Marrying the Big Shot

By Kessho_Yuki

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COMPLETED Alternate Title : 嫁入豪门[重生] Author : 逸烛 In his previous life he was forced to marry a man rumoured t... More

Chapter 1: Rebirth
Chapter 2: new start
Chapter 3: Banquet
Chapter 4: Just him
Chapter 5: dispute
Chapter 6: Release
Chapter 7: concert
Chapter 8: Cat
Chapter 9: chance encounter
Chapter 10: give it to me
Chapter 11: Impression change
Chapter 12: Reveal
Chapter 13: Yankong
Chapter 14: Prepare a new article
Chapter 15: the University
Chapter 16: Money-making project
Chapter 17: first name
Chapter 18: A gift
Chapter 19: trap
Chapter 20: Shu Zimu
Chapter 21: Happy date
Chapter 22: "Netizen"
Chapter 23: Yun Hao
Chapter 24: screenwriter
Chapter 25: A farce
Chapter 26: Dog biting dog
Chapter 27: Eat the fruit
Chapter 28: Qijia
Chapter 29: Peach blossom sign
Chapter 30: the person I like
Chapter 31: Strange
Chapter 32: Kiss
Chapter 33: like
Chapter 34: Dowry
Chapter 35: chance encounter
Chapter 36: Silly roe deer
Chapter 37: Register
Chapter 38: Xue Lin is in love
Chapter 39: wedding
Chapter 40: Some people rejoice and some worry
Chapter 41: oath
Chapter 42: Home
Chapter 43: Shared bed and pillow
Chapter 44: Window paper
Chapter 45: Confession
Chapter 46: Wait two years
Chapter 47: Goodnight kiss
Chapter 48: misunderstanding
Chapter 49: Dinner
Chapter 50: Violent resolution
Chapter 51: Honeymoon
Chapter 52: Sign a contract
Chapter 53: Sever ties
Chapter 54: Admission
Chapter 55: Unexpected joy
Chapter 56: Hacked
Chapter 57: Fire accidentally
Chapter 58: Legendary Gold Lord
Chapter 59: Vacation
Chapter 60: Crush
Chapter 61: dream
Chapter 62: Derailed
Chapter 63: ups and downs
Chapter 64: reason
Chapter 65: Pompous performance
Chapter 66: Disagreement
Chapter 67: have trouble with
Chapter 68: Save the field
Chapter 69: Countermeasure
Chapter 70: Eat Amway
Chapter 71: Premiere
Chapter 72: Box office explosion
Chapter 73: Xue Li derailed
Chapter 74: progress
Chapter 75: Chinese New Year
Chapter 76: Celebration feast
Chapter 77: Worship
Chapter 78: Narrow Road
Chapter 79: Signing
Chapter 80: Happy and happy
Chapter 81: Start shooting
Chapter 82: Catch current
Chapter 83: Question
Chapter 84: guess
Chapter 85: Cocktail party
Chapter 86: deal with
Chapter 87: Plan
Chapter 88: Expedition
Chapter 89: action
Chapter 90: Stand by
Chapter 91: Meeting
Chapter 92: solve
Chapter 93: result
Chapter 94: Effectiveness
Chapter 95: Shi An Headquarters
Chapter 96: Rivals
Chapter 97: awkward
Chapter 98: photo
Chapter 99: Xue Family Conference
Chapter 100: So-called show affection
Chapter 101: stimulate
Chapter 102: Anniversary
Chapter 103: Breaking News
Chapter 104: Admitting
Chapter 105: Live
Chapter 107: Missing
Chapter 108: Arrived
Chapter 109: Sorry
Chapter 110: as a result of
Chapter 111: Variety show
Chapter 112: Movie release
Chapter 113: competition
Chapter 114: box office
Chapter 115: Dress up game
Chapter 116: tourism
Chapter 117: Classic bridge
Chapter 118: Make a snowman
Chapter 119: Graduate early
Chapter 120: propose
Chapter 121: Bitter meat plan
Chapter 122: Previous life
Chapter 123: exactly
Chapter 124: Dream back
Chapter 125: Peace of mind
Chapter 126: ready
Chapter 127: End of text
Chapter 128: Extra
Chapter 129: Extra two
Chapter 130: Extra two
Chapter 131: Extra two
Chapter 132: Extra two
Chapter 133: Extra two
Chapter 134: Extra two
Chapter 135: Extra two
Chapter 136: Extra two
Chapter 137: Extra two
Chapter 138: Extra two
Chapter 139: Extra two
Chapter 140: Extra two
Chapter 141: Extra two
Chapter 142: Extra two
Chapter 143: Extra two
Chapter 144: Extra three

