It was an Accident

By Mistressdemalchance

34.6K 760 635

Ladybug had been doing her nightly patrol when she passed by the Agreste mansion. She had stopped in a nearby... More

It was an Accident
The Cat's out of the Bag
Scaredy Cat
Intrusive Thoughts
It's You and Me Against the World
You're Joking, Right?
I'm Sorry
Facing the Beast
Our Life
Unfortunate New Life
New Family

Your Life

2.3K 60 42
By Mistressdemalchance

Adrien wasn't sure if his father did intend on kicking him out. Either way, Adrien chose to stay at the Dupain-Cheng's. Tom and Sabine weren't happy when they heard what happened. Adrien initially thought they were mad that he was staying there, but no, they welcomed him with open arms. They were mad at his father. Sabine was the most pissed of the two, going off about how Gabriel should understand that Adrien is 18, still young, but old enough to know what he wants in life.

Adrien went back to his house to collect clothes as Chat Noir. He didn't want to face his father so he preferred to sneak around. He wondered if his father even noticed his absence. It hurt him to think that his father was that cruel. Cruel enough to just kick him out the second he did something his father deemed inappropriate. Was he really that disposable?

He hadn't realized he'd arrived back at Marinette's balcony until he heard the trapdoor open.


He turned around to see Marinette climbing out of her room, a worried expression on her face.

"Are you ok?" she asked softly.

Chat bit his lip, trying to hold back tears, but he couldn't. Marinette pulled him into a hug. He hugged back, mindful not to squeeze her too hard.

She pulled him down onto her lawn chair, running her hand gently through his hair as he cuddled up next to her. He buried his face into the crook of her neck.

"It's ok, kitty," she cooed.

Her presence soothed him. She smelled so sweet. Did she just get out of the shower? She smelled like lavender and had a fresh set of pajamas on.

He pulled back, looking down at her and seeing her top had ridden up a little, exposing part of the stomach. He lifted her shirt up a bit, stopping before it got anywhere indecent.

"What are you doing?" she asked, blushing.

"Admiring your baby bump," he replied, nuzzling up to her belly.

Marinette giggled, "There isn't much to admire."

"So? Our baby is still in there."

Marinette just shook her head, smiling.

"I'm not going to be like him," he muttered after a while, still nuzzled up to her belly.

"I know," she replied. "You'll be an amazing father, Adrien."

He was going to make sure that was true. He wasn't going to continue the cycle of abuse. He was going to try his best to be a good dad to his baby and a good partner to Marinette.


Gabriel sat in his office, contemplating his future steps. Adrien took him at his word, leaving the mansion. Nathalie had informed him that Adrien hadn't been home for a few days. He hadn't been home since the argument. Some of his items were missing. Nathalie wasn't sure how he got them without her noticing. Adrien was no doubt with Marinette, Gabriel thought.

Out of all the things Adrien could've done to anger Gabriel, getting a girl pregnant was not at the top of the list. Although, realistically, he shouldn't be surprised. Adrien was a young man and a model. He had the attention of many girls, including classmates. He had also known for a long time now that Marinette had a thing for his son. His son was going to end up with someone eventually. He was surprised at how well-hidden they kept their relationship, however.

Gabriel sighed. Adrien had his mother's temper. Whenever Emily wanted to do something, she was determined to see it through. Adrien was no different. He stood his ground, adamant that he wanted to stick by his pregnant girlfriend. It was further proved with Adrien actually leaving. That was not something Gabriel expected.

There wasn't much he could do to convince Adrien to forget about the child. His only option was damage control.

If he did kick Adrien out completely, he'd leave the company. Adrien wouldn't stay a model; he'd no doubt refuse to come back. He wasn't actually under a contract. Gabriel never got around to finishing one. Adrien also had no monetary reason to stay. He had access to his trust fund; full of enough money to keep him afloat for years. Adrien was free to leave, and if he did so, it'd be bad press and a bad move for the company. Adrien Agreste, the top model, leaving his own father's company? What if he eventually decided to go back to modeling or some other part of the industry? He wouldn't return to Gabriel; he'd go somewhere else. Now that would be a PR nightmare. The son of Gabriel Agreste working for a competitor?

He didn't even want to think about the media frenzy that would occur when it got out that Adrien would be a teen dad. The whole situation would create a rousing story for the public. It'd be worse than if he just caved and acknowledged the child. It hurt Gabriel's pride, but his public image came first.

He wasn't pleased with his son's reckless actions, but there wasn't much he could do.

