Acrimony: Unhinged Return

By Twisted_Truths

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Adjusting to the new life of parents. Past trauma plague Melinda and Derrick. With stress mounting a common g... More

Summary & Cast
Love Of My Life
Right By You
Do You
Bringin It Down
Next To You
Say Yes
Nasty Girl
If You Let Me
Hate Our Love
You're Making Me High
You're my Latest, My Greatest Inspiration
Late Night Drive
Easy on Me
Love in the Sky
Something In My Heart
A Woman's World

Next to You

300 16 17
By Twisted_Truths

Waking up sharply at 8 in the morning. Dean started his Saturday morning routine. He kept a structured home and expected things to be in tip top shape. Not because he was a drill sergeant but because this strict structure was what kept his kittens sane. Many underestimated the power of a good routine. Doing his hygiene for the morning. He pulled on his black and gold Versace robe, and slid into his plush comfort Versace house shoes. Checking the time on his phone reading 9 o'clock.

The weekly house check underway. On a daily basis he expected to come home to a clean home. Once a week he had a house check for all chores though. Not just a clean kitchen or bathroom. Starting with the Kitten Room. The lounge area for his kittens to enjoy themselves with company. He strolled around the room making sure things were in order. This was Deja's job this week. His girls all had different clean styles. Deja always left a room smelling like soft Lavender and Vanilla.

Next on his checklist his office and the gym. Finding the gym smelling sanitized, and his office clean. Tiara leaving behind some of his favorite snacks. On his desk the next set of jobs. Courtney completing the water intake results of this past week. He looked at the numbers making a mental note to tell Lira to drink more water. It was important for his girls to be hydrated. He put their bodies through a lot in the dungeon. Between sweating, crying, and cumming they needed all the water they could get.

With tomorrow being the job shift, Courtney's meal plan for the next week on his desk as well. He kept his girls on a healthy diet for the most part. He just required that they get their healthy fill of nutrition a day. Allowing Tuesdays and Fridays to be cheat days where he didn't care what was on the menu. Whoever had cooking for the week was tasked with breakfast and dinner. Lunch was an everyone for themselves deal. Pleased with what she had planned, he headed to do the second to last job check before breakfast.

Once a week the dungeon was to be cleaned. That meant change of sheets, robes washed, organizing things. Most importantly sanitization. Anytime a toy was in contact with bodily fluids it was dropped in a bin of a cleaning solution. Depending on material determined what was used to clean it. It was up to the tasked sub to make sure she fulfilled her role. If you were smart every morning you would just take care of toys from the previous day. It kept you from having such a big mess to clean Friday. He expected to find a cleanly organized room. Instead finding the room in various stages of clean up. A frown taking over his features. Deepening seeing Alicia coming out of the small room that housed the washer and dryer for the dungeon.

"Shit shit shit!" She hissed, dropping her head instantly freezing in place.

"Come." He called, she rushed over falling to her knees in front of him.

Stepping around her he continued his inspection. Toys were not all cleaned. Things were in order aside from the toys missing. He was assuming laundry was underway. Equipment looked wiped down. The bed was bare and unmade. He tsked walking back to Alicia.

"What are you doing in here Alicia? I advise a truthful explanation." He questioned, lacing his fingers behind his back as he looked down at her.

"Cleaning, Master." She softly spoke.

"Yes, I can see that clearly. Why?" He snapped, she knew the notion of his question. He wasn't in the mood for cheeky behavior.

"Because......Lira forgot Master. I just wanted to help her out. I didn't want her to get in trouble with you. She just seems kinda sad lately. I was just trying to help." She answered, he hummed shaking his head. Alicia was like the mother hen of his harem. Being the oldest of the girls, she just embodied the role. She found herself in the most trouble when she was picking up the slack of everyone else.

"We've talked about this before Alicia. Countless times and it seems you never hear me. It is not your job to pick up the slack of your submates. Each of them knows what is asked of them. They choose to disobey and disregard. A punishment that is theirs gets shared with you because you want to be the savior. This was your week off." He spoke.

"I know......I'm sorry Master."

"I'm disappointed with your choices. But since you want to share the burden you will. For the rest of the day the privilege to walk, and eat with us is revoked. Is that understood?" He dropped, he watched her shoulders sag. Her punishment was essentially to crawl everywhere all day, as well as being reduced to eating on the floor. The bright side at least was she still had speech and clothes. She wasn't in too much trouble.

"Yes, Master." She answered.

"You're dismissed." He spoke, turning on his heels and walking off.

Not checking to see if she was crawling. She knew better than to try and play him. Sore knees were better than physical correction. Back upstairs he walked into the kitchen. The last job check making sure Iris was finishing her week of cooking off strong. Breakfast on its way to the table. With that out of the way. He looked for his troublesome subbie. The rest of them waiting at the dining table for breakfast. Lira laying at the table with her head in her arms. As if she didn't have an uncompleted job.

"Lira!" He snapped, his tone making everyone at the table drop their heads. Morning chatter coming to a halt.

