Destined Together

By KnyNovel

42.9K 1.5K 2.2K

Once upon a time, there was a land which was shared by four kingdoms. Each kingdoms has their own benefits an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
The End

Chapter 6

1.7K 51 121
By KnyNovel

Chapter 6: Foreign entries

The very next day, the redhead woke up in his bed and immediately went to get dressed. Even the maids who were bringing him his breakfast were surprised to see him up so early. He ignored his breakfast and head straight out to search for answers.

'Okaa chan's room should be around here.'

Once again, he relies on the ring in his finger to guide him towards the room he was looking for. Then, he finally arrives at where he needs to be. He gently knock on it to let the person inside know.

"Come in."

"Okaa san?" The redhead poke his head through

"Oh Tanjiro. Yes, come in."

He sees her mother is busy as usual. Her desk is filled with stacks upon stacks of paperwork. Who says running a Kingdom would be easy? He went to a chair that was right next to hers. She continues on to sign off some more documents.

"So, I heard that you decided to be a king even without a wife to accompany you." She nonchalantly said

"Hai, I wanted to help lessen your burden as soon as possible." Tanjiro look up at her

"Just you being here with me is more than enough my handsome prince." She smiled

"Um, mother, can I ask you about something?"

"What is it?"

"Do we have a magic of our own?"

Kie suddenly dropped her brush when she heard the magic word. Not please, not help, it was magic. She turned around to face her son thay was clearly confused by her behaviour.

"Where did you heard about that?" She questions him

"Um, by doing my own research?" Tanjiro tries to shrug it off

"Look, I know you would known about it sooner or later. But this is way way too soon." Kie trailed off. "Or maybe a bit too late."

"Mother? Is there something wrong?"

"Tanjiro, follow me."

Kie got up from her desk abandoning her tasks and Tanjiro follows right behind her. They both exits the room and quickly walk down the hallway they always use everyday, until they reached to a door Tanjiro had never seen before.

"Where are we going mother?"

"Just follow me Tanjiro."

Kie looked around as if to check nobody was around. And indeed nobody was and she dragged Tanjiro into the dark room.

"Its dark!"

"Calm down Tanjiro."

Then, he heard a snap of a finger and the room were lit up with fire all around the room. The room was massive with high ceiling and large space around what looks to be a table in the center. He followed Kie until they were right in front of the table with an old dusty book on top.

"What is this book?" Tanjiro asked his mother

"Tanjiro, this is something that your father should have shown you when you grew older. But he never got the chance." She blew the dusts off the book. "This is where our family learns their magic."

She flipped open the book and there's a lot of spells and descriptions written in it. Tanjiro had his eyes widens when he sees them. But somehow he had seen some of them before.

"Raging sun? Clear blue sky? Aren't those-"

"Yes it is. The sun breathing is actually one of the many way to practice the Sun magic." Kie quickly explains

"By using a sword?"

"If you looked closely, there was red flames coming off your sword yes? Those are magic being released in a slow and controlled way."

"So I do have magic." Tanjiro looked at his hands

"Yes you have." Kie looked at him. "Tanjiro."

"Hmm? Yes mother?"

"Listen to me closely." Kie kneels down before the young man. "There's a reason why we never told you about magic before."

"There's many kinds of magics that can be harnessed for good. Water magic, flame magic, earth magic, wind magic and thunder magic, all of those are the most common one."

"But this magic, the sun magic is never intended to be used for normal everyday use. Instead, it has the strength powerful enough to destroy the whole world."

"What? Why would someone want such power?" Tanjiro was confused

"That's why Tanjiro, every user that was ever born with this magic is to be taught only good things. Because if the user were to go beserk, something else may came out and......." Kie trailed off

".......Its fine, mother." Tanjiro touched her hand on the book. "I won't ever go beserk."

"Everyone will someday Tanjiro. That's why we created the rule, a king must be accompanied by a queen by his side. No other voice will reach you unless its someone that really matters to you."

