he was going, so was she.

"That I would get myself killed?"

"I was being weak."

Cora's brows pinch together at her words. They're not wrong. They do need someone on the inside. She selfishly wants it to be anyone but him.

"It's worth the risk."

Octavia's eyes flicker to Bellamy, then Clarke, finally landing on Cora. The two share a silent confused look.

Clarke pulls out a paper, handing it over to Bellamy, "My map of Mount Weather. Find a way to get on that radio and talk to us."

Octavia's gaze falls back to Bellamy. Haltings on the tip of her tongue. Look where that got him. 

He takes the map, storing it in a pocket. "Good luck." She turns walking back to Lexa.

"Bell how are you—?"

"—I can get you through the tunnels," Lincoln interrupts Octavia.

She turns to face him, "You can't go back there. Not yet."

Raven pulls Bellamy's attention, "Let me show you what to look for." They walk back towards a tent.

Cora silently excuses herself from the two, taking a few water jugs with her. She rubs her sleeve over her nose watching as the water glides into the trap. She fills all three slowly, then finds herself resting against a cold wall for support. She gets lost in her own thoughts, occasionally sipping on the water.

Footsteps approach but her gaze remains distantly fixated. "Cora." The voice repeats. "Hey," Bellamy's voice comes into clarity, his shoulder pressing against hers.

She blinks in quick succession, clearing away the fog. "Hi." Her voice is unsure of itself, not entirely stable. She drifts leaning into his warmth. She barely clears her throat, "I should—"

"—You're not coming with." He states firmly the softens, his eyes on her. "One person hiding will be hard enough plus with your wounds," his words trail off.

She'd only say it once. "I don't like it."

"If this is what it takes to get our friends back, it's worth it." He's right, they both know it.

She looks up meeting his gaze. She swallows thickly eyes reading his. The brown flickered with the light of the nearby fires, "I thought I was supposed to be the impulsive one." She barely masks her cracking voice.

He takes her hand, "This was thought out. It'll work." He offers a small upturn.

"If something goes wrong I'm burning the place to the ground." She turns, arms wrapping around his waist.

His lips curl, his arms reaching over her shoulder one hand rests at the base of her neck the other laced into her hair. "I'd expect nothing less."

"Good." She murmurs into his chest eyes closing on the memory.


Hi there, hah.. long time no see.. Hopefully you're all well. I know there's a lot of things going on in the world,, and I'm updating a fic that hasn't been updated in four years. Although, don't think it isn't thought about frequently. I mean I definitely had to look back to try and just remember, but all things considered this isn't too bad for three days of work. In general, when looking back there's a lot of things I wish I could've done differently. Any time I read comments about matt? Immediate face palm. I handled that so badly. There's others too, but I wont dwell too much on younger clara's faults cause they put me here.

Hopefully you like this update. (ahaha posted it at like two in the morning without rereading so I had to go back and make edits) I don't wanna make any promises I won't keep but you'll probably notice some things that are different in terms of characterization. I'm much older, and a waaay different writer than I was when I started this. As a result I write characters a little different now. Hopefully you still love Cora all the same.

Another thing, I didn't handle Cora's crimes on the arc well. I don't fully remember what i had originally put for what caused her to attack her father (or if I even put anything to be honest). I think I know what implied, and I wish I hadn't, but going back to read would not encourage me to continue anything... so I'm just going to say here. (tw. parental/ domestic abuse) Despite what i may have written in the past, Cora and her mother were verbally and psychically abused her father to a point where she felt she needed to protect her mother. I won't dive much into it because really I'd rewrite the entire thing better if I could. So just to reiterate whatever may have been implied (or stated—i really can't remember) in the past this is what will be referred to going forward. In terms of content/trigger warnings, it won't be talked about much but will definitely be properly tagged if something comes up.

Also, and i cant believe i have to say this, but at one point someone posted a spoiler on a pervious chapter to something that happened later on. I deleted it. But please don't do that. There are still people reading this for the first time. (Which thank you by the way?? Wild to think that people are reading work i wrote when i was 14/15 (for reference I'm now 21)). But it takes away from their reading. So please don't do that. Not just on my story but on any.

Anyways, with love enjoy :)

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