Feel My Soul Avenger

By RondaFlower

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Fact: Everyone has a soulmate. Fact: Superheroes exist as do villains, and I'm not talking your average; "let... More

Media and Pictures
Chapter 1: Prologue
Eloise or Stella?
The Big Apple
Muffins for Pepper
Tony Stark Bringer of Fireworks
Batman is that you?!
Eye of Hawk
Mr. Blue Eyes
Son of a Biscuit
So Hard to Say Goodnight
The Golden Rose
Past to Present
Pancakes or Waffles?
You're MY Baby Girl Sweetheart
Kissing Galore
Tony Time
New Reality and New Friends
My Angel
Coffee and Apple Muffins
Honey Honey
Close Calls
Hail Hydra
Don't Call Me That
So . . . What's Hydra?
Nightmares vs. Reality
Being Loved
Moving Forward and a New Friend
You Know What's on my Mind?
Taking a Stand
Guy Talk
I Have Asthma, and I Can't Breathe
A New Home

You're Hot and Like Sad Books

485 15 2
By RondaFlower

Warnings: Language, Sexual Situations, Tony Stark's Sexiness, Dirty Talk, Swearing, Using Slang terms for body parts

Welcome to the next chapter everyone! BTW, the SMUT is smutty, and if it's not your cup of tea, don't hate, please. Hate comments are deleted. This is a safe open space where there is only acceptance and love.

18+ only please for sexy times! If you are younger, the sexy times will be marked with a bunch of AAAAAAAA's  and a Smut Warning. So please, for my sanity and the LAW, skip that section!

Stella P.O.V

        By the time I was done training with Nat it was well into the afternoon. I was dripping with sweat, thirsty as hell, and exhausted both physically and mentally. While we had taken 5 minute breaks periodically throughout the day where I had been able to drink plenty of water and get a few minutes of rest in, I was still drained. All I wanted to do right now was lay down and pretend that I had died from over exertion and exercise. Seriously how was exercise good for you when it made you feel this worn out? Not only that, but I felt absolutely disgusting. I was ready to jump into the rainfall shower that Tony had installed in my bathroom and get myself squeaky clean. Plus I was curious to see what a rainfall shower would feel like, and if the side jets could help relax all of my stiff muscles. 

       Besides wanting to feel clean, I was in need of and ready for some serious cuddle time. Nothing sounded better to me right now than being curled up in one or all of my guys' laps with their arms wrapped around me as we simply held each other. However, that wasn't going to happen until I washed the smell of hard work and the gym off of my body. With having 3 Avengers as soulmates, I knew that they would be used to the smell of hard work and not too disgusted by the odor and feel of my sweat soaked body. On the contrary, I'm sure that they would understand perfectly well how it felt to be gross after a work out. At the same time, I'm a woman and I want to feel good and comfortable in my body while also impressing/not disgusting my loves. So, with that thought in the forefront of my mind, I headed to the common area in search of someone with whom I could cuddle with after my much needed shower.

         Sadly, Clint wasn't an option. I was no pro at self-defense or fighting yet, nor did I think I would ever be, and I definitely wasn't a challenge for Natasha. The fierce red headed assassin didn't get winded or sweaty at all while she was teaching me, which meant that my training session hadn't been enough of a workout for her. So, in thanks for teaching me and also to blow off some steam I'd bet, Clint offered to stay and do some sparring with her. That or he just wanted to spend time with his partner and get a workout in. The traitor. Which left me with either Steve or Tony as body pillow companions.

        When I walked into the common area, I found it completely devoid of all life. Seriously there was nothing alive in the room at all. If I was going to be staying here for any prolonged amount of time, we needed to at the very least, get some plants in here. Maybe a nice fern by the bar area, or even some little flowering cacti to go on the counter tops. Hell Tony was rich, maybe we could get a palm tree to go in the corner? Either way, we needed something to make it more welcoming and less sterile feeling in here. Who wanted to live in a cold and lifeless space? Certainly not me! I preferred comfort over sparsely decorated high end areas any day of the week.

        More than that, there wasn't any sign of any intelligent lifeforms anywhere. Not human, and definitely not Asgardian. There was no Thor reclining on the long red couch that he seemed to favor as he watched some form of cartoon for entertainment. In a way, he truly was like a giant kid with how much he enjoyed the simple things on earth. For example he really loved the sunset, blowing bubbles, Pop Tarts, Mac and Cheese (his new favorite dinner because of the shape of the noodles I was told), chocolate chip cookies, and all day marathons of cartoons and or Disney movies. From the gossip vine aka Tony, I knew that Tom and Jerry or Loony Tunes episodes would amuse him for hours on end and were his absolute favorites. Trust me, I would know. Tony complained to me enough about it when we talked on the phone.

        There was also no Bruce standing by the buffet, drinking an herbal tea while reading whichever new book or journal had caught his eye. Believe you me! That man could read anything, and I could relate. I loved books and reading with a passion. I even occasionally found some good reads on Wattpad, though I doubt Bruce would know what fanfiction was. We talked about books and their subplots more often than not in what little spare time he had to text me outside of his lab work. Our tastes differed like most people, but the dispute about which genre was better or about something one of us had read and our opinion on that topic was always worth the friendly but heated debate that would inevitably ensue. 

