By hellhound2356

4.2K 16 7

this is my first original OC story that's not based on other characters...ok maybe a little More

we got our asses kicked
the wolf and the rabbit
months later
an explanation
ELDD(Eldrid) BIO'S
Vytal Festival
Aries date
Ares date part 2
Fall of Beacon
Managire and Revenge
Welcome to Atlas
The Lab
1k Special
attack on house Belladonna
a visitor
Christmas special
attack on Haven part 1
attack on Haven part 2
attack on Haven part 3
train to Argus
Working through some shit
Schnee mansion
attack on Atlas
Dryden vs Lyca
Red Wolf Hunts
Fall of Atlas
assassination of Watts Part 1
Assassination of Watts Part 2
New World

The Lab part 2

26 0 0
By hellhound2356


Ares: what is what 

Frost:this operating room this where you got the nanobots?

Ares: yeah this is where it happened, I can bearly remember it all I know that it was the most pain ive ever felt in my life, that bastard watts will pay 

He said as he clenched his fist 

Ares: im gonna find the fucker and kill him if it’s the last thing I do ,for everyone he’s hurt 

Ares: he will burn, I promise that 

Frost kept silent and started to rummage through some of the research 

Frost:huh, wonder who’s this salem bitch ,you know her?

Ares: no never heard that name before, whos she 

Frost:we shall find out hmmm, apparently shes incredibly powerful  it says she can control the grimm 

Ares: bullshit no-one can

Frost:well it says it here 

Ares: lemme see those 

Frost gives the research to ares

Ares:”salem is **smuged text*, cursed by the gods all she needs are the relic hidden beneath each huntsman academy to lift said curse” what the fuck are these “relics”

0lympus: The entities known as “relics” are powerful items that have the capability of destroying or creating anything or anyone 

0lympus: ttthese itttems are knnnown aas the sssword of dddestruction,staffff oof creation,lllamp of knowledge and fiiinally the crowwwn of chooice

Ares: ok, so who's salem olympus

0lympus: im sorry but you don’t have the clearance for that information 

Ares: can you at least tell us how to beat her 

0lympus: that iis cllassiified as weell im afraid 

Frost: so we can go fuck ourselves

0lympus: precisely 

Ares: *looking through research* ah so you understand comedy 0lympus?

0lympus:I was programmed to keep Dr Watts somewhat sane when he did his research 

Ares:  to no effect it may seem 
ares: hey 0lympus how about you come with us I can tell you need a much needed servicing ,its not like your doing much here anyway 

0lympus:this Is acceptible,however my file size is 2tb and your nannobots have limited space

Ares: fuck uuuuh oh shit wait 0lympus can you transfer yourself into a done design I made a couple months back 


Ares: thought you guys wouldn’t have cared about it, ive got several upgrade designs for everyone actually 

Frost: like? 

Ares: you wanna know yours don’t you? 

He says as he pulls up a design of the drone 

Frost: yes 

Ares: ill show you later 

Ares: 0lympus this good enough 

0lympus: it is sufficient I shall begin 3D printing 

Ares: ETA?

0lympus: one hour

Ares: alright,so frost you wanna see your upgrade design?


Ares: alright don’t get you panties in a twist I need to find the file first 

Ares uses his nannobots to pull up a holographic screen and proceeds to find the file 

Ares: ah here it is, it’s a nano module that implants itself into your hand, it increases increase your semblance and physical ability 

Frost: which means?

Ares: you can do more shit with your semblance 

Frost: oh shit, well can I get it?

Ares: its highly experimental it could render you braindead or paralysed even, it needs some tweaks 

Frost: never fucking mind then 

Frost: whats the ones for the rest of the team?

Ares: uuuuuuuuh lets see if I cant find them

After and hour of explaining what the upgrades for everyone were the 3D printer pinged 

Ares: and its done 

He walked towards the 3D printer to pick the drone up and it started hovering 

Ares: alright then 

The drone proceeded to forcefully create a nanno module to contain itself in 

0lympus: do not worry this is normal however it my feel some discomfort

Ares: ah that feels weird 

Frost: that looks painful if anything else 

Ares: ive felt worse 

Frost: if you say so 

Ares:(thought) whats this 0lympus?

Ares sees a screen pop up in front of him 

0lympus: just some sytems you need to attend to and fix ares

Ares: you can hear my thoughts 0lympus?

0lympus: I can hear the entire team’s thoughts, good idea to keep some nanobots in their bodies 

Ares:(thought) it comes in useful if their vitals are low or if theyre lying  but I tend not to intrude on their thoughts cuz yknow its creepy as fuck 

0lympus: do I have permission to record their thoughts? 

Ares: negative, just notify me when they're vitals are low, actually I wish to add a Protocall

0lympus: access granted

Ares: Protocall one: protect the team. 

0lympus: Protocall accepted

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