(Lumity) Her Personal Knight...

By k9ine3

23.8K 933 717

There was an event where only male knights are allowed to fight each other to become the princess's protector... More

(1) A New Personal Guard
(2) Meeting Officially
(3) Feeling Different
(4) Our Adventure Awaits
(5) Luck is Around
(6) Troubled Thoughts
(7) Love Struck
(8) Lilith
(9) Fear
(10) The Start of a Battle
(11) Together
(12) Big Changes
(14) Lies and Liars
(15) Just Us
(16) No Need to Hide
(17) Despair
(18) Stronger Than Ever
(19) Preparations
(20) Love and Happiness is Our Ending

(13) A Second Chance

993 39 8
By k9ine3

9:00 am

Lilith's POV

I have awoken from the sounds of the birds chirping in the morning and the sunlight hitting my face. I checked my old watch to see that I had slept in. If you were wondering, I woke up at six in the morning to begin my daily tasks when I was at Belo's castle. I won't say that I regret waking up at this hour. I really needed some rest and energy to keep moving forward to the Boiling Isles.

I had four miles to go before I walked upon the gates of the kingdom. I didn't bring many supplies as I wasn't able to carry heavy things throughout my trip. All I had was some food, my sword, and clothing. I had to find a safe spot to camp for the time being with only a campfire and my bag to use as a pillow. I used my clothing as a blanket, but I made sure not to dirty them.

I grabbed my clothes and folded them neatly into my bag. I left the ground and got on my feet to stretch my body. The fire was already out and was filled with only ashes. I checked my surroundings to see if there were any monsters around. I pulled out a piece of bread and an apple from my bag to eat. I grabbed my scabbard with my sword in and tossed it onto my back with my bag on top of it.

I made my way through the woods figuring out what to say to Edalyn when I first saw her. I'm sure Alador will be there to see me if the guards at the front of the entrance take me in as a prisoner. As long as I get to tell my sister and the king what my plan is, that's all that will matter to me.


10:20 am

Luz's POV

"I can't believe we're moving in with the Blight family! We'll be having breakfast and dinner with them every single day. It's an honor," my sister exclaimed.

"It sure is Vee. I get to be with my girlfriend the whole time which is amazing," I said excitedly.

"As for me, I get to help a lot of injured knights whenever they're out battling our enemies," mama mentioned.

"For me, I'll still be in these stupid crutches, waiting for my leg to be healed," Eda pouted.

"Aw, don't worry my love. You'll be back in good condition soon with Alador to cover someone else's kingdom or fight somewhere."

"I guess so. At least you guys are here with me. We'll spend some quality time before we start working our asses off."

"You know it mom," I agreed.

Our belongings were being moved away from our house to the palace using the royal's carriage and wagon. We decided to walk behind it as there wasn't any room for the four of us to sit in. Eda was riding on top of King, so she wouldn't need to use her crutches to head over to the Blight's home. We barely arrived at the castle when Viney came running to us, yelling out.

"Guys! There's something I need to tell you!"

"What's wrong? Is everything alright?" I asked my friend.

"Lilith Clawthorne has been captured by our guards at the front entrance." My family and I froze in place. I felt all the blood rush down to the bottom of my feet. Lilith was actually here in this exact kingdom.

"Where is she?" Eda carefully brought herself down from King with the help of her crutches.

"Lilith is in the throne room with King Alador and Queen Odalia. Your sister is tied up and hasn't spoken much. She does want to see you and Luz before she tells Alador why she came here."

"Well let's not waste any time. Camila, Vee, would you like to come with us?"

"What about our stuff?" My mother wondered.

"Alador knew you would come with your belongings, so he'd have his maids and butlers come by to drop it off in your rooms," Viney answered.

"Then count us in to go into the throne room," Vee decided.

"Follow me," we all marched behind Viney as she led us to the throne room. I looked over my shoulder to see Eda's worried face alongside my mother who was comforting her. My mind wandered to what Viney said earlier. Lilith wants to see Eda and I. I can tell there's a reason behind it but I don't know what it is. The only thing I can think of is about the attack she has brought upon. If so, why?

"We're here."

The large doors to the throne room were open for us to enter. We went in to see what was awaiting for us beyond the doors. Eda and Viney were the first to head to the room while my mother, Vee, and I were behind them. I saw knights lined up from both sides of the room with their bodies upright. In the middle was Lilith tied up with two guards beside her as she was on her knees. Far ahead of her are the entire Blight family sitting in their proper thrones.

Alador took a quick glance at us before staring intently at the prisoner as if she would escape any second. Lilith turned her head around and noticed that we were here. Her mint green eyes were dark but brightened after seeing her younger sister.

"Alador would like the both of you to stand by him," Viney told Eda and I. We nodded and walked over to him. Mama and Vee stayed with Viney by the doors of the throne room.

