Maskless (Bakugou public iden...

By AngryOne1

6.8K 529 749

COMPLETE!!! This world is a bit different than in any show or movie correlated with Boku no Hero Academia. In... More

Chapter 1: Pro Hero Dynamight
Chapter 3: Recon
Chapter 4: Sixteen Years
Chapter 5: His Student
Chapter 6: Patience
Chapter 7: Standoff
Chapter 8: Friendship
Chapter 9: Trudging Forward
Chapter 10: Maskless
Chapter 10.5: Featured Extra
Chapter 11: Public Relations
Chapter 12: The Reason of a Hero
Chapter 13: Class
Chapter 14: Hero

Chapter 2: Another Day at School

760 65 128
By AngryOne1

Backpack slung over his shoulder, Bakugou stalks into his classroom with a scowl on his face as usual, hands stuffed deep in his pants pockets. He is a few minutes early, but there are a few students already present.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya Izuku calls from the other side of the room, sitting at his desk which, of course, is just behind Bakugou's seat. His fan club seems to be present, chock-full of early-bird students as it is, with Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shoto, and Iida Tenya swarming around him. In fact, Todoroki, or Icy Hot, as Bakugou calls him, seems to be contentedly sitting in Bakugou's seat and staring straight at him.

Bakugou feels his lip curl disdainfully. "Get the fuck away from my seat, Icy Hot," he snarls.

Todoroki stares back for a very tense and long moment, the others in the group looking between the two nervously. His eyes feel like they are peering into Bakugou's soul, a knowing look in them, and it disgusts Bakugou, whose sneer grows. Finally averting his gaze and instead looking to Midoriya, Todoroki stands and walks to take the chair behind the green-haired nerd.

Bakugou scoffs but takes the seat anyway, slinging his bag down to the ground and his feet up onto his desk casually. As the minutes pass, Bakugou staring out the window at the flood of the best and brightest of their generation entering the school, the rest of his classmates come in. Of course, Kaminari and Ashido are making some stupid jokes to one another when they walk through the large door.

Best and brightest, my ass, Bakugou snarks internally.

"Kacchan," Midoriya mutters from behind him, and Bakugou's gaze shoots sideways, head not moving.

"Deku," he returns hostilely.

Midoriya swallows nervously. It takes a moment for him to speak up in a whisper. "I was watching the news yesterday. How is your arm?"

Bakugou's face twists, and he turns toward Midoriya with anger raging in his red eyes like a blazing fire. "Shut. The fuck. Up," he grinds out, and Midoriya gnaws at his lip in concern.

"I know you don't want to talk about it, Kacchan, but I don't want you to get badly hurt," Midoriya defends himself, big, round, worried eyes making him look like a kicked puppy with freckles. "You always get hurt somehow, and what about when things go really wrong?" His fists tighten where they are clenched on his desk.

Bakugou raises his chin, glaring down at his childhood friend, who cowers slightly and sinks lower in his chair. "But they haven't, and I haven't, have I, you shit nerd?" He spats.

"Haven't what, Bakubro?" a cheerful voice interjects, and an arm is suddenly slung over Bakugou's shoulders.

Bakugou's angry expression fades away until it is nothing more than a slightly irritated frown with furrowed brows, eyes still pinned on the green-haired boy at the desk behind him. "It's none of your fucking business, Shitty Hair. Fuck off."

Kirishima Eijirou's large and toothy smile wanes a tad, and his head quirks to the side, vibrant red hair that sticks up in spikes that definitely do—despite Bakugou's refusal to accept the fact—look somewhat similar to Bakugou's defying gravity as he does so. "Well that's not very nice, but anyway," he diverts and slips to his knees, hands up and folded, a pleading expression and hopeful grin on his face. "I forgot how to do some of the problems on the math homework and fell asleep before I thought to text you. Would you please help me out here, bro?" he pleads.

Bakugou stares at him for a moment, mind going over how he became friends with such unstudious people, especially since they are at the best school in the country, and in the top class therein for goodness' sake! Rolling his eyes, Bakugou huffs. "Fine. Which fucking problems do you want help on, idiot?"

Kirishima exclaims in glee and tosses his arm back over Bakugou, earning another eye roll. "You're the best best bro ever!" he says, pumping a fist in the air. "Thanks, man! Hey Kaminari!" he shouts off toward the other blonde, who has been looking toward them with wide hopeful and waiting eyes for a while. "Bakubro says he'll help!" Kaminari shoots up from his seat in glee, dancing around with Ashido.

"Yeah, yeah, dumbasses," Bakugou mumbles, deciding to let slide the fact that he did not just agree to tutor Kaminari right now, though it is usually a package deal. "Math is later, so we can deal with that at lunch, alright?"

Kirishima turns his massive, squinting smile on Bakugou and gives him a thumbs up with the hand not on his shoulders. Then, hearing their teacher making his way toward the classroom, the students scamper into their own seats right as the door opens again.

Aizawa, otherwise known as the Pro Hero Eraserhead during the night, steps inside and walks to the podium in the room, unbothered. His eyes sweep the students in front of him, passing over them tiredly. This class is an interesting one, to say the least. Over the past three or so months he has been teaching them, this supposition has only solidified more over time. They are all very gifted students, to say the least. Some, such as Kaminari, Aoyama, and Ashido, require a bit of extra tutoring and such, yes, but they have all performed admirably since they began at this school.

