By sujiwrites

12.2K 1K 507

𝗝𝗝𝗞 BOOK 1 (COMPLETED) BOOK 2 (ONGOING) ☊⌨✐☠ His breath fanned my cheek and I felt his soft lips touch... More

<1> Prologue
<2> First Meeting
<8> Rude
<9> Guilty
<10>The first step of Moving On
<11>Acting Shit
<14> I lost you
<15> Ignored
<17> Tired
<20> Beginning
<21> Idol
<25> Problematic
<26>Melody is deep
<28> Magical
<29>Secret bound by heart
<30> Drunk truths
<31> Showtime
<34>Nachos and Hang-Outs
<36> Kisses and Promises
<37> The day is decided
<38> Messed up
<39> Tear
<40> Onboard
<41> All A Mistake
<42> Deserved
<43> said it
<44> Stop
<45> Epilogue
<1> me? text?
<2> oh no
<3> bitch.
<4> if this is fate, i hate it


187 14 2
By sujiwrites

'You're always saying that you're gonna change'

Day 1 of dating

I walked out of class, my hands fumbling with the straps of my bag that were initially digging at my shoulder. I should've adjusted it better, but the time for my next class that was to take place in the opposite building, was running out.

I half walked, half ran towards the building, my hands carrying the heavy bag as I couldn't bear to carry it on my shoulder.

When, I felt my hand get hitched back, my back hitting something soft. I turned my neck to see who it was when I felt a hand booping my nose.

"Slow down, you wanna fall down or something?" Jungkook smiled, his front teeth peeking in between his lips, making me smile too.

"No I'm gonna be late, that's why I'm running," I replied back, as he released my hand and picked up my bag, "Good that we are going to the same building then."

"Will you really be able to carry it?" I frown as I watch Jungkook heave my bag over his other shoulder. He raised one eyebrow at my direction, "You underestimate me sweetheart."

I loved the way my heart fluttered when he said that.

Day 200 of dating

"It's actually pretty cute," I snatch the packet of chips from Jungkook's hand and lean back on the bed.

"You should really stop doing that," Jungkook pointed at the packet in my hands and I grinned, "Ooh, so scary, make me."

Saying that I tossed one chip at his face, but he easily caught it with his lips.

I raise my eyebrows in appreciation, making him grin as he laid back, securing his position beside me.

And within seconds, his lips were on me, both of us ignoring the music coming from the movie that we were watching.

It was just an excuse anyway.

Day 450 of dating

"Jungkook?! Reply me, come on!" I continuously banged on his door, his roommate standing beside me, exhaustion visible in his features.

"God damn it," I muttered. He was always pretty dramatic, but kicking out his roommate, blocking me and totally ignoring my calls were quite a stretch he was going to.

"Did you two fight again?" His roommate looked at me suspiciously, but I turned away and rolled my eyes.

"Jungkook -!" I prepared myself to shout again when the door opened, and a sleepy tired Jungkook appeared.

"Ah sorry guys I fell asleep," He rubbed his eyes, purposefully ignoring my glare.

His roommate shuffled in, complaining loudly about how worthless of a roommate he has got. And I shifted my attention towards my boyfriend.

"Jungkook are you-"

"I'm sorry Tori," He nervously shuffled in his feet, "I'll - I'll talk to you later." and then shut the door right on my face.

He didn't talk to me for the next four days.

Day 620 of dating

"That's what you are! You don't know how to control yourself and you don't know what to say in the right situations!" Jungkook shouted, making me take a step back abruptly. But I had too much ego to confess it.

"That's what I am? That's what you've come to know after all these days? Just say you regret dating me and go!"

"That's correct," He glared at me, his hands balling into fists and I could already see that he was going to regret what he was gonna say. I knew I was gonna regret everything.

"I regret dating you! I was so fucking stupid to have actually liked someone like you!"

The door banged and he was gone. Right after those words. He didn't even look at my face. Probably because he knew that he'd see me crying then.

We didn't talk for several more days and like the fool I am, I again was the one who said sorry first.

Day 826 of dating

"I'm sorry Tori, but I think it's best for
the both of us," Jungkook explained l
but I didn't couldn't believe my ears.

He was saying what? That we should break up? Take a what? A fucking break? Was he serious?

