Not Just Another Hunt

Por Camelot101

256 12 0

Sam's heart beat rapidly as he continued struggling against the ropes. He flipped his hair out of his eyes as... Más



21 2 0
Por Camelot101

WAKING TO THE smell of coffee, Sam pushed himself up onto his elbows in bed. He cringed as his head pounded. He knew his body needed more sleep. Glancing over at the digital clock on the nightstand between the two beds, he read two o'clock.

Letting out a puff of air, he plopped back down on the bed. Even with them getting to bed at seven in the morning, he still got seven hours of sleep, but it didn't feel like enough.

"Hey! You gonna get outta bed or what? We have a human to hunt."

Sam grunted at Dean's voice. He knew he needed to get up, but his legs felt too weak to hold his weight. He rolled himself upward and threw back the covers before standing to his feet.

It only took him fifteen minutes to shower and get dressed. He took a seat at the table in front of the window as Dean placed down a styrofoam cup in front of him. "Drink. You need the caffeine after last night."

Without arguing, Sam gripped the cup in his hand and raised it to his mouth. To his surprised, he found his hand shook as he held the cup. He furrowed his brow and cocked his head. Strange. He reasoned with himself that it was from lack of sleep, and took a sip of the hot drink before placing the cup back down.

"I've got something!" Jack shouted, leaping off the red sofa that rested against the wall. He swiftly stepped up to them, flipping around an iPad for Sam and Dean to see the screen.

Sam's vision blurred rendering him unable to read what it said. He rubbed his eyes with his finger and thumb.

"You alright?"

He looked over at his brother who gave him a concerned look, and grinned. "Yeah. Just not completely rested." He turned his head back around to face Jack. "What'd you find?"

"Jason Silvers social media," Jack said with a smile. "He lists right on here where he lives. I'm sure Benjamin has to be there."

Dean patted Jack on the back. "Good work. I'll call Cass and let him know where we're headed." He dumped the remains of his coffee into the sink and threw the cup away as he grabbed his brown leather jacket and headed out the door, Jack following behind him.

Sam, standing to his feet, grabbed his khaki jacket and threw it on. He lost his footing and stumbled, slamming into the threshold. He blinked several times as his vision zoomed in and out of focus. What was going on? Composing himself, he stepped out the door and closed it behind him.


It felt like a long drive to the house as Dean, Jack, and Castiel all tried to formulate a plan. Sam tried to listen in, but he couldn't get his thoughts to focus. Instead, his mind felt jumbled. He leaned his head back against the back of the seat as he yawned. He imagined what he was feeling was just from the night he had had.

"Sam, you okay?"

He heard Dean's voice calling to him, but he couldn't get his lips to move as he felt his energy draining. He lifted his head and closed his eyes. Letting out a sigh, he bowed his head and his eyes slowly opened.

He gasped when he unexpectedly found his arms tied down to a chair. His heart began to race as he balled his hands into fists and pulled against the ropes trying to break free. How did he get here?


Jerking, Sam turned his gaze to the left as Dean slammed on the breaks. He panted as he frantically glanced around. He was still in the impala—his family still around him.

"Sammy, you with us?"

Sam's gaze met Dean's; his older brother glared at him with a worried look. Letting out a sigh of relief, Sam nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry. Must've dozed off."

"Well, pay attention," Dean said as he placed his foot back on the gas pedal. "We need you to stay focused if you want to catch Benjamin."

Sam let out a quick puff of air as he turned his attention outside, looking at the trees that passed by. Had he really fallen asleep? He didn't feel like he had, but what else would explain the image he saw? He lowered his head glancing down at his wrists. He felt as if he could still feel the ropes rubbing against his skin. Rubbing his left wrist with his right hand, he turned his attention back to the world outside the window.


Crouching down, Sam jiggled his lock-pick in the bolt under the handle while Dean faced the street making sure no one noticed. Hearing the lock click, Sam smiled as he stood to his feet and pushed on the handle, opening the door. He stepped inside followed closely by Dean.

Dean grabbed out his gun from behind his back, and Sam did the same. If what Jack said was true, getting Benjamin to turn himself over to the police wasn't going to be a success. Elimination was more than likely going to be the solution.

Sam glanced around the large entry way. With a house this big, the manor had to be swarming with maids and whoever else helped take care of such a large structor. The fact that they hadn't yet run into anyone caused him to worry.

"Where's Jack and Cass?" Dean whispered, glancing around with both hands gripped tightly to his gun. "They should've been in here by now."

"We're right here."

Sam jumped as Castiel and Jack suddenly appeared before them, his heart skipping a few beats.

"The back in clear," Castiel continued.

"That's not the only thing though," Jack said. He frowned. "Benjamin isn't here either. I can feel it."

Dean stood up straight as he lowered his gun. "Seriously?" He threw his hands to the side. "Then where is he?"


Sam jerked his head upward to the second floor, his gun following his movement. Jason Silvers stood behind the railing beside the stairwell, his hands folded behind his back.

Sam glanced over at Dean as he, too, held his gun pointed at the nineteen-year-old boy. "Tell us where he is!" Dean shouted. "He's going to pay for murdering all those kids."

Jason chuckled as he raised a brow. "What are you talking about?" He pointed a finger down towards Jack. "He did all those things."

Jack clenched his hands. "Your father made me!"

