Dark World (BakuDeku)

By NashiABadie

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Zombie apocalypse Ft My hero academia ๐Ÿ˜ƒ More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Ten

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By NashiABadie

Location: Class 3-A dorms
Date: February 23rd
Time: 8:00pm
No one's POV:

Everyone was in the dorms sitting down, the girls and some of the guys were sitting on the couches while some of the other guys were sitting on chairs.

Aizawa was pacing back and forth trying to get his thoughts together before talking with his students.

After a few minutes he sighed and stopped pacing "first of all Ashido you were way out of line in that meeting" he said glaring over at her.

She leaned back on the couch and huffed "I was only saying what we were all thinking" she frowned.

He sighed "I don't care, she's the head of commission, she is the law when it comes to heroes, meaning she's my boss. She gives me an order and I follow that's how it works. You're my student you follow my orders, so if she tells me to do something that involves my students then I do it, simple." He explains before huffing "I don't like the thought of sending you guys out there alone but I have faith that I'll see all of you back here safe and sound by the start of next week okay?" He said looking over the class.

"The game plan is that you all will make your way to the city and go to the location that she has sent you, when you get there I need you guys to find the safest area you can find and make a base, fortify it and make it safer. Then I need you guys to come up with a plan to scan that area, be careful and be cautious but also make sure you're being observant at all times, understood. Momo and Iida I expect you two to give everyone a job, whether it's patrolling, scouting, or whatever, make sure you think through things before doing them; Do. Not. Risk. It. If you don't have a 50% chance of succeeding. Understood?"

"Understood" the class said.

Aizawa looked over his shoulder before looking back at the class "and if you run into trouble that you feel is way over your head then drop the whole mission and come back home, got it? I don't care what the head says, I'll deal with her when the time comes but remember what I said" he stressed.

They all nodded making him sigh "okay, get some sleep and get yourselves together. I'll be here tomorrow morning around 10. Be ready at that time" he said before leaving the dorms.

Mina frowned and stood up "I'm going to bed" she said before walking off to her room.

Midoriya sighed and combed his fingers through his short hair. "I think I'm gonna turn in too, I'll see you guys in the morning" he frowned getting up.

As Midoriya walked to the elevator he heard his other friends dispersing to their own rooms. He sighed as the elevator dinged and the doors opened allowing him access to the inside.

He clicked his floor and leaned on the railing waiting for the doors to close when Bakugou slipped in as the doors started to close.

Bakugou nodded at Midoriya before clicking his floor.

As they waited they enjoyed the peace and quiet they got, after a whole day of making runs and hearing Mina argue with the class and the head they were tired and exhausted.

"She's gotta point" Midoriya finally said watching the numbers light up.

"I know but it's just the way she went about it. She thinks we're not aware of anything going on and that's simply not the case. Instead of talking to us and coming up with a way to bring it up to Aizawa she wailed on all of our assess, skipped Aizawa and went straight for the head. Just fucking reckless" Bakugou grumbled.

Midoriya smirked "please we both know you were two seconds away from cursing that lady out yourself" he chuckled.

Bakugou cracked a smile, it was true. While Mina was going off in the meeting, Bakugou was fuming in his seat, smoke was slipping through his fist as they clenched.

It was hard but he was able to keep his anger from boiling over, which was a good thing.

Bakugou's eyes trailed over to Midoriya's as his smile morphed into a smirk too "don't think I didn't see you holding yourself back too Deku" he teased.

Midoriya laughed "yeah well she pissed me off when she said she would kick Mina out the school" he scoffed.

Bakugou nodded "that pissed me off too, anyway how you feeling about this new mission?" He asked changing the subject so he wouldn't get angry again.

Midoriya shrugged "just another job to me ... I'm trying not to get my hopes up so I won't be so disappointed if it doesn't go the way we want it to" he admitted gripping the railing "I'm trying to stay calm, something I'm not used to doing but I'll figure it out" he said.

Bakugou nodded as the bell dinged "well don't forget you can talk to me Deku, I'm not going anywhere" he smiled.

He nodded "I know Kacchan" he said walking out of the elevator as it closed again leaving him in a empty hallway.

"But I can't keep relying on you being there ... who knows you might be the next one to go" he mumbled to himself with a small sad smile.

With that he walked to his room and turned in for the night.

Time skip: February 24th (the next day) 9:49am.

Midoriya walked into the kitchen in his hero suit looking at the girls as they packed some food in their book bags, making sure to only pack the food that couldn't go bad. The power was out in the whole city but because the school had a back up generator, none of their food went bad.

Midoriya smiled at them and grabbed an apple, before walking back into the common area where the rest of the guys were at.

They were all patiently waiting for their teacher to come and pick them up, they already had everything they needed.

Supplies, food, some sleeping clothes, personal objects they might need, and now they were sure they were prepared.

"I'm scared guys" Mineta mumbled.

Ever since the incident he's been a little more quieter and distant, he was genuinely terrified, and all he wanted was to stay in bed and lock away all the walkers for good but because of his career choice, he was forced to get up everyday.

