Split Spark {Sequel}

By IceClanCat

4.2K 124 34

Soundwave is back in the Nemisis serving under Lord Megatron. Everything feels correct, even though his loyal... More

Split Spark {Sequel}
1 Barricade
3 Mess (Part 1)
4 Mess (Part 2)
5 Sparknap
6 Erased Chip
7 Malicea

2 Lights out

482 12 0
By IceClanCat

If you see anything wrong with spelling or grammar please tell me so I can fix it. Thank you!

Ultra Violet's POV
Two shots headed towards Bumblebee's helm. My spark pounded in my chassis, luckily it didn't last long because they just scraped past. My spark lighten up a little but two more shoots were headed his way towards his chassis. One shot knocked out one of his headlights out but the other headed straight for his spark. The shot slipped past Bumblebee's spark instead hitting a major wire connected to it.

"No!" I let Barricade go and raced over to help him. No no no no! This can't be happening!

"It's over Bumblebee, and you have lost,"Barricade bellowed as he stood up. He brushed away energon leaking from the edge of his intake.

"Stay online Bumblebee! I'll get Ratchet, just hang in there."

Bumblebee shook his helm lightly, "Escape. Leave. My spark is done. I have fought my share of battles and have won as well lost." His optics flickered and narrowed as he leaked a small pool of energon.

"Now that he's gone, time to finish you." Barricade lifted his weapon and aimed. I didn't move. I didn't vent in. I held my breath as Barricade came closer. He grabbed my arm and lifted me up. "Or maybe I should turn you into Megatron. I'm sure he would love for me to bring in a prisoner. You know, it's rather ironic. You used to be the one holding me hostage, but now looks like your my hostage."

I have to continue what Bumblebee began but never could finish. I brushed a tear of washer fluid from my faceplate. I looked at Barricade as he pressed the com link asking for a bridge. I pressed mine, "Chromia, I need your help."

Immediately a portal swirled open and a dark mech, with blue highlights, stepped out. The portal closed behind him.

"Soundwave?" What's he doing here? I do believe I asked for Chromia.

Soundwave gave Barricade a long stare. "Well if it isn't Soundwave. If you don't stay back I'll shoot your sparkling." Barricade pointed his gun at my helm.

"Sparkling? Who are you calling sparkling! I'm not even for his energon!" I hissed annoyed.

Soundwave still kept his ground. He opened his chassis and threw a small silver cassette at the ground and lifted his pede over it. The small silver cassette transformed into Frenzy, one of Barricade's friends as well as minion. He cowered down and covered his helm silently pleading to Barricade with his bright blue optics.

"You wouldn't,"growled Barricade.

Soundwave lowered his pede slowly onto Frenzy's frail frame.

"Alright she's all yours!" Barricade shoved me forward at Soundwave's pedes. Soundwave looked down at me and pushed me slightly with his pede. I stood up and raced back to Bumblebee. Behind me Soundwave kicked Frenzy towards Barricade. Rude if you ask me but that's not important right now. Two loud and high pitched sirens blared outside the museum. They were two black and white cars with word police on the sides.

"Bumblebee? Bumblebee? Soundwave open the bridge! Quickly." I struggled to pick up Bumblebee. Even if he is small he's weighs more than I can carry. Come on come on! The human police are here and I can't pick you up! Soundwave noticed my struggled and help me. He picked up Bumblebee easily and carried him towards the portal. I followed him sheepishly with my helm dangling.

Ratchet's optics opened up as he saw Bumblebee's limp, energon stained form. "What happened?" He demanded motioning Soundwave to set him down on his examination table.

"He-he,"I stammered. The scene was running across my processor so fast I almost felt that it never happened, but each time I look at Bumblebee I remember that it was all my fault. "It's my fault. I distracted him." I closed my optics letting the washer fluid flush out.

"That doesn't tell me anything! How did his chassis get broken?"

"Bumblebee? Is he back?" asked Raf looking up from his computer.

"He's back," I answered dryly.

"Ultra Violet listen to me. What happened to his chassis?" Ratchet was no longer looking at me. He was staring and examining Bumblebee's wounds.

