Male reader x Left4Dead

By CrashDragon

91.1K 1.3K 1.2K

YOU that's right you have lucked out to be apart of the few people to be immune to the zombie infection known... More

Another day in hell
Getting a new friend or puppy?
Meeting new people 20 questions edition
Crazy misunderstandinds
Supply run
Learning words
Fight for the top
The stalker
Tanks for nothing
You got some splain'in to do
Game plan
One hell of a moral boost
Tentacle recon
A shocking development
Break out

Meet the family

1.3K 22 6
By CrashDragon

"Y/N WHAT WAS THAT?!?" Bill asked

"That's what happens when you get a twenty five kill streak in call of duty otherwise known as a tactical nuke." I said as if I was talking about the weather.

"You mean that same nuke you said wasn't going to work." Zoey asked

"Oh the thing worked perfectly fine I just told you guys that it wasn't working so you all would calm down." I said nonchalantly.

"So we could have-" Francis began to say

"Been blown up at anytime trust me it would have never happened." I said answer to calm their nerves.

"How so?" Bill asked

"Simple every explosive that me or my friends have made has a safety protocol that makes sure that the bomb will not go off so long as the detonator is within the estimated blast range." I said while holding up the detonator for them to see.

"Scares aside where are we heading to now?" Zoey asked.

"Where going to my lab." I said as if it was the most obvious answer.

"Shouldn't we go to the actual safe zone?" Zoey asked.

"Hell no went through that once and it didn't end well not doing it again." I said annoyed

"It was just a fluke we can try again." Louis said optimistically.

"And I said no I'm not stopping until I get to my lab if you have a problem with that you can open the door and leave." I said unlocking the backdoor to the aircraft.

"We're still airborne y/n." Bill said.

"Oh I know so your choices are either open the door take a leap of faith and hope you land on something soft or sit down shut up and enjoy the ride so make your pick cause as I said I'm not stopping until I get to the lab." I said leaving no room for discussions after a few minutes no one made a move to exit the aircraft so I locked it back.

It didn't take long for us to arrive at the entrance to the lab. We cleared out the zombies in the area exited the aircraft and I stored it back in its cube.

"Is this really it?" Zoey asked highly confused

"Yep." I said waling over to the shed.

"This random shed in the middle of the woods." Francis asked very skeptically.

"Yes." I said as an interface came out of the wall.

-Password- a robotic voice said

"Would you kindly."

-Password acknowledged welcome back death- the robotic voice said before the interface went back into the wall.


"I'll explain later for now we should head inside." I said before walking through the door and vanishing from their sight.

They all looked at each other before Eve and Raven shrugged their shoulders and walked through the doorway followed by Jackal jumping through then everyone else.

"Y/n where are we?" Bill asked after looking around the facility they were in.

"In the lab." I said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"No I mean where exactly are we?" Bill reiterated

"Oh we're all in an undisclosed location in international waters why do you ask?" I asked.

"Wait then how'd we get here?" Louis asked.

"The teleporter." I said pointing to the machine behind them.

"Wait if you had a teleporter then why'd we walk every where?" Francis asked.

"Simple we'd need a point a and b for the device to work and me and my friends haven't figured out how to do mobile teleportation yet so unless we had exact coordinates it wouldn't work." I said

-Welcome back y/n.- A female voice said from behind me.

"Hey v how's it go-?" I asked before curiosity stopped whatever it was I was gonna say as the sight of a metallic wolf girl was in front of me.

"Ayumi?" I asked as I gestured to her body.

-Ayumi.- V said with a nod.

"I'm gonna kill her so what are you a wolf girl now?"

-Jackal actually.- V said.

"Right well anyways everyone meet Vickie." I said gesturing to

-Venus.- Venus corrected.

"Huh?" I said in confusion as I looked at her

-Ayumi said while I'm using this form I should go by the model's name.- Venus said.

"Well Venus I'd like you to meet bill."





"Please to meet you."







"And jackal." I said as the guy waved at her.

-You seem to have infected individuals with you shall I get rid of them.- Venus said getting ready to end the three zombies with me.

"No no there with me and before anyone else sees them and asks the same question please send a message telling them that these three are not to be harmed." I said

-Message sent the others won't attack them but now you have a more pressing matters to deal with.- Venus said with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" I asked

-That message was sent to everyone right?-

"Yes?" I said unsure what she was getting at.

-Everyone.- Venus said as she looked at me expectantly as I stared at her confused. I was about to say something when the sounds of mechanical feet started to sound closer before three robotic wolves came around the corner.




"Uh oh." Was all I was able to say before the three robotic wolves jumped onto me.

-Hey boss did you bring us back anything?- Torch asked

"Not this time torch kinda busy trying to fix the zombie apacylpse." I said to the robotic wolf.

-Oh right that's a thing, next time?- Torch asked tilting his head curiously.

"Next time." I said nodding.

"You need any help there?" Bill asked chuckling to himself about my situation.

"No I'm good alright you three you can get off now." I said.

"Hey why'd you three run off?" A woman asked as she came around the corner.

"Oh we have visitors huh I don't recognize you seven who let you guys in?" She asked as she looked over the group.

"Ayumi." I said in a tone that radiated anger as I got up from the floor.

"Oh that's who let you in." The now named Ayumi said fearfully as she looked at me the smile I was giving her promised pain in her immediate future. Thinking fast ayumi said the first thing that she believed would save her from my wrath.

