Through Space and Time | MCU...

By TooEarlyForThiss

140K 6.2K 1.6K

Marvel has impacted many people and a lot of different ways - Cassie Bellman is no exception. All her life sh... More

Extended Summary
1 - A New Reality
2 - Adjusting
3 - Peggy Carter
4 - Vienna
5 - The Winter Soldier
6 - Parker
8 - The Raft
9 - Siberia
10 - Sanctum Sanctorum
11 - Midtown High
12 - Portals
13 - Strange
14 - Acadeca
15 - Cream
16 - Liz's Party
17 - Eye of Agamotto
18 - Levitation
19 - The Ancient One
20 - United Nations
21 - Dormammu
22 - Washington DC
23 - The Truth
24 - Home
25 - Ferry Rides
26 - The Fight
27 - Homecoming
28 - Coney Island
29 - New Beginnings
30 - First Dates
31 - The Wedding
32 - Fall
33 - The Black Order
34 - Wakanda
35 - Win or Lose
36 - Goodbye
37 - Family
38 - Reuniting

7 - A Delicious Mess

4.4K 200 30
By TooEarlyForThiss

    Once Cassie got on the jet, she saw Happy make a b-line for the back seat. She knew from watching Spider-Man: Homecoming that he liked his peace and she wasn't about to go and change that. She opted to take a seat in the front, plopping down her bag on the seat next to her. Taking out her phone, she went to the camera app hoping to catch a pic of Happy settling into his seat.

    She brought her phone up from behind her chair when Peter had stepped onto the jet. "What are you doing?" He asked.

    Cassie jumped, turning around and accidentally taking a blurry picture of Peter. "Oh my god, Peter you scared me!"

    "Sorry," he said sheepishly. "Are you documenting your trip too?" He took a seat across from her in the front.

    He leaned forward with his phone out, trying to open it and get to his camera roll. She peered down at it as he scrolled. She always wondered what would be on his phone. He had Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, all of which she assumed he would have before he opened his photos. There were lots of pictures of lego sets and lightsaber battles with Ned, a couple of decathlon photos, pictures of school work, and selfies with Aunt May. She smiled at those. Eventually, he reached his videos of the airport fight.

    "I've been documenting everything here just for me to have. Ya know, battling the Avengers." He gave out an embarrassed chuckle as the video began. She watched as she saw one of the videos from the start of homecoming.

    In the video, Peter was filming the Avengers talking in the airport hanger, he spoke in a voice-over. "Oooh look and there's Captain America! He's so cool! And Black Widow! woaaah I can't believe I'm here right now!" Before the video Peter could continue any more, he paused the video putting his phone back in his jacket pocket.

    "Sorry that was embarrassing," he said.

    "No it's really cute," Cassie responded absent-mindedly.

    "What?" He said sitting up.

    Cassie sat up. "What?"

    "W-what did you say?" Peter's face began to redden and Cassie's eyes went wide. He put a hand on the back of his neck, rubbing it nervously.

    Did I really just say that? She thought. "I said it's cool! Yeah, filming all that stuff is cool. I've been just taking photos." Cassie took out her phone to show him, careful to not scroll up on her other photos in her camera roll.

    "Well here," Peter said taking her phone and opening the camera. He moved to the seat next to her and flipped the camera towards them and hit record. "Look, Cassie! We're on a private jet! Isn't this so cool!"

    He turned to look at her with a smile. He barely knew her and he already knew how to make her smile. "Yeah this is insane," she said to him and the camera. "I've never been on a private jet before."

    "I've never taken a jet or plane at all!" Peter told her.

    "You've never flown before?"

    "My first time was on the way to Germany!" Both teens gave out a little chuckle at Peter's inexperience at flying. "I sat right next to Happy he was very upset."

    Cassie gasped and grabbed Peter's arm. "We should prank him!"

    "Yes! What do you have in mind?"

    Cassie grabbed the phone from Peter and stopped recording. She turned to face him fully in her seat next to him. "Here's what we should do."

    Cassie and Peter devised their plan to prank Happy while he slept but it was shortly interrupted by the jet's take off. As the plane started to roll across the runway and the cabin began to shake, she saw Peter's face begin to scrunch.

    He shut his eyes and held on to the armrests for dear life as the jet began to take off. Cassie reached down and placed her hand on top of his. She could see his face redden as she turned to look at her, his eyes barely opening.

    "It's okay," she told him. "It will all be over soon."

    Peter nodded and shut his eyes again. For a kid that could take on Team Cap and eventually the Vulture, he sure was afraid of flying. Soon, the plane began to level and Cassie heard a sigh of relief from Peter. He turned to look at her.

    "See that wasn't so bad." He gave out a chuckle and looked down subtly, Cassie's hand was still on top of his. Quickly she pulled it away, trying not to blush. Why was he doing this to her? She can't recall a single time in her life she found Tom Holland attractive but now, as he was sitting in front of her, as a scrawny kid from Queens, she felt herself melt at his smile.

    She looked behind her to see Happy asleep in his chair. Turning back to Peter she said. "Okay, it's time."

