Dark World (BakuDeku)

By NashiABadie

97 5 1

Zombie apocalypse Ft My hero academia 😃 More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eight

6 0 1
By NashiABadie

Location: Commission office
Date: February 16th
Time: 10:00am
No one's POV:

Forgetting his current mission Bakugou dropped to his knees next to his father, he examined his body until he came across a bite that was on the back of his shoulder, he rested his father's head back down and tapped his cheek trying to get him to open his eyes.

"Get up old man- you have to get up" he frowned at the crack in his voice.

His dad's eyes fluttered open as they shifted to Bakugou, he immediately tried lifting his arm to reach him but was proven too weak to even do that.

"S-Son? How- why-" he was cut off by aggressive coughing that shook his whole body only worrying his son more.

Bakugou tried to calm him down as he lifted him onto his back "it's okay, we're gonna get you out of here just hang in there" he said taking a step forward only to be pushed back by Aizawa "lay him down Bakugou, he's in no condition to travel besides he's infected and we can't help him" he said.

This only angered the hothead as he glared at his teacher "we can't just leave him, he needs help" he spat.

Before Aizawa could say anything else Mr. Bakugou coughed out again but this time blood came pouring out.

"Kacchan listen to him, we can't save him and you're only making it worse" Midoriya said stepping forward.

Bakugou shot Midoriya a mean look before sighing in defeat and laying his father back down, "dad where's the old hag?" He asked.

Mr. Bakugou groaned as he tried to focus on his son's question "I-I don't know ... we- she was home l-last time- I seen-" he coughed again.

Bakugou squeezed his eyes shut in hopelessness "shh, it's okay, just rest" he mumbled.

His father frowned "I-I'm proud of you- Katsuki ... I-I love y-ou" he struggled to say.

Bakugou opened his eyes as tears fell "I love you too, now shut up" he spat.

Mr. Bakugou chuckled only for him to end up coughing again before his eyes fluttered shut, his breathing came to a complete stop as his head fell to the side.

Bakugou bit his lip as he watched his father slip away not being able to help him at all, he gritted his teeth as he slowly reached for his knife that was added to his costume just for cases like this.

Without another word he shoved the knife into his father's skull before yanking it back out and putting it up.

When it was done he pulled him onto his back again and nodded at Aizawa "let's go" he frowned.

Aizawa gave him a nod before turning back towards the door "follow us ma'am, we'll get you to safety" he said.

She shook her head "not that way, Mr. Bakugou went down there and now look at him" she said fear written all over her face.

Bakugou frowned "watch your mouth bitch, he just saved your ungrateful ass" he spat.

"Bakugou" Aizawa frowned.


"Eraser why don't we just break the window and signal Todoroki to make a slide made out of ice" Midoriya suggested making him hum in agreement "that could work" he nodded.

Midoriya gave him a nod before activating One For All and kicking the glass breaking it immediately.

A gust of wind hit him making him wobble but before he could fall Bakugou yanked him back in by his collar making him sigh in relief "thanks Kacchan" he smiled making the other roll his eyes "fucking idiot" he mumbled releasing him.

Bakugou then made small explosions out the window so he could grab Todoroki's attention which thankfully worked.

A second later a tall ice slide was formed against the window, Bakugou grunted before getting down in a sitting position making sure his father was fit for travel before pushing off and sliding down the ice.

When he got to the street he stood up completely and gave the others a thumbs up. Next was the head of commission whom was terrified to even step close to the slide.

"I can't" she mumbled stumbling back "I changed my mind let's go down stairs-"

Just then they heard pounding at the door, groans and growls were heard as well which made all three of them tense.

"Too late. Go." Aizawa grunted nudging her forward.

She shook her head "I'm scared"

Midoriya frowned "go down with her Aizawa, I'll be fine" he confirmed.

Aizawa huffed "as soon as we touch the ground I want you already sliding down, understood?" He said sternly.

Midoriya nodded "understood" he said.

With that Aizawa grabbed the head's arm and dragged her over to the slide, he took a seat and yanked her into his lap "hang on" he frowned before pushing off and sliding down the slide in rapid speed.

Midoriya watched making sure they went down safely.

He watched as the ice started to crack from the weight of them two, and it didn't help that the women was squirming and screaming.

He flinched as his danger sense kicked in and just at that moment the door broke down from the pressure of the zombies that were slamming against it.

He glanced back at the ice to make sure they were down there before smirking seeing Aizawa stand up and push her off of him with irritation set on his features.

They all looked up at him as he looked back at the room that was quickly filling up with zombies whom were coming straight for him.

His eyes glowed green as green lightning bounced over his body, taking a stance he lifted his arm and flicked a huge amount of air pressure at them trying to take them all out at once.

And though it did it also shook the already unsteady building making the ice start to crumble, he heard his teacher and friends shout for him as he slipped and fell out the window.

He grunted and flipped over watching as the ground came closer and closer.

Quickly using float he was able to catch himself from smacking onto the concrete.

He sighed in relief as he slowly set himself down on the ground deactivating his quirk.

