The Twins' Mates (Werewolf St...

By LeonardoMontero531

133K 5.6K 248

Felix and Daphne Ford are 17 years old twins who are forced to move to a small town, after their father gets... More

Chapter 1: Start All Over [Again]
Chapter 2: Let it be
Chapter 3: Smells like teen spirit
Chapter 4: Wild world
Chapter 5: Wrecking ball
Chapter 6: To be with you
Chapter 7: Against all odds
Chapter 8: My girl
Chapter 9: Decode
Chapter 10: Girlfriend
Chapter 11: Can't stop the feeling
Chapter 12: God is a woman
Chapter 13: Whatta man / Seven Nation Army
Chapter 14: You Don't Even Know It
Chapter 15: All I Have To Do Is Dream
Chapter 16: Kiss me
Chapter 17: Can't Get You Out Of My Head
Chapter 18: Oops!...I Did It Again
Chapter 19: Cryin'
Chapter 20: U Got It Bad
Chapter 21: Dangerous Woman
Chapter 22: I'm with you / Complicated
Chapter 23: What's up
Chapter 24: Hungry like the Wolf
Chapter 26: Grenade
Chapter 27: Roar
Chapter 28: Come Undone / I'm yours
Chapter 29: Talking to the Moon
Chapter 30: Fighter
Chapter 31: Rolling in the Deep
Chapter 32: Here with me
Chapter 33: Hold on my heart
Chapter 34: How can I go on
Chapter 35: I Don't Want to Miss a Thing
Chapter 36: Wolves
Chapter 37: It's my party / Love of my life
Chapter 38: Take on me
Chapter 39: I Hear The Day Has Come
Chapter 40: ME! | That Thing You Do
Chapter 41: My Happy Ending
Chapter 42: My Life is going on
Chapter 43: Bye, bye, bye
Chapter 44: Words get in the way
Chapter 45: Dangerously in love
Chapter 46: Into the unknown
Chapter 47: Without you
Chapter 48: Un-break my heart
Chapter 49: Stitches / Mercy / In my blood
Chapter 50: New rules / Stay with me
Chapter 51: I will always love you [EPILOGUE]
Bonus Chapter: I don't want to be | One | There's nothing holding me back
Bonus Chapter: Warrior
New Novel: The Twins' Dilemma
New Novel: The Orphan's Mate

Chapter 25: Hello

2.4K 111 8
By LeonardoMontero531


It's late. Usually, I'd be in bed by now, but it's Friday so I don't have school tomorrow. I've already done plenty of activities since coming home from school, now I just wanted to hear about Nate's wolf date with Daphne.

Not much longer, he tried to sneak in the pack house quietly, but I catch him as soon as he steps one foot in. I mean, I was basically sat at the sofa on the play room, so it wasn't that difficult.

"How was your wolf date?" - I nearly startled him as I approached. - "I've been dying to hear about it!" - I confessed, excitedly.

"It was great, really." - Nate replied, avoiding my gaze for some reason.

"I'm glad, brother. I really am! At least, one of us..." - I stopped myself as I noticed the bite bruise in his arm. And then it hit me.

"Oh My Goddess!" - I yelled. I grabbed his arm and...

"You lost your..." - Nate shuts me up with his hand in my mouth.

"Keep it down, will you? You don't need to announce it to the whole pack!" - He reprimanded me.

"I'm sorry. But we're going to talk about it now!" - I demanded and signal him to follow me to my room. I barely had time to close the door behind us I was so excited (for him).

"How did it happen?" - I started as I sit in my bed.

"Well, when a guy and a girl like each other very much, they..." - Nate snickered.

"Funny... very funny! I like this new Nate!" - I said as I looked at him in awe.

"Truth is I just went over there to show her my wolf and maybe make out a little." - He explained.

"But then she took one look at me naked and went to town with it!" - He continued, smug and confidence dripping from him.

"Oh my Goddess! Who are you and what have you done to my brother?" - I exclaimed, shocked.

"I am still your brother, just not your virgin brother anymore!" - He replied, grinning.

"If this is you after one night, I'm afraid of what is gonna happen after you actually complete the bond." - I pondered, gobsmacked.