"Yes, Master?" She answered, raising her head to look at him from being addressed.

"Kennel." He ordered.

"What? Awwwww! What did I do, Master?" Lira whined.

"Your tasks are not completed. I found Alicia doing your job. Let's go!" He snapped, her mouth dropped realizing that had slipped her mind. She had been so focused on finding Redd last night. The dungeon was not a thought in her mind. She knew it was her fault but she couldn't help her mouth from running.

"I didn't ask her to do it for me! I just forgot! It was an accident." Lira whined out, getting a kick under the table from one of the girls.

"Ouch! Which one of you heifers did that? It was yo ass wasn't it Court? That shit hurt!" Lira hissed out, not paying attention to Dean. Racking up two strikes just like that. Talking back, and not giving him her full attention. She squeaked as a strong hand clamped the back of her oversized T Shirt. Yanking her out of her chair.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry Master." She rushed.

"MOVE YOUR ASS BEFORE I KICK IT!" He boomed, the fire from a heavy handed slap on her bare ass nearly making her jump out her skin.

She nodded quickly, once released scurrying as fast as she could down to the dungeon. She didn't necessarily hate the kennel. It was bare like a dog's kennel was. The dungeon bed was tall, with a considerable space under it. That was the kennel space, you couldn't stand only crouch in the space. The bottom of the beds frame wooden bars, with a gate. A padded soft flooring that was comfortable but not too nice. There was a single pillow and a blanket in there. That was all that there was. The punishment was in the isolation where boredom was a killer. Crawling into the space she sat in the middle.

The amount of times she found herself here was laughable. It should be named after her at this point. As she waited to be locked in she looked around the room from what she could see. Alicia was barely halfway done before she was caught. Lira hearing the ding of the washer machine. It made her feel guilty knowing Alicia was in trouble. Even though she didn't ask Alicia to help her. To think Alicia did that even after how bitchy and moody she had been all week. To her and everyone else.

She wasn't trying to be so venomous. Living a double life was stressful. She had never been without Redds contact before. Redd had been running her life for a long time now. She knew she was crazy for still being with him. Who else did she have? Nobody wanted to deal with her either. Her family walked out of her life, her friends that she did have chased away by Redd, her baby.....gone. He was literally all she had left in this world. If he was gone....she'd be all alone.

"Eat your breakfast. I'll be back to deal with you." Dean's voice, snapping her out of her thoughts. Scooting to the gate she took the plate of food, then what looked to be apple juice.

"Do you need to use the restroom?" He asked, handing her a small bowl of pills.

"No. Thank you, Master." She muttered, he stared at her long and hard before shutting the gate and locking it.

"You're welcome, eat everything and take your vitamins. I should be back before you have to pee." He spoke, standing back to his full height.

Leaving her to silence. She wasn't sure if I'll be back meant he was leaving the house, or he was just leaving her down here period. After finishing her breakfast she sat there. This was what she hated the most about Kennel time. There was no one to talk to. Just her and her ramped thoughts. She didn't know how long she had been down there before she heard feet on the stairs. Her submates entering the dungeon.

"You okay?" Courtney questioned, the 5 of them sitting down to give her some company.

"Yeah.....sorry Alicia. You shouldn't have had to think about helping really just slipped my mind."

"It's okay, I knew you didn't mean to forget. I was hoping I could finish it real quick." Alicia shrugged.

"Thank you anyways." Lira smiled.

"Because we're the best submates everrrrrr, we brought you your phone." Tiara spoke, passing it through the bars.

"Ughhhhh I fucking love you guys." Lira cheered.

"Dean didn't say when he was coming back so we can't stay, we just wanted to check on you." Iris spoke.

"Thank you, you're the best."

Alone again she pulled up her web browser. Checking JPay for what felt like the hundredth time. Redd still not popping up when you searched his name. No missed calls from the Penn either, and someone had yet to return her call. She was in an emotional panic. When Iris popped back up she was a saving grace. She had to go to the bathroom and she wanted out of this damn kennel.

"To the bathroom and straight back." Dean's voice traveling from Iris's phone. Liras escape plan deflated knowing he was likely on FaceTime. Unlocking the gate Iris gave Lira an apologetic face. Lira crawled out of the space, stretching out as she stood.

"Bathroom break Minx."

"I heard..." Lira grumbled under her breath. Walking into the adjoining half bathroom she relieved herself. Being led back to the kennel she pouted.

"Lock it. Good, leave." Dean ordered, once he was shown the kennel was locked. Iris did as she was told exiting the room. An idea popped up in Lira's mind. Grabbing her phone she shot Deja a text. If this was going to work on anyone it would be her.

Lira: Come here

Deja: Why?

Lira: Come plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


"What do you want? I'm watching Vampire Diaries!" Deja huffed.

"Let me out." Lira tossed, Deja stared at her before letting out a laugh.

"Now why would I do that?" Deja snickered.

"Because......." Lira purred, sticking out her tongue. Flicking it suggestively, Deja bit her lip looking away.

