Dark World (BakuDeku)

By NashiABadie

92 5 1

Zombie apocalypse Ft My hero academia ๐Ÿ˜ƒ More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Five

8 1 0
By NashiABadie

Location: Class 3-A Dorms
Date: February 12th (three days later)
Time: 3:00pm
Izuku Midoriya's POV:

"How you feeling today Midobro?" Kirishima asked flopping down on the couch.

I shrugged "better than yesterday" I said plainly.

"Dude you said that yesterday too" Kaminari pointed out from the other couch.

Kirishima grabbed the remote and launched it at him "OW!" Kaminari yelled.

"Bro not cool, you know he's going through something. You can't expect him to just be in tip top shape after all that" Kiri frowned.

I smiled "it's okay Kiri, I appreciate you checking in. Anyway how are things out there?" I asked changing the subject.

"Oh yeah, I forgot Aizawa put you on house arrest" Sero said.

Ignoring him Kiri hummed "it's still bad ... I really don't think it's gonna get any better for a while but we're trying" he sighed.

I nodded "yeah well I'm rooting for you guys, I wish I could help though" I frowned.

Kiri waved me off with a small chuckle "don't worry about it, just focus on getting better and until then we can handle everything else" he smiled.

I gave him a grateful nod "got it" I said.

"Okay everyone make sure you have everything, Mr. Aizawa's coming any minute" Iida announced.

Kiri stood up stretching his hand out for a fist bump "that's our cue" he said.

I gave him a fist bump nodding "be careful" I glanced over at Sero and Kami as they stood up too "all of you" I said seriously.

Kami smiled "no need to worry, I'm pretty sure Aizawa isn't going to have us doing anything that dangerous" he said.

"I wouldn't say that" Todoroki said from behind me making us all face him.

"What do you mean by that Todoroki?" Sero asked.

He shrugged "I overheard Midnight and him talking yesterday and they're gonna have us in the city today helping out" he said grabbing everyone's attention.

"The city? B-But have you seen what's out there?! Everything is burnt down and damaged" Hagakure panicked.

"Yeah and have you seen what the streets look like?! There's so much zombies out there along with dead civilians, we don't even know how many people are actually okay and alive!" Uraraka frowned.

"That's precisely why we're being sent out there, we need to save the ones that are still alive and in need of our help" Aizawa said grabbing our attention.

"No disrespect sir but how do you expect us to be able to save the whole city? Japan is huge, where would we even start?" Ojiro asked.

Aizawa sighed "you're heroes now, you're expected to save the whole city even if it seems impossible. And we're only doing this area for now, the other heroes are being sent out further" he explained "I want everyone divided into teams of two, it'll be easier this way so you can have each other's backs and stay focused on the goal. The teams will be up to you of course but make sure you're compatible with this person. So when we get out there I expect all of you to have that figured out, understood?" He said.

"Understood" everyone said.

"Good now let's go" he said.

"Wait but sir- what about Deku? You said he had to stay here for a few days because of- issues, which means we're down one and that'll leave one person alone out there" Uraraka said.

Aizawa hummed bringing his hand up to his chin.

I stood up immediately "sir I'm fine, please allow me to help- I need to help" I said.

Aizawa gaze flickered over to me and he stared for a few more seconds before shaking his head "no. You're not ready ... I'll have the left out person join in on a pair. We'll be fine" he grunted dropping his hand.

"But that's not fair! I told you I'm fine! You can't just keep me from doing my job!" I yelled.

He frowned and folded his arms "I said no and that's final Midoriya" he said sternly.

"Mr. Aizawa if I may, why can't Midoriya come with us, if he says he's fine and able why not?" Momo asked.

Everyone started nodding in agreement with small 'yeahs' every now and then.

Aizawa groaned and rubbed his head "quiet" he said making everyone silent.

He lifted his head and scanned the class before stopping "who here can tell the class why Midoriya shouldn't come along" he said.

Everyone stayed silent until Kacchan got up from his previous spot at the table walking over to Aizawa and facing us.

He rolled his eyes and frowned "isn't it fucking obvious you idiots!" He yelled making everyone recoil from his loud outburst.

"Calm down Bakugou" Aizawa said.

