The Gangster's Girl (Process...

By Ironically_

373K 6.7K 278

Cover By ArabelleWinchester "Please Jack, I'm sorry," I begged him. I knew I looked like shit while he looke... More

Chapter 8: ice pack
Chapter 9: You voice may say something but your eyes saying something else
Chapter 10: haha your soooo funny
Chapter 11: Katie
Chapter 12: Truth or joke?
Chapter 13: I. Don't. Need. Help.
Chapter 14: I'm so confused it makes me want to die in a hole
Chapter 16: I need to stop with the lists!!
Chapter 17: I'm not good at this ok?
Chapter 18: Ok, that sounded way more dramatic than it should.
Chapter 19: Australian Dingo
Chapter 20: Me dead? Yeah right, I'm a freakin' ninja.
Chapter 21: Dead on the dance floor
Chapter 22: Last time I watched that I pee myself every time I was in the dark.
Chapter 23: Cookie dough coffee
Chapter 24: Well, this is clichรฉ.
Chapter 25: Tires bullshit!
Chapter 26: The race is on.


15.8K 314 2
By Ironically_

Chapter:  7 

*Still Jack's P.O.V*

       I stood at the door wondering if I should knock or not. I slowly raised my fist to knock but the door flung open and my boss stood in the door way. He stood with his arms crossed while smirking at me like I was his prey and he was the hunter. The pit of my stomach stared turning. 

       "Welcome Jack," he said while eyeing me, "Come take a seat." I took a deep breath and walked in.  I knew nothing good would come out of this.  I took a seat on his brown leather chair and looked around his office. The walls are painted a dark blood red color. I could only think of the trouble I was facing. "So how are you Jack? It's been a while," he told me still smirking. He looked evil, as if ready to chop me into small pieces for pure enjoyment.

       "I'm doing well and you?" I asked him slowly, my eyebrows scrunched together. I knew something was about to happen and it wasn't going to be good. I had never been in his office alone, actually I've never been face to face with him except when I first joined the gang, but that was just to scare me. The boss man stood at 6'4 with budging muscles. He looked like a WWE star on steroids. 

       "Good. Do you know anyone by the name of John Cooper?" He asked me.  I raised my eyebrows, of course I would know him. He was my lawyer. Why was he asking? Sweat pooled in my palms as I clenched my fist.

       "Yes I do, he is my lawyer," I said slowly. What is he trying to get at? My hand scratched the back on my head something I do when I get nervous. 

       "Good so you know his daughter, Miss. Hotttie Alana?" he asked.

       "Yes," I repeated. My eyes narrowed at him. 

       "I need you to get close to her, make her believe that you love her and want her. That you will protect her from anything evil," my boss said as he sat across from me in his long mahogany desk. He folded his hands under his chin.

       "What? Why?" I asked my eyebrows scrunching up together in confusion.

       "We are going to rob her father," He said looking me in the eyes, " of all his money and then kill each and everyone of them slowly." A sick smile formed on his chapped lips as his tongue shot out and licked them.

        "And if I don't?" I asked him.

       "I will kill you and your family." I remember he said that same threat before. When I first joined, he threaten to kill my family and make me watch if I were to ever betray or try to get out of the gang.   

    "Yes sir," I told him. I wanted to salute him like a soldier but then he might shoot me.

    What does he have against the Coppers?

****** Sunday *****

        "Damn, that girl is fly," Max mumbled under his breath. She walked by and he let out a low whistle. She turned around and flipped him the bird. I busted out laughing and rolled my eyes while shoving him in the shoulder. He was like a love sick puppy.

       "Dude that girl had enough make-up on she could drown herself," I told him smirking. "Have you lost your sight?"

       "Shut up," He mumbled before punching me in the shoulder. "What happen to you, you used to do that now you find it sickening?"  

       "I got a problem. You know my lawyer and Alana is his daughter?" I asked, crossing my arms and sighing heavily.

       "Who doesn't know Alana and her sexy friend Katie," Max stated. I rolled my eyes at him. I didn't even mention Katie.  

       "Boss wants me to make Alana fall for me so he can rob her father," I complained. I angrily kicked the rock in front of my black Nike.

       "Doesn't her dad cost a lot as a lawyer, you know? And he is doing your case for free. Dude, Alana's dad can probably get you off the hook.. I hope you said no."