"....I know you're feigning. Do something for me.....I do a lot of somethings for you." Lira spoke, Deja was fresh out of a no nut punishment. Lira's smile brightened as Deja bent to unlock the door. She was gaining a bit of favoritism when it came to tongue skills. She fully planned on using her tongue to her advantage.

There was a sixth sense that all Doms seemed to have. It came from knowing your sub or subs. There was a misbehavior detector. It was just raving at the moment. It was the reason he didn't open the garage. Instead parking in the driveway. Not even bothering to go through the front door. Walking around to the back he pinned in the code to the gate. Strolling in the back door casually, not running across any wayward subs. Something telling him to go down to the dungeon. As he hit the steps he heard a yell travel through the home.


Shaking his head he continued down the steps. Finding the dungeon completely empty. He could only chuckle at the empty kennel. There was never a dull moment in his home. Resting against the bedpost he patiently waited. Hearing alarmed voices nearing.

"He's home?!"

"Court said she saw the car in the driveway!"

"Are you sure?!"

"Where is he?!"

"It doesn't matter! What matters is getting you back before he........" Iris felt her words die on her tongue. Bodies running into her at her abrupt stop.

"Good Afternoon Kittens." Dean grinned. Staring at Lira, Iris, and Alicia.

"Why don't you go get the rest of the girls." He tossed, pointing at Iris who rushed up the steps.

"I had to pee." Lira chirped.

"We're blatantly lying? Noted, anything else my sweet Minx?"

"Nope." Lira rushed.

"Good response, ah come in ladies. Now that the gangs all here. Who wants to own up to letting Minx out? Anyone?" Dean asked, analyzing his girls one by one. Silence his answer in return.

"I love the sisterhood you guys have. It truly truly makes me beam with pride. No one wants to sell the other out. Are we sure this route is the way we want to go? A punishment is going to be given whether or not you own up to it." He stated, still getting nothing in return. Not even from his good kitty. Tiara straight blank faced.

"Zip it, lock it, put it in your pocket pact? I can work with that. Anyone who wishes to save themselves has 3.......2.......1..... wow. Strong kittens, I hope that strength lasts when each of you take 25 lashes tonight." He dropped, silence interrupted by whimpers.

"Yes, that's what I love to hear. I love the enthusiasm here, girls. So much so that guess what? All of you will be joining Alicia on the floor. You all will crawl the rest of the day and join her for dinner. And since we love silence so much that's all I want to hear for the rest of the day. Yayyyyy! Am I right?" He cheered, taunting them wanting someone to react to his jesting. He was itching to lay into them right now but he couldn't do that in a dirty dungeon.

"Are we clear here?"

"Yes, Master." Came in perfect unison.

"Before I dismiss you, let me give out jobs for the week. Courtney you know you are on cooking, Iris you are on Dungeon, Tiara will do Kitty Corner, Alicia is on office and gym, and Lira is on water intake. Deja this is your off week. Now all are dismissed except you Minx. You have a job to finish." Dean spoke, enjoying how all his subs dropped to their hands and knees. Crawling out of the room leaving him and Lira.

"I don't care if Alicia already cleaned some things. You will be cleaning everything again. Get to work." He ordered.

She wasn't prepared for how 10 times harder cleaning was when you had to crawl everywhere. He watched her the whole entire time. Pressuring her to be perfect in her execution. As he watched her he thought about what he was going to say to her. He didn't mind her being troublesome. He loved it in fact, her nickname wasn't Minx for no reason. He needed to reiterate her power in this relationship.

Oftentimes he would catch her eyeing him and Tiara. Wanting to be up under him. Lira had to grasp that just because her other submates weren't big on the type of intimacy. That she didn't have to act like that wasn't what she wanted. Iris and Alicia liked to have that intimacy with each other. Courtney and Deja didn't care for cuddles and kisses, they preferred jokes and laughter like friends. Tiara was his clingy kitty. She craved his attention and it was part of her pet play dynamic. Lira denied herself that same craving and it aided her attitude.

He was sure that there were other causes to her moods. Things she wasn't ready to talk about. He was a patient and understanding Dom despite being strict. He wasn't going to dig. Part of trust was trusting her to be ready to talk on it. He wasn't going to force it out of her. Until then he was going to do what any good Dom would do. Do their job and make her feel comfortable and loved.

"I've completed my cleaning, Master." Lira spoke up, crawling over to him. He looked around, nodding his agreement. Taking a seat on the bed she rested at his feet.

"Good, we need to talk." He stated, watching panic instantly hit her features.

"I'm really sorry for not doing my job. I know you like things a certain way, and I know I've been a handful lately. I'm sorry for getting out of the kennel and I'm..."

"Lira, calm down. I'm not kicking you out or anything." He spoke, watching her visibly calm.

"Okay." She sighed out in relief.

"I love having you around too much. But I really need you to understand what life you are in. So give me your eyes and ears." She nodded looking up at him.

