Tom Holland Stories

Galing kay BeautifulRain2020

17.3K 161 35

Injured, sick and hurt fanfics about Tom Holland. Higit pa

โค๏ธ Downey Family
Tom Peanut Allergy
Tessa Hurt On Set
Sam Stabbed
Tom Falls Off A Bridge
Tessa Sepsis
Cherry I (Harry) ๐Ÿ’
Tom Dislocation
Zendaya Head Injury
Zendaya Appendicitis ๐Ÿ’
Tom Wedding ๐Ÿ’

Cherry II (Tom) ๐Ÿ’

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Galing kay BeautifulRain2020

At the end of the third week of Harry's recovery, Tom flew back to America to finish filming Cherry.

Three months in, and Tom was thinner than he had ever been before. They had just one more week of filming to go then it would all be over.

Between takes one day, he called Zendaya's number and waited for her to pick up. It rang and rang, and tears formed in Tom's eyes. He couldn't tell his family how bad he was because they would come over and pull him out of the film. He needed Zendaya. He just needed...
"Hey Tom," Came Zendaya's voice on the other end of the phone but Tom just sniffled and coughed for a few seconds. "Tom? Are you there?"
"Yeah. I'm here," Tom whispered.
"How's it going? Are they taking care of you?"
"Not really," Tom said before he started to cry.
"They're not?" Zendaya asked before her voice softened. "Talk to me Tom."
"I'm sick. I'm really sick."
"Have they put you back on that diet?"
"Oh Tom," Zendaya said before she heard Tom crying on the other end of the phone. "I think that you need to go home."
"No... I need to finish this..."
"No you don't Tom. I'm scared that you're going to hurt yourself. How thin are you?"
"Very..." Tom choked out before he kept crying with the phone against his ear.
"I'm going to call your parents."
"Don't..." Tom croaked after a moment. "Can't... Can't you... come over? Please..."
"I'm in the middle of filming Euphoria. I'm sorry, but I can't."
"Please," Tom begged her.
"You need help. I'm going to tell your family to come and get you ok? You just need to hold on until then. Can you do that for me?" Zendaya asked, but Tom kept crying. "Tom?"
"Tom! We need you on set."
"Coming," Tom called before he wiped his tears away.
"You don't have to do this Tom."
"I do. I love you," Tom said before he hung up and went back onto the set. He had to hold on. He had to finish filming.

"Ok Tom, we're going to do that again," Anthony called after the take, and Tom just stared at the ground.
"Are you alright Tom?" Joseph asked and he looked up at them before nodding.
"Yeah. Yeah, let's go again."
"Ok. Get the camera in position, back to your mark Tom," Anthony called and Tom staggered back inside the house. He was thinner than ever, paler than ever, and he felt like he was dying.


As Tom got inside and closed the door, he saw a drop of blood come out of his nose and he brushed it away. One more week. Just one.
"Action!" Joseph called and Tom remained frozen in position. Outside, there was silence as everyone was waiting for Tom to open the door and start the scene. Inside the walls, Tom heard birdsong and it drowned everything else out.

He looked out of his skeletal eyes and walked slowly towards the window. Something had changed and he didn't want to be here anymore. He wanted to be back home, with his family, like he had been three months ago.

Harry was awake now and he was doing very well. He still had to shower with help from Sam, but his burns were healing and he was improving. Tom however had kept just how bad he had become from his family, knowing that they would freak out if they knew.
"We need the doctor in here now," Joseph said as he opened the door and saw a trail of blood leading to the window with Tom staring out of it. Tom barely heard him, but his body had. It collapsed like a rag doll onto the ground, leaving everyone to erupt into total panic. The Russo's rushed inside, along with the doctor and half the crew. Tom was a shell of what he once had been, his body had been pushed too far and the doctor immediately started trying to save his life.

An ambulance, flight, and three electric shocks later: Robert threw the doors to the hospital wide open in anger and he demanded to see his son.
"The filming's over, and I'm holding you two personally responsible for this," Robert told the Russo's sternly as he sat beside Tom and took his hand. "Now, get out!" He screamed at them and they left.

Robert had a bad temper, but Tom's heart had stopped three times. He was unconscious in an American hospital, connected to more machines that Robert could count, and he kept running through in his mind why he and Scarlett hadn't pulled him out of doing the film earlier.
"Dad's here Tom. I'm never going to let this happen to you ever again," Robert said before he kissed Tom and he let tears form in his eyes. "Never again. I'm so sorry."


