FALLING in love

By Kathanja

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Four young women find their way through college on the Northwest Coast. Friendships will be tested, hearts wi... More

Chapter 1 - Nancy's first day
Chapter 2 - New friends
Chapter 3 - Going to a party
Chapter 4 - Sunflowers pt. 1
Chapter 5 - Reality hits
Chapter 6 - Halloween pt. 1
Halloween outfits
Chapter 7 - Halloween pt. 2
Chapter 8 - Picking up the pieces
Chapter 9 - Something in the air
Chapter 10 - Thanksgiving
Chapter 11 - Casual or not
Chapter 13 - It's beginning to look a lot like...
Chapter 14 - ... Christmas
Chapter 15 - It's finally happening
Chapter 16 - New year...
Chapter 17 - ... same feelings
Chapter 18 - New habits
Chapter 19 - Sunflowers pt. 2
Chapter 20 - Taking back control
Chapter 21 - Night changes
Chapter 22 - Valentine's Day
Chapter 23 - Turning tables
Chapter 24 - Little white lies
Chapter 25 - New moon
Chapter 26 - Dreams
Chapter 27 - St. Paddy's Day
Chapter 28 - Spring Break pt. 1
Chapter 29 - Spring Break pt. 2
Chapter 30 - Out of my system
Chapter 31 - Nancy's birthday
Chapter 32- sorting things out
Chapter 33 - Did someone say "party"?

Chapter 12 - Holding back

74 7 2
By Kathanja


I run into Charlotte on Campus. I've been hanging out with Clive, the coffee guy and I'm on my way back to the dorm when I see her. She's on the phone, but she waves at me, so I walk towards her.

"Hi," I whisper. I don't want to interrupt her call, but it also feels weird to just ignore her. She wraps it up and puts the phone back in her pocket. She puts on her mittens. It's getting seriously cold.

"Hi Angie. I was just talking to Andrew," she says. She doesn't look happy.

"How are things between you two? Nancy mentioned you had a fight at Thanksgiving..." That's a lie, and she must know that. Nancy never mentions something. She tells you something elaborately. No matter the subject.

"So, you know. Everybody knows..." She frowns and looks down.

"I'm sorry." I am. It must suck to have everyone know about your cheating boyfriend.

"It's okay. I mean, we're not great, but we'll try to make it work." She sighs.

"Is it worth it? All the pain, all the trouble?" I ask her and put my hands deep in my pockets. I don't have any mittens. I find something in my pocket. "Do you want chocolate?" I ask and show her the mini chocolate bars from my pocket. She takes one.

"I stole them from... I mean, I got them at the library." She laughs.

"Angie, I don't care that you steal chocolates. And to be honest, I don't know if it's worth fighting for, the relationship."

"Does he make you happy?"

"He used to." She looks so sad. Part of me wants to hug her, but I'm not a hugger.

"Why don't you just dump his ass?"

"I can't... I don't know. I love him..."

"But you deserve to be happy. I'm not even trying to ship Nathan right now, but there are plenty of guys out there," I say and realize that I'm starting to ramble. Goddess, I'm becoming Nancy! Charlotte smiles at me.

"It's sweet of you. Really," she insists because I'm about to apologize. "But Andrew and I have been together for a long time. And I always imagined that he would be the one I'd marry. Our families are great friends. Deep down he's a good guy, and I'm not about to give up so easily."

"It's not my business anyway. I just want to see you happy," I tell her.

"Have you ever been in a long-term relationship?" she asks me.

"No, I haven't. I... haven't even been in love."

"Ever??" she says shocked, as if she can't quite comprehend the idea.


We walk in silence for a while. That's one of the things I like about Charlotte. Silence isn't awkward in her company.


When I get back to the dorm, I find a hectic version of Nancy trying on what seems to be all her clothes. Her cheeks are red, her hair is still wet from the shower, and she doesn't notice me at first. I lay down on my bed and watch her twirl around in some lacy black underwear.

"Hey Nancy, what's going on?" I ask her with a laugh.

"Oh! Angie, I didn't see you!"

"I know." I tease.

"I just... I hoped that maybe you wouldn't come home," she says, and it makes no sense to me at first.

"What?! Did I do something? Or say something?" Oh great, I probably made her mad somehow without even noticing. I'm such an idiot sometimes.

