Falling For You ✰༄ ѕσkkα

By m3ltylov3

124K 3.3K 2.8K

--༄✰༄-- "I think your lives are more special." "I love you but you don't know what you're talking about." "I... More

Let's Get To Know You!
Water || The Iceberg
Water || The Southern Water Tribe
Water || The First Encounter
Water || Jade Switchblade
Water || The Lost Airbenders
Water || Old Bones
Water || Elephant Koi
Water || Kyoshi Warriors
Water || Fields Around Omashu
Water || Forbidden Earth
Water || The Art Of Fake Bending
Water || Jailbirds
Water || Zen Garden And Acorns
Water || Hei Bai
Water || Passing The Blockade
Water || Mindful Realization
Water || The Fire Temple
Water || The Sanctuary
Water || Roku's Return
Water || Moonlight's Embrace
Water || Hidden Pond
Water || High Risk Traders
Water || Stolen Scroll
Water || Pirates And The Prince
Water || Relaxing Morning
Water || A Familiar Name
Water || Lies To Oneself
Water || Thread Of Manipulatuon
Water || Charcoal's Convenience
Water || Nighttime Nerves
Water || A Card Of My Own Face
Water || Surrealism Never Sleeps
Water || Contagious
Water || Linger
Water || Another Believer
Water || Panda Lily
Water || Apart

Water || Untie You

1.1K 32 5
By m3ltylov3

I don't know how long we stayed that way, enjoying each other's reassuring warmth, letting the built up stress drain from our bodies. The ever present drumming of our hearts harmonize to conduct nature's nocturnal song. My breath slows to a meditative state as my conscience settles to rest. Sokka's hand traces a circle between my shoulder blades, his palm pressing lightly into my skin to alleviate tension. I allow my muscles to melt into his touch, releasing the overwhelming sensation filling my thoughts. His figure softens to wordlessly display I'm casting the same effects onto him.

Reluctantly we part, Sokka's hands sliding down my arms. His palms cup the backs of my fingers while he speaks. "We can ask people in the next village we go to. If it connects back to Earth Kingdom traditions then there's a good chance someone can recognize the painting."
I give a broken hum of agreement.
"You need some sleep. Let's leave this for tomorrow." He lets go, slowly rising onto his feet, placing the heirloom gently inside my pack laying in the grassy underbrush. I watch him as he tends to the fire, securing it before he settles onto his sleeping bag. He must've been extremely tired since he's asleep after a few seconds.

I fall onto my back, situating myself inside my own sleeping bag. I gaze into the endless sky littered with brilliant stars gleaming over the dark blanket of the atmosphere. The moon casts a hazy glow upon our camp to replace the firelight that burned out to a dwindling flame minutes earlier. An uneasy feeling settles into the pit of my stomach as I twist my limbs in strained attempts to find a position comfortable enough to ease the surge of questions replacing the calming emptiness I experienced minutes before.
I let out a frustrated sigh that catches the attention of Momo. He lands on my stomach, peering into my own eyes as his have captured slivers of the starlight. I pet his soft fur as he settles in, telling me he plans to sleep here tonight. I'm thankful he does as it distracts my wandering mind.

I find myself awoken to the aroma of tea boiling accompanied with the chatter of a conversation between siblings. I groggily move towards the pond, soap in hand, lazily peeling off my outerwear so I'm in my undergarments by the time I reach the water's edge. I step into the cool water, stimulating my nerves to encourage the blurriness of early mornings to vanish. Although I bathed when we first set up our temporary camp I didn't have the chance to properly wash my hair. I made sure to lather every piece in the suds forming from the block of soap, eliminating any remaining grime that stuck. Aang must've had the same idea as his over clothes were spread over rocks while he practiced dragging water droplets out the fabric.