"I'm glad you two can make it. I'm sorry for the inconvenience and disturbing you while you were moving here. I didn't expect a certain someone to appear in my kingdom," Alador sighed heavily as his fingers were pressed against his forehead.

"No worries my friend. I'm very surprised my sister is here. It felt like I was dreaming."

"I had the same feeling too. I tried to get her to talk, but she needed you and Luz to come here. My guess is that it's really important to the point where you two were demanded to be here."

"Well, we're here. Let's get this done and over with," Eda stated.

"Right. Ahem. Everyone! Let us begin the trial of Lilith Clawthorne. As you all may know, she's our biggest enemy and threat to our kingdom. She works with the King of the Demon Realm alongside Kikimora and Hunter who altogether lead their army. We were attacked by them half a week ago. Luckily, there were no casualties on our side, but there was destruction upon our homes and other structures. Who made this idea to come here and trespass my kingdom? Belos. Who brought his army here? Lilith Clawthorne and the Golden Guard. Now that Edalyn is here, are you willing to explain what was Belo's motive for destroying the Boiling Isles Kingdom?"

Everybody's eyes switched to Lilith who appeared to look slightly nervous and scared. I could tell she even held some guilt in her for the chaos Lilith laid out for us to deal.

"Belos wants to destroy every kingdom there is starting with this one. The one I used to live in. Not only that, but I would be able to capture Edalyn and take her back to the Demon Realm," Lilith didn't hesitate to answer. I was taken back by it.

"Straight to the point. It sounds like you're betraying your own kingdom. You didn't even remain silent which I find odd," Alador uttered.

"That's because I don't belong in that hell of a place. I belong here where I was born and raised. That's why I traveled all the way here to be on your side."

"Be on our side? After everything you've done!? If you weren't related to Edalyn I would've killed you myself for trying to go after my people, my kingdom, and my family. You betrayed us before so how would I know you won't betray us again?" Alador stood up with his anger almost overtaking him at once. Eda's eyebrows furrowed as some emotions showed from the facial expressions she was making. It looked like she was having a battle in her mind.

"I will tell you what Belos is planning. I had the Golden Guard, Hunter, lie to him about my whereabouts, so he wouldn't suspect anything," Lilith responded.

"What made you change your mind all of a sudden? What's your real plan Lily?" Eda inquired with a serious tone in her voice. She slightly leaned forward in the company of her crutches to help her stay still. Lilith faintly flinched her head back as her eyes watered and her lips quivered.

"I-I'm just exhausted from being pushed around and being tortured for every mistake I have made. I take every single punishment and blame in order to protect those that I care for back at the Demon Realm. That's why I came here. To help you and regain your trust that I've lost years ago. Hunter is working with me because he feels the same way that I do. That's why he is going to lie to Belos and tell him that I'm retrieving your trust and I'll be listening to your plans for me to tell him all about it so he can destroy this kingdom. But that's the opposite of what I'm going to do," Lilith was shaking from the adrenaline she had pent up in her veins.

Both Alador and Eda were taking in all the information that Lilith pushed out. As for me, I had a hunch she would come here after what happened between her and Eda during the battle. My plan that I discussed with Alador is finally coming true. Lilith would be able to side with us. I was deep into my thoughts when I heard Alador hysterically laughing. Everyone's eyes were on him and he looked as if he was crazy.

"Heh, sorry about that everyone. I didn't mean to laugh in a cruel way. It's just that what Lilith here is saying is pretty ironic. I must admit, Luz and I talked about the idea of having Lilith be a part of us and help give me information about Belo's plan. There's no need to ask since you're offering to help us. Isn't that correct Miss Clawthorne?" Alador smiled.

Lilith's face softened before saying, "Yes, your majesty."

"Good. In order to do this, we must trust each other. If we have trust, we're able to take down Belos and his crew. Though, I cannot forgive you so easily for what you've done in the past and in my kingdom. You'll need to redeem yourself first before I can fully forgive you. Help us, and we will help you without putting you to our prison cell," Alador walked up to Lilith. He stared at the guards and nodded before they cut the rope off of Lilith.

"Do we have a deal?" The king held out a hand. Lilith looked at her hands in shock from being released so quickly. She then clasped her hand on Alador's, shaking it firmly.

"We have a deal."

"Wonderful! I'm glad we can help each other. I truly hope you keep your word and go through with this process. Please don't let me down."

"I won't, I swear."

"Good. Edalyn and I will be in charge of you. We'll create a fake plan to share with Belos, so he will think we're doing one thing, but in reality, we are doing another thing. Not only that, but we'll properly train you. Before I continue on, you did say Hunter is working for you. Will he be on our side as well?" Alador mentioned and asked curiously.