"Shocking news today as actor Tom Downey has been rushed to hospital. He collapsed on the set of Cherry and is in a critical condition. The Russo brothers have apologised deeply for the incident and they've said that Tom's family are currently with him in hospital," The TV announcer said and as soon as it finished, Zendaya got out her phone and walked off the set of Euphoria.
"Zendaya," Robert said as he picked up the phone.
"Are you with Tom at the moment?"
"I am."
"And how is he?"
"He's unconscious," Robert said before tears pricked at his eyes. "He almost died... Thank you, for um... calling me when you did."
"What do you mean, he almost died?!"
"His body has been lacking so many nutrients that his heart stopped several times on the way to the hospital."
"Oh my God," Zendaya said as tears filled her own eyes.
"He's stable now, but it was touch and go," Robert said before Zendaya started crying.
"I got you... just in time?"
"You did."
"Zendaya, what's wrong?" Her co-star asked as they came over.
"Tom. He's..."
"Come here," They said before they took Zendaya into their arms and she hung up the phone.

Two days went by, and Robert had napped on every surface in Tom's room. Tom was getting more colour in his face and he was looking much less skeletal than he once did. Robert was making sure to keep Scarlett, Harry and Sam informed on Tom's condition and it was on day three, when Robert had gone to get some fresh air, that Tom finally woke up.
"Robert?" Tom's nurse asked as she came outside to find Robert.
"Yep. That's me."
"Tom's awake."
"What? How's he doing? Is he ok?" Robert asked before they started walking back to the ward.
"He's a bit confused, but that's to be expected. He's also feeling drained and tired, but medically he's doing very well and with continued treatment and observation, we should be able to discharge him next week."
"Oh, that's great news. Thank you so much."
"It's my pleasure. Here we are," The nurse said and Robert went into Tom's room.
"Dad," Tom said as he saw him and Robert sat on his bed and took his hand. Tom was sitting up at 45 degrees and he looked half asleep.
"Hey bud. I've been with you the whole time you've been out ok. I just went outside for a bit of fresh air."
"Yeah... the nurse said."
"How are you doing?"
"I'm tired..."
"You look tired," Robert said with a smile and Tom smiled back.
"What about your body, are you in any pain? Do you need any water?"
"No... I'm ok..."
"How long... have I been out for?"
"Four days. You've been stable, just unconscious."
"I feel... better... than before."
"I was hoping that you would be, especially given the amount of drugs the doctor's have been pumping into you," Robert said and Tom smiled again.
"Yeah... I'm sorry dad..."
"You've got nothing to apologise for Tom."
"I should have... told you earlier..."
"Ok. You should have told us how bad you were before you collapsed."
"Thank you," Robert said before he squeezed Tom's hand. "Apology accepted."
"Thanks... dad," Tom said and Robert smiled before he kissed Tom on his forehead.
"You had us really worried Tom. Me, your mum, Sam and Harry."
"How is... Harry?"
"He's doing really well. He can dress himself now, but he's still on strong pain medication."
"You'll be able to see him soon. I'll be taking you home myself as soon as you're discharged."
"Yeah... I can't wait, to go home."
"I know you can't. Cherry's finished filming too, so you're not going back."
"Yep. I put my foot down. It's about time that your mum and I stood up about you doing films like this."
"Yeah... this one was... really bad..."
"I know. You looked so sick when I arrived. You were just skin and bones."
"Did you tell... mum that?"
"No, of course I didn't. She would have dropped everything and come over too if she knew."
"You... made it sound... like I nearly died."
"You nearly did. The doctor's had to restart your heart three times."
"When you were being transferred to hospital, it was touch and go. That's why I came over so quickly."
"Oh," Tom said before he closed his eyes.
"Are you tired?"
"Ok," Robert replied before he lowered the back of the bed down. "Get some proper rest," He said before he kissed Tom's forehead.
"Thanks dad," Tom whispered back.
"I'm not going anywhere. Except when I go to get some food. But then I'll be right back with you."
"I love you bud. Just try not to snore ok," Robert said, but Tom was already falling asleep.

Robert stayed beside Tom for twenty minutes before he decided that he was fast asleep, so he called Scarlett's number.
"What's the news?" Scarlett answered as she picked up.
"Guess who's awake."
"What?!" Scarlett shrieked. "Is he ok?"
"He's tired and a little disoriented, but he's doing just fine."
"Oh thank God."
"What is it mum?"
"Tom's awake."
"What?! Is he ok?"
"Yeah, he's doing well."
"Can I speak to him?"
"Is Tom there with you Robert?"
"He is, but he's just gone back to sleep."
"Ok. We won't disturb him then."
"The nurse said that he should be able to be discharged next week."
"That's amazing news. Does it mean that he'll be spending Christmas day in the hospital?"
"It does, but I'll make it an extra special day for him."
"Good, please do. I miss you, and call me as soon as he's woken up again. I need to talk to him."
"I will. You look after Harry and I'll look after Tom. We'll talk soon."
"Bye for now darling."
"Bye love," Robert said before he hung up and called Zendaya.