I watch the tendrils of liquid being redirected back into them pond's surface, sinking in further to dunk my head underneath. I wish my own history could be as easy, as simple as the action of breaking through water. If I had more time I could have asked the meaning. If only.
The constant question of if only is one I'm all too familiar with. If only Mother had told me from the start. If only Father had given me a proper answer to all the strange occurrences that I must've caused in retrospect. If only I could understand why I needed to be protected. If only I had more time.

"Y/n, Aang, breakfast!" Sokka calls.
The airbender races over to the others, his speed casting a gust of wind strong enough to dry me off. I hastily tug on my clothes before taking my cup of tea.
"So, you all know right?" I sigh, blowing on my drink.
Katara and Sokka exchange a look with Aang. He nods, "Yeah. I wish any of us could help but we were gone for one hundred years and they've never left the South pole till now." He lays the drawing on the grass for everyone to inspect. I scan over the details once more, memorizing the brushstrokes.
"I understand. I feel that there's something I need to learn that I haven't. I was visited by Feshsen and Fiko in my dreams but even than they never said anything about it."
"Well I still have a lot to learn too! We can find out more on our way to the Northern Water Tribe."
"That sounds nice."

"There's a small amount of water drawn above your head. Do you think that has something to do with your waterbending?" Katara questions.
Her brother's face lights up at the observation. "Maybe that's why you can only make funky chunks of ice! You know, since there's only a really thin stream of it!"
"That makes sense!" I exclaim, Sokka beaming a bright smile at my reaction.
"Wait then why's all that metal stuff so big?" Aang points at the card.
Katara leans forward, squinting lightly. "Have you had any connections to metal in a specific way?"

I toss my switchblade next to the image with a dull thud. "If this counts, then yes."
We all collectively stare, giving ideas only to refute them with others. Eventually we conclude to wait until we make it to the next village to ask some questions. Being able to openly talk about what I've been worrying over and have others reassure me has taken the weight off my back. I allow myself to untie the constant bunching of taught tendons under my skin, reminding myself I have others by my side to help me be rational about my decisions.

We continue to replenish ourselves with light conversation, taking inventory of our supplies. It's easy to notice our lack of money as a few copper pieces jangle loosely in a small pouch.
"Do you think we could find any work in the area?"
Sokka huffs, "Not in our situation. We have to keep moving as much as possible at this point, but I guess if someone needs us for one day it'll work."
Although we're with the Avatar it's surprising how money is still something to fuss over. As much as I love spending time camping, the Earth doesn't naturally provide us everything a market could.

The unanimous decision is to find the nearest trading post along our route and stop by to see if anyone is available for work. If we are lucky enough there could be one waiting for us. Aang didn't need to be told twice as he shoves his belongings into their designated storage spots and settles himself onto Appa's head. Sokka and I join him, tying down everything onto the saddle.
"Look at those clear skies, buddy. Should be some smooth flying."
"Well we better smoothly fly ourselves to a market, because we're out of food," Katara states.
"Guys, wait." Sokka turns to face all of us with wide eyes, "This was in my dream. We shouldn't go to the market. "
"Are you a profit now? Another boy wonder in our crew?" I tease, but he only playfully shoves my shoulder.

Katara sits at the opposite end of Appa's back, folding her legs into a comfortable position. "What happened in your dream?" We all tentatively listen as he pauses for a dramatic effect.
"Food eats people!" Sokka scrunches up his arms and face in horror. I burst out laughing at his idiocy while his sister and Aang drop their hopeful expressions. "Also, Momo could talk," he accusingly points at the lemur. "You said some very unkind things."
"Alright big man, I promise you you're not going to be eaten." I place Momo in my lap, cradling the creature while petting between his ears. "Sokka's just spooked, you did nothing wrong."
"Why are you comforting him? I'm the one who had the nightmare!"


After traveling through limitless fields of clouds we descend into a rather empty wooden harbor. A large maze of buildings decorated by green shingles and golden accents hug the shoreline, extending into a jagged mountainside through winding footpaths. The pier is lined with booths selling a variety of items, often displaying what could be found in the row of structures modeled in a similar fashion to a barn, yet much cleaner as they're designed for storage. Farther past the row the top floors of established housing peek from behind the roofs of the storage barns. Their outward appearance of a dark brown hue was easy to notice against the barren rocky landscape.

