Love Her Wilde


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Asher Wilde lives life by the rules, his father's rules. His entire life has been planned out for him. But wh... Еще

Lattes and Ultimatums: Asher
Dart to the Heart: Asher
Good For a Good Time: Dylan
Snowy Apologies: Asher
Ticket to Paradise: Dylan
Make Your Move: Asher
Surprise Guests Are the Worst: Dylan
Breaking the Cycle: Dylan
Out With a Bang: Asher
Decision Time: Asher
Not So Welcome Home: Dylan
Take Out or Make Out: Asher
Shout at the Devil: Asher
Unexpected Perfection: Dylan
Happy Endings: Asher
Lazy Shade of Winter: Dylan
Rejoining Society: Dylan
Suspect List: Asher
Losing Control: Dylan
Stars Go Blind: Dylan
Missing Pieces: Asher
Everything Red: Shayne
Aces Wilde: Asher
Brothers' Bond: Asher
On Empty: Asher
Silent Alarm: Dylan
Home Again: Asher
Sting of Betrayal: Dylan
Free: Asher
Epilogue: Six Months Later

Those "Summer" Nights: Asher

384 51 3

If looks could kill, I would've been dead thirty times over before we even finished dinner. Brock apparently wasn't too keen on watching his girl hang off me like she was the sloth to my tree. Sure, Dylan had quite blatantly turned her flirting up a couple notches, but I didn't mind. She was smiling and happy, and that's really all I cared about.

By the time we reached the second bar of the evening, Brock's gaze practically burned me. Even when I wasn't paying attention, I could feel it on me. And it only got worse with every smile Dylan shot my way. This dude was obviously about to snap, and I, for one, wasn't sure there was any way to avoid it. He was no longer staring at Dylan, or just at Dylan. I occasionally caught him looking at me as if he couldn't wait to tear me limb from limb. I'd told Dylan I'd fight him if I had to, but I was beginning to doubt I could take this dude. He looked like a caged animal, just waiting for me to slip up, so I made my best attempt to steer clear. I'd stand as far away as possible, avoided eye contact with all my might. I even tried to cool Dylan and her rampant flirting, but it didn't work. She'd bat those big ol' eyes at me and I'd forget Brock was even in the room. Eventually, while the girls and Shayne were tearing up the dance floor, I got so tired of being leered at, that I excused myself to get some air, but Brock was hot on my heels.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he practically growled as he followed me out onto the patio.

"What're you talking about, man?" I asked with an exasperated sigh.

"You know what I'm talking about, pretty boy," Brock snarled shoving my chest hard enough I stumbled back into one of the metal tables. "Stay the fuck away from my girl!"

"She's not your girl!" I shouted back. "She wants NOTHING to do with you. She's made that perfectly clear."

"I know pieces of shit like you," Brock stated through gritted teeth. I noticed the front incisor was silver as it glinted in the dim patio lighting. "This is all a game to you. The popular jock making the class dork think she's got a chance..."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Are you kidding? Have you seen her? If the class dork looks like that, I woulda done chess club over hockey every day of my life. Go fuck yourself, man. I don't answer to you... and neither does she." 

"Back off, Wilde. I'm warning you."

"Or what?" I snapped, rising to my full height, which was a solid four inches above Brock. Unfortunately for me, he didn't exactly look intimidated. "What the fuck are you gonna do about it?"

"Oh, pretty boy. You have no idea what I'm capable of," he grinned a bit frighteningly. "Watch your back."

"I'm terrified," I mumbled with a roll of my eyes.

"You really should be. We all didn't grow up in penthouses, kid. Some of us had to claw our way up. It ain't all silver spoons and inheritances."

"You don't know shit about my life, so stop."

"I know that you just see her as a challenge. I know she's just some vacation fun for you, cuz Dylan Harper sure ain't the girl you give up your whole life for."

I shrugged and took a swig from the beer bottle in my hand. "Maybe she isn't to you... but some of us, those that have more brain cells than a used baseball bat, might see things a bit differently."

"Are you seriously saying you're going to walk away from your comfortable, little upper crust life for HER? Come on, man. No one's buying that."

"Good thing I don't care what you fucking think."

I didn't, but... was I? If this shit with Dylan kept going, which at least some part of me wanted it to, my entire world would crumble around me. Everything I knew, everything I was used to, everything I worked for. It would all be taken away in one fell swoop. Was I really ready for that? I couldn't really say. We didn't know each other all that well, but if we were even going to have a chance to...

"Having second thoughts already?" Brock smirked.

"Man, just fuck off already," I groaned.