"Don't worry Mineta as long as we have each other we're gonna be okay, our only focus for right now should be getting to that location and finding a safe place to camp at" Iida said fixing his glasses.

"Easier said than done, we don't even know what's happening in the city. How do you expect us to find a safe place? What if there isn't any?" Mineta folded his arms.

Deku took a bite of his apple and started to chew before stepping into the conversation himself.

"First and for most we'll have Jirou listen in before we even step foot in that area, and if she can locate a safe place then we'll follow her. But if there isn't one then we'll just set up camp outside of the city, simple" he shrugged before taking another bite of his apple and plopping down on one of the couches.

"See Midoriya already thought of a plan, nothing to worry about" Iida smiled.

Mineta sighed "sounds okay for now I guess" he relaxed still feeling a bit iffy about going out there.

"Time to go"

The guys all jumped at hearing Aizawa's voice, they turned to see him standing near the door "jeez Mr. Aizawa you could at least make noise when you enter the room" Kaminari frowned sitting up from the couch.

Aizawa shrugged "come on, we don't have all day" he mumbled tiredly.

As they were told they all grabbed their bags and followed him out, the girls came out the kitchen with their bags and followed as well.

As they were traveling towards the gate they stayed silent, trying to calm their nerves and remember that they have each other.

"Glad to see all of you made it, Ashido I'm especially glad to see you're here considering 'I can't tell you what to do'" the head smirked with her arms folded.

Mina chuckled "I'm only here because my teacher told me I had to be, if he hadn't, I damn sure would've still been in bed but go off I guess" she said with boredom in her tone.

The class bit back their laughs as they watched the head's eye twitch.

"Okay! Moving on ... they're ready" Aizawa said making eye contact with the head.

She grunted and glared over at the class "remember what I said, I want you out there for a week, make sure the other pros are alive and if they're not come back at the end of the week, understood?" She lifted a brow.

Everyone stayed quiet with there eyes on Aizawa, very much ignoring the women.

She frowned "Eraser"

"Understood?" He asked side eyeing his petty students.

"Understood sir" they all said simultaneously.

The head rolled her eyes "you're all dismissed" she said waving them off.

Aizawa nodded at Todoroki; getting the message he walked over to the ice wall he created and melted off the wall, as he did that Aizawa nodded at Cementoss whom was standing by the wall to let down his cement wall that was behind the ice wall.

When all that was taken care of Aizawa walked his students out of school grounds before stopping in front of them.

"You have the map right?" He asked looking at Iida.

Iida nodded "yes sir"

"Good, now I didn't want to say this before I got confirmation but I had a talk with the head and we both agreed that if you all make it back alive and okay with useful information then she would promote you guys to pros, meaning you will no longer be considered heroes in training but full fledge heroes. I wish we could've done this at your graduation but as you can see that is no longer an option right now" Aizawa explained.

The class was shocked, a smile breaking onto all of their faces in excitement. "Wait are you serious?!" Mina squealed.

"He better be serious" Kaminari mumbled.

Ignoring that last comment Aizawa nodded "does it look like I make jokes" he frowned.

"No, but you do time to time" Kirishima chuckled.

Aizawa grunted "whatever, I'll see you in seven days, be safe and remember your reward let that fuel your motivation to succeed" he said before walking towards the school again.

Iida cleared his throat shaking his excitement and going straight back into leader mode "okay you heard him, everybody stay together, if we do that then we should make the journey by 1:00pm with no distractions. From there we'll go with Midoriya's plan and have Jirou do her part" he explained.

Jirou lifted a brow "my part? When was I gonna be told about this?" She asked.

"Oh yeah she was in the kitchen when we discussed this" Kirishima hummed.

"Basically we'll need you to listen for any safe places in the city that we can camp at" Bakugou grunted.

"And if there isn't any?" Asui asked.

"Then we camp outside of the city" Midoriya answered with a determined expression.

"Everyone caught up?" Iida asked.

"Yes" the girls said.

"Okay then, just in case we get ambushed we need a strong line. For quirks that aren't good for offense and defense get in the middle; Kaminari, Bakugou, and Todoroki you'll be the back of us, Todoroki will be dead last so he can protect us with his ice as defense, then we'll have Kaminari in front of him so he can paralyze any attackers as another form of defense but also as offense, then we'll have Bakugou in front of Kaminari as our main offense to protect our back side. Next I need Midoriya, Tokoyami, and Kirishima up front. Kirishima will be side by side with me as line leader. Tokoyami will be behind us and Midoriya will be behind him. Now everyone get in position, and I'll rearrange you if I feel need be" he instructed.

After a minute of making the line this is everyone's position and job.

(Front Leader) - Iida , Kirishima - (Defense front)
Tokoyami - (defense and offense)
Midoriya - (main offense)
Jirou - (ears)
Asui - (side watcher)
Koda- (extra help(if needed))
Mineta - (extra help(if needed))
Uraraka - (escape plan)
Momo - (back leader)
Mina - (side watcher)
Bakugou - (main offense)
Kaminari - (defense/offense)
Todoroki - (defense (rear))

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