Chapter 106: Kill

722 23 0
By Kessho_Yuki

Qi Yan didn't intend to intervene in the Xue family's affairs. As a result, Yao Yue asked Shu Zimu to be troubled uncomfortably. Qi Yan pushed a hand in the Xue family's affairs and did nothing else. The review and punishment are stricter and faster, but the overall is still in accordance with legal standards, which means that the process and determination of doing so are not problematic.

Therefore, Xue Li's trial and sentencing were much faster. The final verdict was: Although Xue Li was subjectively unaware of the smuggling of cultural relics, in the operation and finance of that international trading company, he bribed government officials and evaded taxes. Tax evasion and other acts indirectly provide conditions and cover for smuggling activities. Although the smugglings that were successful in the past were not as serious as the smuggling of cultural relics, the amount involved was not small. In the end, Xue Li was not sentenced to too high a penalty, but only sentenced to five years in prison, but the fine was large.

Xue Li was involved in the case, Xue's capital was not in debt, Yao Yue and other minority shareholders were unable to return to nature, so they could only go into bankruptcy proceedings. It takes a certain amount of time to liquidate, but the approximate results estimate that the Xue family can only leave a few properties and a few cars. These people would have sold a few people and live a good life, but Xue Li's After the fine was lowered, the Xue family had to drink the northwest wind.

Of course, planning well, Xue Lin and Xue Yu's medical expenses and living expenses at the basic well-off level can still be saved. Therefore, after knowing the situation, Shu Zimu had no plans to help the Xue family. In the future, it should be completely irrelevant, and there is no chance to meet again.

Shu Zimu did not feel as much emotion as when he heard the news of the Xue family before, because he had so many homework that he had no intention to express his life philosophy.

Guo Lao said that there was so much homework, so much. I don't say the types of homework that will be arranged in the school classes after watching movies and writing scenes and practicing scene clips. Guo Lao also asked Shu Zimu to see a lot of things that can't be beaten with professionalism, such as various classical Chinese and some messy science books. , And even some technical books and manual work records of agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry. In short, astronomy, geography, and human relations, everything is messy, and the key points cannot be found. Shu Zimu reads hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of words every day, and then writes a post-reading impression, and also writes a story outline based on the inspiration from it.

In addition, Guo Lao also asked Shu Zimu to write more than three different pieces of sketches each time according to the set scene. In the same scene, events and conflicts must be significantly different. Shu Zimu must rack his brain every time and write The second, the third, the fourth, I felt that my scalp had to be taken off.

There are also some homework such as writing character biographies, reading professional books, writing film reviews, etc. Shu Zimu will also do it in school, but Guo Lao's task and qualification requirements are too high, and you need enough time to do well. And energy.

In addition, Guo Lao asked Shu Zimu to practice writing.

Shu Zimu has been accustomed to typing on digital products for so many years. He doesn't say anything in the handwritten words, but the words really don't look good. Of course, it's not too ugly, just the average level. However, for a person like Guo Lao who has a low cultural level and can be said to be a descendant of Shuxiangmen, as a disciple, Shu Zimu's first hand words are very difficult to come up with. Although Guo Tao doesn't look like it came from Shuxiangmendi, he has been much better than Shu Zimu since childhood.

In any case, Shu Zimu can't be too disrespectful of his Master's face, of course, he can only honestly practice writing. Ten large prints a day went directly for two hours.

Daily practice of such intensity, I have to say that in order to make money, Shu Zimu's previous life was used to someone who sat in front of the computer for more than 15 hours a day. Even if he could accept it, most of them would complain, and Shu Zimu was okay. . Although I have been too comfortable since my rebirth and my stamina has declined, practice has returned. Therefore, although he was very busy, Shu Zimu not only did not feel tired, but also felt pretty good. He could feel his brain a little fuller.

Qi Yan was quite worried about Shu Zimu's sleep and forgetting food. Fortunately, after observing a period of time, he found that Shu Zimu had planned his time well and did not affect the normal work and rest. However, Qi Yan was still a little dissatisfied, because Shu Zimu had to reduce the time spent with him. Although the two still stayed together and did their own things, they were really able to date and chat with each other and the most important thing The time is inevitably reduced. Since this time, Qi Yan has been filled with desire and dissatisfaction.