"You should just walk away now, man. You're not going to win this one," Brock stated, taking a step toward me. I stepped back, but he only crowded me more. "Trust me. She always comes back. I'm betting she'll be blowing me in the back alley before the night is over."

I scoffed at the suggestion, but I felt a jolt of anger heat the blood in my veins. Even the thought that she'd end the night with this douchebag and not me... It wasn't welcome. "Whatever you say, man."

"Fucking stay away from her," Brock snarled, nudging his shoulder into me sharply as I tried to pass by.

"Fuck you, Brock."

"No, fuck you." He shoved his arm into me once again with enough force to knock me off balance.

I bumped into a scantily clad woman, causing her drink to slosh down the front of her dress. "HEY!" she cried angrily.

"I'm so sorry," I apologized. "I didn't mean..."

"You coming onto my girl, pal?" a large man asked, stepping into my face.

"No, I..."

"Get lost, creep."

"I wasn't..."

"I said get LOST." The man gave me a hard shove and this time I hit a table, knocking more than one drink to the patio floor.

The patrons sitting there erupted into jeers and curses, all directed at me, and the outdoor area suddenly felt a million times smaller. Brock had succeeded in making me the asshole at this party, and I needed to get out of here. Fast.

"Excuse me," I said, trying to get to the door once again.

"You gonna go buy us another round, considering you ruined this one?" one of the girls from the table snapped. "Fucking asshole."

"I didn't mean..."

"Sorry about my friend, guys," Brock stated, suddenly clasping a hand on my shoulder. "He's gonna go order another round for the whole patio. He's good for it, I swear."

"He fucking better be," the woman huffed.

"What? I..."

"Come on, Ash. Let's go get these folks another round and then get you home, pal."

"Get the fuck off me," I growled. "I'm not your pal."

"You need to get your buddy out of here," a large bouncer stated as he now invaded my space. "He's causing too much trouble."

"Sure thing, boss," Brock grinned. "I'll call him a cab."

"The fuck you will!"

"You better listen to your friend here, man, before you're in a whole heap of trouble."

"He's NOT my friend. It's his fault..."

"Ash?" Dylan's voice spoke. I looked up to find her in the doorway I was desperately trying to get to. "You guys ready? We're moving out."

"Good timing," the gruff looking bouncer stated. "Get a move on."

I rolled my eyes and yanked out of Brock's grasp. "Let's fucking go..." I growled under my breath as brushed past Dylan like she had somehow wronged me.

"Are you..."

"He's had too much to drink," Brock smirked.

I just rolled my eyes as I continued making a beeline toward the front door and our awaiting transportation. I was ready to go back to the hotel. Brock and his antics had officially ruined my night instead of Dylan's.

"Are you alright?" Dylan whispered, leaning over toward my side of our seat.

I pulled my entire frame away from her, crowding the side of the van like I was going to use my body to make a me sized whole in the wall. The rest of our friends were so busy jamming out to whatever playlist Mason had convinced the driver we needed to hear, that I barely heard her words. "I'm fine."

"You're not fine," Dylan retorted, her voice soft. "I don't know what I did but..."

I sighed. The hurt her in voice was too much for me to ignore. I looked over my shoulder at her and found her eyes matched her tone. "You didn't do anything, Dylan," I said softly, turning to open myself up a bit. "I'm sorry. Brock's just..."

"He's a lot, I know. I get if his drama has changed your mind about..."

"No," I interrupted, my hand flying of my lap and landing on hers on the seat. "I'm not letting him scare me off, Dylan, I swear."

"Are you sure? I mean, I get it..."

"No," I insisted. "He's a piece of shit and he just... embarrassed the hell out of me back there, but that doesn't have anything to do with you. I'm sorry I was being a dick."

She gave me a quick smile. "It's okay. I'm sorry he ruined your night."

"Night's not over yet, is it?" I asked with a smirk. 

She shook her head. "Not even close."

"Good." I reached up and brushed my knuckles across her cheek. She was so goddamn pretty it made every last ounce of common sense in me evaporate into thin air. "You look really pretty tonight."

Dylan giggled a bit and slid toward me on the seat, her head leaning onto my shoulder. "I think you should dance with me at the next place."

"Yeah? Not much of a dancer, I'm afraid..."

"I can show you some moves..."

"Oh, I'll bet you can..."

If this girl rubbed her ass on me one more time, I was going to come right there in the middle of the dancefloor. I was already so hard I was surprised my pants were intact, and every sway of her hips only made it worse.