"Barricade broke it. He was stepping on Bumblebee and his weight broke his chassis."

"Everything seems to be intac- oh my. His spark." He gathered a few tools and began working on Bumblebee's leaking wire. He stayed motionless for a bit then continued to work frantically. He patched up the wire quickly and put it back to his spark.

"What's wrong with it."

"It's glowing orange."

"What?" I raced to see his spark. Surely enough, there it was. A very eerie glowing orange with bits of energon covering it. "Why's it orange?"

"That was amazing! I felt like I was flying!" Miko and Bulkhead just arrived to the base from maybe jumping? I don't know I don't care. There was a thick silence as Miko waltzed in.

"Uhh Miko?" interrupted Bulkhead.

"Can we do that tommo-"



Bulkhead pointed at us [Ratchet, Bumblebee and I].

"Hey Ratch, what happened to Bee? Why's he sleeping here?" She asked uninterested in the matter.

"I have never encountered an orange spark. I've heard myths that it was extreme exposure to a source of electricity but I can't be sure."

"Cool! Lemme see!" Miko's eyes brighten up and she raced towards Bumblebee's form.

"He did get electrified by a ball but he didn't hold it for long."

"That might be the cause."

"Ratchet? Will Bee be ok?"

"I-I-" Ratchet looked down at Bumblebee. "I'll see what I can do," he responded looking away.

"It's all my fault." I grabbed Bumblebee's servo and squeezed it. To my surprise Bumblebee's optics flickered slightly. I squeezed his servo harder. "Bumblebee?" His eyes flickered again, a bit more powerful. I shook him softly. His optics shone dully but they were on nonetheless. "Bumblebee! I thought I lost you!" I hugged him hard. Bumblebee didn't move.

"Ultra Violet stop. He's in critical condition!"

I let him go, his optics were off once more. The glowing orange spark slowly began to fade.

"Is he dying?"

~Ultra Violet? Where are you?~

I clicked the com link that was near my audio processor. "Sti-still in th-e ba-se,"I cried softly.

~Come back, Flareup is waiting.~

"I can't. I'm staying here. Tell her I won't get an upgrade."

~Your sure?~

"Better than positive." I sighed. Poor Bumblebee. I shouldn't have said anything to him. I should have fought myself.

A shadow was cast over me. I can already recognize it but I didn't want to be bothered right now, not by Soundwave. I stayed where I was with Raf, who was silently looking at Ratchet work on Bumblebee. I tried not to make an noticeable movements. I couldn't take it, Soundwave's presence was like a lecture! I turned around and hugged him. "Thank you for giving up Frenzy for Bumblebee."

Soundwave didn't hug back or even move for that matter. He must have been dumbstruck by my reaction. Personally I didn't expect it either, it just shot out.

"Thank you," I whispered again and buried my helm in his chassis. I felt his servos brush my forearm. It's almost as if he was nervous to hug me. He didn't pull me into a big hug. I really could have used that right now. In fact, I could have used that the very first solar cycle I came.

If only you could have been there earlier. I bet Bumblebee wouldn't have died because you can take care of yourself. I always need help, I thought.

"You... tried and... that's the most important part," Soundwave whispered in a few voices.

"Don't go into my processor!" I started to cry. He was for once congratulating me, it's new and emotional. I closed my eyes and let the washer fluid drip down my faceplate. I could feel Soundwave wince so I opened my optics. I had cried on his spark. I must have dug my helm so much into his chassis that I was right next to his spark. Or maybe it was because Laserbeak wasn't on his chassis anymore.

A sudden movement brought me out of my thoughts. Soundwave was walking forward. He literally dragged me to his berth room and shook me off. "I'm sorry for crying. It's just, I think you might understand..." Soundwave sat down next to me and looked away. I grabbed his servo and laid down on his lap. "I wish Bumblebee didn't die. I really liked him. I wonder if he ever felt the same." I stayed silent for a moment. Soundwave was now facing me and gently stroking my helm. "How do you do it Soundwave? Do you just not care that he died? Are just shoving your emotions into a place into your helm then hope they don't come out?"