"Minx....... I'm your Master...... but you can tell me what you need. Emotional, physical, what the fuck ever. That's why I'm here. I see everything you think I don't see. You think you hide it but I can see your emotions clear as the clothes you wear. I understand that you have ties outside of this house. I don't know what kind but hear me when I say. That anything that drains you so much emotionally that you start drowning in anxiety and panic, is not worth having around. When I see behavior that you've shown me this week, I see unaddressed trauma. If you allow me to help you break free from whatever chains holding you down, you won't regret it. You may follow my command but I am at your service. So I need you to open up some more. Just a little more allow yourself comfort." He voiced he could tell his words were hitting home. As her eyes misted as she looked away from him.

"Eyes need me to hold you dont you?" He asked, she looked at him shaking her head. He sighed, reaching down. Grabbing her under the arm, effortlessly picking her up. Sitting her in his lap sideways. He held her tense body.

"Yes you do. No more lying to me or yourself. You need me to hold you, you need me to cuddle with, you need me to give you affection, you need me to give you more attention. You need me to climb over your walls and see all of you. You NEED a safe space to be vulnerable. You need that. Don't you?" He questioned, Lira let out a shaky breath. Feeling like she needed to cry. How could a man she barely knew, already know so much? Why did he care so much? Robert said this type of life was all for the person at the top, but here she was being shown that it wasn't all about him. It was about her too. She gave a small nod, that being all she could muster.

"I know you do." He hummed, feeling her finally relax in his hold. She even shifted, pressing her face into his chest. Her hands had a grasp on his shirt that was like iron. He sat just giving her that one on one attention. Between the gentle rocking and the strokes of her head, she was lulled to a sweet and restful slumber.

November 2022

"How are you doing this week Melinda?" Good...My official hard cover dropped on the 2nd. "That great Melinda. That means you start touring soon." Yeah.....this Friday actually. I should be excited but I'm terrified. "Open that feeling up for me." Talking about the book. I get that's the old me. I get that I'm a million times better...but I feel so exposed. I guess I should expected that. I'm just not ready to be dissected by media. "It's a process. A first time experience but have faith. Remember what we discussed last meeting. Don't dwell on the negatives." I'm trying not to. "Give it an authentic try. If after the trail ends and you feel you can't handle this side of press. That doesn't equal failure. You haven't done a signing or interview yet and still sold copies. Protect your peace."

"I agree with what your therapist said, baby. If after this 2 week tour, you feel like it's not for you there are other promoting ways. The internet is a versatile space. Some Instagram lives could boost sales." Derrick spoke, lounging on the couch in his office. Rubbing Melinda's sore feet from breaking in new heels.

"Saniyah can't come with me."

"Why not? I thought that's what you wanted?" Derrick asked.

"Taking her with me because I'm not used to being without her is selfish of me. I don't want to scare her with all the new people. People I don't know myself. Plus I can't even watch her properly. If something happens to my baby I'll...."

"Mellie, calm down okay. Nothing is going to happen to Niyah. If you don't want her to go, okay." He interrupted, before she worked herself up with what ifs. She had moments where her mommy paranoia reeled its unforgiving head still.

"Are you sure? That's okay with you?"

"Leaving her with me? I'm perfectly capable of being with my child." He playfully snapped, she rolled her eyes at his words.

"That's not what I meant." She huffed.

"I know, I think she'll be fine. As long as she hears from you." Derrick chuckled, Mel sighed nodding.

"Niayh aside, I know you will do great out there Mellie. You are nothing shy of an extraordinary woman. Extraordinary women do extraordinary things. So whatever you touch will grow." He voiced, speaking life into her heart.

"I love you."

"I love you more. Now give me the motto." He spoke, leaning over to peck her lips.

"Fear has no room here."

Nov. 8th.....

Derrick cleared the rest of his schedule for the day. Having taken care of the important matters at hand. He hadn't expected Saniyah to react so negatively to Mel's absence. The first two days were great. Niyah was okay throughout the day, Mel's phone calls in the morning and before bedtime sufficed. Day three was the beginning of the downhill sprint. She wanted Mel to dress her in the morning, and explaining to her that mommy wasn't home yet created a tantrum. Then Mel's phone call made it worse after Niyah asked her to come home.

She refused to go to daycare, or anywhere without him. Convinced he was gonna disappear next. Today was no different, a little more on the extreme side. Considering she threw a tantrum until he let her sleep with him. He wanted his own little mini me shadow, but now he wasn't so sure about that shadow part. She was damn near up his ass. He got through his meetings peacefully by holding her. Then she became his little helper. Pointing at visuals and passing out papers.

He had plans to just rough it through the next 10 days. Unfortunately disaster struck at one of his current projects. Something was off with the structure of a museum being constructed in Atlanta. He was sure it was a workers construction error and not an error of design, but he still needed to fly out and work things out. A construction site was not a place for his baby, and she wasn't going to let him fly out for a day.

"Knock knock, Nigga." Dean blurted, strolling into the open office. Lira and Tiara in tow right behind him.