"No, no, no. I just... Luke is coming over." Ah! That's why she's acting like a sexcrazed teen. Okay, she is a sexcrazed teen.

"And you want to be alone with him?" I'm guessing.

"Yes. I mean, I missed you when you were in Florida, but being alone with him all the time was amazing! We were really getting somewhere. He was so present, and sweet and... well handsy," she says with a blush. "The alone time with him was sooooo perfect and we were getting closer to actually having... you know... Sex! And well, since you've been back it's difficult to find that alone time. And I was hoping to bring back whatever we had when you were gone..."

"Sure. I'll be out of your hair in no time. Are you finally gonna do it?"

"No, I..." She blushes even more just thinking about having sex with him. It's cute. "I don't know. But you'll leave?"

"Yeah, no problem." Where am I gonna go, though? I don't know about any parties, and Kacie is working tonight, I think. Well. I might as well. I mean why not. What's the worst that could happen?

I grab my phone and text Hadrien. 

When he doesn't answer right away, I decide to take a nap. But I can't sleep. I tell myself that I can't fall asleep because of Nancy waiting eagerly for me to leave, but if I'm being honest, I have a hard time dozing off whenever I think of Hadrien. My phone beeps, and I feel my heart racing. It's him. 

At the same time a text from Charlotte tics in.

I've got to shave my legs, just in case. I tell Nancy that I'm going out, and I can see the relief on her face. Normally she would ask too many questions about who I'm going out with, but she's so caught up in her own plans that she barely says goodbye when I leave.

Hadrien picks me up in an old pick-up truck. I'm not even surprised that he drives an old used up truck. He doesn't seem like the type to waste money.

"Hello, beautiful," he says with a smile when I get in the car.

"Hi," I whisper back. Goddess, get your act together, girl! He's just a guy. I mean we haven't actually ever just hung out the two of us, and I'm not sure we've actually ever really had a conversation per say. But there's just something about him. Like a pull I can't resist. "Where are we going?" I say taking a deep breath swallowing the butterflies. I kinda expect him to take me someplace to eat. I haven't eaten all day.

"First, we're going to see some awful Christmas movie, and then maybe a cup of hot chocolate? That way, if we have nothing to talk about, we can trash talk the movie." He smiles, and there's something about that smile.

"That sounds like a plan," I say as I try to tame the butterflies in my stomach. Stupid smile.

Some old song is playing in the car, and I get the feeling that it's not just the radio, but that he chose it. He's singing along softly, his voice nothing more than a whisper. I stare at him. I know I am, but I can't help it. His brown wavy hair is in the usual bun, he's clean shaven and his lips look very soft.

"I can't believe it's already the middle of December," I say just to say something.

"Well, you're the one who stayed too long in Florida. Was Thanksgiving that good?" He still smiles, but there's something melancholy creeping into his voice. He looks straight at the road. Not at me.

"Yeah, it turned out better than I had hoped. But I guess you know that." I can't help but smile at the thought of Rebecca's pale warm skin.

"I do." He glances at me, and he sees my smile.

"So, are you no longer single?" he asks softly.

"Oh! Yes, I... it was a fun week. Nothing more."

"It was more than a week, you know..." he says, almost petulant.

"You know what I mean," I laugh. I'm the only one laughing so I stop. "I'm still single."

"Good," he says to the road.

He's quiet for the rest of the ride. At the movies, sitting next to each other in the twilight he tucks a lock of my hair behind my ear and says that he likes purple. I don't know what to say about that. He was right, by the way. It is a stupid Christmas movie, and I have absolutely no idea what it's about. I keep expecting him to take my hand or something like that, but he doesn't. He just sits there. Close enough for him to reach out for me, but he doesn't. Also close enough for me to indulge in his scent. It was there in the car too, but I wasn't sure that it was him. His scent is musky and manly, but that's almost drowning in something else. I don't know what it is. Something fresh. The smell of rain. Summer rain on the pavement maybe? I like it. I like it so much I don't want the movie to end.

"That was an awful movie," Hadrien whispers when the movie is over. His lips are close to my ear, and I dare not move. I want him to kiss me. Just on the cheek or on the neck. I just want to feel his lips on my skin.

"Are you ready to go somewhere and talk about it?"

"Talk about what?" I ask like a moron.

"The movie." He laughs. "Where were you just now?"

"In a... parallel universe, I think," I say. At least that's what I think I'm saying. I'm drowning in his green eyes and I'm no longer sure what universe I'm in.

