The Way Love Changes You; Boo...

By redisle_love

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Love can feel empowering. Love can be deadly. It can be the greatest thing to ever happen. It can be the bigg... More

Author's Note and Disclaimer
Content Warnings!
1/I: Finally Falling
2/II: Can't Wait to Meet...
3/III: Bittersweet Meeting
5/V: Lunch "Date," Part One
6/VI: Lunch "Date," Part Two
7/VII: A Bee for Lotus
8/VIII: Trust Building
9/IX: Meeting the Bee's Current Queen
10/X: Avella's Gift
11/XI: Scared to Find Love
12/XII: Second Lunch but Better
13/XIII: The Assembly
14/XIV: A Talk with the Bee's Queen
15/XV: Getting to Know my Roommate, the Dating Novice
16/XVI: The Real Deal Date, Part One
17/XVII: The Real Deal Date, Part Two
18/XVIII: Building Our Way to Ecstasy
19/XIX: Second-Guessing the Bee's Queen
20/XX: Meeting Her Girlfriend
21/XXI: Taming the Pain
22/XXII: Did I Finally Find Love?
23/XXIII: Dinner with Her Family
24/XXIV: Leaving the Bee (and Her Queen) Alone, For Now...
25/XXV: Her Mark
26/XXVI: My Official Silver Lining
27/XXVII: My Heavenly Distraction
28/XXVIII: One Month Anniversary
29/XXIX: The Birthday Flower
30/XXX: A Song for Her
31/XXXI: Promise Tattoos
32/XXXII: Tricks and Treats
33/XXXIII: Wounded for Love
34/XXXIV: Night of Wonders, Part One
35/XXXV: Night of Wonders, Part Two
36/XXXVI: The Heartbroken, Homeless Romantic
37/XXXVII: Love Is Far From Our Reach
38/XXVIII: Harlow Womani-sor
39/XXXIX: Was it Worth Saving the Bee?
40/XL: Birthday Discussion
41/XLI: Christmas Blues and Cheers
Thank You Note from the Author

4/IV: Lunch "Date" Jitters

39 4 0
By redisle_love


Friday, August 16, 2019

Having to wait for this day to get here was anxiety inducing the closer it got. The whole time I wanted to stay in touch with her. I couldn't stop thinking about her. If I was working at my part time job at the store or too deep into college assignments, which was practically every day until today, the least I could do was say hello. I didn't know where she worked yet, so I couldn't visit her. Now that today was finally here, I could barely contain my excitement. I had to request today off from my job because of this, and this weekend because, if it went well, I would be too distracted to even want to go back to work afterwards.

Albeit, having lunch with somebody else wasn't so new to me, but having it with somebody who was love at first sight? That was something that could be life changing.

Earlier that morning, I woke up around 8:30 because I had trouble sleeping the night before, anxiously thinking about the lunch "date," and her.

Indy Serenity.

I didn't want to get out of bed so soon because the lunch "date" wasn't until 2:00, but I didn't have to carpool with her until 12:30. I wanted to continue to sleep, but I was afraid of waking up every 30 minutes and eventually would lose time getting ready for it and making me more anxious than I already was.

I went to the bathroom and took a good, hot shower. Though instead of washing myself, I just stood under the hot running water, thinking about her again. Just couldn't get over how big and beautiful her smile was. I've never seen someone so happy that it would make me stim. Thinking about it made me stim right then under the running water, getting my hair wet in the process.

I realized that I didn't have a hair dryer, and I figured that Redd, my roommate—yeah, we're roommates, forgot to mention that in an earlier chapter...—was still sleeping. I never was a fan of air drying my hair because it would end up being very difficult to brush, then my curls would come out ugly and frizzy as a result, like how they kinda looked when I saw her for the first time. I air dry it anyway because I like my natural hair when I wouldn't straighten it. It'd make me feel better about myself a lot of the time. Indy Serenity seeing that part of me and liking me for it and many other things that she sees about me that I don't see was something that will stick out to me.

Thankfully, I subconsciously brought another towel with me so I could dry my hair. I knew that I had a few hours left before I had to meet Indy at the college, but I wanted to look nice. I let my hair air dry by letting it stay loose. I wrapped myself up before leaving the bathroom, but then saw that Redd was awake as I was heading to my room.

"Ohhh, good morning!" she chirped, surprised to see me awake. "This is the first time that I've seen you get up early on a weekend! What's up?"

I remembered that I wanted to keep today's little event a surprise from Redd until the day got here, and I was very grateful that I managed to keep it on lock. I had already told Jonni, however. So, why keep her waiting?

