Secret - Karma Akabane x Read...

By OhSnapCiderIsFizzy

46.5K 1.2K 706

You live with your uncle, Tadaomi Karasuma after your mother and father died. You were originally in Class A... More

Professor Bitch
School trip
Splash party
Final exams
Summer vacation
Fem-boy, Nagisa
Taking advantages
Unexpected plot twist
The End Of Summer Vacation
Back On School Grounds
Welcome Back, Itona
No. 2
Big Dismay
School festival
Studied too hard
All an act
Some time off
Kill vs Don't kill
The big showdown
Goodbye, Professor Koro
Congratulations (Fin)

New year, end of the school year

757 22 13
By OhSnapCiderIsFizzy

The lonely weekend eventually ended and you went back to school looking down at the ground. As soon as you entered the classroom, everyone else was sitting down in their seats with a serious look in their face. The room was silent, but you sat down like everyone else was. You were scared to make the smallest noise, and it was almost as if everyone in the room would be able to hear a pin drop.

You tried to listen to music in an attempt to cut off from the silence, but Karma walked in the classroom, and the door opening was the loudest thing you heard all day.

"Huh?? Why is it so quiet today?" He said, having absolutely no awareness. Or maybe he did, but he didn't care.

You put your head down and tried to focus on the music that was playing into your ears, when you heard some talking. You slightly looked up and it was Karma trying to grab your attention. All you heard was mumbles and everything he said was muffled out, but you didn't even try to make up what he was saying and shooed him away. You put your head back down but as soon as you did, you started to hear more talking. But it wasn't Karma's voice this time, it was Takebayashi talking to the whole class, including you. Then it hit you, realizing that the classroom was quiet because they wanted a serious discussion.

You started to realize how much you didn't even try to kill Professor Koro by yourself for the past few months. Even if you plan on staying now, but back then, the idea of staying here was a nightmare. You even told everyone that you won't be here for a while, but graduation is just around the corner.

Suddenly, everyone got up and surrounded Ritsu, and you assumed that she was showing some data that she collected during the time she was here for. You then made eye contact with your uncle. You panicked for a moment, thinking that he would get mad at you for not listening, but he didn't seem to care. Though obviously he won't say anything, but his face expression really said "I don't care." Was it because he already felt bad enough for dragging you into this? He then looked at Professor Koro and they seemed to exchange a few words before he and Miss. Bitch left the classroom.

The discussion continued and Professor Koro took out a tablet with a picture of something big. It was hard for you to tell so you squinted your eyes, trying to get a better look and that's when you finally took off your earbuds to listen in.

"Did you know they're about to send this baby up to the ISS?" Professor Koro said.

You then noticed that it was a rocket, and though you weren't an expert, you were familiar with it, as your uncle does work for the government.

"A manned rocket?" Itona asked, and he was great at engineering, so you weren't surprised he knew what it was.

"Yes. A proof-of-concept craft being developed here in Japan. It's supposed to carry an experimental dummy, but... what if there were real people in it instead?" Professor Koro explained. Everyone collectively gasped, as that idea was just unexpected. Like he said, it's not designed for real people. "Yes! An out-of-season research project for our assassination classroom: hijack the space station and steal their experiment data!"

The whole class went dead silent. You guys have done some extreme things, but not to the point where you guys had to dig through the government's data. But you guys had no choice to go with it. And so Class E's unprecedented research project began. The planning took some time and had to strategize very carefully, as it is that you guys will be sneaking into the government's territory. But once they were finished, it was time to choose the two people who will be going inside the rocket.

"Our plans are in place." Isogai announced. "Now to put them into action. The rocket will only hold two people. Who wants to go?" The majority of the boys in the class raised their hands to volunteer. You would love to go into space one day, but probably not now. It is pretty in pictures, but it's definitely a scary place.

"It's an experimental vessel with no successful flights yet... Who still wants to go?" Professor Koro eagerly said, and that just made everyone put their hands down. "I thought so..." He said.

"I still want to." Itona spoke up. "A rocket would make any mech-head's mouth water. But
I'll give up my seat this time, Nagisa and Karma."

"Huh? I'm not big on these risky challenges that rely on others." Karma said. "Just send Terasaka up with a dummy. If it crashes, no harm done."

