𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐭𝐲 ; Fleur Delaco...

By several_mi

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❝ 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐬 𝐝𝐲𝐢�... More

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1.9K 108 0
By several_mi

❝ Ideal dinner plans. ❝


Slipping out of bed to take a morning walk on the deserted beach was easy for Aurora who hasn't slept even when Fleur was cuddled closely besides her. The sun had barely risen, sky gave out an orange hue that warms her mind into a defaulted feeling of breeze. The smell of ocean calms tense nerves and Aurora was glad she chose somewhere to live where it would not be hard to find a comfort place of hers.

The trail to her home was short, from a distance, she could actually see the small cottage but chose to stay sitting on the sand.

Aurora loves the beach. It held some sort of torch in her heart that she can't just get rid of even when tried. If she could stay, she would've. Now having that choice, she did choose to stay with the love of her life and the father she yearned for her entire life.

That morning, Fleur woke up besides an empty bed and a laugh echoing from the kitchen outside her room. It was half past nine and Fleur was already smiling despite not being engulfed in a hug from her favorite person in the world. Deciding to shower before joining breakfast, Fleur took notice of a flower on the sidetable near her side and frowns.

There was a letter, a small one but very beautiful written.

Morning, love. I know you complain of the flowers I give dying. To ease your very difficult to impress mind, this one is charmed not to. A complex spell but I'll garnish it more for the garden you take care in the mornings.

"Finally! It was getting a tad boring with just Aurora here." Sirius exclaims in a high voice, raising his cup of tea to Fleur who chuckles upon entering the kitchen. Then Aurora kicks the stool he sat on and Sirius almost spat out all the tea from his mouth.

"Very rude." Aurora clicks her tongue and shook her head. "Coffee's by the right, tea on the left." She says to Fleur who opened the cupboard for a cup of coffee.

"Isn't Spring break for Hogwarts? Shouldn't Harry arrive a little later?" Sirius questions, keeping his hands warm around the hot cup of tea.

"Yeah. He wanted to stay with us for the week break." Aurora now stood from the opposite of where her father sits comfortably, later now joined by Fleur who sips her drink delicately from the hot temperature. "That is if it's okay?" She turns to the Delacour.

"He can use sleep on the couch until I shop for a bed frame and mattress." Fleur smiles slightly, bringing the glass down and pats Aurora's hand resting on the counter. "Are his friends staying as well? I can cook dinner." She peers excitedly.

"And I can help." Sirius beams as well. Nowadays since his move, Aurora noticed the cottage is immensely under a heavy influence of happiness she wouldn't want to get rid of. "Besides, it'd be a great time for Harry not to think much about Umbridge and the Ministry for their lies and inconvenience."

Aurora didn't take the news well of Dolores Umbridge's reign on Hogwarts. Especially when Dumbledore was accused and now on the run from the Ministry and aurors, Umbridge seems to be appointed as headmistress and Aurora didn't know if she should be glad she graduated already or upset for she is not there to help Harry.

Either way, she was willing to help Harry in the Easter holidays to study or whichever he wants to do.

"Well, I guess I can visit the village to buy refreshments and foods. We were running low anyways." Aurora shrugs.

"And I'll ask Bill or Daphne to accompany me in buying a bed for Harry." Fleur muses excitedly. "Perhaps they want to join dinner tonight?" She looks over to Aurora who smiles and nods, agreeing.

"Then what the hell am I suppose to do in the meantime?" Sirius grumbles, still had difficulties of staying indoors all the time. Though he was allowed to roam the beach or the forest, it would be irresponsible of him to do so alone with no company incase something bad occurs.

Aurora laughs softly. "Perhaps read a book or two."

"Oh, yes, the books Aurora bought and had were very entertaining." Fleur chirps to easen Sirius's mind. She points at the tall bookshelf in the living room. "The muggle's fiction was one of a kind to read."

"Anything of Jane Austen's work will be entertainment enough for you, Dad." Aurora lazily leans forward on the counter, arms resting on the surface when she felt Fleur hold her shoulder by her left.

"I've read Persuasion, it's really good."

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