Katara was instantly drawn to a booth selling fruits, taking what little money we have with her. As we pick over the stand it becomes increasingly obvious we can't afford anything. The Water Tribe girl bickers with the lady behind the wooden display while Sokka examines a collection of ripe apples, holding a basket provided by the woman to carry our purchases. Aang and I exchange concerned glances as the shopkeeper huffs while rounding to the front of her booth, angrily speaking to Katara.

"Swishing means its ripe. It's the ripe juices swishing around, huh?"
Aang peers over my shoulder, "I think it's true Katara. Swishing means it's ripe."
"I just realized we're out of money, actually." Katara sheepishly smiles, setting down the melon.
The woman groans, seizing the basket of fruit from Sokka, frowning deeply as we walked past. To add onto her displeased reaction she delivered a solid kick to the boy's behind, which made me cover my mouth to keep from laughing.

Sokka finally stops rubbing his side in a futile attempt to relive pain, turning back to face our group. "Out of food and out of money. Now what are we supposed to do?"
"You could get a job, smart guy."
"That was our plan anyways," I explain. Before I can continue we notice an elderly couple fighting behind us.
The woman pulls on the man's shoulder to gain back his attention. "We shouldn't go out there. Please! The fish can wait, there's going to be a terrible storm."
"Aw, you're crazy. It's a nice day. No clouds, no wind, no nothing, so quit your nagging woman," the man rudely retorts.
I feel Aang place a hand on my arm. I look down to see a underlying fear growing in his grey irises, "Maybe we should find some shelter?"

His slight range in tone tells me there's more to his statement. His rigid stature combined with the change of his attitude reminds me of when I caught him escaping the Air Temple. I ponder on what could have made him feel this way, what could be the trigger?
It's the storm! We got struck down into the ocean by the weather that day!
I slide my arm around Aang's frame comfortingly. I understand what he has to think back upon, I saw first hand what had lead him up to wanting to leave in the first place. His abandonment of his training to become the Avatar at such a young age has never truly left his mind, just buried under the guise of creating better memories now.

"My joints say there's going to be a storm, a bad one."
"Well it's your joints against my brain."
"Then I hope your brain can find someone else to haul that fish, 'cause I ain't coming!"
"Then I'll find a new fish hauler and pay him double what you get. How do ya like that?" he leans towards the concerned lady as she crosses her arms in defiance.
Sokka immediately jogs over to them, raising his hand eagerly. "I'll go!"
The fisherman points at his chest, "You're hired."
I draw Aang closer into my side, trying to lessen his anxiety. "Way to go hotshot," I shout out.
"What? you said get a job. And he's paying double."
"Double? Who told you that nonsense?"

After confirming the pay we'd receive along with aiding Sokka in preparing for a day out on a boat, we find ourselves watching him haul a green bag onto the deck. The ship is docked next to the space Appa temporarily claimed yet it appears larger than the creature. From the structure including a missing square in the middle I can assume there is also a lower deck along with the small cabin constructed between two masts. Over time the old lady's claims are proven true by the rolling grey clouds creeping across the blue sky. Their bumpy forms smoothly drift together, forming a deep charcoal base hovering above the stirring water. Aang's antsy behavior has started to cling onto me due to the sudden change of the atmosphere.