"Pineapple." Ayumi said with a hopeful smile.

"That's not gonna save you." I said as a few tendrils came out of my back.

"Bye." Ayumi said before running away as fast as she could.

"GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" I yelled as I chased after her.

-Well he's gonna be at that for a little while how about I show you all around.- Venus said

"Shouldn't you stop them?" Louis asked

-Nah this is normal besides they'll catch up with us anyways now let's go.- Venus said as she and the wolf pack began to lead the group through the lab.

-That way leads outside of the lab and onto the island but I wouldn't recommend going out there without someone with you.- Venus said gesturing to the exit leading outside.

"Why?" Zoey asked.

-Our guard dog Rex would kill you.- Venus said casually.

"I highly doubt one dog could take seven people." Francis said feeling like the robotic woman was overestimating rex's abilities.

-Would you like to see him?- Venus asked the group shrugged and nodded their heads so Venus made a detour taking them outside the lab and into a courtyard.

-Rex!- Venus shouted

For a few moments nothing happened right as Francis was about to say something they heard something start stomping through the trees around them. Without warning a creature that the group could best describe as a godzilla dinosaur hybrid burst through the foliage before stopping in front of the group.

-Still think Rex would have trouble taking on seven people?- Venus asked as she looked at Francis who's face was as white as a sheet.

"F-forget I said anything." Francis said fearfully as he looked at Rex.

Rex started sniffing the air them before moving closer to the group. They started backing away from Rex worried about what he was going to do. Rex on the other hand kept approaching them sniffing the air until his sight zeroed in on three individuals. The individuals in question were eve, raven, and Zoey who froze on the spot. Rex got closer to those three sniffing each of them before stopping in front of eve. Eve stood as still as can be afraid of what Rex was gonna do until Rex licked the side of her face causing her hair to stick up because of the drool. Raven and Zoey started laughing at how eve looked before Rex stood in front of them unable to escape they were treated to the same thing eve experienced.

-Hahaha I think he smells y/n on you three alright Rex that's enough you can go back to doing what you were doing before I called you.- Venus said rex nuzzled his head on hers before retreating into the forest. With her entourage minus the wolf pack well and truly terrified she brought them back inside and continued the tour after making sure the three were able to get clean.

-If you ever get lost call out for either me or my sister and we'll help you get to where you need to be.- Venus said before they heard a loud sound coming from around the corner.

-See I told you we'd see them again.- Venus said as the group watched as y/n tried to catch ayumi.

Y/n tripped up ayumi before two tentacles wrapped around her legs and started dragging her to him. Thinking fast Ayumi morphed her fingers into long claws to help anchor her in place which wasn't as effective when a third tentacle wrapped around her waist to help with dragging her to y/n.

"HELP HELP wait no one comes when they hear that FIRE FIRE!" Ayumi screamed.

"I thought I heard ayumi screaming for help." a voice said from high above before the owner of said voice jumped onto y/n's face.

"Krat grit ov by frace. (cat get off my face)" I said as best I could.

"Awww I thought you liked it when I sat here." Cat said.

"Kaat. (Cat)" I said as another tentacle came from my back until it was in cat's view mimicking a cobra about to strike.

"Okay okay I'm getting off no need for the tentacles. Anyways why is he trying to kill you this time?" Cat asked as she got off my face before heading over to ayumi.

"I turned Vickie into Venus." Ayumi said turning her head in the group's direction.

"Ohhh don't worry I'll help." Cat whispered to ayumi.

"Thank you." Ayumi said relieved someone was gonna save her.

Cat grabbed ayumi's claws and uprooted them from the ground before she started pulling back away from y/n.

"She's all yours y/n." Cat said

"You said you'd help me." Ayumi said to Cat with a look of betrayal on her face.

"I said I'd help I never specified who." Cat said before ayumi was brought over to y/n.

"Uhh mercy?" Ayumi said

"Umm no." I said disappearing into a dark room with her.

"So any reason why ayumi gave a horror movie scream?" A guy said as he came out of one of the side room of the lab.

"Y/n's back." Cat said pointing towards the room ayumi and I went into.

"Ohhhh I'm guessing he saw Venus well shit if this is his reaction to Venus hate to see his reaction to kit."He said as he looked towards the room.

-Did someone call me?- Said another robotic woman like Venus except she wasn't a jackal she was a fox.

"No kit we were just talking about what y/n's reaction will be when he sees you." The new guy said.

"Yep he also brought company." Cat said pointing at the group.

-Hello everyone my names kitsumy or kit if you like it's a pleasure to meet you- Kit said

"Hey there names Dominic nice to meet you." Dominic said as he waved to the group.

"Likewise but umm shouldn't you two stop them." Zoey asked concerned for ayumi's wellbeing.

"Nah this is pretty normal." Dominic said as he waved off Zoey,'s concern.

"Hey y/n." Louis said as he thought of something.

"Yeah what's up?" I asked sticking my head out the door.

"When you guys made that chemical x thing was it before or after you guys got the added attachments?" Louis asked.

"Attachments?" I asked before Louis pointed at one of my tentacles over my head.

"After why do you ask?" I asked but all survivors of the group did was give me deadpanned expression.

"What?" I asked not getting why they were looking at me like that.

Rex "the good boy/ guard dog"

Blade, jolt, and scorch




Venus (left) and kitsumy/kit (right)

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