"Niyah Boo......awww it's like that Ny?" Dean pouted, his little bestie not running to greet him.

"She's in a mood." Derrick informed him, Niyah seated in his lap drawing with his tablet.

"For damn sure, she didn't even say hi. She miss her mama?" Dean tossed, not knowing he was triggering a melt down. Niyah's head popped up looking for Mel.

"I'm going to kick your ass!" Derrick snapped, Lira blinked at him. The growl in his voice seemed way too deep to be a joke.

"....I....want....MAMAAAAAAA!" Niyah erupted, tears bursting from her. Dean hissed, wincing from the pitch of the scream. That girl had some lungs on her.

"I know, baby." Derrick sighed, his daughter going ragdoll in his arms. Tiara pouted at Niyahs distress.


"She's not here baby." He responded, igniting the flailing he was not in the mood for. Sliding back from his desk before she hurt herself. Walking her over to the couch he sat her on it. Only for her to purposely slide off onto the floor. Derrick pinched the bridge of his nose. Turning to face his guests.

"What can I do for you?" He asked, ignoring the screeching from his child.

"Uhhhh....Lira needs those notes for Mel."

"Oh, right Mel told me that." Derrick responded, walking back to his desk. He didn't get why Mel just couldn't wait til he brought them but he guessed she wanted to get a headstart on practicing for her interview. A lightbulb popping up in Lira's head. There was a teddy bear in Melinda's desk that she always saw Niyah playing with. Grabbing Tiara's hand she drug her out of the office.

"Aye where y'all going?" Dean tossed.

"That should be it." Derrick spoke, walking back over with the notes. Just as the girls came back into the office. Lira stood back as Tiara walked over to Niyah.

"Saniyah.....NyNy, what's the matter?" Tiara asked softly, lowering to the floor next to her. The men watching on in confusion.

"My mommy...."

"Yeah? You miss her?" Tiara asked, Niyah sniffled giving a nod. Tiara put the little teddy bear in her view, Derrick recognizing the valentines bear he had gifted Mel. Niyah looked at it, snatching it from Tiara. Hugging it to her chest, her tantrum calming as the scent of Mel's perfume hit her.

"Well I'll be damned. That shit didn't work yesterday. " Derrick huffed, crossing his arms and looking at his child in betrayal. He gave her the same damn bear.

"How'd you know that would work Kitty?" Dean questioned.

"I didn't, Lira did." Tiara spoke, throwing Lira under the bus. The men turning to look at her in question.

"Ummm......I..." Fumbling for words Lira just shrugged. What was she gonna say? I watch your wife so much I know she gives Niyah the bear when she's having a bad day? And that she sprays her perfume on it before she hands it to her?

"Niyah Boo is bad as hell nigga." Dean blurted, breaking through the awkward silence.

"Shut the fuck up! Goodbye!" Derrick snapped, Dean busted out laughing giving a nod to the girls.

"Kicking me out don't change that." Dean taunted, before exiting the room.

Picking herself up from the floor, Niyah walked over to her dad. Bouncing to be picked up, Mel was gonna kick his ass for not making her verbally tell him what she wanted. Right now it was anything to keep her calm these next few hours. Closing down his work he got the text that his jet had arrived. Adjusting Niyah in his arms he headed for his hanger. A short car ride later the two boarding the plane. A 4 hour flight to Houston to where Mel was on her tour.

Landing in Texas at 6 o'clock. Tank waiting to pick them up. Derrick had his own little paranoid ticks here and there. The only way he wasn't taking two weeks of personal time to do Mel's tour with her, was to send Tank to be her security. He trusted no one else with his wife, and now his child for the next 10 days. Derrick was surprised Niyah didn't wake up at how loud the jet engines were. Then again she hadn't been down for a nap today. Another thing Mel was gonna kick his ass for.

Making it to the hotel he headed up to his wife's room with a key from the front desk. Entering her presidential suite finding her with a face mask on, near the fireplace, on the floor with a damn tub of ice cream. Shaking his head at her antics he went to lay Niyah down in the bedroom. Before joining her in front of the fireplace.

"You're stress eating?" He pointed out, she cut her eyes at him taking the spoon out of her mouth.

"Hi Mellie, I missed you..." She spoke in a deep animated tone.

"Aww, I missed you too baby." She responded to herself. He rolled his eyes cupping the back of her neck. Pulling her into a proper greeting.

"Hello, Mellie. I do miss you." He spoke, she grinned pecking his lips.

"And no, I'm not stress eating. I just wanted ice cream." Mel huffed, surprisingly the book signings and small Q&A's have been great. She was realizing people really were too pussy to say anything to your face. She had felt nothing but love. Her heart was so full hearing readers telling her how gifted she was to capture her life's trauma so elegantly. With such style and grace. Tomorrow's real interview was just making her nervous. She had so many things she wasn't supposed to say. It was like the feeling of a damn school test.

"When do you have to go?" Mel whined, leaning into him scooping more ice cream.