Others could not see that he was dissatisfied with desire, but clearly felt that he was in a bad mood, so he faced him with a lot of caution when facing him.

Fortunately, when Shu Zimu arrived at the school shortly afterwards, Guo Lao reasonably reduced some homework, and Shu Zimu no longer went to the crew, so Qi Yan finally no longer seemed dissatisfied every day.

Shu Zimu's classmates are very envious of his being accepted by Guo Lao. He secretly inquired a lot. Shu Zimu smiled to deal with the past, and only talked to a few roommates who had a good relationship. After knowing the amount of tasks Guo Lao assigned to Shu Zimu every day, their envy of Shu Zimu suddenly reduced a lot. After seeing that Shu Zimu was still competing to write and paint in public class, and also took part in writing homework during lunch break, sometimes after reading a book while eating, Qi Hang and Xun Zixuan and others had no envy, jealousy and hatred at all. , I just feel very impressed with Shu Zimu.

When people feel full, time will pass quickly. Suddenly in the late autumn, the "Super Energy Office" went through four months of filming and succeeded.

During the four-month period, the crew of the crew worked together to work together. Although they were a bit tired, they felt quite good. Now that they are killing, many people feel a bit sad. However, the sense of accomplishment brought by the killing youth was not small. At the killing feast, everyone laughed and laughed, which was very lively.

Chao Neng Office is of particular significance to Shu Zimu, not only based on his novel adaptation, but also his first film as a screenwriter. Therefore, Shu Zimu let go a lot more at this killing feast. Instead of restraining like the previous killing feast at Scarlet Dawn, he actively took the initiative to push cups with other people and drink a lot of wine.

Shu Zimu happily drank, but the amount of wine was ordinary, and he was half drunk soon. So when he wanted to drink again, he was stopped by Qi Yan and grabbed his glass. Qi Yan didn't drink much, and when he left, he took a confused Shu Zimu into the car.

Shu Zimu was very calm after being drunk, quietly, either in a daze or simply fell asleep. By the time he arrived home, Shu Zimu had slept in Qi Yan's arms without knowing anything, because Qi Yan was lying on his side, his mouth slightly murmured, and a red seal was pressed out on his face, which looked cute and cute. Qi Yan saw that he was sleeping soundly, not willing to wake people up, so he carefully hugged Shu Zimu and took him to the bed in the room in a princess hug.

Qi Yan's cleanliness was absolutely unbearable for someone lying on his bed with alcohol and no bath, but for Shu Zimu, it is natural to be open.

Qi Yan took off Shu Zimu's outerwear and simply wiped his face and body. During the period, Shu Zimu was a little sober, but under the influence of alcohol, his brain was still dim and opened his eyes dimly. After seeing Qi Yan's movement in front of him, he moved closer to rubbing him, and then he closed his eyes again.

Qi Yan was softened by Shu Zimu's unconscious attachment action, bowed his head and kissed Shu Zimu's forehead, covered him with a quilt, and then turned to the bathroom to take a shower. The result was half washed, the door opened with a click, Qi Yan looked up and Shu Zimu was looking at him with a hair probe that was sleeping in a mess.

Seeing Qi Yan, Shu Zimu's eyes brightened obviously, and soon ran in, starting to take off his clothes.

"..." Shu Zimu only had a few underwear on it, but she was slowly taking it off. Qi Yan realized that the other party was still in a drunk state, suddenly a little helpless and funny, and a little novel, and got up from the bathtub to help him.

"Want to take a shower?" Qi Yan held up the person with some unruly movements, let the other person lean on himself, and helped him take off the coat covering his head.

After the clothes went away, the two skins were close to each other, and the hot temperature was rubbed in the cool air in the late autumn. The drunk Shu Zimu didn't know it, and answered Qi Yan's question, then bent slightly. Waist to take off your pants.

Originally, Shu Zimu's back was almost attached to Qi Yan's chest, and then bent so that the position of close contact suddenly changed from the upper body to the lower body. Feeling the soft touch of the lower body, the fire in Qi Yan's heart burst into flames. Unconsciously stood upright. However, at the next moment, Shu Zimu had jumped naked into the bathtub, splashing water everywhere like a playful child.