    Peter smirked at her and stood up from his chair, Cassie right behind him. She pulled out her phone again and started to record. When she had first boarded the plane, she had noticed a mini-fridge in the back; pointing it out to Peter. It was filled to the brim with all the ingredients for a perfect ice cream sundae. Cassie hit record and pointed the camera to follow     Peter who was pulling the whipped cream out from the fridge.

    Slowly he turned around and shushed a finger at the camera; Cassie tried her best not to giggle. She followed Peter to Happy, trying not to make a sound. Once they were in front of him, and there was no sign he was going to wake up, Peter leaned in close to Cassie.

    "Watch this," he whispered to the camera. Carefully Peter filled up Happy's open hand with whip cream. Cassie couldn't help but chuckle from behind the camera, making it shake slightly. Peter turned back towards her with a finger over his mouth. She quickly covered her mouth. "Okay and then..."

    Peter leaned forward and itched Happy's nose for a second. Happy's whipped cream-filled hand came up to swat his nose. Peter and Cassie jumped out of the way as Happy hit himself in the face with a hand of whipped cream. He woke immediately, jumping up from his seat. It only took a moment for his eyes to land on the two teens.

    "Cassie, Peter, you're dead."

    "Oh shit!" Cassie shouted as Happy picked up the can of whipped cream that they had mistakenly left in his cup holder. She pushed Peter out of the way and ran towards the other end of the plane, turning back with her camera just in time to catch Happy spraying Peter with the can.

    "Happy stop!" Peter exclaimed, raising his hands to hide his face.

    "No kid, you started this!"

    Peter reached out and grabbed another bottle and sprayed Happy back. He turned around quickly, all of the whipped cream hitting the back of his white button-up. Cassie laughed at how childish both of them were being, she almost didn't notice that they both turned to her. Cassie looked through the recording of her phone at them.

    "Guys what are you doing?" she asked but neither answered. She could see the smirk slip onto Peter's face as he slowly walked towards her with the can of whipped cream. Cassie began to step back. "Guys don't do this!"

    "Charge!" Happy yelled, and they both broke out into a sprint to her.

    Cassie let out a yelp as she tripped over herself and fell to the ground. Peter was the first to reach her, spraying whipped cream all over the front of her shirt. He laughed as Cassie swatted him away with one hand, the other still holding her recording phone.

    She didn't know how it happened but Peter gave out a shout as he fell towards her. Cassie rolled over slightly as he landed next to her on the carpet with a thud. Peter flipped over on his back and stared at her, both teens having bright red flushed cheeks. Soon, a shadow crept over them. They looked up to see Happy holding a can of whipped cream and a bottle of chocolate syrup over them.

    "Happy, don't do it!" Peter pleaded next to her. He brought his hands up and Cassie felt his shoulder rub against hers from their small space on the floor.

    "It's too late! You're getting what is deserved. Parker, Potts, meet your sundae fate!"

    Cassie tossed her phone behind her and turned into Peter's side to hide as she felt the chocolate syrup and whipped cream fall on her. All three of them were laughing as Happy emptied the entire bottle on them. She looked up from her place in Peter's side to see his face covered in chocolate. She couldn't help but chuckle.

    "What are you looking at?" he asked.

    "Oh, nothing.. nothing at all why do you ask?" she responded, trying to play off being oblivious.

    Peter sat up slowly and pushed himself up with a nearby seat. He turned back and extended a hand to Cassie which she took. He was incredibly strong, pulling her to her feet in one motion.

    "Thanks," she said. Peter gave her a smile and a nod.

    "There's a bathroom at the end of the plane," Happy said, emerging with a rag from the cockpit. "Yow two can clean up there. We'll be at the Raft in an hour to drop Cassie off."

    He walked off to sit down, leaving the two teens by themselves in slightly awkward silence. Peter opened his arm up towards to bathroom. "Ladies first," he said. Cassie smiled at him as she picked up her bag from the seat she left it in and went to the bathroom to clean up.

    She washed her hands, her face, the entire surface of her body really; they had gotten chocolate everywhere. She took off her clothes, turning them inside out and folding them up, trying to minimize the mess it would cause in her bag, and then put on one of the other sets of shirts and jeans she had. Quickly composing herself, she grabbed her bag and left the bathroom.

    Cassie wasn't expecting to see Peter standing outside the bathroom door and gave out a yelp as she saw him. Peter, being clumsy, jumped backward and hit his back on the wall.     "What? What happened," he said with urgency, not knowing what was going on.

    She brought up a hand to her chest in relief, "Oh my god Tom, you scared me!"

    The boy cocked his head sideways. "Tom?"

    "What?" Cassie asked confused.

    "You called me Tom. Who's Tom?"

    Shit, Cassie cursed. Being in this other world is so confusing. She had to remind herself that slipping up here is not an option, especially when it comes to calling Avengers by their actors' names. "Tom? Oh right, I have a friend named Tom. He looks quite like you I just got it mixed up." Peter gave her a confusing look but decided to brush it aside. They had only known each other for one day after all.

    "Okay... well I'm gonna go change-

    "Right." Cassie moved out of his way and watched as he entered the bathroom and shut the door with a skeptical look on his face. "Shit." She cursed to herself before taking a deep breath. "Don't call avengers by their actors' names."

    It was a low whisper, one she said under her breath, but not quite enough for a certain spider to hear on the other side of the door.

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