"4am." He answered, grabbing her hand making her bring the spoon to his mouth instead of hers.

"Mmmmm do I get some dick?" Mel blurted.

"Maybe....if you wash this shit off your face. Looking like a damn avocado." He tossed, her mouth dropped as she stared at him.

"You wouldn't fuck me as an avocado? Wow...I thought you loved me through anything." Mel huffed, pulling away from him. He pulled her back nuzzling her neck, her giggles ringing out. Their moment was broken by a scream.

"DADDY?!!" Derrick and Mel jumped up at Niyahs panic. Rushing to the bedroom Derrick flipped on the light. Niyah in the middle of the bed crying.

"I'm right here Saniyah. I didn't go anywhere, baby. I'm right here." He voiced, quickly scooping her up. She hid her face in his neck not noticing her mother in the doorway.

"Calm down baby, daddy's right here." He calmly spoke, rubbing her back as he rocked her. Mel was torn between the sadness from her daughter's panic, and how heartwarming it was to see Derrick deal with her panic. It made her remember those precious moments with her dad.

"Daddy has a surprise for you." Derrick muttered, once the tears came to a halt.

"Yeah?" Niayh asked, as he wiped the tears from her face.

"Yeah look." He smiled, pointing to the door. Niyah turned her head to see.

"MOMMY!" She cheered, near jumping out of Derrick's hands.

Melinda chuckled at her excitement taking her from Derrick. Getting her neck strangled in a hug. The little family enjoying some quality time together. Melinda was happy to get a dose of dick before he had to leave. Niyah throwing a tantrum about that but she was too tired to make it last. She wasn't happy about Derrick's absence but she was handling it slightly better than Mel's. She was well behaved with Tank as Mel started her first official interview. Lira having set her up with a medium scale podcast because she didn't want to just jump straight into television and blog interviews.

"The surprise special guest we have in studio Ebony Wallflowers today you wouldn't believe. We have here Melinda freaking Collins. For our listeners who don't know who this woman is let me educate you! She is upcoming future bestselling author of First Comes Pain. The gut wrenching phenomenon taking the book industry by storm. We have here her in our very presence and I'm trying so hard not to fangirl." Gabrielle spoke, starting the live listening of the podcast.

"Thank you for having me." Mel smiled.

"No thank you for even thinking about us. Gracing us with your very first interview is such an honor." Jewel gushed.

"Extra might be a little jealous of you girls." Mel joked, finding that familiar feeling of her nerves melting away.

"Extra if you're to suck. So Melinda we just have to ask. Did you expect this blow up?" Gabrielle snickered.

"No, not at all. My manager was telling me that I should get my husband to endorse my book. So that I could have a boost of first day sales and get on shelves. I was not trying to hear any of that. I wanted to do things myself without using a name to cheat my way up. My book before publishing was sent to a group of critics for rating, next thing I knew Amazon wanted to endorse me. It was crazy." Mel gushed.

"See a sista all about getting the bag on her own. She got her own like Neyo said." Gabrielle added in, Mel let out a laugh.

"I'll have to admit when I first picked your book up. I was not expecting it to be a collection of poems and short writings. I love your style, it was new for me, and now I've added so many poem books to my library. Your story telling is just beautiful. And I'm just sorry that you had to experience that life to write it." Jewel voiced, Mel gave a half smile. One of her not to do's was not diving deep into so diving into events. If they wanted to know her story read the book.

"Thank you, it's um....I hold this book close to my heart. It's my story unfortunately.... and sharing it with the world has made me feel very exposed. Hell those writings would never have seen the light of day if my husband and family hadn't encouraged me to see the value in those lines. The ability to touch someone else's life." Mel confessed.

"And touch you have. I know you're probably aware of some viral poems of yours, but for our listeners at home. Melinda's poem Stanger has sparked a trend on the mega app TikTok. DV victims are coming out and sharing their stories in pictures to go with the poem. More specifically this stanza." Gabrielle started, Mel nodded Lira had filled her in on that. She didn't know how to feel about that. She didn't like the whole weird competition of "who's trauma was deeper rougher" shit that seemed to be going on.

"Those lines are Time ticks yet you miss, All those blaring signs. The first hit always sticks, Deeply engraved in the mind. Melinda your ability to put together words with such rawness and depth is truly truly a gift. You are a beacon of light for so many out there. You are changing the tone of writing and revolutionizing the book industry. And I just have to applaud you. I'm so very excited to read the rest of this series." Gabrielle continued.

"Yes God yes I'm so ready. Your poem 21 cut me so deep girl. I was crying real tears. And to see you and your absolutely gorgeous baby girl....really just.....ughh here I go again." Jewel spoke, her voice cracking. Mel smiled looking over to where Niyah was sitting with her headphones on and Mels tablet. Playing some game with Tank on it.

"Listeners please excuse Jewel. She's been crying since Melinda came through the door. This is how much this woman is touching lives. So while we take a quick break in the interview, we want you guys to tweet us at hashtag WallflowersLovesMelinda. We'll be reading off some lucky tweets here on the show. Right after a quick word for our sponsors." Gabrielle spoke up, sending them into break.


