Avenging the Avengers [Book 1...

By GirlWithTheRedShorts

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Two years after the civil war between the avengers has begun, their children come together secretly and becom... More

Chapter 1: Kaden
Chapter 2: Olivia
Chapter 3: Patrick
Chapter 4: Olivia
Chapter 5: Tye
Chapter 6: Kaden
Chapter 7: Olivia
Chapter 8: Patrick
Chapter 9: Tye
Chapter 10: Olivia
Chapter 11: Kaden
Chapter 12: Patrick
Chapter 13: Olivia
Chapter 14: Tye
Chapter 15: Olivia
Chapter 16: Kaden
Chapter 17: Patrick
Chapter 18: Tye
Chapter 19: Olivia
Chapter 20: Patrick
Chapter 21: Kaden
Chapter 22: Olivia
Chapter 23: Patrick
Chapter 24: Tye
Chapter 25: Olivia
Chapter 26: Patrick
Chapter 27: Kaden
Chapter 28: Tye
Chapter 29: Olivia
Chapter 30: Patrick
Chapter 32: Tye
Chapter 33: Olivia
Chapter 34: Patrick
Chapter 35: Kaden
Chapter 36: Patrick
Chapter 37: Olivia
Chapter 38: Tye
Authors note
Other Note

Chapter 31: Kaden

92 8 8
By GirlWithTheRedShorts

It took the healers only 30 minutes to get Olivia stable. We lost her for a few seconds after we brought her into the room but the magic that these healers possess is really quite remarkable.

They brought her back and now she is subjected to 45 minutes of bed rest. Only 45 minutes! It is apparently equivalent to 4-6 weeks of bed rest if she had not had the healers treat her. But with their help her recovery time is basically nothing.

The nurses say that she should be coming to any time now. Once she wakes up, she will only need to stay resting for 5 minutes more, just while the healers run their final tests on her to make sure she isn't still dying.

After that we will be free to leave and olivia will be completely healed. Nothing will be left except for a long scar across her chest from the stab mark. It will blend in though. She got a lot of scars from Loki torturing her, so it won't seem out of place at all.

"Kaden?" I hear Olivia's voice croak, drowsily from beside me. I turn my head and look down at her. "How long was i out?"

"You were in with the healers for a half hour then another 10 minutes of you being out while you were sleeping." I explain. "The nurses say that once they are done their tests on you (it win take about 5 minutes) then we can leave!"

"Great!" Olivia exclaims. "Ouch!" She jumps as a nurse removes a long needle from her body. It lead from the upper right side of her neck down to her heart. I don't know how it works exactly, but apparently it pumps some sort of ambrosia-like liquid into her heart to heal the wound. It is part of the reason why her recovery is so fast.

A few minutes later we are ready to leave. Then we remember that as soon as we step out the door, Olivia will be attacked by her followers with millions of questions about everything. So Olivia uses her new power as future Queen of Asgard to ask the healers to cover for her.

"Can you please tell the others outside that i am not to be spoken to or bothered. Tell them i am going on a relaxing vacation with no stress to help relieve the pressure and risk of having heart failure again. Please?" She asks the head healer.

"Of course, your majesty!" She replies. "But, of course, you already know that there is no risk to your health now. You are perfectly healthy and do not need a relaxing trip. Your heart is fine and stress wont hurt it anymore. "

"Yes i know this." Olivia replies respectfully. "But i would greatly appreciate it if you could still lie and tell them about the vacation and no stress thing... I kind of have to go fast and i don't have much time to waste by talking with them."

"Yes your highness." The head healer replies, bowing her head and curtsying. She hurries out of the room and makes the announcement.

While she is announcing the fake announcement, Olivia and i hurry off to her old chambers. She quickly sorts through her clothes. I pull my hair into a braid so it is not in my face. She throws an outfit to me and tells me to throw it on.

Once i have the clothes on i hear a light beep coming from the bottom of the shirt. The clothes start to shift to fit my body perfectly.

"It's body armour!" Olivia shouts from behind her changing wall. "It will keep you safe from burns, bullets, and heavy objects falling on the covered parts of your body. Pretty cool huh? Plus! It fits under your suit and all of you other clothes."

"Thanks!" I shout back to her. Then Olivia steps out from where she was changing. She walks over to me. Now she is wearing full body armour. She has a tight fitting red mini-dress that loosens around the hips. She has a hidden dagger strapped to her thigh and the tip pokes out from the bottom of her dress.

Over top of the dress, she is wearing a gold chest plate and a matching sheathe hangs from her belt. In it sits a gorgeous dagger. It has a gem in its base that looks like a ruby but isn't. It must be some sort of gem from Asgard. Her hair is elegantly pulled up to keep it out of her face. She finishes of the look with a pair of military style black boots.

"Ready to go?" She asks.

"Yeah!" I say. "Is that you battle armour?"