Even the students who started the year abysmally have bettered their grades drastically. They were admitted on the basis of potential in addition to prior academic performance, after all. One part of UA's application process helps with this, after the preliminary testing. In it, a few select UA teachers survey and question past teachers, relations, and friends of the students applying. It is an operation no other school really has the means to achieve, but UA has found it important for their success. Some students simply require more patience when dealt with and a bit of a firm push, something which Aizawa is quite good at offering.

None of the students know of his identity as Eraserhead, of course. That is a strictly kept secret. In fact, although many of the teachers at this school are really Pro Heroes, they either teach only as their hero or civilian selves, retaining their secretive lifestyles. The staff are close, however, and most of them know one another's identities. When they each entered a contract with the school, the principal, Nezu, had each of the staff sign a nondisclosure agreement to hold one another's identities close to their hearts and encouraged them to get to know one another.

Really, any of these students in front of him could end up a pro like him or his associates. As stated before, they are all extremely gifted students, and this is true in ways that are not only academic but also in their quirks. Most of them, at least.

Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa has learned, under oath to keep it a secret for his colleague All Might, has been passed the number one hero's quirk. He has been going through training outside of school to one day enter their line of work and excel.

Todoroki Shouto has a very recognizable quirk that gives him power over both fire and ice. Few know of it, as he rarely uses either, but Aizawa learned it and the quirks of the other students from the papers they have on each of them. Again, these are also readable only for those staff who have signed nondisclosure agreements as teachers. It is important for them to understand the students they are working with. If the students wish to reveal their quirks, they may do so outside of school hours. However, few children broadcast their quirks until they have gone into the workforce to make sure that they will not be hindered in case they enter a job that calls for secrecy, such as Pro Hero work.

Yaoyorozu Momo can create anything she wishes as long as she understands how it is developed and has eaten enough to create it, as each object she makes consumes energy.

Kaminari Denki creates electricity. Ashido Mina secretes acid. Hagakure Toru, not requiring paperwork to be figured out, is invisible, and, though more dangerous, can still be a hero if she so chooses. The list goes on. All in all, there are plenty of strong quirks, and others that show promise if properly grown to be used how the students wish.

Then there is Bakugou Katsuki.

This society does not ridicule the quirkless. Considering how children are taught to hide their quirks if they can, quirkless children are often not even separated out from the quirked by peers, as nobody realizes they are any different. UA most certainly will never discriminate against a quirkless student. Here, a bright mind is all that matters as long as the child is not a delinquent there to cause trouble or something along those lines, which leads to prompt suspension if not expulsion.

However, is interesting to see Bakugou, marked as quirkless on his paperwork, in a class of students with such strong quirks. This does not bother, Aizawa, but he can tell there is Bakugou has been raised as the perfect academic child, and he has a surprisingly strong build. From what he can see and has learned, the boy has received nothing but hero worship from his peers and teachers throughout his life for his ability to exceed expectations in the classroom. Interestingly, despite the cacophony of complexes he seems to have built his personality atop, Bakugou is very respectful of his teachers, regarding Aizawa highly even among UA staff, and Aizawa appreciates the incentive and drive his student projects.

If any other students in his class need a study partner, Aizawa almost always sends them to Bakugou, though few he sends are actually accepted. What could Aizawa expect, though? Bakugou seems to be the loner type. He keeps to himself and cusses out anyone who tries to get too close. His attitude is abysmal to say the least, especially when he and Midoriya have too much exposure to each other. The only person the kid lets stick around him much is Kirishima, the smiley student with a hardening quirk and hair red enough to burn your eyes. Kirishima is a student with great potential, and Aizawa is glad that Bakugou is helping drag it out of him.

Really, that strange friendship has helped other students in the class as well. On one hand, Kirishima is able to stop Bakugou from going into full-blown tirades, and, on the other, Bakugou has begun to tutor Ashido, Sero, and Kaminari with Kirishima at Kirishima's request. They hold short study group meetings when all of them are present, normally only during lunchtimes, and Aizawa has never heard of Bakugou allowing any of his classmates to meet with him outside of school.

Aside from Midoriya, that is, but that does not seem to necessarily be allowed by Bakugou. The two still live in the same neighborhood and run into each other at times.

Aizawa sighs. He really should have the students do something interesting today, but he is really tired from the mission he went on tonight. Last night. It was last night, not tonight; that wouldn't make sense. "Study period," he says gruffly, scratching at his scruffy beard with one finger before laying on the ground and pulling a yellow sleeping bag out of nowhere, zipping himself into it.

Bakugou turns his head slowly toward Kirishima, who is grinning at him massively, before rolling his eyes and letting his lips quirk slightly in exasperation.

What the fuck is this dumbass even doing at this school?

Not that Bakugou is mad about it.


Does whatever explosions might
Does whatever a Kacchan can...?

I should rly stop 🥲
(I rly hope ppl put the right tune to that but y'all better know 😩)

And yo remysgallbladder here's the new fic and u better have spotted the inside joke in chapter one
Friendly reminder that no, this is not kiribaku. It's this crazy thing called a platonic relationship✨

Word Count: 1977

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