The water droplets splashed on the body had been slightly cool, but the hotness of Qi Yan's body had subsided. He walked over, pressed the bear child playing with water, and prepared to wash the person back to the quilt early to avoid catching a cold. As a result, after he also entered the bathtub, Shu Zimu always rubbed on him in a restless manner. Qi Yan was reluctant to hit or scold, but in the end he pressed the person in the bathtub.

As a result, Shu Zimu really caught a cold the next day, lying on the bed sourly, and could not tell whether it was because of the cold or because it was too fierce last night.

Because Shu Zimu's spirit has been a bit tight for the past few months, after this cold, it seems a bit serious. It took only three or four days to see good, and Qi Yan regretted blaming herself. Shu Zimu didn't feel much about it. Instead, he comforted the other party. After all, he took a chance to rest for a few days.

After the cold was cured, Qi Yan concealed Shu Zimu and found Guo Lao, both hard and soft, trying to make Shu Zimu's homework easier. Facing Guo Lao, Qi Yan was soft and prepared gifts for "bribery", but his thoughts were "hard". Guo Lao repeatedly bothered him. Guo Lao was completely neglected by him. He was angry with the junior chess friend junior again, and he was deeply moved by his sincere feelings with Shu Zimu, and finally he was relieved.

Of course, the more important reason is that Guo Lao's assignment to Shu Zimu is indeed a bit overloaded, but because Shu Zimu's apprenticeship foundation is very lacking, but the learning is very motivated. I unconsciously want to tune out people early to make Shu Zimu progress faster, so I need to assign more homework. In fact, compared with the normal level he taught disciples before, Shu Zimu's learning intensity is indeed greater.

If it were not for the sake of knowing this, Guo Lao certainly would not relieve Shu Zimu of the task, even if Qi Yan behaved distressedly. When he is an apprentice, he must do some homework.

When Shu Zimu got the good news of homework relief, he did not know that this was the benefit Qi Yan had fought for him, but Qi Yan was not losing money either, because most of Shu Zimu's free time was spent on him.

After the "Super Energy Office" was killed, the remaining post-editing work was carried out quickly. Che Jingyuan has already made many drafts on how to cut this film. Xing Yue found the editor to be very skilled, and he continued to communicate with Che Jingyuan to cut out the film with high efficiency.

When the post-editing work was almost completed, the crew decided to release the "Super Energy Office" during the Spring Festival after consideration. On the one hand, because the time is right, on the other hand, because the ticket warehouse during the Spring Festival will be larger than usual. Of course, the competition for the Spring Festival stalls is also relatively fierce, but although "Super Energy Office" is not considered the most popular family drama comedy during the Spring Festival, it is also considered to be a good quality popcorn commercial. The crew is still very concerned about their own films I feel confident that it is not a problem to stand out in the competition of the Spring Festival stalls.

The movie has already been produced, but it is not all right, and one of the most important things is distribution. There are a lot of movies that have been made but they haven't been able to meet the audience on the big screen. The problem is the distribution. No matter how good the movie is, if it is not shown in the cinema, it will definitely be a complete failure unless it can get a heavyweight award at the film festival.

There is no need to worry about the issuance of "Super Energy Firm". It has invested heavily in well-known IP actors, and the industry estimates are not low. The cinema line will not be able to live with the money, so there is no special reason not to exclude the "Super Energy Office", and it should be good not to accidentally arrange the film. However, the competition for the Spring Festival is fierce. In addition to Super Energy, there are other New Year films with the same big investment. In order to avoid being seized by competitors, they still have to fight for filming.

There is a movie theater in the construction of the commercial area of ​​Shian Real Estate, so you must not worry about the film layout in your own house, and the other two movie theaters, Ruijin and Theo, whose market share is not to be underestimated, need to go through some communication and negotiation. Too.

Although talking about business, the wine table culture with Chinese characteristics often leads to the need for a banquet to build relationships before talking about business. The film side of "Super Energy Office" went to Ruijin Studios to discuss the release contract of the film. Ruijin Studios was very friendly and invited the crew to attend the banquet. The creative staff all received an invitation, and Shu Zimu was no exception.

Shu Zimu didn't want to go to such a banquet. After all, he wouldn't drink or talk about business, but I heard that the person in charge claimed to be his fan, so the producer and Che Jingyuan both persuaded him to go, also for Film scores. Under such circumstances, Shu Zimu naturally agreed.