"Well, come back. I'm dying to know if you like marshmallows or whipped cream on your cocoa." He laughs and stands up. His teeth are perfect. What the hell is wrong with me?!

I follow him to the car. Now that I know how he smells I realize that his scent is everywhere in the car. It's overwhelming. Definitely rain, but not on pavement. What is that foreign scent? I thought he was joking about the cocoa, but he actually takes me to a small French-looking café and asks me to find a place to sit while he orders. He comes back with a cheeky smile and two cups of cocoa. One with whipped cream and one with marshmallows.

"What will it be?" he asks me, looking like he really wants to know. I reach for the one with marshmallows. He raises an eyebrow.

"Did you want that one?" I ask him.

"No, I like all kinds of chocolate. I'm just surprised."

"Gators love marshmallows. I guess they remind me of home. Well, the good parts, anyways," I explain.

"Isn't that just a myth?"

"No, they love them. Gators are silly." I chuckle to myself. Silly, sweet creatures.

"I-eh... I've noticed that Nate calls you Gator Girl. Why is that? Is it just because you're from Florida?" Hadrien asks me.

"I'm not sure. I mean, it's probably just because I love gators and talk about them way too much... or..." I hesitate. In a way it feels too private telling him about the tattoo.


"Or maybe it's because of the tattoo on my back."

"Oh," he says with the softest voice, obviously realizing something painful. Does he hate tattoos? No, I think I saw a tattoo on his arm.

"It's good cocoa," I tell him just to say something. He nods but seems far away. "Are you in a parallel universe now?" I smile at him. He looks at me with those damn green eyes.

"No, I'm very much in this universe. Filled with redheaded chicks and football players."

"You're a football player," I whisper and reach for his hand. He suddenly looked so sad, and though I don't fully understand why, I want to comfort him. We're not exactly holding hands, but my fingers are touching his. I'm holding my breath, trying not just to stare at his lips.

"I'm not Nathan," he half whispers. He sounds sad and it's not long before I get what he's trying to say.

"I don't want you to be Nathan," I smile. "Don't ever tell him I told you, but Nathan was just a... a conquest. A dare I gave myself. And then he turned out to be a nice guy, and he was there when I needed a friend. But that's all he is now. A friend." Goddess, I AM becoming Nancy around this guy! Part of me wants to flee, part of me wants to hold his hand forever. He laughs. I made him laugh.

"You're dangerous, aren't you?"

"I grew up around gators." I say wiggling my brows. "I'm deadly."

"I don't doubt it." He laughs again, quietly but definitely in a better mood now. "I grew up in Montana handling bulls and riding horses, but something tells me you'll still be a handful."

"I hope so," I whisper.

"So do I."

"You can ride a horse?" I ask. He nods, still smiling that freaking wonderful smile of his. "And you can cook. And play football. And play the guitar. And sing."

"I can also play the ukulele and I'm one hell of a slow dancer."

"Is there anything you can't do?"

"I'm a very boring lover," he smirks. That makes me laugh. I'm sure he's absolutely amazing in bed.

"Sure you are!"

"I am."

I don't know for how long we sit there holding hands, or at least touching hands, talking about nothing, getting to know each other, but I could do this all night. When the café closes, he drives me home. We've been gone for hours, and Nancy sent me a text an hour ago that it was safe to come home. Hadrien gets out of the car to tell me good night.

"I had a great time," I tell him, looking up at him. Goddess he's tall, and built, and beautiful. The list just goes on with this guy. Dammit.

"Me too."

He leans in for a hug and I don't know what happens. I didn't focus or I focused on the wrong thing or something. Instead of just hugging him my lips brush against his cheek. Only for a brief moment, but enough for him to notice. He holds me tight and whispers in my ear:

"The first rule is: no kissing on the first date." I want to tell him that I didn't try to kiss him, that I was just being clumsy, that... but it's not like I don't want to kiss him.