"I believe so. I did tell him that I would do whatever I can to get him out of that hell hole. He doesn't want to leave Belos, but he also doesn't want to live in fear. I will need to talk to him more about it until I get a straight answer."

"Hm. That's fine. As long as you do a lot for us, you'll gain my people's trust and earn our full respect."

"It will be my honor to work by your side, your majesty."

"Likewise, Miss Clawthorne. I hope you won't cause such a fiasco in my kingdom. I'm sure your sister will keep you on your feet and lead you to the right path. Isn't that correct Edalyn?"

"Yes sir," Eda replied.

"Everything is settled then. I'll have someone set up a room for you here Lilith. In the meantime, you'll be coming with me as we walk around the castle. As for everyone in the throne room, I'd like to thank you all for your company and taking the time to be here to review Lilith Clawthorne's case." King Alador and Lilith were the first to leave before the Blight family left the room. I helped Eda out of the area along with my mother and Vee behind the knights that were walking out.

It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulder. Now that Lilith is on our side, we'll be able to destroy Belos and his men. She did say that Hunter could be on our side as well. I don't have a clue on how we can get along if we ever work together. I pray that everything will go as planned in the near future.

"So...how are you guys feeling about this situation with Lilith?" I interrogated cautiously.

"I feel pleased for once when it comes to this. Not only is my sister back, but she's willing to change and help us. Everything feels like a dream but it's not. I never thought this day would come," Eda showed a small smile.

"There's faith in our country now that someone important to Belos is planning to betray him. I really hope that Lilith doesn't mess this up. She did put Eda through a lot for years. I can't forgive her just yet. It'll take a while for that to happen," mama claimed.

"Same goes for me. Until Lilith can prove that she's worthy to be trusted and forgiving, I'll be on her side," Vee added.

"We just need to wait and see what happens next. Time will tell," I declared.


Lilith's POV

I didn't expect to be let off so easily. Not that it matters because I am not trying to destroy this place. I was relieved that King Alador and Edalyn were able to listen to what I have to say. I figured that everyone in the room was giving me death glares. I don't blame them after everything that I've done. Once I was caught, I was afraid that it was officially over for me in fear that I'd be tortured or executed. Luckily, neither happened.

"I didn't get to ask, but how long are you planning to stay here?"

I looked next to me when Alador asked me a question. He was facing straight without batting an eye at me.

"I thought about staying here for a couple of hours then I would go back to my old kingdom. I want to ensure that Belos heard from Hunter that I would be at the Boiling Isles Kingdom to retrieve information about your next attack on him. For now, I think it's best to stay for a couple of days before I return."

"I see. Do as you must Lilith. It takes bravery and courage to leave the kingdom you thought was best for you. You made mistakes in the past but that's what makes us humans. As long as we learn from it, we can make a change. Hopefully your ally Hunter will do the same. I want everyone to be safe and secured under my hands. All I need and ask is for your help Lilith. With that, you'll live a great life where you don't have anything to fear for. Also, Edalyn will be there by your side which is a bonus. It has been years since you two were last friendly towards each other. I know this opportunity will help develop relationships, bonds, trust, and respect. What do you think about that?"

"I agree with what you're saying sir. It's about time for me to become who I really am and not pretend to be someone I am not. I felt as an outsider, but I'll manage to overcome that feeling with the help of others who are there to support me. I've lost so much and there's no way I want to lose more of what I have right now," I placed my right hand on my left palm before creating a fist with the right one.

"I can assure you that what you fear won't happen. We're all in this together and that's what makes us unstoppable. Have faith and trust and everything will go smoothly."

"I'll take your advice King Alador."

"That's what I want to hear. Come on. I want to show you around the castle before you meet up with Edalyn. I'm sure she needs some time and space before you're able to communicate with her."

"I understand. It's not that easy to be face to face with your sister who tried to kidnap you and destroy the place you call home," I rubbed my upper arm, looking at the floor in shame.

"She's a tough knight. There's nothing that can bring her down to her knees. Honestly, Edalyn might be happy to see you. She hasn't shown it just yet, but she will after I bring you to her."

"We will see about that."

The king and I continued voicing our thoughts while strolling most of the castle. I listened closely and focused on Alador as he explained about the process he does when he sends out his knights to fight or defend a spot of his kingdom or other kingdoms that belong to his allies. What surprised me was that he would lead his knights by becoming the general instead of Edalyn. Though, she would be the co-general.

"As for you Lilith, I did mention that both Eda and I will be in charge of you. That means you'll spill all the details Belos has told you and any valuable information that could help us," Alador instructed.

"Sounds easy enough. After you construct a fake plan for me to tell to Belos, I'll be on my way back to the Demon Realm to deliver the idea."