"And before that day came, I will find myself a wife to be with me for the rest of my life. Just like you and Otou san." Tanjiro smiled

"Thank you Tanjiro." Kie hugged him and he hugged back. "I need to go back now. You can stay here if you want. Learn your past and forge your future."

"Thank you mother."

Kie left Tanjiro alone in the room whilst the redhead is flipping through the book reading the instructions and practising it on his own.

"I'm one step of avenging you otou san. I will learn and solve the cause of the attack three years  ago."

"I'm sure of it."












































































































































































"Take nii! Lets go and play with us in the garden!"

"Hai hai. You two can go first."

"Onee chan come as well! Play with us!"

"I still have something to do Hanako. You can go ahead and play with Shigeru. Takeo, bring Rokuta as well."

"Hai, Nezuko onee."

Nezuko is sitting inside her room doing some work of her own. She was entertaining her siblings since she was the eldest daughter. After they left her, she continue on to write something inside her books.

Unlike her other siblings, she had a different vision of what she wanted to be. She wanted to be an author writing novels and sell them for people to read it. One day she hope that it will be all around the world with people reading them, although it would be an almost impossible dream to be achieve in her time.

"Ah, I got it. She should pick one of the two." She said out aloud

As she was deeply distracted by her hobby, she didn't realize that the door behind her had opened and a figure slip through them. It was not until the figure stood behind her that she finally realized a presence.

"Did you left something behind?" She turns around

"Yeah, I just need to pick you up."

Suddenly her vision went dark as her mouth was stuffed by something. She was tied with ropes behind her back. A second figure went ahead and lifted her up on their shoulder.

"Good job onii chan! We finally caught this bitch!"

"Yeah, she was a hassle to get."

"Hey! I can hear that!" Nezuko's voice was muffled a bit

"Anyway, we need to get out of here before-"


Suddenly the door into the room was breached in and a yellow lightning figure stood in the doorway.

"Before that happens."

"Time to split!"

The two figure ran for the window with Nezuko on one of their back. But they felt something is coming as the air is drawn out of the atmosphere around them.

"Thunder breathing, first form: Thunderclap and flash!"

The yellow figure vanishes from his spot and reappears right in front of the two figure blocking the window path.


"I'm gonna drill right through your face!"

Ume as the other one call her let out a piece of cloth from her back. She manipulate them to slash at the man before them. But,

"You're not getting away, intruder."

Once again he vanishes and the piece of cloth was cut into little bits and pieces and a slash mark appears on the female intruder shoulders.


"You bastard!"

The male intruder took out a pair of sickles from behind him and throws it towards where he sees the lightning were at. But like before, the figure dodges it and got through.

"Don't think it would be that easy to dodge it!"

The sickle came back spinning this time converging onto one spot where the figure is at. Normally people would dodge again or deflect them, but he only runs faster. The sickles collides with each other and it got embedded into the floor.


"You will never escape."


"Catch her man!"

Suddenly the male figure, Gyutaro throws Nezuko out of the window and another flying figure swoop in and catched her. The yellow figure wastes no time and knock both intruder out while dashing towards the window at full speed. He shot out of it trying to catch the third one, only inches away from grabbing the foot, he failed to grab and fell down several floors down below to the ground.

"Nezuko my queen! No!!!!!!" He screamed

"Oi Monitsu! Are you alright?!" A man poke his head out of the window the man had just jumped from

"Curse them! Curse them!" The man yelled

"What happened?! Are you alright?!" A guard came up to the man

"CURSE THEM!!!!!!!!"






















"Yes Kanao?"

"Do you think he will ever reply to my letter?"

Meanwhile in the Spade Kingdom, things were a little quiet as per usual. The towns people are not going out in the cold weather and they stayed indoor to keep themselves warm.

"I'm sure he will Kanao. Don't worry about it that much." Aoi the maid reassures her companion

"Its just, somehow I felt something different when I received a letter from him." Kanao blurted out

"It would probably because you are fallen in love with him."