Angie agreed to leave for the night which is lucky 'cause I already told Luke that I'm all alone tonight. So, he's coming over. We've been hanging out, kissing, and talking for weeks now, and as much as I love kissing him and him kissing me, I want more. Of course I'm in love with him. I've always been in love with him... but I lust for him like I've never thought I could lust for anyone. I have taken extra care to wear sexy lingerie, a black mesh lace bra that holds my breast and gives me the perfect cleavage with a matching pair of mesh lace panties that only just covers my buttcheeks. I have covered it with one of his t-shirts that he has left at my dorm. It still smells of him, and it has become my favorite nightshirt. It's big on me but I fill it out in all the right places as it hits me just mid-thigh. It hides the black lace perfectly, and I know it will be a nice surprise for him once he gets his hands on me and removes his shirt. I have decided to wear some hot pants underneath, easy to remove in a hurry. I'm sure he won't be able to resist me in this.

When he walks through my door, broad-shouldered and handsome I practically run into his arms. He catches me with ease and lifts me up and carries me to the bed as I wrap my legs around his hips. He sits down on the bed with me still in his arms now straddling him and he kisses me senseless. Breaking the kiss momentarily I pull his white t-shirt off and kiss his chest and his stomach as I press his back to the bed. His skin is warm and welcoming, and I practically purr. Usually we spend some time talking before we start making out, but tonight is different. It's been too long. My need for him is too strong.

"Hi Nancy," he whispers looking down at me, as I kiss my way down his torso.

"Hi Luke," I smile looking up at him as I open his pants. His cock is already rock hard. I put my hand on his erection outside his boxers. God, how I want it, him, inside of me! I moan at the bare thought of it.

"Have you missed me?" he laughs, and I look up at him again.

"So much."

"Show me." He helps me get his pants and boxers off, and he lies naked in my bed. Luke Parker naked in my bed! My inner goddess is beaming with joy! I sit up between his legs, and I take off my t-shirt, revealing my black underwear. He gasps.

"Holy shit woman!" I give him a shy smile. "Sit still for a minute Angel and let me look at you," he says as he looks over my body appreciatively. "Are you matching underneath those hot pants?" He looks at me with hungry eyes.

"Maybe," I say, teasingly placing my hands on the waistline of my hot pants.

"Stand up Angel. Let me see all of it." The hunger is evident as his eyes darken. I stand up by the bed as he sits up still incredibly hard. He motions for me to stand between his legs as his fingers hook inside the waistline of my hot pants slowly dragging them down my hips and legs. I step out of them, kicking them to the side. His hands move over my hips as he takes me in. His gaze inspects my exposed body. The mesh lace doesn't leave much to the imagination. My nipples beading into taut little bullets are clearly visible.

I have a small heart tattooed just above my panties, and Luke kisses it quickly before looking at me again with those hungry eyes.

"Fuck Nancy. You look... breathtaking." I'm pretty sure my face is beet red from his attention and compliments. I never thought I would hear those words come out of his mouth referring to me.

Growing impatient I move my hand to open my bra but as I'm about to unhook it he grabs my hands.

"Keep it on." His voice is raspy and deep. I smile and keep my bra and panties on. Pushing him back on the bed I crawl over him settling between his legs. He groans as I lean down and plant a long and soft kiss on his naked hip. I take his cock in my hands and I start to massage it.

"Nancy," he hisses. This is not the first time I'm giving him pleasure. He wants it gentle in the beginning, but I can feel how eager he is for me to take him in my mouth. His cock surges as I work him with my hand, and I can't help but give him a flirty look before I kiss the head and move on to kiss his other hip. He smells clean and nice, and I'm eager as well.

"Stop teasing me Nancy," he says through gritted teeth. I can't help but giggle a little at his struggle for control. But I take my time. I gently start kissing at the base of his cock mapping my way up his shaft using only my lips and my breath to tease him. Then I work him up and down again using my tongue. He feels so soft and hard at the same time. When I look him in the eyes while my tongue is caressing him, I can see the desperation in his eyes. He wants this just as much as me.

"God dammit, Nancy," he says with a panting breath in the sexiest way. I take him in my mouth, and I use my tongue to tickle him while I suck and lick him. I can feel him digging his fingers into the sheets to avoid guiding me. He's letting me set the pace. I can't help but moan as I have him deep in my mouth. He loves it when I moan or hum a little bit while he's in my mouth and he starts moving his hips against me. When he quickens his pace, I stop.

"You like that," I giggle.

"Stop playing games," he growls but before he can finish, I wrap my hand around him as I take him all the way to the root into my mouth sucking him in. He's hitting the back of my throat and I swallow allowing him further down my throat.