"I-I don't understand," But the frantic angry thoughts that were running in my head didn't match my voice. My voice was feeble, scared and weak. But he didn't seem to notice that.

"It's just," He roughly ran his hand through his hair, exposing his forehead,"It's just that we need to get ourselves straight first before delving into a relationship like this. Everything's going wrong, I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking that. I did so many things wrong, I did you wrong. I can't repeat those things again."

I took a step towards him," But - but he figured it out right? At the end of the day we were back to normal. So what are you talking about?"

Jungkook looked at me, and I pursed my lips because I knew what that look meant. He wasn't gonna turn back to his decisions, he clearly thought it all out.

" You'll understand after we take a break. We need this, you need this. J promise you after this we'll be back stronger. But please, I need some time."

He took my hands, squeezing them lightly and I couldn't help but nod.

He had his mind made, what could I do to change it?

Not to mention how a part of me wanted to be the first one to suggest this.

Present day

I looked at Jimin nervously, my eyes carefully analyzing his face to see any hint of surprise or disgust.

Because that's what I was doing now, I was being disgusting. Disgusting as a person, disgusting as a friend, even disgusting as a stranger.

But this probably was the truest thing I did after a while. A thing I did meaningfully, not as a responsibility, but according to my wish.

Jimin stared at me for some time, but he didn't show any sign of shock or surprise. He was just blankly staring, as if trying to figure if it was a joke.

"I'm not joking," I said, just to be sure and he burst out laughing.

Now, it was my turn to stare at him as he lost his voice laughing. If it was to be an other situation, I would've laughed along with him and thought he was cute but it wasn't a situation like that.

He kept laughing, even choked on it, and then proceeded to grab the glass present on the table as he poured himself some water.

He kept coughing, calming down after he drank the water and then heaved a big sigh.

All this while, I blankly stared at him, waiting him to finish. I couldn't figure if it was this funny, either it was too predictable or it was at that level of shock.

Jimin still managed to throw another chuckle before he finally looked at me, "I believe you didn't even think this through."

"I didn't," I answered honestly, "I'm working on instinct."

Jimin's face held a small smile, the kind of smile that looked as if he's mocking me, and dug his shoulders onto the table. His chin rested on his knuckles and then he looked at me.

"It might seem wild and all, but you Tori," He said, "aren't wild. You work slowly but steadily. So think this through again. Complete a chapter before you start one again. Or it might be dangerous."

He stood up, his chair moving back as he wore his coat and then proceeded to walk by me.

"So you don't like me?" I looked at my hands which were clutching my jacket tightly.

He stopped, and after a second I could hear him backtrack his way towards me.

My chair got dragged back, a sharp screech sound filling the air and got turned around to face the other side.

Jimin was sitting on his toes, his eyes big and intent as they stared at me.

"I like you a lot Tori. So much that walking away right now is physically hurting me. But I have to, we can't turn this into a villain story, we can't hurt someone else to chase our happy endings. That's wrong."

He took my hands, rubbing our palms together. His were warm.

"Think this through again. Make your mind and complete the chapter. I promise I won't judge you."


I watched Namjoon breath in and prepare himself to enter the stage. The second round was today and me and Jin were standing backstage as we waited for him to move in and the show to start.

I've never seen Namjoon nervous before, and now he was frantically jogging as if getting sweaty and tired could get him to be less nervous.

Contrary to my blank expression, Jin was actually chuckling at Namjoon's antics as he threw him a thumbs up.

The hosts came on stage and announced the names of the students participating. Namjoon breathed in heavily and entered the stage, it was him against Choi Soobin.

Soobin looked quite young, but having known myself I didn't underestimate him. I still hoped Namjoon would win though.

Jin nudged me, pointing towards the audience where the rest were sitting and waiting for us.

I nodded, but then stopped him as I remembered the question that had been bugging me since the past few days.

"Are you two dating?" I asked and I watch Jin's face shrink.

"Who do you mean?"

"You know who," I raised my eyebrows meaningfully and he chuckled stupidly, "I'm not dating Voldemort."

I pressed my lips together, so he wasn't gonna say it.

"Nothing leave it."

A/n: Important question, ya'll think I should add the Namjoon debating part too? It's hard to think of topics but I also don't wanna leave a part out :(

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