"Do I?"

"Of course! Don't ever deny your own feelings Kanao." Aoi cheered


As the two enjoys each other companies in the cold weather, suddenly out of the blue, the window that lead to the snowy storm outside burst into the room. The two immediately shielded themselves against the flying shards of glass. As they did that, they didn't realize that its not just wind and snow coming in, three figure entered into the room all covered up in rugged clothes fitting for the weather outside.

"Grab them!"

"And her as well?"

"Grab them both!"

Two of them made quick work of tying both women up and covers their mouths and face. All three of them nodded to each other and grew wing. Just in time for the someone to burst into the room with a clear shock in his face.

"Lets go!"

"Elemental magic: Restriction vines!"

As the three began to fly, their foot was caught by a series of vines slowly crawling up their bodies. The only one who didn't carry anybody on its back took out a knife a cut the vines on the other two.



The other two escaped and Tatsuo was unable to see through the snow storm. The only thing he got was one of the three kidnappers. He tied him up tightly and bring him along to face the king himself.

"Can this day get any worse than this?"

He quickly walked through the empty hallway until he reached to the King's main chamber. He burst in without knocking shocking the two individuals inside.






















"Your highness!"

"What is it Wan san?"

"Princess Nezuko has been taken!"


After hearing the news, the queen immediately abandoned her duty and went straight towards her daughter's room where it all happened. Inside was two individuals being tied up against the wall and a man who was guarding them.

"What happened here?" Kie was clueless

"These two are one of the kidnappers I believe. But one got away as one of our own guard risked his life to save her." Wan briefly explains

"Is he alright?"

"He fell down about ten floors down into the bush below. He only suffers broken ribs and back pain." Wan calmly explains

"Where's Tanjiro?"

"I haven't seen him for three days your highness. Perhaps we should put up a search party for him as well?" Wan suggested

"No, I think I know where he is. You need to find Nezuko. I'm entrusting this task to you Wan san." Kie quickly exits the room

"What about these two?" The guard wearing a boar head asked the man

"Throw them into the dungeon. Make sure to have five guards guarding them at all time." Wan turns around and exits the room as well

"Ugh, great. More boring work."





















"You best tell me, where did you send them to?"

Back at the Spade Kingdom, his royal highness is having a really serious discussion with one of the kidnapper that had just kidnapped one of the princess and maid.

"I won't tell you." The man refuses to answer

"You best tell me before I resorts to torture. And I will do it until you are on the death's doorstep." Giyuu menacingly said

"Where did you send my little sister to huh?! You piece of sh-"

"Calm down my dear. He isn't worth it." Giyuu calms her down

"Like I said, I won't tell! Why should I tell you the- aarrgghh!" Suddenly the vines got tighter around the man's body

"You best said it or your brain will explode like a firework." Tatsuo threatens him

"Death is better than living to see that man. F*ck all of you bitch!"

Suddenly, the man started to spasm out of control and white foams started to come out of his mouth. He was dead in a few second and Tatsuo still grip him with his vine.

"And now, he's dead. Great." Giyuu grabbed his coat

"Honey, where are you going?" Shinobu asked the man

"I'm going to find her of course." Giyuu simply said

"I'm going with you." Shinobu quickly said

"Woah wait, your majesties. If I may, this could be a trap to lure you in." Tatsuo blocks them both. "Its better if I go in your stead."

"And why should I trust you with this task to begin with?" Giyuu questions him

"I have my experience, and also its a lot safer to sacrifice me instead of losing a king who still has to lead his kingdom." Tatsuo explains

"He's right dear, it could be a trap." Shinobu started to realize

"I don't care! I'm going!" Giyuu walked out

"..........Forgive me sire."

Tatsuo used one of his vines and whipped the back of Giyuu's neck knocking him out cold. Just before he fell, Tatsuo catches him and lowers him down gently to the ground.