        While I preferred fantasies, romance, and science fiction novels like Harry Potter, The Hobbit, 50 Shades of Grey, and The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Bruce would rather read non-Fiction books and any type of science or medical journal he could get his hands on. Most of the time, what he read was about something pertaining to one of his 7 doctorates. But even he could be persuaded to pick up a book about something he wasn't an expert in occasionally. It definitely gave us lots to talk about, and he had even encouraged me to buy some non-Fiction books in areas that I was interested in. Like the belief and science behind paranormal activity and phenomena as well as books filled with random facts. Our debates weren't for nothing, however, as after several long-winded rants, I ended up convincing Bruce to buy The Harry Potter series as well as the 50 Shades of Grey series to read in his spare time. There was nothing wrong with trying a new genre of book after all. (Plus I kind of wanted to see his face when he got to the steamy parts of 50 shades.)

        So, with the common area being a bust, I decided to rely on good old JARVIS to help me out. The AI that my genius had fathered ran the tower for everybody who lived and worked here and was even in charge of all security measures. Minus the actual security guards, that was Happy's domain, but surely Jay would know where everyone was? With limited options at my disposal, it was either ask my friendly neighborhood AI my question, or I would have to slowly and methodically check all of the floors and rooms that I had access to one by one. Which was all of them. The last option just sounded like a lot of tedious and unnecessary work to me, so that was definitely a no-go. 

        All the same, I was on a mission. 

        That mission was to get some cuddles, and by gosh darn it, I was going to get them if it was the last thing I did!!

        "Hey Jay?" I called out as I walked over to the stainless steel fridge in the Kitchen portion of the communal area that Tony kept ridiculously stocked with any kind of health drink or snack that you could ask for. Looking for something edible and not vitamin filled to quench my thirst, I had to by pass the Coconut and Almond Milk, the pre-made fruit and vegetable smoothies, orange and pineapple juices that were freshly squeezed (aka no sugar except it's natural sugars), and kale juice. That was when I found the Holy Grail. A single water bottle was hidden on the bottom shelf of the fridge in the far left corner behind a bottle of kale juice. Now I'm not hating on people who like kale, but I personally despise the stuff. I was so thirsty after my work out, that I quickly grabbed the water bottle and secured it to my chest before someone could come up behind me and take it away from me. Even though that scenario was highly unlikely, I had no doubt in my mind that my assassin of a soulmate, aka Clint, could and would pull a stunt like that.

        Everyone in this tower was way too health conscious in my opinion. They were always watching what they were eating and drinking. Where were the snack cakes people? Where were the Flaming Hot Cheetos? The Sour Patch Kids? The Doritos? Where was the love of all things unhealthy for goodness sake! What I wouldn't give for a Diet Pepsi or a Lymnonade Sprite right about now. Maybe I should talk to Tony about getting some pop and unhealthy snack foods in here? I don't see why it would be that big of a deal if he did anyway. That man had a veritable Liquor Store on one wall of the whole common room. It didn't matter what you wanted, he could make you any mixed drink your heart desired. He had so many different flavors and brands of any liquor or alcohol you could possibly think of that it was slightly ridiculous. So I don't see why I couldn't have some pop or snacks with sugar in them.

        "Yes, Ms. Monroe, how may I be of service today?" JARVIS's calming British voice answered in response to my call for him, bringing my mind back to the matter at hand. Finding a cuddle buddy. It's like a study buddy only better.

        "Can you tell me where Steve and Tony are right now, please?" I asked him. As I waited for his response, I took a nice long drag from my water bottle. The cold water running down my throat cooled my face off instantly, while simultaneously refreshing me. Though I loved my pop, there was nothing like ice cold water after a workout to make me feel refreshed.

        "Of course. Presently Master Stark and Dr. Banner are in the Research and Development lab 5 floors down. They are, against my protests, currently working on a newer and "more advanced" A.I program. I told them myself that there was no need to create a new AI as I am and will always be, the only AI that this tower will ever need. Alas they ignored me. Which leaves me with Mr. Rogers whereabouts. This morning around 5AM the Captain went to go on a run and he hasn't returned yet. There is also no current prediction of when he shall return either." 

        Jay's news to me meant that, unfortunately, cuddles with my Super Soldier were out since he was out running. I loved how fit and muscly all of my soulmates were, but sometimes, it was slightly infuriating that they had to keep up a fitness regime. Like right now. Why did all of my soulmates have to be exercising when I wanted to cuddle up with them? Couldn't they just magically keep their perfect bodies without having to do all of that upkeep?

        That was a pipe dream, I know, but it still made me thankful for Tony and his preference for being in a lab over exercising. Though my soulmates would hate it, if they were all occupied at this moment and unavailable, I would totally be hitting up Bruce for some major cuddles.  I bet he would be shy at first, and then once he relaxed he would be the best cuddler ever. He just needs a chance to open up and prove it. Maybe next time I'll hit up the hulk to be my pillow? 

        Right now though, I just needed to see if Tony was able to walk away from whatever he was working on so that he could come and join me in my bedroom. There was just one small problem with executing my practically perfect in every way plan. I couldn't go into their lab with all of the sweat and grime that was currently covering my body. Not just because I myself felt gross, but because it was also a safety hazard. As it was a robotics and bio-engineering lab, Tony and Bruce kept the lab and all of its surfaces and tools as sterile as possible at all times to prevent cross contamination and accidents.

        So it was time to shift gears.

        I nodded to JARVIS so that he knew that I had heard and understood what he had told me. Even though I knew he couldn't actually 'see' me, I still didn't want to be rude to him. With his access to every camera in the building, I also knew that he was fully aware of my presence everywhere I went in the tower. With nothing to lose now that I knew Tony was hopefully going to be my cuddle buddy for the day I made my way to the elevator.

