
By Lexx_wrote_this

533 42 344

MAKE SURE TO READ THE WHOLE "please read" CHAPTER Warnings ⚠️: Gore, slurs, homophonic, murder, weapon violen... More

Please read
0.1 | NewGirl
0.2 | Best 'friends?'
0.3 | Alone (or not?)
0.4 | Freshman
0.5 | Truth be told
0.6 | i wish i were a girl
0.7 | Welcome Home..
0.8 | I Love You
0.9 | The Voice
10 | Sibling Hangout
11 | Last Smile
12 | Hospital
13 | Grief
15 | Red Rose Petal
16 | Blindsided
17 | Revenge
18 | Broken Chains
19 | A Plan
20 | A New Friend
21 | Date
22 | ManHunt
23 | Free?
Good bye

14 | A 'Friendly' Visit

11 1 16
By Lexx_wrote_this

Brews Ailousos description: chocolate brown fur, with a darker brown tail, forearms, back legs, and ears. With Snow White neck fluffy and a rhombus shape in the center of her chest that was the same dark brown as her tail, and 2 stripes that went down her check from her eyes to her jaw on both sides of her face, with chocolate cream eyes

Alex's Ailousos description: reddish black fur with darker flank, paws, ears, and tail and brown eyes

Flares Ailousos description (Brews mother): Chocolate brown fur

Karl Ailousos description (Brews mother): gray fur (from age) with the same markings as Brews but a dark gray


Timeline: a week after Brews got released from the hospital (11th grade summer)

Brew POV

Have you ever had that feeling of being watched, the hair on the back of your neck stands up. But when you look around no one is there

It's creepy and its a feeling i have been getting a lot lately. It's made me jumpy and anxious

And of all times for my parents to visit, its today

But this day took a turn that i never expected

Earlier that morning

I woke from another nightmare today and thought maybe going to see Alex would help

I left Maple and Jackdaw at the house because they were still sleeping

Alex's house came into view and memory's flashed threw my mind. First all the good memory's but then the 'accident' flashed in my mind

I wanted to run away from this house full of precious memory's but I couldn't, I promised her i would move on or try to be happy. I don't intend on breaking that promise

I took a deep breath before I continued walking. One part of my mind was screaming but the other was telling me its time to do this, it can help my mental health

i knocked softly on the door and after a few moments Alex opened the door. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were wet, she was crying....

"Brew! Hey, I wasn't expecting you here!" She said with shocked eyes then wiping some stay tears. "Sorry for coming so suddenly, i just needed some time away from my house and forgot to ask" i explained

"No really its fine I understand" Alex said. We stayed in a awkward silence for a few moments before Alex spoke up "are you here to take some of my sisters stuff?" She asked a amused smile on her face

"Ha, yeah if you don't mind" i said. She shook her head before opening the door more to let me inside

Then we entered the kitchen i saw that it was pretty messy. I'm not judging tho, if i didn't have the maids or Mr. Smith my house would be a garbage field

When we exited the kitchen and went into the living room i saw that the furniture was moved around. "You moved things around" i said looking around

"Yeah, just wanted a change. It will be the first of many...." Alex relying. I knew what she meant by that

Alex was looking at the ground before looking back to me. "How are you doing Brew? With everything that's happening" she asked. I was a bit taken back by this question 'I'm terrible, i wish i was the one hit by the train not her' i wanted to say but i knew better then to show that much emotion around people

"Everything just feels different" i said looking anywhere but at Alex. I felt uneasy, that feeling of being watched came back and it made me shiver

"I'm gonna go look around her room" i said giving Alex a forced smile before walking towards her sisters room

I opened the door and stepped inside. I looked around and almost lost my cool

This was the room filled with so many memory's, bad and good ones

This room was where me and hers relationship progressed. We had our first real kiss in here, i can say that's my fondest memory

I stared around the room for what felt like hours was really 5 minutes. I walked over to the closet and pulled out her football jersey. I smiled softly remembering all the games i would go to with Alex

As i pulled out more of her clothes more tears formed in my eyes, i tried to wipe them away but they kept coming

The longer i looked at the clothes or my surroundings the more tears formed. I threw on one of her favorite black and white hoodies and headed for the door

When i walked out tears were filling my eyes i knew they would fall soon i needed to leave now. I was heading for the kitchen to leave when i bumped into Alex

She stepped back before looking at me confused "you leaving?" She asked. I lowered my head and nodded before running past her and out the door

Now my tears streamed down my face as i ran. I stopped by a ditch to catch my breath and cry for a moment

This 'grieving process' was hard and i don't know when it will be over. I want to be at peace with her death but it seemed impossible. Every time someone or something reminds me of her it feels like getting stabbed in the heart

I fell to my knees and cried more. I felt like an idiot, i felt alone, i felt hopeless, and worthless

I would love to leave this horrible earth and join her, Teagan, and the fallen on the other side. But i made a promise and i can't break it

I was kneeling their in the grass for what felt like hours before getting up and starting to walk to my house

My tears had run dry but when i was about to walk up my drive way i almost ran back to Alex's house

Their stood at the front door was my fucking parents. Shit i thought

Before i could take off my mom turned around and saw me, she yelled "BREW, GET OVER HERE!"