The banquet was held by Ruijin Film Studio. Some people in the film and television circle were invited. The banquet style is not low. Most of the people who come here have some qualifications in the industry. There are not many people. To be honest, it is actually with Ruijinying. A gathering of people with better city relations. Therefore, the members of the "Super Energy Office" crew were invited, and it must be said that the other party clearly released the goodwill, so everyone is more optimistic about this cooperation.

Qi Yan did not accompany Shu Zimu at this banquet. First, the time was unlucky. Second, Qi Yan's Shi'an Real Estate and Ruijin Cinema had a competitive relationship. It might be a bit embarrassing to go. Moreover, with so many people in the crew, Shu Zimu doesn't have to be accompanied by Qi Yan. Now he is too accustomed to such things as a banquet, and he can still cope with it.

Shu Zimu and Yun Hao Guo Tao and others went to the banquet place together. They had a large number of people, but they were quite conspicuous. The person in charge of Ruijin who invited them soon greeted him.

"Welcome a few welcome a few," the other is a middle-aged man with some rich attitude. He shook hands with them warmly and enthusiastically, and when he saw Shu Zimu, it was even brighter. "This is Mr. Shu? Is it really a young talent?" ,Nice to meet you."

Shu Zimu hurriedly "passed the prize" and shook hands with the other party.

The middle-aged man is a senior manager of Ruijin, surnamed Wang. He looked at Shu Zimu and said with a smile: "I don't hide Mr. Shu, in fact I am your fan."

Although Shu Zimu had known this for a long time, he still felt a little uncomfortable with Manager Wang who claimed to be his fan. However, he did not wait for him to respond, but he heard the other party say: "But this time I specially emphasized that I want to invite you I came here mainly because our chairman's little son is your loyal fan, and I especially hope to know you, so I arranged this. I hope you don't mind."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and Shu Zimu was stunned, realizing that Manager Wang's self-proclaimed "fan" may have only read the extent of his book. The true fan should be the chairman's little son, he will come The reason here should actually be the young man.

Although the other party concealed it, it was harmless. The two sides had to cooperate and there was such a "loyal fan". Shu Zimu wouldn't really mind his face.

"Our chairman's little son is a bit inconvenient, so he didn't come to the lobby. In the upper lounge, can Mr. Shu go with me to meet him?" Manager Wang said.

Shu Zimu's words were startled again. As the youngest son of Chairman Ruijin, he should be highly sought after, but the middle-aged person said that he was not convenient to come to the lobby. Then this "not very convenient" situation can basically guess some clues. Too. Shu Zimu realized that there might be a defect of this little boy who was different from ordinary people.

Thinking of this, Shu Zimu was certainly not good at refusing the other party's request and followed Manager Wang upstairs. The rest of the crew did not have this invitation, so they stayed in the hall and continued to attend the banquet.

After Shu Zimu went upstairs, a man silently withdrew his eyes blocked by the corner and came out of the shadow in the corner.

It was Zheng Weihe who had previously calculated Shu Zimu but failed.

Zheng Weihe followed an artist from the same company. The other party was much redder than him, enough to attend the Ruijin internal party. Zheng Weihe relied on the skill of talking and coaxing, so that the other party promised to take him to the party. Zheng Weihe wholeheartedly thought of taking advantage of the opportunity to expand his network and stubborn power, but did not expect to see Shu Zimu here.

Unlike him, a small character who was brought in by the way and nobody cares, Shu Zimu was greeted by Manager Rui Jin as soon as they came in. After much talk, Shu Zimu was invited upstairs alone.

Zheng Weihe hides conditionedly when he sees Shu Zimu and his party. At the same time, because of the time relationship, it was quiet for a time, and the jealousy that could not be vented but only put away became stronger. When he saw that Shu Zimu followed Mr. Wang upstairs, Zheng Weihe's first reaction was that they had nothing to see.

But soon his reason returned, and he understood that this was definitely impossible. Even if Shu Zimu really wanted to wear a green hat for Qi Yan, he would not be able to leave a handle under such eyes. Besides, although Manager Wang was already the object of many people in the circle, he could not compare with Qi Yan in any aspect. Shu Zimu doesn't say anything else, anyway, young and beautiful, unless she is stupid, she will cheat on each other.