        "Could you take me up to my bedroom, please, Jay? I'd like to try out that new shower." I asked him as the elevator doors slid open to allow me entry. Upon my entrance to the conveyor, a string of bright white lights on the floor and ceiling lit up the whole interior so that I could see clearly. It didn't matter that I had seen it before. The technology in this tower was awe-inspiring, and I highly doubted that I would ever get used to it.

        "As you wish, Ms. Monroe." He told me as the elevator started to quickly climb up to my private floors effortlessly. The fact that I had my own set of floors alone was mind blowing to me. From a one bedroom apartment above a cafe, to living like a queen in a tower. This was the stuff of fairy-tales people.

        "Should you need any help operating the shower, please feel free to ask for my assistance. There are quite a few settings on it, and I would be more than happy to explain them to you or operate them for you if you so wish." Jay's soothing voice followed me as I climbed out of the elevator and walked once more past the delicately painted peonies in the hallway that led to my room. Steve's art really was as beautiful as it was magical.

        My bedroom and the rooms connected to it were so beautiful and thoughtful. The fact that my men had taken the time to specifically craft a set of rooms that I would adore and feel comfortable in filled my heart nearly to bursting with joy and love. Though I had appreciated their beauty yesterday, it was like a completely different set of rooms in the daytime compared to what they looked like last night. I once again glanced around the room that Tony and my boys had put together for me in awe while also feeling a giant release of tension from my shoulders.

        Good Lord, I hadn't even noticed that I was ridiculously tense and anxious while being outside of my room until I walked back into it. Returning to my rooms was like a weight had lifted off of my shoulders, while at the same time, all of the tension in my body simply disappeared. The amount of gratitude I felt towards my guys for giving me a secure and safe space was unparalleled, and truthfully, I didn't feel like I deserved all of this splendor that was around me. No matter what I felt though, I had a feeling that if I even mentioned this feeling of unworthiness to any one of my guys, I would be met with an argument and vehement protests, especially from Tony. He seemed like the kind of guy to spend copious amounts of money on the people that he cared about. Based on my room, I was pretty sure that I fell into the category of "special" of "loved". Or at least I hoped I did. If I didn't. . . well, then he probably wouldn't call me his Angel, now then would he?

         "Jay? Do I have any privacy protocols or something similar that I can enact when I don't want to be bothered with anyone or anything?" I asked him while looking up at the ceiling. I found myself doing this wherever I talked to Jay, and I doubted I'd be able to change that any time soon.

        I probably should have asked him this before I started stripping out of my clothes, but I was in such a rush to get clean that the thought didn't even cross my mind. As soon as I had entered my room, I was kicking off my shoes and reaching for my top to whip it across the room and be free of its clinging nastiness. All in all, I really should have thought about my actions before just going ahead and doing them. Story. Of. My. Life.

        Tony no doubt had cameras everywhere for JARVIS to access, so before I made a fool of myself, I quickly stopped moving with my shirt halfway up my torso. Subsequently, my abdomen was left exposed, and my shirt was bunched up right underneath my breasts showing off my few stretch marks and extra padding. Nothing important was showing yet though, and that's what matters.

        It wasn't a long shot to assume that Tony had cameras, video feeds, and speakers with audio everywhere in this tower. So I went with the assumption that Tony most likely would have gone overboard with all of his security measures, especially in all of the private areas that any Avenger or myself might frequent. After all, I was pretty sure that no one on the team wanted their personal business broadcast to the media for the whole world to see and judge. Not only were they Superheros, but they were also people who I'm sure wanted privacy from the general public. This excluded Tony of course. That man loved being in the spotlight and everything that came with his fame.

        It wasn't just their personal lives that needed to stay private either. The whole team also worked on highly classified cases and missions for the government that no one was allowed to be privy to or know anything about. This included soulmates. As I wasn't an Avenger or a high ranking Government official with any form of security clearance, I was on a need to know basis. Since I didn't need or want to know anything related to the government I was completely okay with that. So yes, I was sure that Tony had ridiculous and excessive privacy protocols in place around the whole tower.

        Besides the fact that any super powered group would need their privacy, with everything that had happened yesterday along with the whole Hydra thing, I figured that their nerves were probably shot to Hell and back. I know mine are. In light of all that happened as well as what they were doing for their jobs right now, they were most likely on DEAF CON ONE or something similar. With those thoughts in mind, I slowly lowered my shirt back down over my mid-drift. On the off chance that Tony was as crazy protective as he seemed sometimes, I didn't want to start stripping in case he had cameras in my bedroom.

        God, I hoped he didn't.

         It would be creepy if he did. 

        Or kinky.

        I'm not sure which one I had decided on yet. Anyway, back to what I had previously been curious about.

        "Yes, Miss Monroe. Master Stark put the standard security measures in place as well as some that aren't standard protocol but designed specifically for you. For your privacy, he built in a "pause button" so to speak on some of the standard features in certain areas of your rooms. This way your privacy will be maintained, while my other algorithms that are in place will monitor your vitals to ensure that you are healthy and safe without your privacy being violated. Should you put these "pause" measures into place, then all recording of video and audio feed will be cut, and your floor will be locked down from top to bottom so that no one can enter it unless it is a life or death situation or without your express permission." Well that didn't sound too bad. Then my main main frame continued on with his explanation.

