REVENGE of the EXes || A Lisk...

By FlowerXPotato

3.8K 41 14

"You mean a lot to me...." "As friends, right?" "As my life." "What does that mean?" "Should I have to spell... More

𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙣 🅸🅳🅸🅾🆃 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙖𝙮
Ch 2- Not them again!
Ch 3- He? How is he here?
Ch 4- Sorry, I am not your puppet
Ch 5- Same mistake, twice
Ch 6- Girls are bitches
Ch 7- Pluie
Ch 8- What does Eunha mean to you?
Ch 9- Chemistry
Ch 10- Fry his dick
Ch 11- Project Problem
Ch 12- Don't be so selfless
Ch 13- That's a lot to take in
Ch 14- That's your sister?
Ch 15- JKLM
Ch 16- Mission Impossible
Ch 17- Suspension
Ch 18- Cheating is okay?
Ch 19- Frenemies?
Ch 20- Frenemies to Lovers 🔞
Ch 21- Last day of Suspension
Ch 22- Day-out
Ch 23- Snakes
Ch 24- Revenge
Ch 25- Hug from the right person
Ch 26- Pairs

Ch 1- Lili is back from the States, ya'll!

400 2 0
By FlowerXPotato

Jennie POV~

"Lisa, I'm so mad at you! why are you telling me this now?" I sighed over the phone. I heard a giggle from the other side, and felt happy and angry at the same time. 

"Chill, Jen. You can still pick me up tomorrow! Oh, wait it will be day after tomorrow by the time I reach there," my cousin answered.

"Got it, Ms. Expert in Geography. Be ready for some gamjatang!" I answered.
I knew her craziness for that.
"You better keep it ready, sis!" she laughed as we hung up.

Lalisa, is my cousin and she had moved to the States way back in 1st grade. She is finally moving back after 14 years! Okay, I did meet her some years back, but that was only for a week.... I still wanted to kill her for she had not informed me about it beforehand. 

Like seriously, her flight is tomorrow and she informed it to me today?

Nevertheless, I skipped around like a happy hare and went to find my mom. 

"Very happy about Lisa coming, right?" my mom guessed. Was my smile that bright?

"Yes mom" I replied "They are going to stay with us till our summer break, it's so cool!! And after that, she is going to stay in a house nearby!" 

My father looked at me, chuckling "In your excitement, you talk even faster, don't you?"
I sheepishly smiled. 

"I get it dear, you are very excited about Lisa coming. Now help me with the dinner will you?" my mom asked, smiling. I nodded and went to wash the vegetables.


Lisa POV~

I am finally going back to South Korea! I last met Jennie Unnie way back in 5th grade, when she had come here. But that was only for a week. I hope I can adjust there, and avoid mixing with the wrong people.....

On the plane, I could see the clouds fading away as the buildings of SK became clearer. My father leaned against my shoulder "Are you excited to finally be back in Korea, Lili?" he asked in Thai.

 Only my family and friends call me Lili, no one else dares to. 

"Yes, phaw. Super excited." 

[A/N: My Thai friend told me that he calls his dad 'phaw' so that's what I wrote.]

I saw my mother smiling at me and smiled back, my face clearly showing my excitement.

As soon as we got our luggage from the luggage belt, I rushed out. I scanned through the crowd looking for my sister. 

A girl was jumping up and down from the back. Yep that's Jennie.

I made my way through the crowd and hugged her. We did our little dance which we did since we were kids, it's a precious stunt for us. I could feel some people staring at us, while our parents just smiled. 

I could see my mother and Jennie's father talking. A lot. Aah, just sibling talk.....

As we got out of the car, we saw two girls standing in front of the gate. As Jennie got down, she saw them. I almost had a heart attack when Jennie shouted at the top of her lungs "LILI IS BACK FROM THE STATES, YA'LL!"

The girl with brown hair laughed and said "We get it Jen. Calm down." She was about to say something else when imo asked the two girls to come inside the house. 

[A/N: Aunt is called as 'imo' in Korean]

I went upstairs to wash up, not having a hint of curiosity on who the girls were. Having Jennie Unnie as my sister and friend is more than enough. I don't want to trust anyone else. 

I don't want to get betrayed again.....

My thoughts were interrupted, when Jennie called me out "Lili, come quick. I have so many things to tell you!" I sighed and screamed a 'yes' as an answer. When we were kids, it was me who was more excited about little things but as we grew up, I'm guessing Jennie got it.

I searched my suitcase and wore a cropped hoodie along with some black track pants. Just wanna be comfy~

I went to Jennie's room and saw her on her bed with the blonde-haired girl. The brown-haired girl was sitting on the office chair which was with Jennie's study desk. She was going back and forth, just like a small kid. Normally I would cringe at it, but I smiled. 