"Wonderful. Now, let's head back. I don't want to hold you and Edalyn back from seeing each other. I also see why you wanted to invite your sister and Luz."

"I didn't want to tell you only about why I walked all the way over here. Telling the three of you everything would be better than explaining one of you my reasons for coming," I uttered.

"You made the right choice, Lilith."

"Thank you."

As the king and I were heading to the entrance of the castle, Eda and Luz were there. Seeing my little sister in crutches made my guilt feel ten times worse. Dammit Steve.

"I'll leave you guys alone. Tell Edalyn that I will be with my family," King Alador left without saying anything else.

I glanced at Edalyn then to Luz before moving my legs to go towards them. I began feeling nervous as I didn't know what either of them would say to me. For all I know, my sister would be yelling at me for what I've done to her. I wouldn't blame her. I halted myself about two feet away from Luz and Eda. I was the first to break the silence.

"H-Hi, Eda-" I was interrupted when my sister pulled me into a crushing hug. She was standing on her good foot while using me to support half of her weight. I didn't put my arms around her as they remained by my sides. I felt a lump develop in my throat, indicating that I was on the verge of tears.

"It's good to see you again. I'm glad that you're here. Welcome back sis."

I clenched my teeth, preventing myself from crying, but I couldn't hold it in any longer. I put my hands on Edalyn's back and gripped her clothing while sobbing. All I could tell her was that I am sorry a million times, over and over. She soothed my back while telling me that everything is okay, trying her best to calm me down. It felt like it was forever when it was just Eda and I hugging each other.

Edalyn pulled back gently and asked, "Are you feeling better now?"

"Y-Yes. It was just what I needed," I wiped away my tears. Luz had already picked up Eda's crutches and gave it back to her.

"Hey Lilith. It's a surprise to see you here calmly instead of fighting us," Luz smiled and joked.

"Likewise Luz."

"So...Can I call you Aunt, Aunt Lilith, Auntie, Auntie Lilith, or maybe Tía," Luz had a hand underneath her chin as she thought deeply on what to call me. I bursted out laughing at the fact that Luz is trying to come up with a name for me. She really is something else.

"You can call me whatever you like Luz," I grinned.

"Say no more! Also, I'll uh leave you two alone to talk. I will be off to see my girlfriend really quickly. Oh and here you go Eda," Luz handed my sister her crutches before running off to who knows where. I had a confused look when Luz mentioned her 'girlfriend' and Edalyn must've read through my expression.

"Luz is dating Princess Amity."

"She's with the princess?!"

"Yup. There's a lot of things you don't know about, Lily, and I might as well catch you up on everything that's been going around. Let's start from the time you tied up Luz and almost tortured her."

"You were there!?"

"Oh sister. There's a lot of things you don't know about."


Belo's POV

"Ah, Hunter. I'm glad you managed to come here for breakfast."

"And for that, I want to thank you for the invitation. It's been years since we ate together," Hunter approached the table slowly.

"It has been years. But now that Lilith is gathering information from those pesky fools, I decided I want to bring you and Lilith for breakfast and dinner with me," I removed my mask. I revealed my face that had a nasty scar on my right from the battles I was involved in. It started from the very top of my forehead to the bottom of my neck.

"That's very nice of you uncle. Lilith would be happy to know that she'll be eating a nice meal."

"I'm sure she will."

"Right. Since you invited me, I feel like there's another reason as to why I'm here with you. Not that I don't mind or anything. It's pretty odd," Hunter looked away.

"You're correct. I do have a second reason as to why I invited you. I have a proposition that I want to discuss with you."

"What is it uncle?"

"I want you to kill Edalyn Clawthorne along with whoever is associated with her. That includes the king and queen of the Boiling Isles. I know it sounds like a difficult task to do, but I am positive you can take anyone down. Sure, Lilith has failed many times to capture or kill her own sister, but without her, you can do anything. So what do you say, Hunter? Are you willing to take them down? You were able to slay many demons and other monsters. So why not humans?" I stared down Hunter, awaiting his answer. I was becoming aware and concerned while he thought about it. My mind changed after he answered, allowing me to feel at ease.

"I will do my best to accomplish the mission you have given me."

I smiled confidently and said, "That's the spirit Hunter. I look forward to what you can do. Finish up your breakfast quickly since you'll be training hard today. I really hope Lilith comes soon so we can discuss some plans to take down those pests that are bothering us. If she's not back by tonight, I'll send you off to the Boiling Isles to begin your job. Maybe you will see Lilith once you've entered the kingdom. And remember to kill anyone who tries to block your path."

"W-Will do sir."

I'm excited that everything will turn out to be what I dreamt of. Soon enough, those dreams of mine will come true with the help of my allies. Everyone in this world will bow down to their new king and nobody can stop me from living the life I have always wanted. It is time to get our hands dirty.

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