        "As well as what I have previously stated, your bathroom and private bedroom do not have cameras only audio, so there is no need to be concerned about any filming happening in those areas. The "pause" button will also turn off the audio in both the bathroom and bedroom as well as common areas as I have previously stated. These procedures are called the 'Do Not Disturb' protocol. Should you wish to turn it on or off, you need to simply notify me at your convenience, and I will take care of making sure your privacy is secured. Do you wish to turn on the 'Do Not Disturb Protocol'?"

        Have you ever just wanted to display your feelings through emoji? Well, after that information overload, all I could think of was that mind blown emoji. I feel like I think the mind blown emoji feels whenever it is used. Just "poof!"

        Knowing that I could have privacy and space whenever I wanted or needed it was a huge weight off of my shoulders and a relief. With how I had grown up, I was used to being on my own, so I knew that there would be some days where I would want my privacy. On the other hand, there would also be days where I would want nothing more than all of my mates in a huge doggie pile of blankets and cuddles cocooning me with warmth and love. Also knowing that there weren't any cameras in my bedroom or bathroom was another huge weight off of my back. After the whole "measurements" debacle, and how it had subsequently effected not only myself with wanting to establish myself as a strong and independent woman, but also with how it had angered Steve and Clint. Like the perfect men that they were, they had reacted to my autonomy feeling like it had been violated with anger and a fierce protectiveness that made me giddy with happiness. Together they had basically taken up arms against Tony on my behalf. 

        All of the safety measures and how they had been put into place made me glad that my voice and opinions had been heard and respected. I was glad that Tony had taken my need for boundaries seriously. No doubt that had been very hard for him to do as he had none of them himself what-so-ever. The end result was that it only made it all the more significant and momentous to me that he would go out of his comfort zone to make me happy and give me what I had asked for and needed.

         "Yes, please, JARVIS. Please turn on 'Do Not Disturb' mode, and I'll let you know when you can turn it off." I said with a smile in my voice. My boys made me really, really happy.

        "Of course, Miss." He responded to me. Almost instantaneously I heard an audible click as the elevator doors locked, and then a low whirring noise as the windows that made up one wall of my room tinted to full black so that I couldn't see out and nothing could see in. Yes, I realize I was in a skyscraper, but still, it was nice to have my privacy. After the windows had tinted, the lights on the ceiling automatically turned on to compensate for the loss of natural lighting. Once again, I was astounded at how 'smart' my room was for a lack of a better word. It basically knew all of my needs before I even knew what they were myself.

        Well I guess that having blacked out windows was as good an indicator as any that I had my privacy now. With a smile, I quickly returned to my previous task of pulling off my work out shirt. The fact that it was still sweat soaked was disgusting, and it stuck to my skin as I peeled it off of my body. Honestly I just wanted to get that article of clothing as far away from my skin as possible, so I tossed it to the side where it landed in the hamper by my bathroom with a sloppy wet thump. Next, I pulled my shorts, that were more skin tight than I was used to, off and pulled my underwear down my legs. With all of these skin tight clothes, I would have to bring some of my own clothes from my apartment over here just to have something comfortable and familiar to lounge in. Without looking back I quickly stepped out of my clothes, leaving them laying there on the floor by the hamper.

        Wasting no time, I walked into the bathroom and then directly into the shower. I thought that I would have to call JARVIS again to figure out how to get the shower working because, as he said, there were multiple options. However, the touch-pad that I'm assuming Tony installed was very self-explanatory and simple. So with a simple touch of a button, hot water fell from the ceiling, and I was in heaven.

        It was like I was standing under the perfect rainfall as water cascaded down my body and washed all of the sweat and grime that had been covering me down the drain. Never before had I felt anything as calming and refreshing as this was. There was also a side jet that was pumping water in strong pulses against my back that was working out all the stress and tension that had built up in my body over the last few days. It did wonders for the muscle pain I was experiencing due to my training session/getting my ass kicked this morning. I'm not going to lie, I could have stood under that waterfall all day just letting the water pour over my body, however I had only come in here to get clean real quick before heading down to Tony and Bruce's lab.

       Not wanting to waste any more time, I added some peach scented body wash to a soft purple loofah and started to scrub my body free of all the sweat and grime that had accumulated from the gym off of my body. If it wasn't rinsed off of my body from the original cascade of water alone, it was most definitely gone now. In my mind, I couldn't get clean fast enough because I still desperately wanted some cuddle time. That and I didn't want to go into the lab without getting clean first. Tony and Bruce would figuratively and literally kill me if I made a mess and contaminated anything with my bodily fluids. Sometimes both of them worked with chemicals and volatile substances that were extremely dangerous, so it wouldn't be safe for me to go into the lab being as gross as I was at the moment. 

        Washing and conditioning my hair with matching peach scented products didn't take long at all, and by the time the last of my product was rinsed from my hair, I felt as though I was walking on air. In under 15 minutes, I was clean, refreshed, and ready to tackle the rest of the day as I stepped out of the shower. I was finally all clean, so I quickly brushed my hair to semi-perfection and threw it into a haphazard ponytail before tackling my next obstacle. 

        What on God's green earth am I going to wear?

        Never let it be said that Tony Stark is anything but thorough in anything and everything he sets his mind too. That's what I was thinking anyway as I walked into my previously unnoticed gijumbous walk in closet that was connected to the bathroom. I was amazed at all of the clothes that were hanging up in there. Most of them I personally would never even think of purchasing, let alone let myself look at their price tags. I doubted that I could afford a single pair of the heels that were lining one of the walls using 2 months worth of paychecks, let alone owning a whole closet full of them and designer clothes.