"Your highness, you must understand that I must do whatever it takes for this kingdom sake." Tatsuo faced Shinobu

"........Go." Shinobu simply said

"Hai. I will be going off now."

"Oh and Tatsuo kun, take this." Shinobu handed him over a ring

"What is this?"

"It can guide you to find her. It can find other ring wearers, all you gotta do is call out their name and it will show you the way."

"Right, thank you your highness." Tatsuo began to run in the hallway

"Good luck! And be careful out there!"

Tatsuo ran out to the horse shed and got on a horse. He began to kick its belly to get going and he sped out of the Spade Kingdom into the frozen forest.

"Show me Kanao sama."

He looked at his ring as he uttered out her name and it began to glow. A beam of light showed him the way and he quickly follows it to wherever it leads him to. A trap or not, he must find them at all cost.






















Back at the Sun Kingdom, Kie finally found the door to the room she had shown her son three days ago. It was so discreet that even Wan doesn't know about this place. Only the Kamado family knew about it. She open it slowly and peeked inside.

"Sun magic: Solar rotations, full cycle."

Inside she sees a figure unleashing magic in massive amount resulting for the room to light up into day time. She stood there in awe as she watches the figure danced the form with his whole body shining brightly like the sun.



As soon as he hears his mother's voice, Tanjiro stopped casting his magic spell and stood there. Kie slowly approaches him and touched his face with the palm of her hand.

"Tanjiro." Her voice cracks

"Mother? What's wrong?"

Kie told everything that had just happened to the redhead during his three days of constant training. This made him seething with slight anger and wanted to punish whoever did this dearly.

"Do we know where they were sending her?" Tanjiro asked her

"Wan san is out to find her as we speak."

"Then, I should interrogate the prisoners then."

Tanjiro briskly walked out of the room loooking to be quite angry. That's the rare side of him and only a few people had seen him in this form including his own mother. The nice and kind hearted prince is no more as he was temporarily replaced by an extremely angry one. No one dares to touch the ticking time bomb that is Tanjiro himself as he made his way into the dungeon below.























































































"Where the hell are they going?"

Wan is outside of the Kingdom right now riding on a horse tracking down the kidnapped princess. He used the ring in his hand and followed it non stop into the woods and open fields even through distant villages and after a whole day of riding, he stopped at a beach.

"No f*cking way. You gotta be f*cking kidding me." He said as he looks at his ring and into the horizon

"Brother? Is that you?"

Suddenly, another voice interrupts his thought on what to do. He turns around to see the figure he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Tatsuo? What are you doing here?"

"I was searching for someone." Tatsuo simply replied

"You're telling me that they kidnapped from the Spade Kingdom as well?" Wan crossed his arms

"What? How did you-"

"The ring." Wan cut him off

"Oh, right."

"Umu! Looks like we have a problem! A big one at that!"

Once again, a new voice came into their conversation and they both look towards the side where another figure is riding on his horse with pride looking into the distance. Both of them didn't recognise the man that looked like a flame himself.

"Urm, excuse me. Who are you?" Tatsuo asked genuinely concerned

"Oh! My name is Rengoku Kyoujuro! I'm the head butler of the royal family in the Heart Kingdom!"

'So loud.' Both siblings thought

"So, did your princess or prince get kidnapped too?"

"Nope!" Kyoujuro simply answered

"Then why are you he-"

"They took the queen!"

Both Tatsuo and Wan took like a minute to process what he had just said. When they did, they realized it and were completely baffled on what could've happened to the point that the Queen herself getting kidnapped under their nose.

"The King doesn't know about this yet! But he will soon if I don't find her quick!"

"How in the world can you looked like you were chill about it?"

"I'm not chilling! I'm panicking!" Kyoujuro shouted

"Yeah, you should be. Cause we're up against the most dangerous Kingdom of all." Wan looked at the island mass in the distance























































































"The Clover Kingdom."

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