"I know, right? I feel as if I am the king of the world!" - He boasted, beaming with joy.

"So, are you gonna tell me how it was... you know, with your mate?" - I insisted. I was very curious, not gonna lie.

"Oh Goddess, Dan, it was the most wonderful feeling I've ever had!" - He started, radiating. He was bursting with joy, it was infectious.

"When I was inside her, I felt like I was complete, I felt whole! We couldn't get enough of each other! We went at it 3 times!" - He said as he gesticulated and show me 3 with his fingers.

"3 times?!" - I repeated, in awe. - "Damn, Nate!" - My jaw was on the floor. He was so happy as he told me about his night, we talked for an hour or so. He was beside himself with happiness and it warmed my heart seeing him so joyful.

The next morning, we're having breakfast at the dining hall, which thankfully is a little later on Saturdays and Sundays. But I was still drowsy asleep. I slept very late yesterday listening to Nate's adventures.

"So, how was the date with your mate, cariño?" - Mom asked Nate as she ate. Of course, everyone saw his arm bruise and knew what it meant. Every werewolf do. But polite people ignore it as much as an actual fresh mate mark.

"Honestly, it was great to show her the best part of me yesterday!" - Nate replied, googly eyed. He still looked radiant this morning just as much as last night.

At this, I giggled a little at his choice of words. And Nate glared at me harshly.

"Why are you laughing? Have you shown your wolf to your mate yet?" - Nate asked in a serious tone and my face cracked.

"Gee! I'm sorry, don't need to bite my head off!" - I croaked.

"Well, I'm happy for you, cariño!" - Mom said as she strokes Nate's hair, which makes him happy.

"And when are we gonna meet this mate of yours? Are you seriously gonna make us wait til you're 18 to introduce us to her?" - My dad questioned me in a very serious tone, which made me gasp.

"I don't make the rules, dad. The Goddess can't be rushed!" - I quoted my mom so I'm well defended.

"He is right, mi amor, the Goddess can't be rushed!" - Mom said to dad, winking at me.

"The longer you take to introduce us to her, the longer is gonna take her Luna training. That only delays your ascension. At least, Lauren had already been trained. Suit yourself!" - My dad jabbed at me. And I felt the sting. The worst part is that I knew he's right. You have to train before you ascend as Alpha, Beta or Luna. Before AND after.

Later in the morning, I stopped by Nate's room to ask him something, but not before saying...

"Low blow, dude! I wasn't laughing at you, I just laughed at..."

"I know what you laughed at!" - He interrupted me. - "I'm sorry, Dan, I'm really sensitive towards my mate!"

"OK, I guess! But I would never purposely..."

"Say anything to hurt me or my mate. I know!" - He interrupted me again.

"Changing the subject, can you text me directions to your mate's house? I'm gonna go over there and complain to her that she ruined my brother!" - I joked, but he looked at me so serious that it actually scared me.

"I'm joking! I'm going over there to see MY mate. You know, they're related!" - I rushed to clarify, with my hands held high.

"Of course, brother!" - He replied and I got out of there fast.

Honestly, talking to Nate last night and hearing his dalliances with his mate made me feel jealous. Like a lot! I wanted to feel all of those things too! But I knew I still had a long way to go! So, I took the car and went to Felix's house, hoping he would be there.

I knocked on his door and Chief Ford opens it. He looks at me angrily.

"Daphne is grounded!" - He said it and then closed the door on me. I knocked again!

"What part of Daphne is grounded did you not understand? You know, you have a lot of nerve taking my daughter to God knows where, doing God knows what and bringing her home almost at midnight!" - Chief Ford spat at me, he was livid.

"I apologize, Sir." - I remained calm.

"You know I carry a gun on me, right?" - He replied, menacingly. But I still remained calm. Plus, I did saw the gun on his holster. It's not exactly hidden!

"Yes, Sir. I do know that, but I didn't take Daphne anywhere!" - I informed him, calmly.

"Wait! What? And who are you?" - He asked me, looking puzzled.

"I am Daniel Aguilar Huntington and I'm here for Felix!" - I replied, as calm as ever.

"Really? No one ever comes here for Felix!" - He said that and I immediately hear Felix's voice behind the door.