"I... feel terrible... to... know... Bumblebee is... dead."

"It sure doesn't look like that. Even you didn't make as big of a fuss when Laserbeak died."

"Laserbeak...knows why...he did...what he did. Laserbeak chose...his own destiny," Soundwave's voice stayed level as he spoke. Harsh. He chose his own destiny? Well ok, if you say so.

My voice on the other servo, wasn't at all level. In fact it was very shaky,"I hope you find someone else like Laserbeak."

"Laserbeak...is no longer...alive. It is...not worth...talking about him."

I didn't know what to say. That was beyond harsh! I really hate him sometimes. Sometimes you can't even make a conversation with Soundwave because he basically cuts you out in all directions and then there's only one way to go. Silent. I have to make something up. "Soundwave? Do you mind if I stay here?"

"If you...wish to. You may...recharge on...my berth."

"Thank you. Where are you going to recharge?"

He shrugged.

"Your such a gentlemech to let me recharge on your berth." He must have not liked that I called him a gentlemech because he looked away. Or maybe I brought memories back to his processor. I really feel bad for him. It's like he is living the war, his whole life even, again.

"Your welcome," he hesitated.

"I won't tell anybot, cross my spark," I promised crossing my spark with my digit. There was a knock on the door.

"UV? You in there?" The door creaked opened and I sat up so quickly it startled Soundwave.

"Yea Chormia. I'm here."

She opened the door more fully. "What happened? I just got your message."

"Oh everything's fine now," I assured her. I wonder what happened to her. I sent that long ago and just now she gets it?

"Can I talk to you?"

"Yea sure."

"Alone," she eyed Soundwave.

"Yea. Let's go outside though, it doesn't make sense to kick him out of his room."

"Ok," she slipped her helm out of the room.

"I'll be back Soundwave." I let go of his servo and raced out the door and closed it behind me. "Ok so what's up?"

"It's about the Soundwave. Flareup wants to use him to get into the Nemesis to find out what Megatron's planning. I'm against it but I wanted to warn you. I mean, I'm not against finding out what Megatron's planning but I think Soundwave needs to decide for himself.

"Why me? Why not Soundwave?"

"I'm not good at talking. Oh one more thing. They are just going to capture him and take him. Just keep an optic on him please?"

I stared at her in shock. They weren't just going to ask him? They were going to just steal him? "That doesn't make any sense! Why me! Why would Elita allow them to do this?"

"They never told her!" She shouted with worry.

"What! Has your processor gone haywire? That's the worst thing to do! You mean your acting on their own!" I was beyond furious. First, they were going to sparknap Soundwave, then send him to the Nemesis!

"I know I know! Please! This was not my idea, I have want no part in this! I've been against this the entire time! Make sure nothing happens to Soundwave. I really don't want Flareup and Moonracer to do this," she defended herself.

"Wait Moonracer? Is she against the idea too?" I hope she makes Flareup change her mind.

"No, she the bot who introduced the idea in the first place."

"I can't believe this is happening. She wants to send him to the Nemesis?"

"Not alone. Flareup wants to install a camera in him."

I didn't know what to say anymore. Flareup and Moonracer were planning to send Soundwave back to the Nemesis when anything and everything can go wrong! This entire idea is irrational and not even thought about it throughly!

"Please don't get angry."

"Angry? Do I look angry!" I shouted.

"Shh. I'm sorry but do what I ask. I'm trying to help him and you!"

"Did you ever say anything to Moonracer or Flareup? You could help me like that!"

"No," she hung her helm and closed her optics. A deep sigh escaped her intake.

"Then say something!"

"It-" her sentence was cut off because the door slammed open and Soundwave walked out. His digits were spread out as if he were ready to attack somebot. His helm was bent slightly downward angrily and his stance was a bit tilted to one side. He slowly made his way to Chromia and swiftly grabbed her by her neck cable and slammed her against a wall. He held her firmly.

"Ultra Violet! Help!" Her words were coming out in gasps as Soundwave readied his fist aiming for Chromia's helm. Her optics opened nearly twice its size realizing her situation. She shut her optics preparing herself for the punch.

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