Jason shrugged. "Doesn't matter." Raising a hand, he snapped his fingers.

Sam swung his head from left to right as a set of two doors on each side slid open. Five, well-fit, men emerged from each room holding guns. Glancing between the ten men as they circled around them, Sam gulped. This was going to be a tough fight for sure, but with two angels on their team, they could win this.

As if someone had heard his thoughts, Jack suddenly dropped to the ground landing on his side, motionless.

"Jack!" Sam turned his gaze back up towards Jason as someone suddenly appeared standing beside the boy. The man crossed his arms, an angel blade resting against his shoulder—another angel.

"Loriel," Castiel growled.

"We can't have an unfair fight, now, can we?" Jason said. "With the Nephilim out of the way, it should make this task much easier." He gave a swift nod of his head as he said, "Kill them."

At his words, the ten men began to advance. Gun shots rang through the large entry way as Dean fired his gun. Sam aimed towards one of the men, who had a gun pointed his way, and pulled the trigger. In an instant, the man dropped to the ground replaced by another man who charged into Sam from the side.

Sam dropped to the ground, a man hovering over him as he held Sam's wrists to the wooden floor.

Quickly turning his head, he watched as Dean was thrown against a wall. Collecting himself, he stood to his feet and punched the man in the stomach that tried ramming him.

To Dean's right, Castiel thrust a hand on one of the mens face. A bright glow erupted throughout the room for a brief second before dying away leaving the man to drop to the floor, his eye sockets burnt. Not a second later, Castiel was kicked in the back by another man and thrown to the floor.

Turning back to face his opponent, Sam reared up his right leg and kicked the man in the stomach sending him flying off of him. He jumped to his feet as another man advanced on him.

Pain exploded in his jaw as a fist met his cheek. He quickly ducked under another blow and delivered a punch himself. As the man stumbled back, Sam quickly turned around and reached for his gun that he had dropped in the beginning. He found it on the floor close to Jack's limp body, and he picked it up. He turned back around to face the men who attacked him and pulled the trigger twice, planting a bullet in the two mens chests.

Sam felt like an invisible hand grip him around the waist. His feet pulled out from underneath him as he flew across the room, his head slamming into a painting on the wall as his gun slipped from his grasp. He slid to the floor, the painting crumbling as it followed him.

Wincing, he slowly pushed himself up onto his elbows. He watched as the angel, Loriel, stalked towards him. Sam quickly reached out and gripped his gun. It was times like these he was thankful he had loaded his gun with angel blade bullets. He cringed from the pain as he swiftly climbed to his feet, and aimed the gun at Loriel.

Loriel stopped in his tracks at the sight of the gun. "Bullets can't kill me, Sam. You should know that."

Sam smirked. "They can if they're melted down angel blades."

Loriel's eyes widened as he took a step back.

As Sam's finger began to pull on the trigger, an unexpected pain burst throughout his chest. Clenching at his heart, he dropped the gun as he backed away, slamming his back into the wall. He gasped for air as he felt his lungs squeeze. What was going on? Was it magic?

Loriel chuckled lowly as he pulled out his angel blade. "It'll be a great pleasure killing you." He stepped up close to Sam and pointed the blade towards Sam, ready to make the final blow. "Goodbye, Sam Winchester."

Sam, instinctively, raised an arm, and flinched when a gun shot rang throughout the room. Feeling no pain from a stab wound or bullet, Sam lowered his arm as Loriel fell to the ground, blood blotting the angels white shirt.

Panting, Sam turned to find Dean with his gun still aimed in his direction. Dean lowered the gun as he, too, panted, his face coated in blood.

Scanning the floor, the ten men laid dead on the ground, blood splattered against the walls and began to pool on the floor. He turned his gaze up towards the stairwell to find that Jason was gone.

"What was that?"

Sam looked back at Dean as his angered voice startled him. Straightening his jacket, Sam asked, "What was what?"

"You!" Dean waved a hand his direction. "You looked like you were having a heart attack or something."

Sam shrugged. "I don't know, Dean."

"Well, you better figure it out!" Dean shouted. "You nearly got yourself killed! And would have if I hadn't intervened."

"I said I don't know!" Sam yelled back. Feeling guilty for screaming as his brother, he lowered his voice. "I'm just as clueless as you are."


Sam turned his gaze down at their Nephilim friend who began to stir as Castiel shook his shoulders.

Jack slowly moved to his knees as he placed a hand on the back of his head. "What happened?" Castiel gripped Jack's arm and helped him to his feet. Scanning the ground, Jack glanced between Sam and Dead. "Are you guys okay?"

Dean gave a settle glare towards Sam as he responded, "Yeah, we're fine, kid. Let's get out of here. We still have to find Benjamin."

As Castiel helped Jack over the bodies and out the front door, Dean stopped Sam by shoving on his chest. "You're staying at the motel next time."

"What?" Sam asked, offended. "You're benching me?"

"No, Sam, I'm looking out for you," Dean argued. He furrowed his brow. "Something's not right. You were out of it in the car and now you're on the verge of getting yourself killed. I can't look after you in a fight. I need to know you have my back."

"And I do, Dean!" Sam shot back. "It was a one time thing. I promise. It won't happen again."

"I know it won't," Dean said softly. He turned and walked out the door. "Because there won't be a next time."

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