I wanted the sky to fall on me or the earth to drop me in lava. I slowly walked over to them

"Why are you here?" I asked before they could speak. My mother cleared her throat before speaking "we've come to say congratulations!" My mother said with a wicked smile

i looked at my dad confused but he looked the most happy he has ever been his whole life

"Or what?" I asked. I really didn't feel like dealing with them and their bullshit

"OH Brew my silly girl, were congratulating the death of that pervert faggot! You know Crimson i think" my mother said with a cheery tone

I stared at them in shock before yowling in their faces "your congratulating me, for the DEATH of my best friend? HOW FOR TEAGANS CURSE CAN YOU BE SO SELFISH!?!" I yowled

My mother looked at me in shock before speaking "SELFISH? ME? YOUR THE ONE WHO DATED A STUPID POOR TRANNY LIKE HER! WHO IN TEAGANS NAME WOULD DATE A TRANNY?!?" She screamed


Then my father butted in "you should be celebrating too, with that fag gone you can take over the company soon!" He said


"THATS NO WAY TO SPEAK TO YOUR MOTHER YOUNG LADY!" A voiced screamed behind me. I turned around and saw my grandparents walking over to us

"Don't tell me what to say to this selfish bitchy excuse of a mother" i snarled to my grandmother

"Selfish brat, don't try me I'm not scarred to hurt a child!" My grandfather said. "Do it, i always hoped you would rot in a jail cell" i replied

For the next 30 minutes they continued to shame me from my beliefs to my clothes. They were slowly beating me down from the inside. Half of me wanted to scream at them all of leaving me alone for years, pretty much acting like i don't exist. But the other half of me knew some of it was true

"USELESS" true "pathetic" true "worthless" true. They kept going on and on, shaming me for anything i ever did

Suddenly that feeling of being watched came back it was strong to. Suddenly to weird figure that appeared during my small coma came into my mind

Suddenly my parents and grandparents figures turned jet black and X wounds appeared  on all of their faces. The X scars were gushing blood, the blood rolled down their body's and made a puddle of blood. I looked at the puddle and saw myself but i also saw the same X scar on my face but mine was healed and was just a scar.

Then blood poured out of my mouth, i started coughing and choking on it. Then i looked down at my hands and saw they were covered in blood and the corpse of a women appeared in front of me. I stumbled back in shock and almost tripped

I blinked and everything turned back to normal. Am i going crazy? I thought

The voices of my grandparents and parents came back to me and i yowled "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET OUT OF HERE! I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF YOU!" I yowled in their faces before running inside and locking the door

I fell against the door and started crying. Maple and Jackdaw camping running over to me, they both rubbed against me meowing and whimpering

I pulled out my phone and went to Alex's contact, i pressed call and waited as the phone rang. Soon a voice spoke "hey Brew what's up?" Alex asked

With the best fake voice i could make i spoke "can you come watch Maple and Jackdaw for a few hours, please?" I asked my voice still cracked

"Of course! I'll be there in 5 minutes!" She said. "Thanks the door is unlocked i have to go now so just walk in" i said before hanging up

I stood up and smiled down at Maple and Jackdaw. Damn it even they remind me of her i thought. I opened my front door and walked over to my car

My grandparents went home and my parents went back to their place so now it was quiet. I drove down my road towards the railroad, I parked my car on the side of the road and stood in front of the railroad

I stood their for a few minutes thinking. I know i told her i would live on, but it seems impossible. Anyone can say I'm being dramatic but its hard to lose someone you care about. Especially if its the person that made you feel special and loved, the person who always checked up on you in times of need, your main support, your lover.....

Not even the best doctors or Teagan can heal the hole that was scraped into your heart not matter what you try. Even if you do move on with someone new that love for your dead love still haunts you till the end

But at the end who do you choose. Your dead love or your new love, its a impossible decision unless one love steps down

Love can be as strong as the core of the earth but it can also Be as weak as a paperback flowing in the wind. Love can also be strong on one end but weak on the other, causing the one with strong love to ask 'is it my fault'. Love like that can make people do crazy things and end up regretting it

Was me and hers love strong on both ends? I asked myself. The wind echoed and i heard a very faint "yes". I smiled softly then it was ruined by that feeling again

This time the feeling was more intense then the one from earlier. Suddenly i heard a twig snap and i wiped around but i was to late, someone tackled me to the ground and put something over my mouth

"Sleep...." whoever it was repeated. I couldn't do anything and knocked out




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