"Fuuuck," he lets out a heavy breath. I bob my head up and down, taking my time flicking my tongue around and squeezing my fingers at the base. I can feel his body tightening beneath me. I don't want him to cum this way, and I sit up as I release him with a pop, straddle him and I grind against him.

"I want you," I whisper, and it sounds just like a whimper. Seeing and feeling him get pleasure from what I'm doing to him has made me extremely wet, and I need to feel him in me. "I want you so bad." I moan as I continue to grind against him. I can feel his tip hitting my sensitive clit as I continue to grind against him. His eyes darken as he reaches for me. Suddenly I'm on my back, my legs spread and Luke's hovering over me. I can feel his cock against my entrance, and I move against him. I'm still wearing my panties, but I'm so wet he must be able to feel it.

"Is this what you want?" he whispers as he presses against me. He's so hard, I know he wants this too.

"Yes, I want this. Do you have a condom?" I blush, I can feel it. He breathes the word yes into my mouth as he kisses me with want and passion. I want him so bad I can barely think straight. I close my eyes and sigh. Finally, it's happening. But then suddenly I feel him pulling away from me. He sits up, and I open my eyes. Then he stands up, and I know something is wrong, I just don't know what.

"I can't do this. I'm sorry, Little Angel," he tells me looking down at the floor.

"Why?" I can hear the hurt in my voice even before I feel it in my bones. He always does this. He backs off without any reason or explanation.

"I just... this is getting too serious. I'm gonna hurt your feelings, I know I am, and I don't wanna do that."

"Yes, you're hurting my feelings right now by backing off like always. We were having a nice time. What's so serious about that?! I know you wanted me just as much as I want you. What happened?" I bite my lip and stop myself before I start begging him. But he's already heard it in my voice. We both know I want this way more than him.

"Look at you," he says. "Sitting there in your sexy underwear with that look on your face." He actually looks sad. "You deserve so much better than me."

"I don't want anyone but you," I sigh trying to make eye contact with him. Finally his eyes locks with mine and his shoulders sag. "Let me make it up to you," he suggests. He puts on his boxers. I get the point. He doesn't want me touching him anymore. I lay flat down on my back in defeat. I stare at the ceiling. I don't want him to know how hurt I am.

"Just go, Luke."

"Let me make you come before I leave," he says, but I can hear it in his voice. He just wants to be out of here.

"No, just go. We'll talk in the morning. It's okay, really," I say to the ceiling. I can't look at him.

He bends down to kiss my forehead, whispers that he's sorry, and then he leaves. I pull a blanket over me, and I let the tears flow. I'm not heartbroken, it's not like that. I'm just disappointed that it always ends the same. With me wanting more and him not knowing what's good for him.

I text Angie, but she doesn't answer. I bet she's having sex with Hadrien in the backseat of his car right now. How does she do it?


It's been a slow night at the bar, and I'm dying to get home and put on some comfy clothes. I've been here with the new barmaid showing her the ropes. She seems nice enough, but she's not really the type of girl I would hang out with. I wouldn't mind Angie showing up ordering tequila on a school night right now, but she doesn't come. I got a text from her earlier about her going out with Hadrien. Finally! They would be perfect for each other, eventually. I get my phone to text her. No one will notice anyway. 

She answers right away.

I laugh out loud. Oh Angie, my sweet little girl in denial. I've never noticed Hadrien's eyes. I think – I hope! – she's falling for him.

"What are you smiling at?"

I look up, and it's Dean.

"Oh, hi Dean," I smile and put my phone away. "Aren't you taking the night off? There's nothing much to do," I tell him. Except maybe giving me an orgasm out back. God, I could use that! "Or are you here for me?" I wink at him.

"No, I just wanted to know how it went with the new girl?"

"Oh, it was fine. She's catching on real quick. I sent her home an hour ago."

"Who were you texting just now?" he asks as he sits down on a barstool.

"Just Angie. Why don't you come with me? I gotta show you something," I whisper and lean towards him so he can get a good look at my cleavage.

"Can I see the text?" He doesn't even look at my boobs.


"Let me see the text message."

"No. Why do you wanna see it?" What is up with him?!

"I wanna see if you were really texting Angie or if it was some guy!" Dean raises his voice just enough to get the attention of three guys hanging out. One of them catches my eye, and I smile at him to let him know that I'm alright.

"What was that?" Dean asks, almost yelling.