"Sokka, maybe this isn't such a good idea. Look at the sky," the young Avatar gestures to the approaching storm.
"I said I was going to do this job. I can't back just because of some bad weather."
Suddenly the old lady appears at my side, "The boy with the tattoos has some sense. You should listen to him."
"Boy with tattoos?" The man stops loading crates to gain a better view of Aang. His eyes widen, "Airbending tattoos. Well I'll be a hog monkey's uncle. You're the Avatar, ain't ya?"
"That's right," Katara confirms. Aang smiles lightly at being recognized while I nod affirmingly.
"Well don't be so smiley about it. The Avatar disappeared for a hundred years!"--he angrily moves closer, jabbing at Aang's shoulder--"You turned your back on the world."
"Hey!" I jeer, causing the fisherman to slightly step back. "He would never turn his back on anyone, I know for a fact."
"Oh? He wouldn't, huh? Then I guess I must have imagined the last hundred years of war and suffering."

The Water Tribe girl positions herself between the old man and I, "Aang is the bravest person I know. He has done nothing but help people and save lives since I met him. It's not his fault he disappeared. Right, Aang?"
We collectively look to him to support our positive statements, although he's slinked a few feet away. His staff is already held out from his body, portraying he wants to escape the confrontation. I was trying to diffuse the argument early, but all I've seem to have done was pile on more guilt. His breathing is irregular as Aang is concealing his true reason for why he had left.

"You okay buddy?" I reach out my hand to him but he quickly opens his glider, propelling himself into the mountains.
"That's right! Keep flying!"
"You're a horrible old man!" Katara scales up the side of Appa's head, grasping the reigns. "Y/n?"
"Go find Aang, he'll tell you everything. I'll let Sokka know what happened."
The flying bison emerges from the water, casting a surge to splash around my feet while dousing the fisherman. He groans in protest but I don't see why it would be such a huge deal as he would most likely be dealing with similar conditions with his work.

Once Katara looks to be well off on her quest, her brother emerges from below deck.
"Hey! They left without saying goodbye," Sokka complains.
"I'm still here aren't I?"
"Y/n, you want to be a fisher for a day?"
The elder male grumbles to himself as if he was having a conversation with the air. He looks between Sokka and I before sighing. "Hired, both of ya. Now quit stalling," he grovels, shoving a crate in my hands.

The creaking of wooden steps and shifting of crates is all that can be heard for the next half an hour. The ocean has grown choppy, jostling the boat enough to notice the sway under my feet. I almost lost my balance a few times, thankfully not with any cargo that could spill everywhere. The fisherman must have a strict schedule as we set sail almost immediately after Sokka was handed the last box. I don't know much about sailing as it was never a skill I needed to know as a child, so I left it up to the other two. Our final instructions were to grab some nets and start casting. Since the man left to the cabin, I decided to take this time to inform Sokka about not only Aang's past, but my own as well.

"Y/n?" he parroted back to me. "What's up."
"I think it's time I told you about how I actually met Aang in the first place."

------༄✰༄--- F l a s h b a c k ---༄✰༄------

My breaths were caught in my chest as I refused to stop running as far as I could from that awful soldier. When ducking under branches became too much of a hassle I resorted to covering my face with my arms, not caring about the bark scraping against my skin. The veil of leaves combined with the encroaching twilight blocked out any remaining light to where I can't see more that a few feet ahead of me. No matter that, I just want to get far away.

Something's caught my ankle, adrenaline once again spiking through my system as I sift through all the possibilities of what it could be. A tree root, rocks, a divot in the ground, a firebender who's found me and wants revenge, native plant life, a deadly animal. I have no time to look back as I'm hurled down a hill, every limb colliding into the terrain with an increasing speed.
This is it, I'm not going to make it.
I successfully dig one hand into loose dirt that only causes me to yank it back towards my chest from the pain of twisting my arm. I close my eyes, I want this to be over. And it is. The whole world fades away.

Whispers coax me awake with their hushed fussing. A trickle of water splashes on my nose, which then turns into a steady stream. I gasp for air while swatting away whatever was slowly starting to waterboard me. I wipe off my face as best I can while the voices have gone quiet. Once my vision clears I am met with a small group huddling around me, surrounded by a blooming meadow. Stems of the flowers have tangled themselves all over me, as if to add another layer to my clothing.
A beautiful woman gracefully sits on her knees, holding my face in her palms. "Welcome to the world, Huā. I am Talo."
I scan the crowd of faces, finding them all to appear welcoming. Their own clothes don't have similar colors to the many villages I've been to, but a mix of fabrics in a myriad of shades. They have bags slung over their shoulders and look to be carrying miscellaneous objects with them.