        Not knowing what to wear to cuddle and hopefully do more with my inventor of a soulmate, I simply grabbed the first thing I could find that didn't look like it had just come off a runway in Milan. These were the types of clothes that I would normally wear and covet! Now you may be thinking what could she possibly covet clothes wise? Simple. A plain pair of purple cotton underwear with a matching bra, a black tank top, and a pair of black leggings. Comfort above fashion was my philosophy when it came to clothes. After I was dressed, I would finally be ready to go and demand my cuddles, so I started putting on my under garments and tank top. Just as I was about to put on my leggings, I was interrupted by my man Jay with a breaking news announcement.

        "Pardon the intrusion Ms. Monroe, but Mr. Stark is requesting entry to your rooms. Would you like me to allow him to enter despite the "do not disturb" protocol being active?"

        "Yes, please, Jay. You might as well disengage my privacy mode while you're at it." I responded while throwing the leggings that I was previously going to wear off to the side, leaving me in only my bra, tank, and underwear. 

        "Very well miss." Jay responded politely and promptly while I looked at my discarded leggings. Not wearing pants wasn't the end of the world to me, and I quite liked how my ass looked in these purple panties, and hopefully Tony would think that I looked good in them too. Plus, I wanted cuddles with one of my men, and let's all be honest here. Cuddling is much easier when you aren't wearing pants, as well as also being way more comfortable for all parties involved. With a deep breath to try and gain the confidence that I was sorely lacking by showing so much skin (no matter how fantastic my ass looked,) I exited my closet just in time for the windows to go back to normal and for the elevator doors to bing open. Due to my nerves being high from being partially nude, I stopped so that my body was partially blocked behind the bathroom door. Once I deemed myself sufficiently hidden, I took in the glorious sight in front of me.

        What did I do to deserve such good looking men in my life? God, this man was going to be the death of me, and I wouldn't even care as long as I expired while staring at his biceps. Since he hadn't seen me yet, I decided to look (ogle) at all of the hotness he had on display. Since it was a lab day, Tony was only wearing sweatpants and a tank top that was so tight it should have been illegal. My eyes were drawn to his chest no matter how much I wanted to take in the rest of him. That blue light that showed that his arc reactor was fully functional shone through his tank with a brilliance that was unparalleled by anything on earth. The sight of that small blue orb only solidified my resolve to put what had happened at the cafe behind me. My men had all been through so much in their lives, and while my life hadn't been a picnic, it wasn't comparable to what they've gone through. The arc reactor in Tony's chest was a physical representation of all that he had overcome. 

        The arc reactor was a reminder of Tony's strength and his ability to adapt and overcome any obstacle. Just like all of the scarring that covered Clint's body was a reminder that he was a survivor. I had only ever gotten a mere glimpse of the ones that littered his arms, but I was 100% sure that under his clothing his body was littered with more scars than I could count in one sitting. 

        Seeing the arc reactor was like knowing and believing in Steve's strength, both physical and mental. It was knowing that if Steve could get up every morning and face the day even after having nightmares of the war and all he lost, that I could conquer the day too. I could conquer my fears just like they did. I may not have been a superhero, but I was strong in so many ways, and I was determined to take back control of my life and my body. After taking one more deep breath, I stepped out from where I was hiding behind the bathroom door and grabbed my man's attention.

        "I was just going to come to the lab to find you! I was hoping we could maybe cuddle and watch a movie?" I questioned as Tony turned his head to look at me from where he had been previously studying my bed with the intensity one might expect of a heart surgeon about to go into an operating room would have. 

        The expression on his face was everything that I didn't know I needed to feel confident in my own skin. I felt beautiful and downright sexy as I watched Tony's eyes glaze over. His facial expression was comical how his mouth dropped open. I could see his Adams apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed repeatedly while staring fixedly at me. It was like watching slow moving molasses as I watched his eyes start at the tips of my purple painted toenails before they crawled their way slowly up my body taking in every little detail of what made me, me. 

         His eyes didn't miss a single freckle or beauty mark as the intensity that filled his eyes had me shivering while a need began to build up in my body. The foreign yet familiar feeling of heat surging through my veins had me clenching my thighs in want. His gaze missed nothing as it paused on my covered thighs for a good long while before they trailed up to my stomach. Next his heavily lidded gaze turned to my breasts which he stared at intently for a few moments before he finally looked me in the eyes. I knew he was taking in my still soaked hair that I had thrown into a messy ponytail and the blush that was coating my cheeks and the tops of my breasts. His smirk was panty dropping, and as I watched it grow on his face I understood how he had gotten so many men and women into his bed. Gazing into each other's eyes had me wanting to drop my panties for him. 

        "Well, if this is the welcome I get every time I leave the lab, I might have to leave it more often." He quipped as he walked over to me and placed his hands on either side of my face, holding me in place firmly but gently.

        "Well, I was about to go and see you, but JARVIS told me that you were requesting access to my rooms, so I just figured eh why not? It's not my fault that you came before I could put my pants on." I smiled as I laid my hands on top of his and grinned up at him. His brown eyes were sparkling as we looked at each other.

        "Well I'd like to. Come that is, if you're willing." He joked and a loud laugh burst from between my lips before I could even contemplate holding it in.

        "Shut up!" The smile on my face was wide as I continued to giggle softly.