However, thinking about this clearly makes Zheng Weihe even more dissatisfied with him. After all, Shu Zimu is absolutely infatuated with someone who might betray him for his future. More and more I felt the gap between myself and Shu Zimu, but Zheng Weihe didn't think he was worse than Shu Zimu, but only felt that the other party had better luck. He caught Qi Yan's son-in-law. Even though Shu Zimu is not an artist, in fact, he has no conflicts or competition with him, but Zheng Weihe is extremely disdainful of each other, and even more disgusted than the competitors who robbed him for endorsements.

Zheng Weihe didn't know why, and he was too lazy to control why. He only knew that he wanted to watch Shu Zimu fall hard and fall from the cloud into the mud. Extremely think.

The previous use of Sheng Xiaowu's power was unsuccessful. Zheng Weihe was actually very unwilling. After seeing Shu Zimu's limelight on the Internet, he had calculated other bad ideas more than once.

However, Shu Zimu didn't have many weaknesses, and was protected by Qi Yan. He couldn't touch him at the level of Zheng Weihe. He is not good to shove Xiaowu anymore. After all, it was good that Sheng Xiaowu didn't pursue his problem. Therefore, even if the bad water in his heart is upright, Zheng Weihe actually has to stand down.

But now unexpectedly met Shu Zimu, Zheng Weihe's bad thoughts moved again. It's just that something happened suddenly, he was not prepared...

Zheng Weihe was not willing to give up. After thinking about it, he turned and left the meeting place, avoiding people and contacting him.

Shu Zimu followed Manager Wang to the door of the innermost lounge upstairs. Manager Wang knocked on the door and said, "Young Master, Mr. Shu is here."

"Come in." There was a clear juvenile voice inside.

Manager Wang opened the door, and Shu Zimu lifted his heart slightly, not knowing how "inconvenient" the young master was. He controlled his expression, letting him wait for as long as he could to see what was happening without being surprised.

The layout of the lounge is simple and comfortable. Shu Zimu entered the door and saw the teenager sitting on the sofa. At a glance, this is a young master who is respectful and well-educated at a glance, and who is also very educated. He has an elegant posture, exquisite appearance, expensive clothes, and very temperament.

Shu Zimu was still surprised. He thought he would see a boy with obvious defects, but he didn't expect the other party to look so perfect.

But when he put away the momentary surprise, and continued to walk a few steps, from the side of the little master to the front, he discovered the problem.

The boy's right sleeve is empty, and there is a visible scar on his right face. The length of the scar is not short, extending from the temple to the nose, which is quite eye-catching.

From the left, this boy can be said to be the pride of heaven, but seeing the incompleteness of his right hand and the scars on his right face made the original pride of heaven suddenly even inconvenient to appear in front of people. It is regrettable.

However, the temperament of the teenager is elegant and quiet, and there is no negative state due to the disability and scars on the body, so it does not look scary, and it does not make other people feel too surprised and pitiful. Shu Zimu just stunned a little, and looked at the other person's eyes as if they were ordinary people, only a little more appreciation.

"Hello, this is Qiao Ye." The teenager stood up and extended his left hand towards Shu Zimu.

Shu Zimu also stretched out his left hand, showing a smile, "I am Shu Zimu, pen name Chao Mu, very happy to see you."

"I know." Qiao Ye smiled a little too. He looked only fourteen or five years old, but his temperament looked handsome and mature, but when he smiled, there were two dimples in his mouth, but he seemed a bit shy and juvenile. "I like your book very much."

Manager Wang was very happy to see the two meet, and did not disturb the boss's idol meeting, and said: "Little Master, Mr. Shu, then I will go down first. If you need it, you can call the waiter. notice me."

Qiao Ye nodded, "Okay, Uncle Wang, thank you."

Manager Wang said "no thanks" and exited the room.

Only Qiao Ye and Shu Zimu were left, and the room was quiet for a moment. Seeing that the atmosphere was about to start embarrassing, Shu Zimu hurriedly tried to think about the topic, but Qiao Ye said first: "I am not convenient to go to a crowded place. Your previous signing meeting I asked others to help me, although I got the signature , But I didn't see a real person like everyone else, so I wanted to invite you to meet." Qiao Ye showed a bit of a sense of amazement, and added, "I like the original work of Chaoneng Office very much, and I look forward to your screenwriter, movie. I will try my best to help you."

Qiao Ye does seem to be a loyal fan of Chaomu, and she has a very thin skin. She feels very embarrassed to meet Shu Zimu with the use of film rehearsal, and she was compensated as soon as she spoke.