"I didn't want to tell you too soon, but since it's happening today, I'mma go ahead and just tell ya. So, last Wednesday, me and this girl finally met and talked for a little bit, an-"

Redd quickly stopped me. "Before I even let you continue, did you get her name? Because I swear to god, if you didn't get her fucking name..."

I snorted. "Chill, I got her name. It's a very beautiful name, actually, and it refuses to leave my brain. Indy Serenity is the name."

"Her parents must've loved her to make that her birth name, and I don't mean that sarcastically." Redd was eating a breakfast sandwich as I was about to share the details.

"But, anyway, like, she's so sweet and funny. Honestly, I never would've guessed that she'd have a big heart and a great sense of humor. Humor is subjective, but to me, she was lighthearted and I grew to like that about her. Fell for her instantly, especially after seeing her big smile. She had high cheekbones, too. That was a beautiful feature."

I stared off into a daze as I kept thinking about how beautiful her face was, immediately losing track of what I was doing. I kept visualizing the mental photograph I had of her smiling face. The shape of her eyes, the roundness of her nose, the softness of her lips, the—



"You were explaining how your meetup with the other woman went. You had gone off to La La Land..." then Redd wheezed.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. So we got to sit and talk, but it was for a short while because she had to go to work. I almost cried because that little meetup we had wasn't satisfactory for the both of us. So, which leads to me getting up earlier than usual today and taking a shower-"

Redd snickered. "And forgetting to take out your retainer, yet again."

My eyes widened at the realization after feeling it with my tongue. "Again?! Goddamn! But anyway, if you'd stop interrupting me long enough for me to finish what I have to say...the reason why I'm up so early is because she asked me out to lunch today. We're going to this pizza place down in Greensboro, I believe. I'm honestly very excited!"

Redd dropped her sandwich on her plate in shock. "She asked you out to lunch?! Oh my god, that's so amazing! I'm so happy for you, Avella! I must ask: who's driving? You or her?"

"She is! She offered to since it was her treat! Yo, I've waited since then for this moment, and it's finally happening!" I felt myself dancing with excitement.

"Oh wow," Redd remarked. "She's a bold one. If I didn't know any better, I thought you'dbe making the first moves."

I raised an eyebrow. "Really? Why would you think that?"

She shrugged. "Seeing how confident you are and the energy you give off, I thought you'd do all that she's doing for you. You offering to take her out to lunch, you driving, you paying the bill...y'know?"

"I understand what you're saying, but, like, you're forgetting that this is my first relationship, or at least about that much for now and will get that far if it goes well. And I'm willing to believe that this is her first one also, if with another woman. If she wants to make the first move, I'mma let her. She seemed confident enough to offer when opportunity struck, and she must've been proud. I'm already proud of her, and we barely know each other. I never thought about doing that right off. What she did took a lot of courage. That pretty much made me like her so much more than I had thought I would.

"Sometimes, even the most 'confident-looking' people are the shyest. It is sweet that you thought that I was confident, but also not when you're tying it in with my looks, let alone insinuating that I'm the 'male' in the relationship and we're not even dating."

I had to laugh. Even though I was a bit irked by what she meant, it was kinda funny.

Redd winced. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it like that, but you are very good-looking, nonetheless. Honestly, it's very sweet that she did it first. Speaking of which, I know you said that you two aren't dating, but have you considered giving her flowers?"

The loudest wheeze came out of me. "Redd, we're going to another city that's like an hour away. I'm not bringing her flowers on an hour-long drive because I honestly don't know how long we'll stay down there. But, like, I hope that we do stay and explore a bit and just sit down and talk. Even down to the deep shit. Like, I want us to really have a connection, y'know?"

Redd seemed touched. "I wish I had a relationship like that. You make it seem so...romantic and endearing when you talk about you and this Indy person. Makes me wish I wasn't single right now."

I gave her a disapproving expression. "Redd, today hasn't even started." I let out a snort because Redd was just...I honestly don't know what to say about her at this point of the chapter because she was kinda making it awkward.

I headed off to my room. "I'mma go get dressed. Make me one of those sandwiches, please, if it's no trouble?"

"It's no trouble at all! Plant-based ham or turkey?"

"Ham! Whole grain flat, too!"

While she was finishing up her sandwich to make mine, I needed to find something to wear while also needing to moisturize and deodorize myself...and take out my retainer. Nothing too fancy, or nothing too plain. Something nice, cool, and contemporary. It felt like forever until I came across something that I felt would be perfect for the lunch "date." A gray and white floral fitted quarter-sleeve V-neck, gray cargo joggers that I found in the men's section, and gray All-Stars that I bought months ago. My favorite shoes that I wanted to save for a special occasion. Although the color choice for the ensemble was a bit boring in hindsight, I wanted to wear something that would keep me cool since it was going to be hot later. I wanted to add a silver chain as a finishing touch to the look. Jonni gave it to me out of kindness along with other chains if I wanted to add bling.