"It's my special armour." She explains "Asguardians usually dress up in their best armour for when they go for their biggest battles. It is a way to intimidate the enemy. Also it is deceptive. It is actually more protective than it looks and i have a ton of weapons hidden under it."

"Ooh! Fun!" I say. "Is there any secrets in mine?"

"Yeah! If you tap your left wrist then it brings your suit to you and it assembles on you. If you tap your right wrist it activates a transporter seed that is set in it. Just tap and picture the location you want to go to. But be careful because you only have 5 seeds. So only use them in case of emergency." She explains.

"Got it. Left wrist, suit. Right wrist, transport. And only use the right wrist in case of emergency." I repeat. "Ready to head back to earth? I bet the guys are worrying about where we are."

"Yeah... We were supposed to be back over an hour ago..." Olivia says slowly. "Meredith, the head healer, should be finished telling the others off by now. It's probably safe for us to head home now."

Olivia grabs a few more weapons and some personal items. Then, we head out towards the bifrost. Our trip back from the palace is much faster than our trip to it, since now we don't have people pestering us with questions every two seconds.

Once we arrive at the bifrost, Hiemdell does not say a word. H simply more his sword into position in the centre of the globe shaped room and turns it.

Olivia and i are magically transported back to earth. Surprisingly i don't feel as sick after this trip. We catch our breath and look around at our surroundings.

We are back in the valley that we were in before. The grass is still long and the flowers grow freely with the butterflies and things like that. The only difference is that now, there is a large circle around where we are standing. the grass around us was incinerated from the blast of the bifrost. He ground inside the circle is filled with strange asguardian markings that must symbolize that the bifrost has been opened in that location.

We step out of the circle and make our way back to the truck. I hop into the drivers seat and Olivia climbs into the passenger seat right beside me.

We drive in silence for a for a couple hours. Once we are only a couple minutes away from the base when Olivia leans over and turns on the radio. Instantly music starts blaring through the speakers of the truck.

I immediately recognize the song that comes on. It is 'Blank Space' by Taylor Swift. Olivia and i turn to each other and start shouting out the lyrics to the song. We are just pulling up to the base as the best part comes on. We both put all of our hearts into it as we sing.

"Screaming! Crying! Perfect storms! Keep you second guessing like 'oh my god! Who is she?' I get drunk on jealousy! But you'll come back, each time you leave!" We sing together. We look over to each other as we stop the car and sing the next line: "Darling im a nightmare, dressed like a daydream!"

We squeal and continue singing the chorus. Olivia suddenly stops singing and taps my shoulder to tell me to stop too. I turn to look at what she is staring at.

I see Patrick and Tye staring at us in confusion. They must think we are insane... i mean, the way we were singing the song we sure looked it. We hop out of the car and run over to them.

"Really? We're here preparing for our big battle tomorrow and you two are sitting in the truck singing like little kids?" Tye asks.

"Yeah... So?" I say. I give him a tight hug and he winces at the touch. I look up at him and see that his face is covered in cuts and bruises.

My focus rushes over to Patrick. He is unharmed. What the hell did he do to Tye?

"What the hell happened to you?" I demand from Tye.

"Oh... You mean this..." Tye asks, motioning to his face. "Me and patrick got in a little tiny fight... Long story short he would have won..." Tye says. His voice trails of quietly as he says the next part of his sentence. "If Loki hasn't have shown up and stopped us first... But that doesn't matter right now. What matters is that we get ready for the battle tomorrow."

"Excuse me?!" You and Patrick got in a fight! Then Loki was here! Are you okay? What did Loki do?" I ask, beginning to panic.

"We're okay. Don't worry about it." Patrick says, putting his arm around Olivia's waist. "My dad just popped by to tell me that he watched Star Wars... And to ask me to join him... I said no! Don't worry!"

"Well what were you and Tye fighting about?" Olivia asks him.

"Nothing really. It was no big deal..." Patrick says.

"No, it IS a big deal. What was it about?" She asks again.

"Umm... Tye wouldn't take his foot out of my door so we agreed to fight over it..." Patrick says. He winces at the end as if he knows that he was in the wrong and expects to be slapped for it. I decide to do the honours.

I slap him across the face. "Why the hell would you two be stupid enough to do that?" I demand.

"Because you two weren't around to mediate us..." Tye says wincing away from me, expecting me to slap him too. Instead, Olivia does the honours this time. She slaps tye hard across the face.

"Next time, deal with your own damn problems! Me and sammi wont always be here to settle your petty arguments." She says sternly.

"Okay! Okay! Just stop hitting us!" Patrick says.

"Fine..." Olivia laughs. He kisses her cheek as we walk back into the base.

Now we have to prepare to fight a much bigger fight than Tye and Patrick had today. Tomorrow we will be fighting against the most feared person in the universe, to try and save the planet earth from certain death by the frost giants. But most of all, Tomorrow is the day that we will avenge our fallen parents. We will avenge them and everything they stood for. Tomorrow, we will avenge the avengers.

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