Qiao Ye looked too harmless and too simple. Shu Zimu suddenly felt like he had deceived an ignorant boy, even though he actually said nothing.

But this is the purpose of Shu Zimu and others coming to the banquet today. Qiao Ye took the initiative to provide convenience. Of course, Shu Zimu would not be too high to push outward. He smiled and thanked him because he found that Qiao Ye got along better than expected, so he relaxed with each other. Chatted.

Although Qiao Ye and Shu Zimu are not good at talking with strangers, they share a common topic that cannot go wrong. That is Shu Zimu's two novels. Both of them had a lot to say on this topic, so the one-to-one conversation quickly became a hot topic.

When the topic about the work was satisfactorily discussed, there was no strangeness between them, and Shu Zimu also slowly discovered that although Qiao Ye at first glance seemed to be an elegant and arrogant nobleman, he was actually still very young, and probably Because of physical defects, he is not naughty and jumpy like a boy of this age, but his character is also a little lively, with the fantasy and romance of young people, he will learn the magical ability written in the book, and With Shu Zimu Tucao he designed the pit father plot.

Although it seems that Shu Zimu and Qiao Ye are almost a few years old, Shu Zimu treats Qiao Ye as if Qi Yao or Qi Yun is almost the same, with the kindness of the elders to the juniors. Especially when the other party is young but has such defects, this kind of love is more obvious.

Qiao Ye felt that Shu Zimu's eyes looked a bit like the housekeeper's grandfather at home, but he coughed and didn't speak out enough to talk about the novels written by Shu Zimu. Would you like to go down to a party for a while?"

Shu Zimu didn't think chatting with Qiao Ye was good, and he didn't like to attend the banquet. But after all, I came to the banquet with the rest of the crew. I should show up for a while. Shu Zimu thought about the time and said, "It should be some time after the banquet. Then I will go around and come back to you It's better to laze here."

Qiao Ye froze for a moment, then smiled, "Okay."

The other party smiled without haze, even with the scar on his right face, Shu Zimu wanted to touch his head a little, but felt that he was not familiar with the other party and could only restrain himself. Let's go back and get some more snow.

Qiao Ye watched Shu Zimu out of the lounge, and then took out his mobile phone. He went to Shu Zi Muwen and lost a few deep-water torpedoes. After Shu Zimu became popular, there were many local tyrant readers, and Qiao Ye was one of them. Of course, the most present among these local readers of Shu Zimu is Qi Yan. In addition, Yun Hao, who has accidentally dropped the waistcoat star, has no sense of presence compared to Qiao Ye's vest, but Qiao Ye is quite similar in Shu Zimu's readership. Active, someone in the group soon found out after the thunder.

Fresh Meat Mooncake: Why did the noodle lad suddenly hit the deep water?

Milk Yellow Mooncake: Smashed several...

Matcha Mooncake: Big Brother! Is the noodle buddy present? Do you routinely ask if the big man lacks a leg pendant?

Snowy Mooncake: What joy did you encounter when mixing noodles?

Qiao Ye's reader ID is half-faced and half-faced abyss, which is affectionately described by other fans as noodles. Qiao Ye thought this was a good name, so she simply changed the nickname in the readership to noodles.

Noodles: there is something happy

Ice cream moon cake: what what? Share it soon?

Leek moon cake: I really want to be happy, so I thundered Chaomu QWQ

Noodles: You may not believe it, I have a big face with Chaomu~

Lotus cake: ! ! Face-based? ? ?

Laoganma Mooncake: ...I really feel unbelief

Wuren Mooncake: Word day, is the noodle gangster and Mu Mu Nianji?

Meteor Mooncake: No Picture, No Truth

Sesame Mooncake: The noodles are on the picture! ! I want to see Mu Mu's prosperous beauty!

Noodles: ...No picture, but the noodle base is real.

Cloud-legged moon cake: I don't believe it if I don't have a picture. Why is it that it's not me who is based on Chaomu?╭(╯^╰)╮

Noodle: Then I will see if I can take a picture later, it should be fine

Bean Paste Mooncake: ...Wait, are you still with Mu Mu?

Crisp Mooncake: →_→Doodle noodles, when did you hook up with Chaomu and tell you the truth?