"Nothing! Dean, keep your voice down," I tell him. "And chill out, will you? I'm not texting some guy. I'm not with anyone else, okay?"

"You were literally just flirting with that guy!" He points to the three guys. I can't help but laugh, but I know it makes him mad, so I get a hold of myself.

"I was not flirting with him! Would you relax?!"

Dean is just about to say something, when Hadrien walks in with the biggest smile on his face.

"Kacie-darling! Am I glad to see you," he almost shouts. Damn you Hadrien, not now!

"Darling?!" Dean murmurs with disbelief. I roll my eyes at him.

"Hadrien! The usual?"

"The usual." He sits down next to Dean, and I pour him a whiskey.

"Here you go, H."

"Have one with me," he pleas. I pour myself a whiskey too. Dean just looks at me with a weird expression.

"Dean, my man," Hadrien continues and pats his shoulder just a bit too hard. "How are ya?"

"What? Who are you?" Dean snarls at Hadrien, then gets up and goes to his office in the back.

"I see why you like him so much. He's a real charmer!" Hadrien chuckles.

"Yeah, I know," I sigh. I look in Dean's direction.

"Fuck him," Hadrien says. "He'll cool down."

I guess he's right. I just hate the tension between me and Dean. Ever since Thanksgiving he's been acting like a jealous boyfriend, and I have to let him know that that's not where we're going. It's still just a work fling. But how do you tell your boss that and keep your job?

"I guess," I sigh and sling down the whiskey. "I was just hoping he'd spell out coconut with his tongue on my clit instead of fighting me over nothing." Hadrien laughs, and I realize what I just said. Oh God!

"Ha! You should tell him that!"

"That might work..."

"So-eh... why coconut? Is that a thing I don't know about?" he asks curiously.

"No, it's just... the circular moves are nice, you know?" I start wiping down the bar, careful not to look Hadrien in the eye. I can tell Luke stuff like this easily, but that's Luke. I don't know Hadrien well enough to burst out techniques that I like.

"I'm gonna have to try that out," Hadrien says, mostly to himself, I think.

"Are you gonna try that on Angie?"

"Wipe that smirk off your face, Kacie!" he orders me. My smile grows even bigger.

"So, how was your date?" I say wiggling my eyebrows suggestively at him.

"She told you we were going out?" He smirks.

"Yep. But I'm not telling you anything she said. Other than, why the hell didn't you kiss her?"

"I don't know... I guess I wanna take things slow with her. You know, do it right."

"Who are you? And what have you done with Hadrien?" I laugh at him.

"A man enchanted, allured, drawn in. Take your pick of the synonyms but I'm definitely fascinated," he says honestly and gives me that little private smile. "Now go tell Dean about the coconut. See ya in class tomorrow."

I tell the rest of the guests that I'm closing for the night, and I put on "Moments" by One Direction. We play that song every night as the closing act. Then I lock up and go fix my lipstick and go to Dean's office. He's sitting at his desk, looking serious.

"Dean," I say softly. He looks up. A hint of a smile on his face. "I wish we could stop fighting. All I wanted when I saw you tonight was for you to spell out coconut with your tongue on my clit." I hold my breath, but it actually works.

"Get over here," Dean chuckles and clears the table. "Come sit."

I move around the desk, and I sit on it right before him. I'm wearing a pleated schoolgirl-style skirt tonight complete with knee high stockings, so he has easy access when he spreads my legs and leans forward in his office chair. He starts leaving wet soft kisses up my inner thigh starting from my knee alternating between my left and right leg. I can't help but moan as I feel him sucking and kissing closer to the apex of my thighs getting closer to my already wet and wanting pussy. Roughly he grabs me behind my knees, and he pulls me towards him. My ass is now almost hanging off the edge of the desk and he places my legs on his shoulders for support. He growls and looks up at me possessively before he puts his face right between my legs and pulls my panties aside. I lean down, resting my back on his desk. And he does it. He starts spelling out coconut with his tongue licking me up and down in between spelling out the word on my swollen clit. My hand flies to his hair on its own accord and I start to pull it lightly as I know he likes it, and he groans. The vibrations make me shiver and whimper out a strackering moan "Dean".

"Like this?" he whispers, leaving me panting.

"Just like that. Do it again," I demand. He starts back up and it's not long before I arch my back of the desk as I come in his mouth shouting his name repeatedly. God, it feels good. 

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