I came out of my room to show Redd my fit, and she was floored, by how she almost dropped my sandwich she'd finished warming in the oven on the floor. "Holy shit...Avella! You look...handsome! Your tattoos make your look even better!"

Trying not to blush, I thanked her for the compliment and for the sandwich. I sat at the island to enjoy the sandwich as she made me a glass of grape juice. She knew how to make a mad vegan breakfast sandwich. I decided to cut it in half because of how time was flying, I wanted to eat light while also having time to freshen my mouth. But I wanted to get lost in this sandwich. It was so good...

"Mm, so, are you gonna be alright while I'm gone?" I spoke as I was eating.

Redd sighed. "Yeah, I'll be fine. I'll find something to do in the meantime since I'm off tonight. I just want youto have fun and be safe. Greensboro is a big city and a lot of things go on down there, but there's also a lot of things to do and see! Just have a story to tell when you come back. I want in on the deets."

I wheezed and took my last bite. "You got it." I glanced at the clock. It was 11:40...

"Oh shit! I gotta freshen up and get going. I have to meet her at 12:30." I gulped down what I had left in my glass, which gave me a little brain freeze, but I was unbothered.

Redd jumped up as she saw the clock, too. "Oh yes, go! Get going! I'll clean the dishes for you and put away the other half for you to eat later! I'll see you when you get back, okay?"

I hurried into the bathroom to brush, floss, and rinse before I had to leave. I didn't want to go and smell like vegan ham and pepperoni, especially in front of Indy Serenity. I rushed into my room to get a hair tie to put my hair up and a gray bandanna to tie it around my head to finish off the look. Thankfully, my whole head dried up before doing so. I looked in the mirror and made sure that nothing was out of place. Satisfied, I grabbed my keys and phone and rushed out of my room and bolted for the door.

"Yo, see ya, Redd!" I yelled out. She returned a "see ya" from her room before I shut the door and locked it behind me. Bolted down the staircase to my SUV, cranked it up, and drove off soon as it warmed up. I was very afraid that I would be late. With this being my first time going to a lunch with someone who I liked, I didn't want to fuck it up. This was the one point in my life that I actually cared about being time punctual. I was too excited to let this pass me by, so today out of all days, time was very precious to me.

I turned the AC on to full blast because I didn't want to sweat and possibly create an odor before I got to see her again. It was already a little past noon, and it was already getting hot. 80 degrees...and barely any breeze.


Nearly 20 minutes later, I arrived at the student lounge hall, as she said. Thankfully, she wasn't there yet. I'd rather wait for her than have her wait for me. It made me feel better since this was a first time for everything for me. I wanted her to have a good time, but I also wanted for me to have a good time. Gotta keep the balance.

I had three minutes to spare, so I turned my SUV off for a bit, locked it, and went inside the lounge real fast to get a soda. Two sodas. The other one was for her. Soon as I came out, a black crossover pulled up beside my SUV. It honked, and a hand waved at me from the driver's side. I smiled so big after knowing who it was. Today was about to be something that I probably won't forget.

"Ready to go?!" Indy Serenity yelled as she poked her head out. She looked so ecstatic to see me. I jumped and ran to her car all excited. My heart was pacing a bit. I got inside and gave her a hug.

"Hello!" she sang out so cheerfully.

"Hello, cutie! You honestly have no idea how excited and nervous I am right now," I said.

She let out a cute giggle. "I'm the same way currently! But, oh my god, I'm so happy to see you again! Not only that, but you lookin' fresh today!"

Keep it together, Avella...

"Me too! And...thank you. May I say that you look beautiful today!"

She giggled again. "Aww, thank you!"

She really did look lovely. Her fit was almost just as contemporary, but was a polar opposite of my fit, based on the colors. Teal spaghetti strap with a colorful flannel, tan cargo shorts, and red high-top All-Stars. Red bucket hat. Hair straightened. Adorable smile—


I had to give her the drink before I gushed over how she looked while it was still cold. "I got you a drink! I don't know if you're into lemon-lime sodas, but I wanted to get something light before we get lunch."

"They're my favorite, actually! Thank you! That's very sweet of you!" She took a sip before changing gears. "Let's go!"

We headed off to Greensboro. She changed the radio station to music I haven't heard in a while since I started living with Jonni years back, but this was more old school. I had no idea that she'd also have a nice taste in music like my best friend. The song that was playing had me vibing, despite never hearing it before and not knowing the lyrics. "You listen to old school R&B?"