Lira tuned out commercial promos playing from the podcast. Turning her attention to her laptop to check emails. Seeing a new one she opened it. Skimming through the information. Her mouth dropped at the words she was reading.

The Real producers would like to extend an invitation to Melinda Collins as a special guest. To discuss her book in a segment about Domestic Violence Awareness. We ask Melinda's Team to please get back to us as soon as you can. We would love to work with Melinda's schedule, and we are fully prepared to fight for a spot for her press. You can reach our team directly with the number listed below between the hours of 9am and 5pm. We patiently await hearing from Melinda.

Lira squealed in excitement for Melinda. She knew Mel said she was quite ready for television interviews but The Real was the real. Next would be The View and then an interview with Oprah. Maybe she was reaching with that ladder climb but the point was. Melinda wasn't gonna be known as Derrick Collins's wife for much longer. It was going to be author of the year Melinda Collins married to the one dude who builds shit. Hearing the podcast pick back up Lira turned her attention to it. Frowning as a call cut through the podcast. Seeing the number Lira groaned aloud.

"...Hello Robert."

"Give me the 411 on Melinda this week." Robert demanded.

"I can't."

"Excuse me? I don't pay you to can't." He barked, she pulled the phone away from her ear. She was still waiting on a new payment from his punkass.

"That doesn't make any sense. Look I can't because Melinda hasn't been here." Lira informed him.

"Where the fuck is she?!" Lira bit her lip torn between being honest and lying. The true nature of her spying was revealed to her, and every interaction with Robert was further proving it.

"She told me she was going to be gone for a while. Derrick took her out of the country I think. I don't know she didn't know where she was going or when she would be back. I think it's a celebration trip for her book." Lira smoothly lied.

"Who wrote that shit?" Robert growled out.


"Bullshit, my wife would never write that shit. They just put her name on it. It's that fucking nigga, trying to ruin me." Robert ranted, Lira frowned no one else but Melinda wrote that book. She was always with her head in a journal during her free time.

"Well she told me I'm basically on vacation while she's away. The moment she gets back in town I will let you know." Lira lied.

"You better.....while she's away get in real good with the dude you live with. See what you can dig up about his bitch ass brother. I'll expect a report next time I call." Robert snapped, hanging up before she could reply.

It turned out she couldn't do that either. Dean had headed out of town to handle business in Jersey. When he did return to the house she was more focused on getting her time with him then asking about his relationship with Derrick. She knew she wasn't supposed to get close to Dean, but she had found herself missing his presence in just those few days.

This man was getting to her. Especially as he paraded her around the club. Telling others how much of a good girl streak she had been on, and how proud of her he was. She wasn't used to having a man gassing her up. It was definitely getting in her head. She couldn't possibly be in a better mood. She wasn't too sure she could say that about Melinda. Who was fresh off her tour and on one.

"Sit your ass down Melinda Rae." Derrick snapped, at his voice Lira looked up to see Melinda's return from punishment. Melinda winced as she lowered to a seat with an eye roll. Derrick jaw twitching as he grabbed her by the collar.

"Keep. It. Up. I want you to." He threatened her, his grip choking her. Melinda felt a fresh pool in her panties.

"Sorry, Sir." She wheezed out, he huffed releasing her. Mel put on her best apologetic face. Derrick gave her one last look before walking off. Mel's face instantly shifting into a smirk.

"You look thoroughly fucked." Lira noted, Mel giggled as she smoothed her hair.

"I missed my Sir." Mel responded.

"Is that what that is?"

"Yep and ima do it again as soon as my pussy can handle it." Mel snickered, Lira stared at her wondering if she was hearing herself.

"What?" Mel asked.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, why do you ask?"

"Are you sure? Did something happen on tour?" Lira questioned, Mel tilted her head confused.

"No, I told you the tour was great. Why do you keep asking me if I'm okay?"

"I don't know you just seem..... confrontational today. That's not like you." Lira pointed out, Mel rose a brow.

"I'm fine, girl. I've never been happier." She responded, that statement pure truth. Life was fucking great right now. Lira hummed looking around. Noticing the leech that started Mel's mood.

"That girl is back over there. Did you find out who she was?" Lira questioned, drawing Mel's attention to where Derrick and Dean were. Dean having enlisted Derrick's help with the Dom training program.

"Oh her, her names like Blair I think. Derrick said she's one of the subs he used to play with." Mel hissed out, feeling the urge to claw some eyes out.

"Play with like fuck?"

"He never fucked her." Mel huffed.

"I thought that's why you were mad." Lira frowned, Mel shook her head. She couldn't care less about a has been, it was the disrespect going on that was pissing her off.

"No, I'm mad because of that." Mel pointed out, as the girl touched Derrick's arm. Lira blinked at how fast Derrick snatched her by the hair. Leaning down talking vehemently in the girl's ear.

"Umm....Derrick is scary as fuck."