        "What? I didn't say anything!" Tony joked before continuing. "Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I came up here when I did. I could get used to seeing you walk around pants-less. Better yet, take off everything else too. We can make it a thing. Naked Wednesdays, what do you think?" Tony expressed as he laid a kiss on my forehead before pulling away from me to go and sit on the edge of my bed. All while he was walking, he was also kicking off his shoes and pushing them under the bed so they would be out of the way.

        With another laugh, I walked over to him, and using all of the confidence that I possessed, I quickly straddled his lap and settled myself down on his thighs. "I think that you'd get jealous of anyone else seeing me naked if we made it a daily thing. I'd have to leave the room at some point, and I don't think you would want Bruce or Thor to see me in my birthday suit, let alone Natasha." I responded while playing with the little hairs on the back of his neck.

        "Fair enough." Tony said as he pulled my forehead down to rest on his own before looking at me seriously. "Angel. I would really like to kiss you, but after everything that happened the other day I would understand if you aren't ready for that." The look he was leveling me with was serious and at the same time understanding. I didn't feel pressured to kiss him, and I didn't feel like he would be upset if I said no. That made my choice that much easier to make.

        I don't know what I did to deserve these loving, caring, and downright sexy soulmates, but I wouldn't change anything for the world. "Tony." I responded seriously as I looked into his fathomless brown eyes while scooting closer to him on his lap. "If you don't kiss me within the next 60 seconds, I will get Bruce to. Not only will you hate it and get jealous, it'd be awkward as hell for me as well. Something tells me that Brucie-bear and I's friendship wouldn't survive that awkwardness." By the time I was finished speaking, Tony was moving without a sliver of hesitation. 

        Finally Tony's lips were finally on mine.


        Tony's lips tasted like heaven. Okay, that's a tiny bit of an exaggeration. His lips were thick and tasted like too strong black coffee and . . . motor oil? With a shallow breath I pulled away from Tony and looked at him curiously as I ran my thumb over his bottom lip. "Why do you taste like motor oil?" I asked him before I nipped playfully at his bottom lip before he moved to mouth at my collarbone.

        "I lost a bet. Long story short, Dum-E had to make me a motor oil shake and I had to drink it. It's homosapien friendly. Just ignore the taste and come back here." Tony said heatedly against the skin of my collar bone.

        Just as I pulled his head away from my skin and towards my mouth he surged up and captured my lips with his. Pleasure zinged throughout my body as Tony firmly took a hold of my hips and flipped us over all while keeping our lips connected. The movement was so smooth that if I hadn't been paying attention, I wasn't sure that I would have even noticed our change in position. Our new circumstances had it so that I was laying on the bed and he was hovering over me using his arms for support, while our hips were aligned perfectly. Not sure where I should place my legs, I placed my feet flat on the bed on either side of Tony's hips so that he was cradled in the apex of my thighs.  

        "This okay Angel?" Tony whispered into my ear before he pulled back and went to move my hair away from my face and neck with his fingertips. Now with nothing in the way, we could comfortably stare into each other's eyes.

        "More than okay." I whispered back. 

         I hated having his lips away from mine so I didn't waste any time pulling him back to me by the front of his tank so that our lips could reconnect. His full lips were dry and very chapped, but it was perfect as his lips moved on top of mine. The more he kissed me, the more I could feel my body heating up in response to his, and when his tongue gently ran along my bottom lip I let out an obscenely loud moan and thrust my hips up towards his as my mouth opened to allow his tongue entry.

        "God Angel you're perfect. You're so soft and willing under me." Tony practically moaned as his hands trailed down my sides and up under my top until they were resting on the curve of my waist.

         "Tell me you want this, and I'll pleasure you until you can't see straight. Tell me you want to stop, and I will okay baby. No questions asked." There was no doubt in my mind that he would do just that as he stared down at me like I was a goddess among peasants.

        "Don't stop Tones. I want you please. I want to complete the second bond with you. I want to feel you." I blushed as I said this while Tony let out a low groan as his eyes fluttered shut for a moment before opening again. 

        He moved his hands from my waist to the edges of my tank before he helped me slowly pull it up and over my head. Without looking away from me, he threw it over his shoulder to land on the floor somewhere. Once my tank was discarded and out of the way, his hands trailed the edges of my curves as he bent down to give me another lingering kiss. His touch was gentle as he dragged his hands over the plains of my stomach and then around my back to grab onto my bra. Before he went to unhook my torture device, he pulled away from my lips to look me in the eyes with a question shining clear in them, wanting to make sure I was okay with what was going on and what was about to happen.

        Not about to lose my nerve now that we were getting to the good stuff, I gave him a small smile and a confident nod in response. That was all of the go ahead he needed as he unclipped my bra. With a gentle fierceness that I was slowly but surely getting used to, he dragged the bra straps down my arms before flinging it to the side to join my shirt in a heap on the floor. Left in only my underwear laying before him, I could feel shyness starting to creep up on me, but I pushed it down in favor of looking at Tony.

        I thought he might say something about my body, negative or positive, but instead his eyes darkened with lust while his head dove down to meet mine. Our lips crashed together in heated passion and I never wanted this feeling to stop. I wanted to drown in his kisses and burn with his passion. As I was still a virgin with only limited experience with my mates, I wasn't sure where to put my hands. Thinking quickly, I grabbed his broad shoulders and anchored myself to him, and just in time too, as he thrust his covered erection against my center. 