"What?!" Terasaka screamed in his face over your desk and you had to push his face away.

"Karma the fighter, to provoke; Nagisa that assassin, for safety. They might be a good choice for hijacking a space station." Kataoka suggested.

"Yeah. We'll save our money and pay our own way." Isogai agreed.

"You two fought hard enough to bring the whole class together! Take responsibility and lead the way!" Terasaka argued to Karma, who just looked away trying to ignore it.

"Karma? Let's give it a shot." Nagisa said. "A graduation trip to outer space with your friend? What could be better?"

"Okay, okay. I did promise that I'd hear you out." Karma said and agreed to be the one to hijack the rocket with Nagisa.

"Well! That's that!" Professor Koro said.

As soon as that was done, you all got changed into your training suits and went to an island where the space center was located. Kurahashi and Yada were the ones to distract the crew. You could have done it single-handedly, as your uncle was in a high position in the Japanese government, and though you weren't known to the public, some other people might be able to recognize you and you could create a conversation with them easily. You could have revealed to your classmates about you and your uncle, however, revealing it in a serious situation when it will raise several questions is not the best idea. You put faith into your classmates, and let them gain your trust to be able to do this without the amount of power you have. Class E does have the reputation for not being able to do anything. However, they have been able to prove a lot of things without you, thus you decided to go along.

While they were distracted, Kimura snuck in and inserted a USB where Ritsu was inside, and she had to receive information and data and report it to everyone, more specifically Nagisa and Karma. Once they sneaked into the rocket ship as you saw the two red and blue head get inside and replace the dummies, you only had to pray that everything will be okay.

The countdown had started at 100 seconds, and each second seemed to be shorter than the last, and the whole countdown was over before you even knew it. You could hear the engine starting from where you and your classmates were watching, along with some other people who were there to observe.

You guys watched it go up all the way into the sky until it wasn't visible anymore. It went silent for a moment before a claps followed from the other viewers. Now all you guys had to do was go back to your campus and hope for the best. Once you guys got inside the classroom, you guys watched from Ritsu's monitor as she was recording everything that was happening.

The astronauts they had to confront didn't even seem to flinch, and that seemed to catch the two boys off guard. You all focused in, and the whole situation seemed extremely tense. You were all sweating, especially Professor Koro. You wanted to look away, but you couldn't stop staring into the screen. To your surprise, they easily agreed to follow your demands. Once you heard their words, you all let our a sigh of relief. You guys were all able to sit down at your desks and relax your muscles. You guys watched the two boys have fun in space and experience the things astronauts do. Seemed very fun, but actually going in space didn't seem like a great idea in your eyes. Once the boys had all the information we needed, and they were all ready to leave.

"Now then, I will be right back, everyone! I'm going to have to make sure Karma and Nagisa gets a safe landing!" Professor Koro said and dashed out the classroom window.

You and Kayano looked out the window and tried to see if you can catch the rocket coming down. You looked out for a few minutes and then you saw a small speck in the sky. You thought it was the rocket at first, but got hesitant and wondered if it was a bird. But the small speck grew larger and larger and that was when you were sure it was them.

"They're here!" Kayano yelled out. The entire class got excited and you all ran outside and ran up the hill by the school, as they were going to be landing in the small lake near your campus. When they were a few meters off the ground, three parachutes released from the rocket and they landed slowly into the small body of water.

"They did it!" Your classmates yelled.

"We're back!" Nagisa said, and you gave the two a hand to get out of the water.

"How was it?" You asked the two.

"It was definitely a cool experience! I really wish you could've been there." Nagisa said.

"Ah... I'm kinda glad I wasn't up there..." You laughed.

 "It was probably the coolest thing I have ever done in my life. I've done a lot of extreme things, and this one is probably the most extreme." Karma said, and you remembered how he dragged you in a situation where he threw himself off a cliff.

"I'll disagree with you on that one." You said.

~~Time skip~~

It was now mid-February and you were walking home with Karma, Nagisa, Okuda, Kayano, and Sugino while discussing what high school you guys were planning on going to, since graduations were only around a month away.

"Where do you plan on going, (Y/N)?" Nagisa asked.

"Oh, me? I... I actually haven't thought about it..." You answered, and it was reasonable, considering you probably won't be going to a high school in Japan after you move.