At least his son had the sense to knock up an aspiring designer.


Sabine heard the chime of the bakery door opening. She turned around, smiling and ready to greet the customer.

But she stopped dead in her tracks when she noticed who was at the door.

Gabriel stood tall, his hands behind his back. Nathalie stood next to him, clutching her tablet like always.

Sabine's smile immediately dropped.

"You have some nerve showing up here after what you said about my daughter," Sabine glared.

"I am here to talk to my son," he spoke, ignoring her previous statement. He took a step towards the back of the bakery, but Sabine stood in front of him.

"I am so sorry," she started, "but I do not give you permission to step into my house."

Gabriel looked annoyed but took a step back.

"What's going on out here?" Tom asked, stepping into the front of the bakery. He frowned when he saw Gabriel and Nathalie. "Why are you here?"

"I wish to speak to my son."

"Haven't you done enough already?" Sabine scoffed.

Before the adults could continue to bicker, they turned around when they heard the backdoor open again. Adrien and Marinette stood there, startled at seeing Gabriel. Adrien got a dejected look. Was his father here to yell at him some more? Tell him to go pick up his stuff at the mansion?

Marinette noticed Adrien's expression and frowned. She had cowered days prior when telling Gabriel about the pregnancy, but she was going to stand up to him today. She didn't care about the harsh words directed at her. He hurt Adrien, and she wasn't going to let him do it again. She opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by Gabriel.

"Ah, good, you're both here. There are quite a few things I need to discuss with the both of you," Gabriel spoke calmly. 

This caught all 4 of them off-guard. 

"Talk about what?" Adrien asked.

"The child. We're Agrestes, son. We have a certain image we need to keep up. All our actions need to be planned meticulously, including announcements."

Marinette and Adrien turned to look at each other, confused. 

Nathalie handed her tablet to Gabriel.

"There are a few things we need to address. I'm not sure how long you two have been dating; you've done a pretty good job at hiding it. However, that's not good when announcing a pregnancy. I'm sure you two must have been spotted together by classmates, so we'll have some backing up to your relationship. As for the media, we'll need to set a suitable time period for your relationship. At least six months prior to the conception of the child will do."

"But-" Adrien began.

Gabriel ignored him, continuing, "We'll need to work on an introduction for Ms. Dupain-Cheng. It will be a little tricky. I'll have to make sure her relationship with you is not seen as opportunistic, although speculation will arise anyway. I will still try to make the relationship seem sweet and innocent."

Gabriel glanced down at Marinette's clothed stomach.

"Well, at least as innocent as possible."

He tapped away at the tablet before handing it back to Nathalie.

"You two are far too young for marriage, so I'll let any talk of the topic go. It'll come up in the future, however. You still have access to your driver/bodyguard, Adrien, and I'll hire another for Marinette. She's carrying an Agreste, so it is imperative she be protected. Who knows how your fans will react to both a relationship and a pregnancy. It is best to stay on the safe side."

Marinette's eyes widened. Carrying an Agreste? She turned to look at Adrien, who had an equally shocked expression on his face. Was this Gabriel's way of saying he acknowledged the child? 

"That is all that needed to be discussed. Please let Nathalie know whether you are going to continue to stay here or come back to the mansion."

Without another word, Gabriel and Nathalie exited the bakery. 

The 4 of them stood there, completely shocked as to what happened. 

"That... that was not what I was expecting," Sabine spoke, breaking the silence. 


"I'm really sorry about my father," Adrien muttered, sitting down next to Marinette in the living room. "He likes being in control of things."

"I can tell," Marinette mumbled. 

She turned to look at him with a worried look, "Will he really be announcing our relationship and the pregnancy?"

Adrien sighed, "Yes. If he said he's going to do it, he will. We might have to make some statements."

"D-do we really have to?" she asked.

He turned to look at her, "Do you not want to?"

"I-I don't mind the stuff about u-us, but I really wanted to keep the pregnancy as private as possible. Does he really need to announce it?"

Adrien took her hand, giving it a kiss. "I know you want to keep this to close friends and family, but news of it will get out eventually. I disagree with how my father is handling things, but if it's one thing he's good at, is maintaining a good image. The pregnancy will get out one way or another, and the public will criticize us either way. So, in this instance, it's better to leave it in my father's hands."

Marinette groaned.

"I can talk to him and tell him to wait until school is over, so at least we won't be harassed there, ok?"

"Ok," Marinette muttered. 

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