Curry Moon Cake: Ming and Ming dynasties do not speak much in the group

Egg yolk mooncakes: The noodle gangster is quietly talking with Mu Mu noodles, I seem to see that the crowd is always green

Peanut Mooncake: Hey, if President Qi finds that Mu Mu and the noodle gangster have suffered a blind date, what will happen?

Salt and pepper mooncake: Of course, choose to forgive him [manually funny

Hami Melon Mooncake: Nothing will happen to the two recipients, so Qi is definitely not worried

Rousong Mooncake: If the water and fire trench at the top of the overlord list knows this, I am afraid that I will lose my deep-water torpedo and scare me

Noodles: →_→ I just met a noodle, don't think so impure

Osmanthus Mooncake: I have met, I must have secretly tuned for a long time before! Not honest yet!

Noodles: No... It was met at a banquet, and then chatted for a while.

Bingtang Mooncake: [懵] The banquet, looks very tall...

Salted Fish Mooncake: A world you can understand at a glance...

Strawberry Moon Cake: Why can't I talk to Mu Mu Nian Ji? Because poor. [Qianyan Huanxiao]

Taro Mooncake: In fact, if you are a waiter at a banquet, you can also see Mu Mu. It cannot be said that it is because of poverty. A more comprehensive summary should be called that life:)

Litchi Mooncake: What kind of banquet is @飯面, is Mr. Qi not here?

Noodles: It is a party related to the movie. Zhao Mu and the crew of Chaoneng Firm attended the meeting together. Qi is not here.

Chocolate Mooncake: That's right... Do you also make movies with noodles?

Noodles: Uh, my family does this

Rose Moon Cake: Wow, isn't that still a lot of opportunities to meet Mu Mu in the future? envy

Black truffle foie gras moon cake: suddenly want to apply for Xing Yue →_→

Zao Ni Mooncake: If the noodles are now together with Chao Mu, is it just leaving people in the water? Or is it that Chao Mu is looking at the screen?

Noodles: No, I'm alone now, Chaomu will wait for a while

Wasabi Mooncakes: The noodle lord will remember to take pictures later! When you see a real person, let's take a look at the photos [eyes]

Litchi Mooncake: waiting for photos and other photos [flies rub hands.gif]


Seafood Moon Cake: Mu Mu hasn't returned yet _(:з」∠)_

Fried moon cake: Yes, for a long time, don't go to the toilet for so long

Noodles: He is not going to the toilet, but to the banquet hall below, it is estimated that someone can talk to him and walk away.

Hawthorn Mooncake: Someone is looking for Chaomu to speak... It's quite normal=0=

Dried prunes and mooncakes: after all, they look good, and surely everyone wants to talk to Mu Mu, I also really want _(:з」∠)_

Crystal Mooncake: ...You said that, I have a bad hunch, and suddenly remembered that the beautiful protagonist in the novel was drugged at the banquet...

Purple Sweet Potato Mooncake: That's a novel. How can there be so many things like this in reality?

Pumpkin Mooncake: Although it is a novel, but I also feel that the beauty of the prosperous age is likely to be coveted orz

Noodles:... No, this is a formal banquet. This kind of thing is not for the host, and the invited people will not be so stupid.

Pineapple Mooncake: Well, the reality is still different from the novel

Beef Mooncake: No matter what, Mu Mu is just fine, just wait for the photo~

Crayfish Mooncake: Wait for the photo to be +1. Unfortunately, Mr. Qi is not here. I really want to see Mr. Qi's picture. I also want to see the group photo of them.

Mustard moon cake: Yes, the pit is dead, so the final prize is actually an old photo, not HD [Despair.jpg]

Qun Li made up the mind that Shu Zimu was in danger for a moment and then let go of the subject, but Qiao Ye always felt a little uneasy. The more he wanted to frown tighter, he couldn't help standing up and walked to the door of the lounge. But after holding the door handle in his left hand, he stopped, and after a while, he called Manager Wang.

"Uncle Wang, please help me find Mr. Shu and convey a sentence for me," Qiao Ye said. "Just if he is busy, you can stop coming to me."

Qiao Ye didn't directly say he was worried about Shu Zimu, because he also felt that he should have been fooled by the words in the group. In fact, there are so many people in the banquet hall below, except for the waiters and security staff, the companions of Shu Zimu's crew are also there. , What can happen?

It was just that he still felt a little panicked, or decided to make an excuse for Manager Wang to see it, and it would be nice to wait for the news that Shu Zimu was fine.

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