The Prince is Mine (Stolitz)

By LaShippingPrincessa

40.8K 1K 2K

After being shunned by his father about being a terrible criminal, Blitzø breaks into the palace and kidnaps... More

New Book!
1. The Plan
2. Kidnapping The Prince
3. Change of Plans
4. Good Boy
Good Boy (Dark Version🚨)
Don't Panic
5. On the Run
6. New Plan
7. Royal Ball
8. Van (Practice Smut)
New Book!!
9. Pacifist
10. Crazy in Love
11. You will be okay
15. Lesson Learned
16. Recovery
17. Safe

12. New Home

1.4K 49 66
By LaShippingPrincessa

After fleeing from the cops and guards, Millie got word from her parents that there was a rather large farm for sell that was hidden behind the trees. But nobody could afford it because of everything it came with. So Millie showed Stolas and he immediately purchased it. The farm would be a phenomenal gift for Blitz.

"Where are we going? And where is Stolas?" Blitzø asked.

"Don't worry, sir. The prince is already there at your new home with your present!" Moxxie smiled.

Loona was on her phone with her things packed in the van. "This place better have WiFi."

Blitzø just sighed, but his eyes widened once the trees were cleared. A very large farmhouse with a big barn beside it, crops growing out of the ground and a pond on the far right side of the farmhouse. He got out of the van and stared in awe. "Stolas bought this..?"

Millie got out as well and nodded. "Here's your first surprise!"

"And your second should be riiight.." Moxxie looked at his watch.

Blitzø was immediately distracted by the distant neighs and galloping noises. His jaw almost hit the ground when he saw Stolas riding a grey horse with a flaming mane and tail. He was followed by several other horses.

Stolas pulled back to stop the horse. "Surprise!"

Blitzø's eyes lit up like a kid in Toys R Us, but he was kind of skeptical. "Am I seriously dreaming this dramatically?"

The love of his life, on a horse farm, riding a horse. Maybe he was dreaming. Maybe this was all in his head. Maybe he never even met Stolas or his employees.

He was interrupted by a harsh pinch.

"OW! What the fuck Mils?!"

Millie smiled. "You looked like you were gonna say it wasn't real, so I pinched ya!"

Blitzø rubbed his arm with a pout. "'s real? They're real? Stolas riding a horse isn't just a fantasy dream?"

Stolas giggled. "Everything is real, darling. Millie informed me of a farm that was isolated from the authorities. They took a tour of the farm and showed me pictures. But somehow no one could afford such a beautiful property. Now I see why! They're breeding wild horses! I had to buy it for us!"

Loona looked up from her phone. "Oh, we moved to a farm. Eh. Better than being shot at through the walls."

If Stolas wasn't married, Blitzø would straight up marry him right now. But he decided that pulling him off the horse and making out with him was a much better choice.

"You beautiful fucking bird. I love you so much." Blitzø cooed.

Stolas chuckled as he was smothered in kisses. "Easy cowboy!"

Blitzø pulled the prince up and attempted to climb on the horse. "Come on...just a-...fuck me..."

Stolas smiled and hoisted the struggling imp up a little. "That was half my energy, Blitzy."

"I'll make it up to you, baby. Promise." Blitzø kissed his cheek and began happily riding the horse around the farm.

Stolas jumped a bit, feeling his phone ringing in his pocket. Once he saw his daughters name, he immediately answered. "Via!-"

"Dad!" Octavia was on the other line, sobbing heavily. "Please come home!"

"Settle down, my little owlet. What's the matter? What's going on?"

Octavia sniffed and wiped her eyes. "I want you back is yelling at me constantly not being a 'perfect princess' and she said I'll never inherit your crown. She s-said that you only keep me because you're lonely..."

Stolas felt his body heat up drastically from anger. "Octavia, grab my book and pack a bag. I'lol have someone pick you up."

"O-okay..." Once she hung up, Stolas rushed into the field. "Blitz! I need your help!"

Blitzø immediately halted the horse. "What's wrong?"

"....I need you to kidnap my daughter." Stolas said.

Blitzø looked confused but then it hit him. "The bitch being a bitch I assume."

Stolas nodded. "I just want my baby here with me. Pleeease blitzy?"

"Alright, I'll get her. But you owe me, pretty bird." Blitzø grinned.

"Of course." Stolas kissed the imps cheek.

Blitzø hopped off the horse and into the van where he drove off towards Stolas's mansion. He just had to figure out a way to get past those guards.

Ah fuck it. He'd just kill more of em.

Meanwhile Octavia sat on her bed with a suitcase and her father's grimoire in her arms. She was nervous about leaving everything behind. But then again, she didn't really have anything but her father.

Blitzø kicked in the young owls bedroom door in, covered in blood. "You Stolas's daughter?"

Octavia slowly nodded nervously. Why would her father send the imp?

"Oh no you don't, you little termite!" Stella stormed towards the bedroom. "Stay away from my daughter!"

Blitzø just shut the door in her face and locked it. "Alright, come on."

Octavia quickly got up with a suitcase in one hand, the grimoire in another. "How are we going to do this?"

Blitzø stood in the window. "I need you to trust me. I need you to jump."

"What?!" Octavia was startled by the guards nearly breaking in the door.

"Fuck it, hold on!" Blitzø lifted the young princess and jumped out of the window.

Octavia kept her eyes closed and thought she had died until she was sat on something soft.

"You're fine, sweetheart. Don't worry." Blitzø ruffled her head. He whistled and a van came out of hiding.

Octavia looked down at the random mattresses under the bushes. "Oh..."

Blitzø opened the back doors and allowed Octavia to get in.

"Princess Octavia! Are you hungry, tired, thirsty? I have spare blankets!" Moxxie said.

Blitzø slapped him on the back of the head. "Leave the poor kid alone, you soccer mom."

The ride to the farm wasn't very long or short, but it was still quiet until Octavia spoke up.

"Imp? Why did you kidnap my dad?"

Blitzø looked up from his phone. "Well kiddo, to be honest...I wanted to prove that I was a better criminal than my father. So I did something he never thought of. Kidnapping a Goetia. Your dad's pretty face just happened to be in my line of sight. But yeah, I showed my dad and he immediately tried killing him. So I took your dad home with me."

Octavia looked at her hands. "...Do you love him?"

"Very much. I've only known him a year but he's flipped my life around." Blitzø said. "And judging by how absolutely bitchy, excuse my French, your mother is. I see why he's happier with me."

"She's the worst." Octavia smiled.

"Yknow kid, you remind me of my daughter."

"You have kids??"

Blitzø chuckled. "One. An adopted hellhound named Loona. She bites and she's rebellious but she's overall a sweetheart."

Octavia smiled and was about to ask another question but the back doors opened.

"Okay, princess! You can come out!" Millie smiled.

Octavia slowly got out of the van, still holding the grimoire while Blitzø pulled out her suitcase.

"Stolas! STOLAS!" Blitzø shouted. "Where'd he go?"

Moxxie and Millie both shrugged.

"I'm coming!" Stolas came out of the farmhouse.

Octavia's eyes lit up. "Dad!"

"Via!" Stolas opened his arms and allowed his daughter to jump in them.

"I've missed you..." She smiled with tears in her eyes.

Stolas wiped her eyes with his thumb and kissed her forehead. "I've missed you as well, my little starfire. Welcome to our new home."


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