Thankfully after a couple rounds of shots, and a few cocktails, I'd let Dylan coax me out onto the floor. The club was playing some sort of rap that wasn't really my cup of tea, but with Dylan's body on mine, it was hard to care. It was also hard to give a shit about Brock leering from our table in the corner, so I didn't. He wanted to play games, I could play them just as well, and the fact of the matter was, this woman wanted me. Not him. So, I was quite jovial about flaunting it in his face as much as possible.

I groaned as Dylan rubbed her round ass particularly hard against me, and straightened her posture, her back now pressed against my chest. I cupped my hand loosely around her neck, holding her in place as I brought my mouth to her ear.

"You are going to get me arrested," I practically hissed, my breath causing her to tremble against me.

"Hmm? Why's that?" she teased.

"It's frowned upon to be this... erect in public."

I felt her laugh even though I couldn't hear it. "You should do something about it," she purred, turning in my arms so we were nose to nose as her arms draped over my shoulders.

"That's pretty frowned upon too, last I checked," I smirked. My lips brushed hers as I spoke. Just when I thought I couldn't get harder...

Dylan pressed onto the balls of her feet and brought her mouth to my ear. "Then maybe we should find somewhere more private."

I groaned again, my hands digging into the fabric on her hips. "You are an incredibly bad influence."

"Is that a no?" she asked with a high arched eyebrow.

My eyes began scanning the club around us for an escape, or at least a really dark corner. There was people, everywhere, most of them doing the exact same thing we were on the floor. A few were heavily making out, but I'd never been much for public indecency. I spotted a dark hallway over her shoulder, a bit off the dancefloor and felt my heart tick up a few beats. "Come on," I stated, grabbing her hand, and pulling her behind me.

She had to step quickly to keep up with my long strides, but she did, clutching my hand and giggling the whole way.

I pushed my way through the crowd, not caring who or what I charged over. I was on a mission, and that mission was getting my hands on this girl as soon as fucking possible.

We arrived in the dark hallway and the first door I spotted was the men's bathroom, so I shoved my way in. By some stroke of luck, the place was empty and the second the door swung shut behind us, I pushed Dylan up against the counter and crashed my mouth onto hers.

She devoured me just as furiously, somehow keeping her mouth on mine as she hoisted herself onto the counter. Her hands roamed the expanse of my chest, down my abs, causing my entire body to shudder. As her adept fingers made their way to my belt buckle, I unlocked our lips, both of us panting with the heat of our desire.

"We're gonna get caught," I stated through rapid breaths as she got my belt undone and headed for the button of my jeans.

"Guess you better come fast then," she retorted, her mouth nipping at mine.

I released some strangled combination of a groan and a whine as she slid her hand into my pants, stroking my hard as steel shaft through the thin fabric of my boxers. I hadn't come in my pants in fucking fifteen years, but I felt like I was about to. I couldn't explain the hold this woman had on me, no matter how hard I racked my brain. Though, at the current moment, my brain capacity was probably that of a trout.

Her tongue wound its way into my mouth, stroking mine at the same rate her hand stroked my cock. She was still fondling me through my shorts, but it didn't matter. The strength of her grip and the heat of her touch was enough to cause precum to leak from the tip. I could feel release vibrating through my veins, waiting to take me over the ledge.

I hurriedly plucked my lips from hers, my lips instead latching onto her throat, sucking at her skin before bathing my tongue over the same spot. She moaned a little, which only encouraged me to do it harder, getting a bit louder moan that time.

"You are so fucking sexy," I croaked, my voice choked with the passion coursing through me.

"You are," she retorted, tipping her head back and allowing more access for my mouth, hungry for her skin. "You're so fucking hard."

"Have you seen yourself?" I quipped, lifting a hand from where it clutched the bathroom counter. I brushed my palm over the side of her breast a bit questioningly, but she arched, driving the round globe directly into my hand.


She had the best tits. All round and full. Far more than the not quite a handful I was used to when it came to my most recent partner. She and Bridget could not have been built more differently. Dylan was all soft curves, and dark features, tanned supple skin that begged to be tasted at every angle. Bridget was long and lean, with a body built for Pilates. She had supermodel looks by media's standard. But this girl? The one currently grasping my cock so tightly, I thought she might pull it off? This girl oozed sex and desire. This was the girl men stared at online and jerked off to in the dark, whether they would admit it in the light of day or not. This girl looked forbidden. Wrong. Bad. She was passion personified, and I wanted to devour her.

My teeth sunk into the flesh on her shoulder as she stopped stroking me. I stood back up, not sure what my next move would be, but I didn't have time to figure it out either. Before I could even make a suggestion, her fingers dipped past the elastic at the top of my underwear and her warm hand wrapped around my dick, causing a shuddering breath to rattle its way through me.