She looked at me. "Yeah! My momma and daddy raised me and my siblings on music like this! It brings me back to a much simpler time. No job, no bills, no big responsibilities. Just school, music, and toys. Did you listen to this kind of music as a kid?"

I looked out the window. "Nah. I never really got the chance to. Hearing it now rather than never at all is kinda nice."

"Aww. I'm sorry," she said. "I feel bad for asking. But, I want you to enjoy it with me on the way down, if that's alright!"

I smiled at her. "Of course! I'd love to enjoy music with you. Don't ever feel bad for asking me questions. It's just you and me, right? We have the whole day to talk and get to know each other more. That's why we're going out today, right? To pick up from where we left off last Wednesday?"

She snickered a bit. "Yeah, you right, you right. I'm just not really one to ask about anyone else's personal lives. I don't like doing that unless the other person is okay with it."

"You have my okay. I trust that you won't tell anyone else, right?" I asked.

"I will never tell anyone I know stories that aren't mine to tell. Honestly, I want to build a connection with you after thinking about this since the last time we spoke. You seem very interesting to talk to, so if you're willing to put your trust in me, then I can put my trust in you. Balance it out, plus, like, I would love to be your friend."

I smiled. "I'd like that. I'd like to be your friend, too."

Indy smiled back. Then another song played as we entered the North Carolina border. "Ooh, I love this song," she said. She started singing along to it, and, honest to god, I've never heard a sound so beautiful coming from her. She was practically hitting all the right notes. She got into the song, probably forgetting that I was in the car listening. Had me wishing that I knew the words so I could harmonize with her. Her singing voice was something that I never thought I needed to hear. When she was done, I applauded her for giving me a little concert.

"Oh wow," Indy said. "I usually sing my heart out when I'm alone, but I forgot that you were in the car." She giggled. "I'm glad that you like my singing, even though it's not that great. I'm sorry for the sour notes and everything."

I leaned forward to get a good look at her face as she kept her eyes on the road. "Girl," I started, "'like' is an understatement. This ain't American Idol or The Voice, so I ain't one to judge, but I really enjoyed hearing you sing! You gave it your all, and it gave me chills!" Despite never watching those shows, I knew what they were about and had to be honest with her.

She looked at me flustered before returning sight to the road. "Really?! Thank you, Avella! Singing was never a thing of mine, but I'm glad that someone enjoys it!"

I rested my hand on her shoulder. "As long as you're having fun with it, that's all that matters! How long have you been practicing? I can tell that you've practiced!" I was curious but also very fascinated, so I had to ask.

"He-he! I've been singing in my car for nearly three years. It's not the best form of practice because I lack a professional's help, and I seriously don't recommend it, but I always try not to exhaust or damage my vocal cords while also not drying them out either. I love my voice a little too much to lose it."

We both laughed. "Do you sing, Avella?" Indy asked.

"Yeah, I do, actually. I'm like you though. I don't really do it unless I'm alone. I did, however, have a teacher. A really great teacher. I've been under her care for three years. I never wanted to leave. Because of her, I can sing mostly. I just don't do it as often as I'd like because I've been around people who hated hearing me sing."

She glanced over at me. "Oh? Is it your friends that I saw the other day?"

I snorted. "Nah, it's not them. One of them I've just met since I've moved down from Maryland, so she hasn't heard me sing yet, unless she's heard me in the shower. My other friend has heard me sing and loves it. Their name is Jonni. They're a sibling to me pretty much. I love them to bits."

"Aww," she said. "Well, I-"

Another song played, but it surprised me that it was one that I knew the words to! A song I knew that Jonni would play for me all the time when I was having a rough day. The one song that I have tattooed on my arm. I braced myself to sing it. And there I went. Singing every word. Hitting every note. I was getting into it. It got better when I heard Indy singing along. Indy knowing the words to this song too really made me like her even more. Her parents raised her right. We cheered for each other when the song ended.

"Avella, that is quite a powerful voice you got there," Indy praised. "I was hoping when I would get to hear you sing, but I thankfully didn't have to wait long at all. It's very beautiful. I had to sing along, though. I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay. It was...rather enjoyable and soothing hearing you harmonize with me, if anything. Your parents really did raise you on old school music, huh?"

Indy laughed. "Sho did. I listen to new school stuff as well. That I got into myself and with my friend, Lotus. If we ever hang out again, I'd love to introduce you to some more songs that I like. You'll probably get into them!"

I grinned at the thought. "I'd love that very much. Anything to just vibe like I never did as a child, especially with you."

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