[ From my research I have found that Huā means "flower" in Chinese. If this is incorrect let me know so I can fix it! The Earth Kingdom is mainly based on China, so I want to make sure I am accurate with my information <3 ]

I'm confused. Why would she be calling me that? It's not my name, and I have never seen these people before.
"I understand this is confusing," she says in a steady tone. "Lao had a dream where they found you here. They saw you be created by the flowers and bring you into consciousness with a gentle watering. Are you feeling okay? We didn't expect you to be so injured."
I glance down at my legs, seeing the fabric torn in multiple spots that are caked with dry blood, fresh scabs dotting my arms. Talo caresses my cheek and there must be a bruise because I flinch back in pain.
"I don't think so," my voice is hoarse and scratchy, itching my throat.
Talo stands, addressing the rest of the group. "Let's take Huā back to the tents. Up we go," she easily hoists me onto me feet.

We rejoin the others in traversing through the woodlands till we reach a small circle of tents. I learn they are nomads, going wherever they please while preforming in villages for meals. They had a range of handheld instruments, teaching me their music as I was to be part of their shows. I went by the name Huā, not wanting to reveal who I was since it was so awful that my parents had to send me away.
I asked them of the Northern Air Temple, stating it was the reason behind being created. I didn't want to discourage Lao's abilities in seeing the future, as they tended to be quite accurate. We sung and danced our way to the Patola mountain range, Talo teaching me how to survive off what the Earth provided. She became a mother figure for a short while because after a month I was off on my own. They couldn't follow me up to meet the monks, wanting to respect their homeland.

We all said our goodbyes, with many tears falling into the rocks beneath our feet.
"Huā, listen well, as this is something I've been needing to share," Lao whispers, guiding me a small distance away. "I know you are not the child of flowers, as I believe my dreams do have some differences from reality. Y/n, you are someone of great responsibility. I have seen your future, what is soon to come."
"What?" I stare into their fierce green eyes, attempting to find their intentions.
"I can't tell you everything, but I can say this. Find the monk Aang, stay with him, he's the one who will bring you to where you need to be. You will hear of a fortune teller, she knows why you were sent away."
"Lao you're freaking me out here."
"Little one, you're going to do great things. Believe in your abilities, they won't be instant, but with proper time and care everything it going to resume balance."
They soothingly pat my hair, encapsulating me in a hug. "Will I ever seen any of you again?" I breath out.
"I like to think so."

The mountains were another creature. Calluses sprouted on my palms, soreness climbing up my muscles, all while my possessions are strapped onto my back. I give the Air Nomads massive credit for picking this location, my determination was already fading my the second day since I had no airbending to help me. I was found on the fifth day by a young child on the back of a flying bison. I had been resting on a ledge when he landed next to me, offering to take me with him so I could be properly fed.
I learned his name was Aang. From then on I knew I was in for something unthinkable.

------༄✰༄--- F l a s h b a c k e n d ---༄✰༄------

Word Count: 3731

I hope you liked this chapter! I'm so excited to finally get more into your backstory, as I'm really happy with the idea I have prepared. Thank you so so so much for being so patient, I knw that it a routine thing for me to put at the end of my chapters but really do mean it :) I hope you all have been doing well!

I hope there won't be quite as long of a break between this and the next part I release, but the time of testing has arrived once again. I've been sitting on this chapter for a while so I didn't review it a whole lot, so I hope everything turned out well! Thanks for leaving all your encouraging comments!!

Also, THANK YOU FOR OVER 70K VIEWS!!!!! Take care of yourself, make sure to take time to relax and de-stress. Love ya!! <3

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