"Right Tom, I've got an early Christmas present for you," Robert said as he was sat on the end of Tom's bed, in the evening of Christmas eve.
"Can't it wait until tomorrow? We're not supposed to do presents today."
"I know, but this has been to be done, I mean opened, today."
"Oh. What is it?"
"They would be ruining the surprise. Are you ready for it?"
"Yeah, I'm ready."
"Ok," Robert said and he whistled. Zendaya walked in with a small bow on her head and Tom beamed.
"Merry Christmas! Do you like me?"
"I like you a lot," Tom said and Zendaya smiled as she ran over and hugged him. They kissed as Zendaya sat on the bed and Robert looked away.
"Sorry dad," Tom said as he let Zendaya go, but he held eye contact with her.
"It's ok. I'll go on a walk and leave you two alone for a bit."
"Yeah. Thanks Robert."
"No problem," Robert said before he left. "I had no idea she was your girlfriend," They heard Robert say to himself and they laughed.
"You're my girlfriend."
"Are you ok with that?"
"Yeah. I'm ok with that."
"Good," Zendaya said and they kissed again.

The next day, they opened presents and had a Christmas meal in the hospital canteen before the nurse allowed Tom to go for a walk by the duck pond. Having Zendaya there for a few days made Tom very happy and his recovery seemed to speed up.

A day before Tom was discharged, on the 30th December, Zendaya left them to spend some time with her family and she promised to join them on a big family holiday.


The next day, Scarlett's phone rang and she answered it.
"Hello?" Scarlett asked as she picked it up.
"Hello stranger. We're at the airport and we're about to get on the flight home."
"That's great news."
"We'll land tomorrow at 5am and be with you by 8am."
"I'll make sure the boys are up. Can I talk to Tom?"
"Of course. Here you are," Robert said before he handed the phone over.
"Hi mum."
"Hi darling. Are you feeling well enough to fly?"
"Yeah. I'm pretty much back to normal now mum. I can't wait to see you."
"I can't wait to see you too. I love you so much."
"I love you so much back."
"I'll see you in 2020 alright darling."
"Yeah. See you in 2020."
"I'll see you soon."


The next morning, at 7:45am, the doorbell rang and Scarlett opened it.
"Hi mum," Tom said with a smile and Scarlett wrapped her arms around him.
"Hi my darling. I love you so much."
"And I love you."
"Never scare me like that again."
"I won't."
"Good, and I promise that your dad and I will never let you go back into a situation like that again," Scarlett said before she kissed Tom's cheek and he hugged her tighter.
"Thanks mum."
"I love you Tom."
"I love you too," Tom said and they just held each other for a few minutes.

"I'm starting to freeze out here," Robert said.
"Oh yeah," Scarlett said as she pulled out of the hug and wiped her tears away. Tom watched her with his big puppy dog eyes and he kept his hand on her arm. "I'll get Tom's bags. Come in."
"Tom," Harry said and Tom turned to his brother. Sam was letting him go after walking down the stairs, and Tom immediately went over to him.
"Be gentle Tom. His skin's very sensitive," Scarlett reminded him and Tom hugged Harry as carefully as he could. Harry winced as the pressure caused him some pain, but it was the first time that he'd seen Tom since he'd collapsed, so he didn't care.
"Are you ok?" He asked Tom.
"Yeah, I'm doing ok. Are you ok?"
"Not really," Harry replied and Tom held him a little tighter.
"Not so tight Tom," Scarlett said and Tom let Harry go.
"It's ok."
"Let's get you onto the sofa Harry."
"Sounds good," Harry agreed, and Scarlett helped Harry over to the sofa.
"You ok?" Tom asked as he sat beside Harry and he nodded.
"Yeah. How was your Christmas?"
"It was good. Dad took me to the hospital canteen where we had a full Christmas meal, and Zendaya came over so that was a nice surprise."
"Oh that's good."
"Yeah," Tom said and Robert put the kettle on. "Are you over the trauma of the accident yet Harry?"
"I'm getting there. I think that when my burns fully heal, it'll help."
"It will. I was so relieved when I found your pulse. You were trapped under the jeep and I had no idea how badly hurt hurt you were. For a few seconds, I thought that you were dead."
"You saved his life Tom."
"Yeah, you saved both your lives."
"I suppose I did."
"You've come closer to death than I did Tom. At least from what dad said."
"It was pretty scary at times," Robert said from the other side of the room and everyone turned to him. "I'm really glad that you're both alive and well."
"Thanks dad."
"You saved me more than anyone else dad."
"Well, you know. I am Iron Man," Robert said as he sat beside Harry and everyone laughed as he pulled them in a family hug.
"Ow! Ow! Burns!" Harry cried out a few moments later, and everyone let go.
"Shit sorry."
"Sorry bro."
"I guess that we're still looking after one of you. Could you get his painkillers Scarlett?"
"Of course I can," Scarlett said before she left.
"Are you ok?"
"No, I'm in pain."
"Here you are," Scarlett said as she knelt down and Harry took the painkillers.
"How's that?" Sam asked as he rubbed his hand over his brother's back, and Harry nodded.
"And that was the kettle. Who wants tea?"
"I do," Everyone said and Robert smiled.
"Tea all round," He said before he went into the kitchen.

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