"Thanks, dad!" - He snickered. - "Come in, Daniel! Excuse my dad, he was raised by wolves!" - Felix said, opening the door to me and I hold back a giggle.

"I'm sorry, kid. It's that no one has ever came for Felix before..." - He doubles down on the embarrassment. - "Except for that mexican kid back where we lived!" - Chief Ford continued.

"His name's Alejandro, he is an American and my friend." - Felix clarified, seriously annoyed at his dad.

"But if you're not the boy who took Daphne, why do you drive the exact same car as him?" - Felix's dad wondered, looking at me suspiciously.

"That's because he's my brother and we share a car." - I explained. I can't believe he noticed my car parked outside. Cop eyes must be trained after all.

"Well, you tell your brother that he's not taking Daphne from this house again til he comes talk to me first!" - Chief Ford was not messing around.

"I will, sir. But is it possible for me take a walk with Felix?" - I pleaded, hopefully.

"Fine, go! But don't stay out until late!" - He warned us with a serious look.

"Of course, sir." - I replied, respectfully.

Felix and I left the house and started walking.

"You look surprised!" - I said to him as I walked.

"Well, yes, I didn't know you were gonna stop by today! I didn't even know you knew where I lived!" - Felix said, shocked by my presence.

"I would've texted you but curiously, I don't have your phone number!" - I replied, passing him my phone so he'd put his number.

"As for how I found out where you lived, I just tracked your scent down!" - I snickered.

"Really? Wow! Your sense is way better than the bloodhounds!" - He spoke in an amusing tone.

"No, actually, I just asked Nate for directions!" - I laughed it off.

"That does make more sense!" - He laughed too.

"But, in all seriousness, I came because I wanted to talk to you. There's a lot to talk about!" - I stated in a serious tone.

"Seriously? And here I was thinking you only wanted me for my body! - He joked and I almost fell down from the laughter.

"I mean it, Felix! There's a lot that you don't know! And it's going to blow your mind!" - I said, trying to maintain a serious tone.

"Oh, okay. Consider my mind ready to be blown! Instead of my..."

"Felix!" - I interrupted him. My eyes were pitch black. He startled and flinched away from me.

"What the fuck is that, dude?" - He shouted, looking at me in a scared manner.

"I'm sorry for startling you! But your flirting was making it very difficult for me to concentrate!" - I spoke, sounding serious.

"I'm sorry, I thought that was our vibe! We don't usually talk about any deep stuff!" - He explained, pensive.

"That's truth and it's my fault! I should've had this conversation a long time ago! But I was in denial. Still am!" - I spoke from the heart.

"Denial about what?" - He wondered, curiously.

"Denial that you're my mate! I'm sorry that you had to learn it from your sister!" - I apologized, frowning.

"That's okay! I don't really believe in soulmates!" - He said it and I can't help but laugh.

"Now, who's being funny?" - He asked in a somber tone.

"You are! It's so ironic that you don't believe in soulmates and you are mine!" - I told him, grinning.

"I still don't know how you reached that conclusion! Or my sister, for that matter!" - He pondered in disbelief.

"Well, I don't know how your sister found out! But to answer your question, there's a force that gravitates me towards you! It makes me dream about you, feel your feelings, makes me attracted to you, even though I've never been attracted to guys all my life!" - I explained in an extended breath.

"That same force is what gravitates you to me as well!" - I continued.

"That's not rocket science! I'm gay, you're hot! Of course, I'm attracted to you!" - He replied, which makes me giggle.

"That maybe truth. But I ask you this: did you ever dream about me? Did you ever feel something towards me you couldn't explain by a simple crush?" - I wondered.

"Well, If I'm being honest, I did dreamed about you." - He confessed.

"And what happened in the dream?" - I asked him. He turned a little pinkish. I could tell it was a dirty dream.

"I'm way too embarrassed to tell you!" - He replied, shyly. It was adorable!

"What if I tell you I shared the same dream with you?" - I asked but he didn't believe me.

"That's crazy! People don't share dreams!" - He rebuked, looking at me like I was deranged.

"In a dream, I pin you against your will and try to force you. In another, I fuck you willingly." - I blurted it and he stopped in his tracks. His mouth is agape. His eyes widened. He looked really scared of me.

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