Back To You // Peter Hayes

By peachybabybea

3.4K 54 28

Was it worth it? After all the pain, the loss, the betrayal and the lies, was he worth it? Yes. More



206 3 2
By peachybabybea

the strong urge to avoid someone or something

I shot up in bed at the sound of screams bouncing off the walls, it was pitch black and everyone looked around with the same terrified expression. The sound was coming from the other side of the room, a shadow sprinted to the front of the room and the lights flickered on, revealing the horror in front of us. Edward was crouched over on his knees on the floor, crying in agony, blood pooling at his feet. I jumped out of my bed and ran over to help him, "Shit, what do we do?" Christina's voice shook as she cried. The handle of a knife stuck prominently out of Edward's eye, dripping with blood,

"Um..." I looked around at everyone hoping someone would come up with something,

"Take it out!" someone shouted from the back,

"No! You idiot, that'll make it worse." another voice,

"Is he gonna die?" Al's shaky voice.

"Everybody stay calm!" Will stepped in front of us, "We need to stay calm if we wanna help Edward." he crouched beside Ed, who was quiet now, only shaking, "Ed, can you stand up?" he shook his head slightly, "Alright somebody give me a hand," he waved Al over and they both scooped up Edward underneath his arms, "Baby, I need you to go get Four or Eric then meet us at the infirmary." I briskly nodded. Myra quickly followed Will and Al out of the room sobbing, barely holding herself together.

I sprinted as fast as I could out of that room, following the hallways towards the dauntless village. Unfortunately for me, Tobias's flat was on the fourth floor. I slammed my fists against his door over and over until it swung open and Tobias was stood in the doorway, his eyes flickered in fear, "What's wrong?" his voice laced with concern,

"Quickly," I tried to speak but I couldn't find the words while trying to catch my breath, "Quick." was all I could manage and I turned and sprinted back to the infirmary with Tobias closely behind.

Will and Al had rested Edward on a bed and were holding bunches of gauze next to the knife as Tobias and I burst through the door, "All of you, out," Tobias ordered as soon as he saw the situation laid out in front of him, "Now." The tone in his voice was one that couldn't be argued against or ignored so all of us, except Myra, left the room - that girl is more stubborn than she would seem.

"Who would do such a thing?" Will broke the silence. I had a few people in mind but I'm not so sure I want to find out.


The drama of this morning managed to distract me from the pain I had ringing from ear to ear when I woke up, I must've drank a lot last night because I'm not sure I even remember most of it. I remember the feeling of the music, the heat from the dance floor, the bitter taste of whatever was in my cup. I walked back into the dorm to change out of my sweaty pyjamas but crashed into somebody on the stairs, I looked up to find Peter awkwardly trying to move away, not saying anything. No sarcastic comment, no mean retort, barely even looking at me. There was a certain look in his eyes, I couldn't quite figure it out but he was acting strange-


No way.


The memories flooded back into my brain along with so much dreaded regret, what was I thinking? I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't think of anything. Huffing out a sigh, since it was all i could muster, I barged past Peter and ran straight to my bed to change my clothes. I turned my head to find him gazing at me from the distance, he quicky turned away and walked up the stairs once he realised I'd seen him. I mean, what was I supposed to say to him? 'Hey, Guy that I hate, remember last night? Yeah, that was fun?' Obviously I can't do that and OBVIOUSLY it wasn't 'fun'. Making a vow in my head to never drink alcohol ever again, I finished getting dressed and went to go find Tobias.


Parents Visiting Day. A day that I'm so glad I don't need to participate in. Considering Jeanine no longer cares about me, my real mom is dead and my father is a raging lunatic who still isn't 100% sure that I'm even alive, yeah, I have nobody coming to visit me. Tobias was still in the infirmary when I found him, talking to a very distraught Myra. Edward was awake now, the knife was taken out of his eye- turns out it was a butterknife from the cafeteria- his head was bandaged up and he was sat upright on the edge of the bed. I stood outside to wait, not wanting to interrupt but I could still hear Tobias' voice from outside, "Myra I'm sorry but there's really nothing more I can do, he can't stay here."

"But- but that isn't fair, he didn't d-do anything wrong, he was doing so well in his training." Myra sobbed, "I'll go too, I'll go with him."

"No Myra, I can't let you do that." Edward's gruff voice echoed out the room, "If you go with me, that's it, no second chances, you're giving your life up. And I won't let you do that because of me, you don't have to be factionless."

"I'll leave you two to talk about this, come find me when you're ready to go." Tobias said and a few seconds later the door next to me swung open, "What are you doing here? Eavesdropping?" he saw me leaning against the wall.

"Are you seriously making Edward leave? After how well he's done- he's first in our class Toby, and you're willing to just throw that all away?" I questioned,

"I don't have a choice Bon, he's lost his eye, which in the leadership's view makes him unable to finish his training. They said it makes him a weaker soldier so yes, we have to send him away. I tried everthing to change their minds but there's only so much I can do." he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers as if it would relieve his stress.

I wasn't entirely sure what to say, leadership weren't wrong, it would take months for Ed to fully recover, training would be over by then. And who's to say that he'll be okay in dauntless with only one functioning eye, not to mention the severe ptsd. There was one thing in my mind that I had no doubt about though, it was that wherever he went and whatever happened, Myra would follow him like the lost puppy she always is. And I know it's horrible to say but theres no way she's going to make it through the rest of training so she's just speeding up the inevitable.

Tobias stood up straight again and sighed once more, "Anyway, there was something I'd been meaning to show you." he changed the subject, "We'll have to be quick though and make sure nobody sees us." he turned and begun walking away from the infirmary.

He led me down a couple of abandoned corridors to a stairwell at the back of the compound, the stairs were dimly lit and soaked from last night's downpour. At the top of the stairs was an open hatch, the hinge was so rusted, it had been 'stuck open for months' Tobias told me. I climbed out of the hatch to find myself on the roof of the compound, near the delivery bays. "What are we doing here?" I asked,

"Shh," Tobias hushed, he ducked down and slowly walked to the edge of the roof, peering between the bars at the side and raised his hand to call me over. I followed his actions and crouched close to the floor, I looked over to see at least three trucks in the loading bays, all being monitored and unloaded by men in blue,

"Wait, are those-"

"Erudite, yeah. They've been coming in on a weekly rotation for about a month now." He cut me off.

"Well, what are they doing here?" I frowned,

"They're bringing in these." he held up a small bullet-shaped vial filled with an orangey-brown liquid, "It's some sort of simulation serum, like the ones we use in the second round of training, but it's different. I don't know enough yet but I feel like it has something to do with Jeanine's hunt for divergents."

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked

"Because you're my sister, I know I can trust you. And I was hoping you might be able to help me figure it out. Report back if you overhear anything, that sort of thing." he explained, "You're the only person I feel like I can trust right now."

Hii, I'm so sorry i've been so inactive for months but I've had my A level finals coming up, but they'll be over soon so expect more frequent updates :)

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