"You Idiot! Why the hell would you use your damn quirk!" Bakugou spat.

Without looking at him Midoriya pointed up as his comrades followed his hand watching as zombies started to fall through the window and slam into the concrete.

After finally catching his breath Midoriya stood up straight and huffed "they broke in just as you two got to the street, it was a lot too so I had to act fast" he explained.

Aizawa nodded "you're good Midoriya, we should get going ... where's the other two?" He asked looking over the group.

They heard heavy footsteps coming their way making them turn to see Kirishima and Denki, "we heard some commotion, is everything okay?" Kiri asked a look of concern on his features before his eyes stopped at Bakugou.

"I-Is that Mr. Bakugou?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

Bakugou frowned but before they could get into that explanation they heard a loud bang at the end of the street grabbing their attention.

A horde of zombies were coming straight for them, mostly because of all the noise they made earlier.

"Everyone run to the school, NOW" Aizawa yelled.

Activating his quirk Midoriya grabbed the head and took off down the street, he already knew his group wasn't too far behind, which eased his worries, right now his focus needed to be on completing this mission.

When he got to the school he waited patiently for his group to catch up, which they did, the first being Bakugou whom blasted his way over while still safely carrying his father on his back.

Next was Aizawa whom was swinging down the street using his scarf, Todoroki and Iida were right behind him carrying both Denki and Kiri on their backs.

Todoroki was able to easily slide down the street with his ice, Kiri hanging for dear life on his back.

While Iida used his engines to fly down the street with a terrified Denki on his back.

When everyone met at the ice wall, Todoroki quickly let go of Kiri and melted the ice as fast as possible.

After that they all entered making sure everyone was safe and okay, Todoroki lifted another wall making it thicker this time to keep the unwanted guess out.

After a minute of catching their breaths Kirishima cheered throwing his fist up in victory "we did it! We're so damn Manly" he smirked triumphantly which made the others chuckle.

Aizawa hummed at his students and nodded "good job, now I just need you to go back to the dorms and take a well needed break, I'll take the head here back to the main campus and Bakugou if you want you can follow and we'll discuss what to do with your father" he said.

Bakugou grunted and shook his head "I'll bury him myself" he said before glancing at Midoriya whom gave him an understanding smile "I'll be right there with you" he confirmed.

Bakugou hummed and started walking to the dorms while his classmates followed leaving a respectable amount of distance between them.

As they were walking Midoriya's ears perked up when he heard Kaminari start to talk.

"You know I'm surprised he's taking this so well, I thought he would've went on a rampage. Then again he was always mean to his parents so who knows he might not even care about them like that" he recklessly said.

Midoriya stopped in his tracks, his fist tightened and he gritted his teeth in irritation.

Bakugou continued to walk off as if he hadn't heard anything, while Midoriya turned to face his ignorant friend.

"Don't speak on anything you know nothing about Denki. You have no idea how Kacchan feels about his parents so you have no right to comment on their relationship, got it?" He spat angrily.

Surprised on his outburst Denki shook his head "I didn't mean for it to come out like that- I'm just shocked at how well he's taking it" he mumbled.

Midoriya sighed and ran his hand down his face "he's not ... but I don't expect you of all people to pick up on it" he frowned bitterly.

"Hey Midobro chill, he wasn't trying to be rude, you know how Kami gets" Kirishima defended.

"Hmmm I'll have to agree with Midoriya here, it was kind of insensitive for Kaminari to comment on such a situation" Todoroki said.

"Cmon not you too" Denki whined "I was just saying" he frowned.

"Enough all of you. Let's drop this ridiculous argument, and go back to the dorms like Mr. Aizawa said" Iida frowned.

Midoriya scoffed "it wasn't an argument to begin with, I was just correcting him on his mistake. Hopefully this talk was helpful because if I hear another word about this then next time it won't just be a talk" he said calmly before walking off towards the dorms to catch up with Bakugou.

"Was that a threat?" Kami mumbled looking at Kiri. Kirishima sighed "whatever it was let's just forget it happened and keep your comments to yourself next time please" Kirishima said before walking off to the dorms.

Kami sighed before following behind Kirishima along with Iida and Todoroki.


Walking into the dorms, Midoriya jogged past his friends towards the back yard area.

He slipped out the back door to see Bakugou about to pick his father up, moving quickly Midoriya went to help.

They both picked his father up and placed him in the grave that was right next to Inko's grave. When they got him in there they both started to fill it up again.

When they finished, they both collapsed on the ground staring at their parent's graves just thinking about any-and-everything.

"I wonder if that old hag knows" he mumbled.

Midoriya shrugged "probably, probably not"

"I hope she's safe" Bakugou said with a small frown.

Midoriya looked over at him, he studied his face noticing the distant look in his eyes and the slight puffy look he had. It was obvious he was crying but Midoriya knew not to say anything about it so he just hummed "I hope so too"

After a few more minutes of silence, Bakugou stood up and stretched "I'm gonna go shower and change" he mumbled.

Midoriya stood up too and smiled "yeah me too"

Nodding Bakugou made his way inside while Midoriya glanced back at the graves before following behind him.

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