Summoning Liberty(cancelled)

By BlitzkriegTurtle

8.5K 183 337

It is the year 2035, 3 years after world war 3 ended and 3 years and 5 months after operation dragon sky, the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: The Beginning to the End
Chapter 4 : Heaven and Earth
Chapter 5: Attack on Pearl harbor..2
Chapter 6: Liberty
Chapter 7: Supremacy
Chapter 8 : A new foe has appeared!
Promoting my new book.


1.8K 33 33
By BlitzkriegTurtle

Washington DC
Oval Office

We can see a well suited man sitting in his desk signing his signature in a piece of paper with many text and words in it, after he was done putting his signature, he set it aside with the rest of the papers he has signed, which it was obvious he was doing this for a exceptionally amount of time.

The man doing all of this stressful paper work was non-other Then Jerry f. Kennedy, the current president and commander of chief of the wonderful country of the United States of America...
Pleasant isn't it?

Well, other then this tedious work, he has a wife. And is soon to be a father, even though he hated all the paperwork he was doing. He sighed and accepted it as that's what a president is obligated to do.

After he signed the last piece of paper and set it aside to the now stack of at-least 100 pieces of papers filled with signed documents.

He pulled his feet up and rested it in the table, he then proceeded to put both of his hands behind he's head and closed he's eyes as he was gonna take a little nap from all the stress he got from the damn paper......

Well, until someone identified as Secretary of State John yougo bursted in panting and sweating with a face like he has seen a ghost.

"Mr. President!" John shouted as he woke up the now woken up president.

"Ugh what?" Jerry tiredly said as he wanted to rest for a bit as he believed he deserved it after doing the paper work for more then 10 hours.

"We have spotted high levels of radiation between the borders of Kansas and Nebraska. We have conducted orbital surveillance through our SSS( Satellite surveillance superiority) systems but something unidentified is blocking our view. Mr. President I need you to sign this for us to conduct extra-research on this unknown phenomenon" John then Handed the document to Jerry, Jerry got the paper and red it.

Jerry then got his pen and started writing on the document, "Approved" Jerry said while handing the paper to John. John got the approved paper, saluted, and ran and hurriedly closed the door.

Jerry was just their, Glaring at the door John left in, he currently had his hands clasp together in front of his face.

"I wonder what this object is? Guess I'll found out later when their done." Jerry then began to close his eyes to relax to the fullest.

Nebraska-Kansas Border—

The scenery changed from a confused president to a now desert. All we can see is desert until we see faint black smoke. Soon the black smoke began to be darker and darker until we are met with a spiralling black sphere. that could be mistaken for a black hole.

We are then met around 3 kilometres from the unidentified object. With observation. We can see 11 vehicles advancing to the object at speeds at least around 50 Kph

With proper knowledge. The automobiles are identified as 2 MBTS, 3 IFVs, and 5 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle.

Though one of them had a distinct white color, easily could be identified as a type of truck. Suddenly the hatch on top of this "truck" opened. Revealing a man no older then his 30s with glasses dumb founded by the sight he is seeing.

"What the fuck........" he murmured in shock as the object they were advancing to was at-least the size of a suburb household. The soldiers who were escorting them could be seen aweing at the sight they were seeing.

Soon they arrived at the supposed distance they should be before closing in to investigate. The white trucks slide doors open revealing people in protective gearing. Safety goggles and face mask alongside a biohazard suit.

The soldiers protecting them were to be advise to not follow nor interfere with the scientists investigation. Though one of them was eager to asked one of the scientist.

"Uh excuse me?" A soldier walked up to a scientist who was preparing his biohazard suit. "Hmm?"

"May I ask but is that a black hole?" The soldier asked. The scientist noticed his rank as private so he was a young one.

"If it was, we would be dead by now" The scientist responded truthfully and expressionless. Which creeped out the private but he gave a nod of understanding and walked away. Just in time the science team was fully prepared for the journey they were about to go into. They considered it safe as they got out a rover to drive into the thing and see if It detected anything else harmful other then the radiation. Which it did not and prompted the scientist to give a sigh of relief.

"Alright science team. Let's go" the lead scientist named Jones then walks before the others do. Which the orders followed his lead.

When they were approaching the thing. One of the scientists detecting devices started beeping.the scientist got out the device and looked at it. "Seems like the Temperature is dropping every second we approach it. Thank god these biohazard suits negated that" the others sighed in relief as they thought it was something very dangerous.

Soon they neared the object and saw it up close.

"Wow....." Jones said with a wide open mouth expressing he is very shocked. He was a scientist and he has never seen any document nor past evidence for this thing. Though he was not alone as the others also had the same reaction as Jones.

They got out their devices and started getting samples and updating to the group if one property had changed.

An hour later

Just as the science team was packing up as they got all their samples, one of them reported something strange.

"Uhhhh...guys?" One of the scientist called out his colleagues which in turn they focused there gaze at him "What?" Jones asked his fellow scientist?. The scientist who called out everyone then showed 2 pictures.

Everyone was confused. Why was he showing 2 pictures of this unidentified object?

"What? It's just 2 pictures of this thing?" Jone annoyingly said as he wanted to get out of here as fast as he can.

But then he's mind came to realise. The recent picture which showed it was pictured just 10 minutes ago, was much larger then the other photo which was taken when they were up close the thing.

