Avenging the Avengers [Book 1...

By GirlWithTheRedShorts

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Two years after the civil war between the avengers has begun, their children come together secretly and becom... More

Chapter 1: Kaden
Chapter 2: Olivia
Chapter 3: Patrick
Chapter 4: Olivia
Chapter 5: Tye
Chapter 6: Kaden
Chapter 7: Olivia
Chapter 8: Patrick
Chapter 9: Tye
Chapter 10: Olivia
Chapter 11: Kaden
Chapter 12: Patrick
Chapter 13: Olivia
Chapter 14: Tye
Chapter 15: Olivia
Chapter 16: Kaden
Chapter 17: Patrick
Chapter 18: Tye
Chapter 19: Olivia
Chapter 20: Patrick
Chapter 21: Kaden
Chapter 22: Olivia
Chapter 23: Patrick
Chapter 24: Tye
Chapter 25: Olivia
Chapter 26: Patrick
Chapter 27: Kaden
Chapter 28: Tye
Chapter 30: Patrick
Chapter 31: Kaden
Chapter 32: Tye
Chapter 33: Olivia
Chapter 34: Patrick
Chapter 35: Kaden
Chapter 36: Patrick
Chapter 37: Olivia
Chapter 38: Tye
Authors note
Other Note

Chapter 29: Olivia

59 6 3
By GirlWithTheRedShorts

Kaden and I look at each other quickly before the bifrost comes down upon us. We exchange worried glances then i nod to her, assuring her that everything will be alright. they nod back just as the wall of light comes crashing down upon us.

I brace myself as every cell in my body is transported from one end of the universe to another. I stay in my unmoving, and practically inexistent form for a few seconds before i am relate disposed on Asgard.

To my left is Kaden. they quickly run out of the room and out to the bridge. they lean off the side and hurl... I guess they still arent used to having every molecule of their body taken apart and rematerialized on the other side of the universe.

To my right stands Hiemdell. He is dressed in his usual solid gold attire. He takes a step back and falls onto one knee.

"My Queen." He says.

"Oh come on Hiemdell! I've know you forever! You don't have to do that for me!" I laugh. "Plus i haven't even accepted the role of Queen here yet. It's a big responsibility and i don't know if I'm up to it yet."

"But milady. You must accept! You are the only heir to the throne of Asgard. If you deny it, then it would go to the adopted children of past kings. Therefor the crown would go to Loki. We cannot have that happen. You and I both know how terrible of a world it would be if Loki ruled Asgard." Hiemdell explains.

"I know! I know! But I'm only 193! How do you expect me to rule all of Asgard! And! With the role of ruling Asgard, i must also help to maintain peace in all of the nine realms. I am a mere child! I cannot maintain peace in all of the realms." I say, beginning to panic.

"But milady, you must! It is your duty!" Hiemdell says in a respectful shout.

"I-i can't! I wont! I am a CHILD! I cannot rule the most powerful realm! I cannot even keep peace on a planet as petty as midguard!" I cry. Just then Kaden renters the room.

"Hey, Olivia, we should get you to those healers. You won't be able to go much longer like this without being healed. You need to have them heal you or be on bed rest for the next 4-6 weeks. But if you don't do one soon, your stitches may reopen and you may have another heart failure. We need to go now." Kaden says urgently. they look to me and smile slightly.

"Good bye Hiemdell. Until next time." I say bluntly.

"Farewell, milady" he says softly.
I link my arm with Kadens and we slowly make our way to the palace, careful to take breaks when i needed them. It is best that we do not cause any further complications.


We arrive at the palace after a long time of walking. We should have made great time, but instead we were stopped every few seconds by passersby asking me about many things like, where I've been, what happened to my father, if I'm going to be the new queen, what I'm going to do about Loki and the frost giants on midguard.

I try to dismiss all of the questions, but most of the people just continued to pester me with more silly comments and questions, refusing to let me save until they were fully informed on everything in my life.

By the time that we arrive at the palace i am very light headed and can barely stand. I, of course, do not tell KAden of this, because i know that she will only panic if i say anything.

When i step near the doors, they immediately recognize me as royalty and open themselves up to allow me and Kaden passage into the palace.

The second i step inside i am swarmed by dozens of people. They range from my educators to my servants to my soldiers.

Everyone begins to ask me questions and scold me on disappearing. My stylist wails at me about how i missed my fittings for a dress for my coronation. The chefs try to ask me what i would like as my first dinner back in the palace. Everyone's voices begin to mix together until all i hear is a blur of voices making noises that range from loud to ears shattering.

I try to them them all shut up and let me speak for a second. I begin to feel light headed and short of breath. I need to get them to shut up fast. I let out a scream at the top of my lungs and allow a burst of thunder and lightning to rain through the room all around me. Everyone goes dead silent.

"Shut up!" I shout. "Good! Thank the gods!"

I look across the group of now scared people. I turn to sammi and laugh a little. They look so terrified. But they don't even know that that was barely any of my power. I can't release much of my full power because i am feeling so weak right now.

I stop laughing as something stops my breathing. I gasp for air trying to get some oxygen into my system. I grab at my chest because i feel a sharp pain coming from where i was stabbed not long ago.

Surely enough, when i pull my hand back, it is covered in blood. I collapse to the floor as Kaden runs forward. they scream to the terrified bystanders.

"Go get some fucking healers over here! She was stabbed and all she needed was to be healed by you healers! But you all wouldn't let her go and now she's dying! So get some god damn healers over here right now or you Queen will be dead and you'll a be let to be ruled by Loki! GO!" they scream. they place pressure onto the wound, trying to stop the bleeding from where my stitches broke open.

Healers come rushing into the room and pull me up onto a hovering bed. They drag me out to the healing room with Kaden hot on their heals. They are spurting out some facts about what has happened to me so the healers know what is wrong.

We burst through the doors of the healing room and they roll me onto the table. I stare up at the bright operating room light and see the faces of dozens of worried healers. Then i black out.

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