       "Yeah... I know what you mean but it's not that easy. He threatened my family." I turned around and slammed my fist into the red bricks behind me. Blood stained the bricks and leaked from a cut on my hand. I groaned in pain but punched the wall again. I might be a gangster but I do really love my family. You threaten them and I will rip your head off in less than thirty seconds unless you carry a sniper.

       "Dude knock this shit off!" Max yelled as he dragged me a safe distance from the wall. I closed my eyes and took a couple of deep breaths trying to calm myself but it didn't help. I sighed before looking at Max, he looked concerned.

       "Bro just try to woo Alana," He told me. I was about to protest but then he continued, "Jango and I will have a plan, I promise." I gave a slight nod of my head. "Now go and get to the Cooper and McCarthy dinner party." We did the bro hug before going our separate ways.

       I pulled up to a huge ass house. I mean this thing could fit my house in there at least three times and you could still have room to put in a gym or something. I got off my motorcycle noticing that my mom's car was already here so that meant my family was here.  I made my way up to the door and raised my hand to knock but it swung open, revealing a pissed off Katie.

       "Get out of this house you dumb brat!" I heard an old man's rough voice yell. I winced a little at the venom in his words.

       "Gladly," Katie stomped out the door while I just silently got out of her way. I don't think she know that I was even there. Her hair swung behind her as she stomped out of the house.

       "Katie wait!" I heard a very familiar voice yell, it sounded as if she was on the verge of tears. A girl came running out of a door I didn't even notice was there before. Her brown hair was in a high pony, she had on regular blue jeans with a blue sweatshirt.  

       "No Alana, I'm sorry but I can't live under the same roof as them," Katie pointed her figure at the house. "I'm sorry." Katie looked like she wanted to cry before hopping into her car and driving away. I could cut the tension with a butter knife.

       I stood there shocked for what felt like ten minutes. Did that really just happen? Who was that old man's voice? I felt like I was intruding, like I shouldn't be here but I couldn't just walk away. I stood awkwardly at the door, Alana stared out the door with the saddest and most lost face I had ever seen in my life.

       Where are the parents and my sister?

       "Come here you little bitch," a girl's voice snarled out of the door where Alana came from.

       "Go away!" Alana shouted trying to sound strong but failed, she was about to cry I could tell.  Two evil laughs break out from the door. The door busted open, there stood an old couple. They are grinning like they just won a million dollars as they stared menacingly at Alana.

       "You have nowhere to hide. No one to protect you," The women said still smirking.

       "We have you all to ourselves," The old man hissed.

       "No please," She whispered. I felt my heart wrench at the sound of her voice so lost and broken.

       "We are not going to let you get away that easy now are we honey?" The women asked the old man.

       "Of course not," he agreed with her, his smirk growing bigger if that was even possible. Ok now I was really confused. Just then, the unthinkable happened. The man pulled her head back by her hair and slammed his fist into her face, I even flinched. I took a glance down at my knuckles and winced again.

       I looked back up to Alana only to find her looking at me and the woman slammed her foot into Alana's back. She left out a short gasp for air before getting kicked in the side of her stomach. I knew I had to step in and say what though? Stop?

       "Stop!" I commanded. My voice had so much authority in it, it scared me. They all froze and it was quiet, silent except for Alana's sobs. They both turned slowly to me, their face scared but when they saw me they started smirking again. Once again, their smirks disappeared when they examined me. I can say I have a fair amount of muscle. Not being cocky or anything.

       "Why should we listen to you?" the old woman with white hair snapped.

       "What did you just say? I asked her. I used the voice I used on the streets, cold, dangerous, and emotionless. I saw them both shiver in fear. Alana looked at me with shock clear on her face but I didn't pay any attention to her. I walked straight up to them still glaring them in the eye.  

       "Come on Earl, she is not worth a fight," the women said pulling on his arm. They both walked painfully slow out of the room. I heard Alana groan by my feet. I looked down to see her spitting out her own blood. Doesn't she look attractive right now, I thought while rolling my eyes.

       I bent down by her, putting a hand in her back. Her head snapped up to meet my eyes. Alana's eyes where filled with different emotions. She crannied her neck to look at me. 

       "Take me away from here, please," Alana whispered before dropping to the floor in a heap. I looked around; did she really mean get me out of this town or out of this house? Does she want to run away? Where the hell are her parents?

       I sighed and looked back down at her sleeping face, I knew what I could do for now, take her to my home. I grabbed my cell and called for a ride.

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