"He can be....that is hot as fuck too. Hate a desperate bitch you'd think if you haven't seen the man in years and he doesn't approach you that he wasn't interested." Mel spoke, watching the girl scurrying away from Derrick to her friend. Looking as embarrassed as she should be. Melinda couldn't help feeling some type of way. Especially when Derrick told her no the first time. Noticing the duo heading to the bar Mel bit her lip.

"You want a drink?"

"Ummm....okay." Lira shrugged, noticing where her eyes were. She wasn't sure what Mel was up to but she was a rider type of chick. She'd back Mel with no questions asked. Strolling up to the bar Mel purposely stopped next to the girls. Seeing her the bartender quickly turned to her, ignoring the two waiting girls.

"What can I get you girls?"

"Uhh hello we were here first. We want shots." Blair spat.

"Let me get a Hurricane, Lira?"

"A Painkiller."

"So a Hurricane and a Painkiller, and then whatever this attention whore wants." The bartender's eyes shot up before he quickly started making the two drinks. He wasn't the only one shocked, Lira at a loss for words.

"Excuse me?! I'm talking to you." Blair called.

"What do you want?" Mel groaned, with an eye roll.

"You talking about me?"

"I said what I said." Mel shrugged.

"Bitch who the fuck are you." Blair's friend blurted, Lira scrunched her face. She hated a jump in type of hoe.

"No bitch, who the fuck are you? She wasn't talking to you." Lira snapped, it wasn't about to be no two on one with here.

"Oh I see...this that bitch Derrick play with now." Blair tossed, looking her up and down.

"Try again, I'm his wife bitch." Mel dropped.

"Oh bullshit, not the first girl to say that in here. Where's your ring?"

"Oh, you mean my girls phat ass rock?" Lira muttered, as Mel lifted her hand flashing her ring. The bartender setting their drinks on the bar.

"Aren't they saying he had a baby around here? That must be this bitch problem. Her pussy is loose and she feels challenged." Blair's friend laughed.

"Wait, that's not baby fat on you.....oh." Lira clapped back.

"I can't help it that I'm so pretty. And that you feel so ugly after your baby girl. Maybe try kegels that'll keep him around." Blair spoke, smirking like she was really doing something. The bartender finally getting them their shots as Mel sighed, grabbing her drink and taking a sip.

"Since we're giving helpful tips. Try not to be such a desperate bitch. You won't get embarrassed in front of a crowd. I mean if you want to suck his dick you could of just asked girl. What did he say to you huh? Did he tell you how unbecoming it was to beg a man? Or did he tell you chasing after him wasn't gonna make you desirable to the Dom's around here. I mean damn girl, just sad. Now you look like a weird bitch around here. I feel bad for you...I really do." Mel spat, her mouth was never not going to be lethal.

She said a lot without saying much and bitches couldn't take it. Derrick's eyes narrowed at Mel. Was she not expecting him to see that? She was always watching her man. Like he was always watching her. At that thought she looked where Derrick was. Finding him watching her with a frown. Turning back to Blair she smirked.

"Sorry to leave you so sour, but my Daddy's summoning me." Mel tossed, just to salt the wound. Lira grinned reaching for her drink, an all new respect for Mel.

"Oops, I'm so sorry. I'm such a clutz." Blair muttered, as Mel gasped feeling cold liquid seeping into her shirt. Blair having "accidentally" bumped into Mel making her spill her drink. Mel swallowed hard forcing a smile.

"It's fine....accidents happen." Mel forced out, setting her glass on the bar. Turning she took Lira's drink right out her hand.

"Like this one." Mel chirped, pouring Lira's drink over Blair's head.

Gasps rang out near them as Blair squealed. Mel knew her ass was grass, but she couldn't let that bitch slide with that. Turning her head she looked at Derrick confirming that he was marching over. Sighing she put the empty glass on the bar, not expecting the slap that caught her off guard.

"Bitch!" Lira erupted, pouncing on Blair before Melinda could react.

Blairs friend jumping into the scuffle. Soon it was four women brawling near a slippery bar. At some point Lira and Mel had switched Targets. Mel getting her licks in for that cheap shot. If she was getting in trouble she was gonna make it worth it. Slipping on the mess of spilled drinks, Mel grabbed Blairs shirt, yanking her down with her. Twisting her body as they tumbled Mel got the upper hand.

Lira wasn't sure where this bitch was from but she couldn't fight. Part of the reason Lira kept her hair short was to prevent it from being pulled. Growing up in the hood the way she did, you had to be smart. She ducked the punch flying at her, countering she right hooked the girl. Stumbling forward on her heels almost stepping on Melinda. Blair trying to get a good grip on Mel was hard. So she just started clawing at her. Her nails biting into Mel, Mel growled seeing an opening. She hit the bitch right in the throat. Blair coughing from the impact. Melinda didn't expect to be whooping ass on her first day back home but she'd be lying if she said it didn't feel good.

Hope you enjoyed!

Melinda wildn........

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