"Tch" Kacchan huffed and glared at me "let's say the damn nerd did come with us, and let's say you come across a mom and her child being attacked, and he freezes up. What then? Who ever teamed up with him is on their own and let's say more of those things come and because he froze up you're both fucked, now what?" He frowned.

I frowned "I wouldn't do that" I denied.

Kacchan lifted a brow "oh? Do you know that? Do any of us know that? No. And we can't afford to take that risk and you know it!" He growled stomping over to me and getting in my face "think about it idiot! If we take that risk and you end up getting triggered we're fucked! Not only will you get your-damn-self killed but you'll end up killing your fucking partner and those damn civilians! You wanna help? Then do what Aizawa fucking told you to do" he spat.

I frowned, he was right, if I did decide to help them I would only just end up getting everyone else killed ... but I already knew that.

I took a step back and dropped my head "yeah- okay ... you're right I'm sorry" I said.

Aizawa nodded and looked back at the class "any more questions?" He asked.

Everyone stayed silent making him nod "good now let's go, we were been supposed to be there" he frowned walking out.

Everyone else waved me a goodbye before following.

Kacchan just stood there and stared at me "look I'm sorry for yelling Deku but you-"

"No don't apologize" I said looking up at him "you were right and I needed some sense knocked into me, I don't know what I was thinking..." I sighed.

He patted my back "don't be so hard on yourself. You've never been one to sit around and wait so I know how you feel, just hang in there a little longer" he said.

I smiled and nodded "okay I'll be fine, but you should get going before they leave you" I chuckled.

His face dropped "crap!" He frowned before taking off.

"BE SAFE KACCHAN!" I yelled.

"IM ALWAYS SAFE IDIOT" he yelled back before the door slammed shut.

I chuckled again and made my way up to my room, might as well catch up on some sleep.

When I got to my floor, I walked over to my room and opened the door stepping inside and closing it behind me.

I walked over to my bed but stopped once my gaze caught on a picture frame that sat nicely on my desk. Subconsciously I took a seat at my desk and picked the frame up, a sad smile made it's way on my lips as I stared at the picture of All might, my mom, and I.

No one's POV:

His smile dropped when he realized he was the only one out of the three that was still here. All might died a year ago from a villain attack he got caught in, and unfortunately Midoriya wasn't there. He was in bed ... asleep.

When he woke that morning and heard the news he left school and ran home. He cried to his mother for hours, he lost a good friend, a mentor, his idol ... a father figure. He thought he'd never be able to move on from that, but somehow he did and it only pushed him further when it came to his training.

Of course everyone was upset about the news but it definitely left a scar on him and everyone could tell.

And now his mother is gone, the one person who was able to truly comfort him was gone ... the women who gave birth to him and loved him through everything ... was gone and she's never coming back.

Tears slid down his face snapping him from his thoughts, he hesitantly brought a hand up and touched the wet trail on his cheek and frowned as if his tears personally offended him.

He sighed and put the frame back into its previous spot before wiping his tears and getting up, he was even more tired now so he decided to get some sleep before his thoughts kept him up again.

When his face hit the pillow he immediately passed out, more exhausted then he thought he was.

Time skip: 2 hours later (5:30pm)

Midoriya yawned as he slowly got up and rubbed his eyes. He groggily blinked as he worked up the courage to leave the comfort of his bed.

Huffing he finally decided to get up and make his way downstairs to eat something.

As he went downstairs he slowly started to wake up more and soon realized everyone was still out on there mission, which wasn't surprising but it did make him a bit uneasy.

Ever since his mother died he's felt this fear he couldn't quite explain. He found it difficult to stay in the dorms because the only thing that kept popping up in his mind was his dead classmates and teacher. He couldn't imagine not seeing them or hearing their voices again which mostly kept him on edge these past couple of days.

It's the reason he wanted to tag along so bad, he knew All Might and his mother's death wasn't his fault but he couldn't help but feel if he was there they would've still been here ... with him. And now that he's on house arrest while his friends are out there saving people he feels a little useless.

After he got some food he plopped himself on the couch and turned the tv on, the news blared in the background as he gobbled his food up.