"Do you know what you want to do as an adult?" Kayano asked.

"Erm, you see, I did want to go into math major, but recently, I've been wanting to follow into my uncle's footsteps." You said.

"Oh, what does your uncle do?" Nagisa asked, and you didn't think this part through. Do you just reveal it now? The only two people that know are Kayano and Karma.

"Oh, um... He works in the government."

"Oh, really? So a politician?"

"Uh, Not really... He works in the Ministry of Defense."

"Oh wow! So like Mr. Karasuma?" Sugino asked, and you flinched.

"Uh, yeah, basically... W-What about you? where are you going, Karma?" you asked, trying to drive the conversation in a different direction.

"Ah, I'll stay at Kunugigaoka." He said.

"Huh?" You all said.

"You mean you'll take the entrance exam all over again?" Sugino asked.

"I figured you for something better." Kayano added. "I mean, you could get into the best high schools around."

"Put yourself in the main-campus students' shoes. The guy they thought they'd chase away is back-- and standing head and shoulders above them. what could be better than seeing those punks' humiliated mugs for three whole years?" Karma grinned menacingly.

"Such a winning personality..." Nagisa said, and you agreed.

"Besides, there are better schools for average academic ability, but only Kunugigaoka has students who'd be fun to take on in one-on-one academic showdowns. I'll have no problem getting the job I'm after. I figure I can take this time to just enjoy a battle or three." Karma said.

"that's so you, Karma." Nagisa said.

"You've got your dream school, right, Nagisa?" Karma asked.

"Uh-huh. And Kayano, Sugino, and everyone else... It's almost time to say goodbye..."

When you got home that day, you decided to ask your uncle if it's too late to switch her career path.

"Hey, is it... is it okay if I want to pick a different career for my future?" You asked.

"What do you mean?" He questioned.

"Well, I know that on my career path choice sheet, I did pick mathematician, but I'm starting to think that... I want to be like you." You shyly admitted.

"If that's what you want, I have no problem with it. I don't want to force you to be someone you don't want to be. However, it will be a difficult and perhaps a life threatening path."

"Even if that's the case, I think I still want to be like you; be an elite soldier at an air force, be a trainee instructor, and b-"

"Alright, I understand. It's not too late, and you have my full support. It's good to have a good helper by your side. But can I ask, why you suddenly changed your mind?"

"Well, I actually didn't want to be like you back then, I'll be honest. I thought that you didn't really spend a lot of time with me, and believed that your job was really tiring. But as I grew older, it was a really admirable job. Though I was upset about us not spending time together, it was just what I thought as a kid. But now, I understand."

"I see... I'm really sorry for those past years and how we didn't get to be together a lot of the times. But I'm glad you understand. I'll guide you into your future from now, and I'll make sure you can do this." Your uncle said, and that made your heart feel warm.

"Thank you..." You smiled.

~~Time skip~~

It was now Valentine's day, and you woke up early in the morning to prepare some chocolates. They were mostly for your friends, like Nagisa, Kayano, Sugino, etc. but you wanted to especially give one to Karma, for obvious reasons. When you got to school, you saw that Kayano was sitting at her desk, so you walked over to to give her some of your home made chocolates.

"Hey, Kaede. Happy Valentine's day! Here, I made some chocolates for you."

"O-Oh! Thanks, (Y/N)...!" She said nervously. Her face was red, and you got a little concerned.

"Something wrong?" You asked.

"Um... Well... I actually want to give some chocolates to Nagisa, but I don't know how I should approach him..."

"Hm... I se-" You guys were both startled to see that Karma and Nakamura were listening in to the both of you.

"What do we have here?" Karma said with a mischievous grin.

"Who did you say those were for, hmm?"

"W-What?! No one!" Kayano panicked, but her face only grew more red.

"Oh? I thought I heard someone's name being mentioned here. Pretty sure you mean this guy here!" Karma then pulled up a picture of Kayano and Nagisa kissing from that one time when Kayano tried to kill Professor Koro. Kayano then screamed in horror, when she had completely forgotten about the incident.

"Forgive me! Please forgive me!" She shoved her face into her hands and started groaning.

"Y'know, you two... It'd be really great if you guys didn't make this situation so awkward..." You said, grabbing Nakamura and Karma's shoulder.