"Shit. Report this to the commander, we're getting out of here!" Jone alerted the team and they began running as this was really shocking news


Oval Office


Jerry f Kennedy was slacking off as. Lucky for him. No paperwork for the day!!!

Well except the fact that people are still protesting for BLM when racism has already dropped significantly when the Ku klux klan was ultimately labelled rebels after they burned down a African embassy and were pummelled to the ground by the national guard. Which dropped black racism by 30%.

Jerry then proceeded to watch something from his childhood. He grabs his super IPhone personally created from apple, he appreciated the gift when it was given during Presidents' Day. The features. Capability. Space. Was immensely good. If compared to the newest iPhone sold by apple. The IphoneGU. It would've been like comparing a flip phone to a super computer.

He connected his phone to his tv in YouTube and played it.

"T t t t, build in in time! Who will win! Who will fall! Find when we burn the wall! It's build in time!"

He giggled like a kid after the nostalgia hit him hard, he loved watching stampy long nose and iBallisticSquid.

Just as stampy was gonna build. Secretary of State yougo. Bursted in. Just like last time, sweating and panting hard.

"Mr. President!" John shouted with a worrying tone. Jerry was annoyed though. "What?! Can't you see I'm taking my day off here John?" The president annoyingly said to yougo.

Yougo then proceeded to give a document written by the scientist of their findings of the unidentified thing.

"What!?" Jerry was shocked. He red the document and it has written. That this object is growing in size and possibly directing objects into it. Which was confirmed by black pens being moved slightly into the object.

Jerry rosed from his seat and requested. "Prepare the cabinet"

White House


As the scenery changed. We are then moved to a room inside the White House. Soon the doors open revealing a dozen people coming in, they went to their respectful seats and sit themselves down. Finally, the last person to come in. Was non-other the Jerry f kennedy.

" I declare. The start of this meeting" Jerry started the cabinet

The cabinet was a place were 15 executives advice or suggest to the president for certain decisions to do. Which one is about to come.

Department of Health and Human Services. Secretary Hana rosed from her chair and spoke.

"Mr. President, our lab has studied and looked into the samples brought by the science team. We have discovered that the radiation it emits is not like normal radiation sir." Hana reported to the president as Jerry looked at her.

"Anything else?" Jerry asked Hana for more information on this thing. "No sir. But since I'm the head of my department. I advice to evacuate citizens near that thing"

"That is to be approved secretary hana. Anything else anyone wants to confess?"

The secretary of defense tried to stand up but was cut off by an aid barging in panting

"Do you understand what's going on here young man?" The secretary of defense asked the aid as he was still panting.
"Sorry.....but Mr. President!"

"What brings you here?" Jerry asked the aid as he called out his name. "Mr. President. The object exploded..."


Soon the whole world was in chaos when this thing exploded. When the news was heard it was spreading out terrible gases. Jerry requested to broadcast a speech.

"My fellow Americans. As you can see. Pls evacuate immediately, i am worried about your life as your president. Pls go to the address In the bottom right of your screen. It's for your own safety. I also here by declare! A state of emergency..."

After the broadcast. People started packing. The people who didn't believe started protesting to stop lieing. They were left behind as almost everyone in the states went to four safe locations that were shown in TV.

Soon the people who were left behind and most of them were protesters. We're engulfed by the black smoke. They didn't have time to react as they were busy protesting. Soon they would regret that after moving to the after life.

After the broadcast ended. Jerry was evacuated to his specialised nuclear bunker able to widstand 100 thousand pound bunker busters and 70 megatons of tnt and is completely protected from chemical weapons.

3 weeks later

After 3 weeks. The world was engulfed with this black smoke. Many nations fell as they didn't have the proper budget to make safe locations. The number of country's who fell to the smoke were identified


Africa(all African country's)




Middle East(All of the Middle Eastern country's)

Fell to the hands of the black smoke

Back in the bunker

The president was just watching some DanTDM from the diamond Minecart mod reviews while also checking his Twitter account. People were freaking out. People were trying to cancel the black smoke too! Many people died in this apocalypse. The estimate made by google using their drones was about a billion dead. Much more then the supposed black plaque which spread across Europe raping people to death.

His wife was visiting Her home country(Germany) this time and hid in the bunker supplied by the USA and built by the Germans. After world war 3 relations with Germany was staggering to the least. Fuck even Germany sold their latest 7th generation fighters blueprints to the USA to build for the both of them. Very mutual relationship

He then continued to watch more dantdm from the diamond minecart mod reviews until his aid barged into his room

"Report" Jerry said expressionless as he was too focused on watching YouTube.
"Mr. President the Black smoke is gone!" When the aid said that. The president lunged his phone through the roof. It ricochet to the floor and broke. Revealing many internal parts now become external

"Really?! That's great news!" Suddenly he felt something behind him. He instantly stood from his bed and saw his wife next to him. "Eugen!?" Jerry shouted. Shocked as his wife Eugen was suddenly here. "Jerry?" They instantly hug and kiss while the aid stands their. Glaring at them.

The aid coughs to catch the attention of Jerry. "Oh sorry. Pls go on with your report"

The aid then clears his throat and speaks. "We were transported to a new world"



"excuse me?"

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