When he was done, he relaxed and tried to focus on the tv but all of a sudden it started breaking up, the lights on the screen flickered before turning completely off, that along with the lights that lit up the whole dorm.

This made the back up generators start up which made the room light up again.

Midoriya immediately stood at attention furrowing his brows in confusion "the hell?" He muttered walking up to the tv and clicking the power button a few times.

He frowned "the powers out" he mumbled before pulling his hand up to rest on his chin "well if I'm being honest that makes sense, this was eventually going to happen sooner or later I just never guessed it'd be this soon ... this whole thing only just started five days ago why is everything getting this out of hand" he muttered to himself.

This distracted him as a group of his class mates came tumbling in, in a panic.

Some were crying as the others looked angry, some couldn't even focus; too lost in their own head.

Midoriya sighed in annoyance before he dropped the topic completely, nothing was adding up so he just decided to take a break but his attention soon was grabbed by his panicked class that was in the common area.

His eyes widened a bit before he jumped over the couch and ran up to a crying Uraraka "Uraraka?! What happened?! Why're you crying?!" He questioned examining her for any injuries.

When he didn't see any he looked back into her eyes waiting for a response.

She sniffled and threw herself in his arms sobbing on his shoulder "Deku- it all happened so quick! We were all split up and in teams- then- then-" she sobbed not being able to finish.

This made Midoriya panic "then what? What happened Uraraka?!" He asked.

Iida cleared his throat making Midoriya look over at him, Iida looked sad but was trying his hardest to hold it together.

"Aoyama, shouji, and Satou were all found dead and torn apart; as for Hagakure, Ojiro, and Sero they have yet to be found but we think they've been killed too" he announced his voice cracking a bit at the end.

Midoriya's eyes widened as he stumbled back, luckily Uraraka was able to catch herself before falling looking up at Midoriya with concern "De-Deku?"

Her voice went mute to his ears as the room started to get blurry, he heard his classmates muffled voices as they called for him but all he did was stumble towards the couch trying to calm his breathing but it was proven difficult as he found himself gasping for air.

"Deku!" Uraraka yelled running over to him "just breathe, I'm right here!" She said rubbing his back.

Midoriya's eyes watered as he felt his lungs straining "I-I c-can't" he choked out still hyperventilating.

Uraraka stood up in a panic "guys what do we do?! I think he's having a panic attack" she yelled.

As everyone tried to think of a solution Uraraka tried to calm Midoriya down but it was no use.

He was sweating, his eyes wide as tears streamed down his face, and he was starting to grow pale from the lack of air in his lungs.

"I-I c-can't breathe" he chocked.

Suddenly he was knocked on his ass by a hard punch, too stunned to think he blinked as he felt his lungs finally get some air.

"Bakugou what the hell did you do that for?!" Uraraka yelled at him.

Midoriya slowly stood up as his eyes met with his rival/friend, "you good nerd?" He asked.

Midoriya nodded finally getting his breathing stable "y-yeah, thanks Kacchan" he huffed.

He nodded "nows not the time for us to freak out" he said before looking over at Mineta whom was sitting on the floor in silence looking lost and traumatized.

"What the hell happened out there Grape juice?" He frowned "you were teamed up with Tape arms and now he's no where to be fucking found" he spat aggressively.

Mineta didn't budge, he shook his head "it was all my fault ... it happened so fast. One minute we were fine and the next we were ambushed by some weirdos, we tried fighting them off but the zombies started to come and we were overrun- Sero threw me across the street with his tape and told me to get help but when I came back he was gone- not even a body left behind ..." he mumbled.

He gripped his head and cried "it's all my fault! I shouldn't have ran! He needed me but I was too damn pathetic to even help him!" He sobbed.

Momo stepped closer to him with a sad expression "it wasn't your fault Minet-"

"Yes it was! I-" he took a deep breath "I could've saved him, but I didn't so that's on me" he frowned.

Koda frowned "I feel the same way ... Satou saved me when we were being overrun by zombies ... he pushed me out the way and I watched as they tore him apart. All I could do was run- I'm a poor excuse of a hero." He mumbled.

After that everyone was silent with their heads down. Fourteen of them were left and they had no clue who was next.

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