Even I would join her, for that matter.

"Lisa, meet my friends" Jennie began "this is Chaeyoung, but you can call her Rosé" she said, pointing to the girl next to her. Rosé waved at me and I waved back.

The girl who was on the chair, looked at me and said "You are Lisa, Jennie's cousin right?" I nodded "Yes, and you are?" "Jisoo. Kim Jisoo. I'm your sister's friend," she replied, smiling. 

Okay, both of these girls were nice. Jenjen wouldn't have made a wrong choice in friends, unlike me.

I went and sat on the bed, as Rosé scooched over to make more space. And after that we had no idea how time flew by. Jisoo and Rosé were so friendly that I legit forgot that we had met just today. 

We had started talking after lunch, and by the time we were shaken from our chatting, it was already supper time.

But we were not happy, we still had so much to share. They got to know so much about me, and me about them. 

Even I wanted to know more about them. I don't know why but the way they talked, it was very different from my previous friends. I was crossing my fingers, hoping that they wouldn't betray me as well.


I still had one week left for my university to start. The girls were also on their break so we often hung out together. I loved everything about it except Dalgom, Jisoo's pet dog. 

That animal was one hell of a thing, who knows why it hates me so much.

I was sleeping peacefully and then my mother screamed at me "Lisa, wake up! How long are you going to sleep?" I covered my ears with my pillow and turned around to see Jennie hugging me. What was she doing here?

Oh wait, she had got scared last night. She had come running towards my room and begged me to let her sleep with me. Nini is literally four months older than me but acts like she is a 4-year old toddler.

After we had our breakfast, Jennie Unnie suggested we go for a walk. "I can show you some more places in Seoul, as well." I nodded. I loved exploring.

I donned on a pair of ripped jeans and a white striped t-shirt and met up with Jennie on the front porch, who had worn a black t-shirt with jean shorts. 

Her outfit was simple, but she had pulled it off elegantly. Yep, that's like my sis.

Jennie became my tour guide and told me about all the places we were visiting. I captured every single moment with the pink camera which my parents had gifted me on my 17th birthday. The memories were too precious to lose.

We both were so excited that we had forgotten to keep a track on the time. After some time, I looked at my watch, it was 4:30 p.m. 

"Let's go to a café. I know a good one here," Jennie suggested. Before I could even answer, she dragged me with her.

She asked me about my choice and I settled for a Caffe Moccha. She ordered her drink and headed to our table. We chatted for some time, before the lady called us out for our drinks. I know, we had a lot to talk about.

Jennie had something else to say, so she hurried to get our drinks. 

Ever head of the saying 'haste makes waste'? Yeah, I saw it through my own two eyes. Jen was running over to our table when 


She crashed into someone. I rushed to help her when the guy (whom she had crashed into), looked at her scorning. "You ruined my shirt!" 

"You are seriously more worried about your shirt?" I scoffed. I could feel the guy raging when another guy came up to him.

"Heyyyy. Aren't you Jennie? And who are you? Someone from the streets?" the second guy said, looking towards me. Me? From the streets? 

"Atleast I look like a human being. You look like you are from the pig sty with a butt that hurts very bad" I blurted out, as I helped Jennie up.

The second guy's face was noteworthy. 

He was about to say something, when Jennie shouted at both of them "You and you. Don't pick up fights with us everywhere. We have had enough of you numbskulls!" Saying thus, she dragged me out.

I was confused the whole time. When I asked Jennie Unnie about it she just said they were some nuisances from her university. Weird. 

I could feel there was more to it.


Finally it was the first day of our university! 

Well, actually it was the sophomore year but I was ultra happy because I am going to the same university with my cousin and my besties.

Me and my friends were checking anxiously if we had any classes together. Thankfully we had every class together, except two. That included our elective class and the 5th period. 

Jisoo Unnie and Jennie were jumping with joy and Rosé was smiling at them. 

I had a firm expression, but even I was happy, inside.

A girl rushed past us and shouted at her friend "BTS, are coming" On hearing this, the others started gasping and sighing, but my friends had turned pale. 

What was wrong with them?

Suddenly a gang of boys stood at the end of the hallway. Because of the light which shone from the window, I couldn't see them clearly. But as they neared us, I could see the faces clearly.

My shock couldn't be measured when I saw two of the faces.

They were the boys from the café whom we had a controversy with!


Bonjour everyone! Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter.

By the way, did you guess who those two boys were? If you did, make sure to comment the two names.

Thanks for reading, you can proceed to the next chapter. Don't forget to vote!

Kisses and Hugs,


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