"Ah, hey, (Y/N) I didn't even notice you!" Nakamura said.

"I... How..? A-Anyways... Here's some chocolate for you, Nakamura. I decided to make some for my friends."

"Ooh, really? Seeing that you gave me a small box, I'm assuming you got a bigger one for you-know-who!" She whispered into your ear, referring to Karma, even though he was right there. You cleared your throat and ignored her, walking around to give some of your other friends their chocolates, but avoiding Karma. Though you guys were dating, you for some reason didn't have the courage to, in fear that he'd tease you for it.

Once classes were over, you saw Nakamura and Karma bring Kayano with them to somewhere. You were a little curious, but you didn't bother asking or following them, since it wasn't really your business. Though you were a little concerned for Kayano. So you decided to follow them around, and you realized that they were watching your other classmates spend Valentine's day together. Kanzaki gave chocolates to Sugino, Hayami gave some to Chiba, and so on. It was cute to see the little interactions.

Eventually, Kayano herself was ready to give some chocolates to Nagisa. She went back into the campus, while Karma and Nakamura watched from the outside, and you decided to join the two.

"Oh, hey (Y/N), you're just in time. Kayano is about to-" Nakamura spoke until you cut her off.

"I am aware. I was actually following you guys around, just to make sure you guys don't make Kaede feel uncomfortable."

"We were just giving her advice, (Y/N), no need to worry." Karma said.

"No Karma, I'm worried especially when she's around you." You teased him.

"Anyways, keep it down, you two. She's about to do it!" Nakamura said.

Kayano grabbed Nagisa by his sleeve, and it was silent for a second before she made conversation. A lot of it was muffled out, since you guys were outside and the two were inside. Nagisa then noticed Professor Koro on top of a tree and pulled out his gun, though he wasn't actually going to shoot. That was a little random, but that was when Kayano muffed up the courage to tell him with a confident smile on her face. She then pushed Nagisa away, and walked back into the classroom and awkwardly smiled to you three.

"To kill yourself for someone else at the moment of truth... That part of her is a lot like Ms. Yukimura." Karma said.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"Nevermind." He answered.

"Ah, but how noble. no way I can poach from someone so admirable." Nakamura said.

"Say what?" Karma asked.

"Nothing. But nevermind that-- what exactly has Professor Koro so enthralled?"

"Oh, I got Kayano to leave some chocolates, a certain photo, and a note in an obvious spot."

"A photo?"

"If I'd known it would work so well, I would've used it in an assassination."

"What are you saying?" You asked.

"It's nothing." Karma said.

"You're not telling me anything, huh."

"Anyways, I'm going home. What about you guys? You guys are always going home together, are you guys going to one of your homes and have some private fun together?" Nakamura teased, and you were caught off guard from that blunt question.

"What do-" You tried to speak up, but Karma spoke over.

"Maybe! I am going over to her house tonight, so." He said.

"What?! I never invit-"

"Ooh!! I see... I'll get going then! Have fun, you two!" She said and walked off.

"What was that for?!" You asked.

"Oh, come on. It's not like I actually meant it."

"If you say so..." You said.

"So... You got chocolates for me?"

"..." You didn't answer.

"Come on, I know you have some~ Come bring them to me." He teased and he got closer to your face.

"I... Not now..." You walked off, and what you most feared would happen came true.

You went back into the classroom, and you took out his box of chocolates and let out a sigh.

"What are you doing?~" Karma sneaked up behind you. "This is for me, right?" He took it out of your hands and started walking away.

"H-Hey!" You yelled.

"Thanks, (Y/N). Don't forget to carry my bag." He said and opened the box. "Oh wow! Did you make this? You didn't have to!"

"Well, it... it did take a lot of time. You're welcome by the way." You said.

"No no, it's not that." You tilted your head slightly in confusion. "Because store-bought are better." He teased again.

"Give them back!" You said, and he laughed.

"I'm joking! Thanks though."

You slightly pouted and grabbed his bag to walk home with him.

(A/N): Ahaha... happy late new year..! I know it's late, and I know I haven't updated in months AND I'M REALLY SORRY! I feel like I'm losing more and more motivation after realizing how terribly this is written, but there's only a few chapters left so I'll try my best to finish it...

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