        Nothing could have stopped the moan that tore through my throat as I was filled with lust. I was unable to control my reactions to everything that he was doing to me. The sounds that I was making should have made me feel embarrassed, but the pleasure he was giving me had those thoughts flying right out of my mind. When Tony sent me another thrust with his hips, his dick hit my covered clit just right. In response, I threw my head back into the mattress as I whined in need. I could feel Tony smiling against my skin as he moved his lips off of mine and to my neck where he began to suck, kiss, and nibble a certain spot behind my ear that had me soaking my underwear.

        "Does that feel good baby?" Tony asked me. I'm not going to lie, it was very hard for me to concentrate on his words as I felt him smirk into the skin of my neck, before he pulled himself back so that he could look into my lust blown pupils.

        "So good. It feels so good." I groaned as he slowly dragged one calloused hand over my stomach to rest below my breasts as he looked into my eyes smirking.

        "Want me to continue baby? Want me to make you feel good?"

        Not able to find anymore words as need pulsed through me, I nodded my head frantically as I held onto his shoulders for support. God did I need more, and I was willing to take whatever this sexy man would give me. Still keeping eye contact with me as he hovered over my body, he brought his thumb to my right nipple and gently started brushing the pad of his thumb over it. Back and forth his thumb rubbed my nipple making arousal flood my veins. I wasn't sure, but at some point I had closed my eyes in bliss. Whimpers and moans continued to fall from my lips as I pushed my breasts up into his hand. I wanted so much more and needed this feeling to never stop as my nipples pebbled up into Tony's hands.

        "Fuck your so responsive. You're so perfect for me. Do you trust me baby?" Tony asked as he dropped his head and captured my left nipple in his mouth all while rubbing my right with his thumb. With another loud moan, I gasped and bucked my hips up into his as he started rolling my nipple in between this thumb and pointer finger all while continuing to suck and nibble on the other one.

        "Yes I trust you!" I found myself begging him. "Please I need more. Please!" 

        "Remember to tell me if you want me to stop anything I'm doing Angel. You're in charge." Tony told me as he popped my nipple back into his mouth and sucked on it hard.

        My hand gripped his hair tightly in one of my hands, holding his head tightly to my breast. I was trying to get him to take as much of my DDD's into his mouth as he could just so I could keep feeling this wonderful feeling. I didn't even realize what I was doing until a sharp sting landed on the breast he had previously been fondling making me release his hair with a gasp. So affected by what he was doing, it didn't register that the stinging I was feeling was caused by a small slap that he had landed on one of my breasts, until he was soothing the small sting away with gentle rubs. God I didn't know anything like that would turn me on until my hips stuttered up into his and I cried out in pleasure.

        With a loud pop, Tony pulled his mouth away from my breasts and grinned up at me. "Did my angel like that? Do you like a little pain with your pleasure baby?" He said as he laid another light slap on the breast that was glistening with his spit, making the sensations even more overwhelming.

        "Yes sir." I agreed breathlessly. Blinded as I was with pleasure, I didn't register what I had just called him or what I was saying.

        "Fuck." Tony groaned as he trailed his hands to my hips and held me still as he gave a few experimental thrusts that hit my clit roughly, making me see stars as I felt his impressive length rub against me.

        I didn't waste any time trying to thrust my hips up against his in response, but with how he was holding me firmly to the bed and grinding down into me, I wasn't able to much other than lay there and take the pleasure that he was giving me. As I looked up at him, I could see him staring at me lovingly and it only cemented my resolve to do the second bonding with him. This was my body and I was in control. I also knew that he would stop if I told him to, so with a smile I grabbed his face between my hands and laid a sweet kiss to his lips. Completely at odds with what we were doing. 

        "Take them off Tony, please. I want to feel you and I want you to feel me." Between the nipple stimulation and finally kissing my soulmate, I was worked up and needing to feel some form of release.

        "You sure angel?" Tony double checked, but I could see the need, the lust, and the love for me in his eyes as he stared down at me. With a nod I began to reach for my underwear myself, the soft purple cotton now almost completely soaked through when Tony grabbed my hands and pulled them so they were laying beside my head. "Nuh uh baby. I'm going to unwrap this present. You just lay there like a good girl and play with your nipples for me."

        His words made me blush, but even I couldn't deny that his words and actions sent another pang of need through me. With a nod I reached up and cupped both of my breasts in my hands. I  gave them a few experimental squeezes before I grasped my nipples, one in each hand, and gave them a little tug. It felt amazing, I thought as I moaned and gave them another squeeze. I kept my eyes on my love as he straddled my calves and grabbed my panties before he slowly began to tug them down my legs.

        The tips of his fingers caressed my skin as he drew my underwear down over my hips and ass, over my knees, and finally from around my feet. This was the first time that I would be naked in front of anyone, and I felt extremely exposed as I laid bare before him. I could feel my skin heating up in embarrassment as he stared at the trimmed curls between my legs before I bent my legs to cover some of my body up.

         "Don't." Tony told me in a husky voice as he trailed his eyes over my whole form from my partially bent legs, to my hands still teasing my nipples, and finally up to my face as he looked at me. "Don't hide from me, your body is perfection." And I believed him. As I looked into his eyes I saw no lies. No disgust. Only pure adoration. He truly didn't care about the stretch marks that littered my breasts, thighs, and hips. He didn't care about the extra cushion I carried on my stomach, or that there was no gap between my thighs. Tony only saw the perfection that was my body, so with a confidence I didn't previously possess, I slowly let my legs fall back onto the bed so I wasn't curled in on myself.