"Oh fuck," I whimpered as my forehead pressed into her shoulder.

"You better come," she purred, turning and running the tip of her tongue along the outside shell of my ear. "Someone is going to come in here eventually."

"I'm... so... so close," I stated, gasping for breaths. "Jesus."

"Come on, Asher," she almost taunted, though, it was mind-blowingly sexy. "Come for me. Come all over my hand."

"Fuck..." I gritted my teeth and growled.

"You better fucking come, Ash. Someone is about to walk through that door and see me with my hand wrapped around your cock." As her words continued, her hold on my member tightened. She slid her hand from the base down to the tip, before she rounded over the head and drug the beading moisture back toward the base. "You want us to get caught?" she asked, her voice a sensual whisper. "You want all our friends to find out I got you off in this dirty, club bathroom? You want my brother to know?"

"Fucking Christ..."

"You like it, don't you? You like the idea of someone finding us. You're getting even harder just thinking about it." I could hear the smile in her voice even if my eyes were clenched shut.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." I cursed. I lifted my head from her shoulder and took her face in my hands, my tongue diving into her mouth without asking for invitation.

She yelped a bit in surprise but didn't stop me. My tongue fucked her mouth as hard as she was gripping my cock. She didn't even attempt to control the kiss, just allowed me to wind our tongues together, sliding and stroking hers with mine, as my explosion inched closer and closer by the second.

"Fuck. I'm going to..."

"Come, Asher. Come now."

The hoarse growl of her voice was my undoing. Every muscle in my body tightened as she rubbed down my shaft one last time and I came with so much force that I saw stars.

"Fuck! Dylan!" I cursed. One of my hands slapped onto the mirror so hard, I was certain it would hurt later, but it was the last thing on my mind now. She slowed her motions but continued to slide her hand up and down my shaft as my ejaculate shot into her palm and dripped onto the fabric of my boxers as she coated my cock with it.

As the stars behind my eyelids began to lessen, I brought our mouths back together, this time kissing her slower, more sweetly, but deeply nonetheless.

This woman.

Just as I was about to give her some sort of heartfelt confession, voices rang out from behind the door. I gasped and hurried to tuck my somehow still slightly hard penis away, while Dylan hopped off the sink and cleaned up her hands.


"It's fine," Dylan laughed, seeing my panic at the thought of being found out. "You think you're the first guy to get off in a club bathroom?"

"No, but this isn't..."

My words stopped as the door swung open and Ryder stepped in, Mason in tow.

"Well, well, well," Mason grinned as if he'd just caught us in the act. "What do we have here?"

Dylan just shrugged as she patted her hands off on some rough, brown paper towels. "Ladies' room was full."

"Mhmm," Mason said, folding his arms across his chest. "This ain't the first time I've caught you in the men's room, little girl. I'm gonna tell Shayne."

"Tell him," Dylan stated, practically bouncing to the exit. "He'll just ask how big his cock was."

"Oh shit!" Ryder laughed, raising a fist to cover his mouth.

Both men turned to face Dylan as she held her up her hands, roughly nine inches of space between them. Okay, it should've been slightly more than nine inches. Closer to ten. I mean, I would know.

"Fuckin' Christ. Who knew Asher, the Ball-Less was packing a steel rod!" Mason exclaimed, turning back to face me. "Congrats, man!"

"Fuck off," I mumbled, following Dylan toward the door.

"I bet she handled it like a champ, too, huh?" Mason nudged me with his elbow as I tried to slip by.

"Shut the fuck up," I commanded.

"Yeah. Go stroke Ryder or whatever it was you were coming in here for," Dylan stated with a devilish smirk.

"Careful. Brock's been looking for you," Ryder stated, meeting eyes with me. "If he sees you two walk back out there together..."

"I'll go," Dylan stated. She looked up at me. "You wait a few."

"Okay." I nodded. I dipped my head down and pressed my lips softly to hers. "Go get a drink. I'll meet you out there."

"You need anything?"

"Water!" Mason called as the door swung shut. "He needs to replenish his fluids!"

I groaned and tipped my head back, so my eyes met the ceiling. "Fucking hate him."

"Hey, better them walking in than strangers."

"You're probably right."

"See you out there." Dylan shot me a wink before she turned and headed back toward the dance floor.

I stared after her, my heart ramming against my ribs. Whether it was from the adrenaline of about getting caught, or from the act itself, I wasn't entirely sure.

All I knew, is the more I had of this woman, the more I wanted.

And next time: it would be her screaming MY name.

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