        "Have I ever told you how hot you are?" I asked him as I plucked my nipples while he bent over to take one of them into his mouth again.

        "Not recently. Or ever really. Plus I like reading sad books, that makes me the perfect man right?" He said against my skin as he trailed his lips down my stomach while gently moving my legs so they were spread around his shoulders, baring me to his gaze.

        "When you say perfect . . . " I trailed off as his teeth gently nipped the inside of my thigh making me squirm and moan. "Tony what are you?" I began as I started to sit up, making him place his hand on my stomach to hold me down on the bed.

        "Shh, trust me," and with those words, I felt him lay a kiss on my clit, which in turn made my hips thrust up towards his mouth. "I got you baby, just feel."

        Then he went to town. It started off soft, with one of his hands holding my lower lips spread open as he laid gentle kisses on my clit and over my hole. He would pull away and alternate between kissing the insides of my thighs every time I tried to move closer, or raise my hips to his face. It didn't take me long to understand that Tony wanted me laying there beneath him while he pleased me, and once I stopped moving, he went right back to kissing my clit. After a few minutes of softly teasing me while I plucked my nipples in time with his kisses, I felt him lay the flat of his tongue over my bud and start to flick it. With each flick, I could feel myself getting lost in the sensations that he was creating, driving me higher and higher towards bliss.

        God it felt good. I might have to make this an everyday kind of thing, because as he pulled my clit into his mouth and sucked, I could feel the coil in my stomach getting tighter and tighter. So lost in the bliss he was creating, I didn't notice when Tony took one of his fingers from his unoccupied hand and slowly began circling my hole, getting me used to the sensation. Not trying to push it in, just circling it, teasing me with the sensations it was creating.

        "Think you can take one of my fingers angel? Think you can take one of my fingers into this tight little pussy of yours?" Fuck his dirty talk was turning me on and I wanted more.

        "Yes. Please Tony." I moaned out.

        "Is my finger going to be the first thing you feel in your little hole angel?" Tony groaned out as he started adding light pressure to his finger, not quite entering me, but making sure that I could feel him and his intentions.

        "Yes sir." I murmured as I pulled one of my nipples hard towards the ceiling, grounding myself with the slight pain but also sending me even closer to the edge. I was so close to cumming, but I couldn't go over the edge, not yet. I wanted to know what it felt like to have Tony's fingers in me.

        "Take a deep breath for me baby." Tony coached, and just as I went to ask him why, the pressure on my pussy increased as I felt him begin to slide his finger into me, stopping at the first knuckle. I'm not going to lie, I could feel myself tensing at the foreign feeling and slight sting, so I did what he told me to. I took a deep breath, and as I released it my body relaxed and he was able to push the rest of his thick finger inside me.

        "Good job baby. You're doing so damn good for me." He praised, and then he was pulling his finger back out slowly. The drag and feel of his callouses felt so damn good that I thought I was going to lose my mind. Once only the tip of his finger was in me, I didn't have time to think before he was thrusting it back into me while twisting it slightly. He hit a spot inside me with such precision, that he had me tensing up and cumming on his finger before I knew what hit me.

        "Fuck!" I yelled as my hips twitched and thrust up against his hands chasing my pleasure. I dropped my hands from my breasts and grabbed the sheets around me to anchor myself to something as wave after wave of my release washed over me. My whole core was tightening and releasing, and just as I began to come down from my high, I felt Tony lay his other hand on my stomach holding me down as he slowly added a second finger into my cunt.

        "Tony?" I gasped out as he started moving his fingers faster and harder into me making me throw my head back and moan so loud I was sure everyone in the tower would be able to hear me.

        "One more baby. I think you've got one more orgasm in you. Can you come one more time baby? Gonna cum for me?" Tony said in a deep husky voice that alone had my body tightening up ready to release again.

        The sensation started building again, only faster than it had before, and my hands clenched and un-clenched the sheets beneath me. My hips had a mind of their own, and started pushing against the hand holding me still before him. My eyes were beginning to roll back into my head and a high pitched whimper escaped my mouth as I climbed higher and higher until I couldn't hold it anymore. With a scream, I felt myself release all over Tony's hand as I gushed through my second orgasm. Tony's fingers continued to slowly work in and out of me as my orgasm ebbed and my body fell back into the mattress boneless and shaking.

        "Good job baby. You did so good for me." Tony said as he slowly pulled his fingers that were shining with my juices out of me. Through bleary eyes I watched him dazed as he licked my slick off of his fingers and hand before he gently massaged my leg muscles which were still shaking from the strength of my second orgasm.

       My mind slowly returned to me as the shaking of my limbs ceased. Fuck that felt good. I felt boneless and as though I was soaring on the tops of clouds, but I also felt mischievous. Through my eyelashes I could see Tony rubbing my legs as I returned to earth, but I could also see the tent he was pitching through his sweatpants. So with a grin I lunged for him and wrapped my arms around us as I pushed him to lay on the mattress where I previously lay, while straddling him.

        "Oh we aren't done yet Mr. Stark." I grinned down at him impishly as I bent to capture his lips that tasted like my juices with my own.

A/N: I'm taking requests for what Stella's nickname from JARVIS should be! Please leave your comment and let me know what you think. 

Also this work is NOT abandoned, I just have a baby and life that takes the place of my writing time so I only get to relax occasionally when my husband "clocks in" and watches the baby every night. If I don't fall asleep as soon as he gets home. 

AS ALWAYS you and the MUSES that inspire me!

Don't forget to comment and vote!!!

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