The Twins' Mates (Werewolf St...

By LeonardoMontero531

133K 5.6K 248

Felix and Daphne Ford are 17 years old twins who are forced to move to a small town, after their father gets... More

Chapter 1: Start All Over [Again]
Chapter 2: Let it be
Chapter 3: Smells like teen spirit
Chapter 4: Wild world
Chapter 5: Wrecking ball
Chapter 6: To be with you
Chapter 7: Against all odds
Chapter 8: My girl
Chapter 9: Decode
Chapter 10: Girlfriend
Chapter 11: Can't stop the feeling
Chapter 12: God is a woman
Chapter 14: You Don't Even Know It
Chapter 15: All I Have To Do Is Dream
Chapter 16: Kiss me
Chapter 17: Can't Get You Out Of My Head
Chapter 18: Oops!...I Did It Again
Chapter 19: Cryin'
Chapter 20: U Got It Bad
Chapter 21: Dangerous Woman
Chapter 22: I'm with you / Complicated
Chapter 23: What's up
Chapter 24: Hungry like the Wolf
Chapter 25: Hello
Chapter 26: Grenade
Chapter 27: Roar
Chapter 28: Come Undone / I'm yours
Chapter 29: Talking to the Moon
Chapter 30: Fighter
Chapter 31: Rolling in the Deep
Chapter 32: Here with me
Chapter 33: Hold on my heart
Chapter 34: How can I go on
Chapter 35: I Don't Want to Miss a Thing
Chapter 36: Wolves
Chapter 37: It's my party / Love of my life
Chapter 38: Take on me
Chapter 39: I Hear The Day Has Come
Chapter 40: ME! | That Thing You Do
Chapter 41: My Happy Ending
Chapter 42: My Life is going on
Chapter 43: Bye, bye, bye
Chapter 44: Words get in the way
Chapter 45: Dangerously in love
Chapter 46: Into the unknown
Chapter 47: Without you
Chapter 48: Un-break my heart
Chapter 49: Stitches / Mercy / In my blood
Chapter 50: New rules / Stay with me
Chapter 51: I will always love you [EPILOGUE]
Bonus Chapter: I don't want to be | One | There's nothing holding me back
Bonus Chapter: Warrior
New Novel: The Twins' Dilemma
New Novel: The Orphan's Mate

Chapter 13: Whatta man / Seven Nation Army

2.4K 110 9
By LeonardoMontero531


I heard Daphne arriving home and I practically jumped at the chance to talk to her.

"So, how was your date? Did he show you 'his house'?" - I asked her and made an air quote of "his house" to which she grimaced.

"Ew, his parents were there! He just showed me around a bit and then we went up to his room..." - She said and when I heard the word 'room' I interrupted her.

"You went up to his room?! Alone?" - I gasped in shock at the information.

"To TALK!" - She shouted, shocked by my insinuation. - "We talked for a very long time. It was enlightening!" - She smiled at the realization. I could tell she was smitten by him.

"And what did he say? What did you two talk about?" - I asked, curiosity dripping from my tone.

"I wish I could tell you, Felix. I really do!" - I realized she actually meant it and it was bothering her that she couldn't.

"Oh my God! Why so secretive? Ever since you met this boy you don't talk to me anymore! I miss my sister! You always told me everything!" - I complained loudly, really upset.

"I know! I miss talking to you too! You don't know how hard I wish I could talk to you about it!" - She exclaimed, looking defeated. She seemed so conflicted about it, which baffled me even more.

"Is he in the mafia?" - I asked her amusingly, which made her laugh.

"At this point I really wished he was, to be honest." - She replied, making me even more curious than before.

The next day I woke up, I dreamed with him again. Thankfully, we were both clothed and nothing traumatizing happened. But I seriously don't understand why this boy has been populating my dreams lately.

I mean, sure he's hot. But it's not like he is the only one in the school. I mean, that school has a parade of hot boys for every taste. It was actually very distracting... And they don't even talk to me. Imagine if any of them did.

Later at school, I had P. E. And every time I have physical education, I stay behind at the end so I don't enter the locker room with all the boys. I preferred to change after to avoid any potential conflict.

But this time when the teacher saw me, he insisted that I had to shower too otherwise I would be late for the next class. I really dreaded it but I had no other choice. Plus, it's not like I can put off on doing this forever... *sighs*

When I entered the crowded locker room, everyone instantly turned to look at me. It's like they never saw a boy with pink hair in their lives. Which is probably very likely.

"The girls' locker room is to the left." - One of them said with an amused tone.

"Wow! I've never heard that one before. Thanks for the information, but I'm gay not trans." - I replied, sarcastically.

"What are you doing here, freak? We don't want you here!" - Another one said in a loud threatening tone.

"I don't want to be here either! But I don't have a choice, do I?" - I clapped back. I'll be damned if I'm going to let these rednecks drive my narrative. No, ma'am.

"I'm not joking! If you so much as glance at me in the shower, I'll beat you so hard you're going to wish you never left wherever the hell you came from!" - The same boy threatened me, looking me dead in the eyes.

"I'll try but I'm only human, you know..." - I responded sarcastically, not backing down.

When he heard this, he darted in my direction. I flinched, obviously scared. I was being brave but I could barely take a punch, to be honest.

When he was half way to get to me, a nearly naked figure appeared in front of him and stopped him in his tracks. It was Daniel, wearing only a towel.

"Dude, why bother with him? Let it go!" - Daniel said with his hand on the guy's chest, literally stopping him from coming towards me.

"I don't want some fag looking at me in the shower, Dan!" - The boy whined, pouting like a brat.

"I know you don't, David. But that's the world we live in. You have to respect people." - Daniel replied, calmly.

"But Dan, we don't want him here! He's not one of us!" - The boy who I now know to be David retorted, still whining. As if I wanted to be here. Bitch, please... this is not the country club. It's a public school. *grunts in annoyance*

"I understand David, I really do. Listen up, boys!" - He said as he removed his hand from the boy's chest and started addressing all the male students in the locker room, loudly.

"I don't want this fag here" - he points at me and I gulped nervously - "anymore than any of you do! But that doesn't mean we have the right to beat him up just because. It's still a free country!" - He exclaimed, firmly.

"He can look but he can't touch, just like the rest of us with every girl we meet." - He joked, which made everybody laugh.

"In fact, I don't care who looks at me." - He said and then removed his towel, putting it over his broad shoulders, revealing his naked self.

I immediately looked elsewhere, trying my best not to stare at that greek god of a body.

"I only care that he comes nowhere near me. Are we good?" - He stared everyone down in a threatening way.

Everybody seems to get the point across and go about their business normally. But there's always the one...

"Ooh... Are you defending your boyfriend?" - A boy in the back of the locker room joked. But Daniel didn't like it one bit.

Daniel lunged at the boy's direction so fast he didn't have time to react. He threw him against the wall with a punch like he was nothing. I could hear the crack in the guy's bones as he did it.

Then, he grabbed him by the neck and lifted the boy almost up in the air. He was standing up on the tip of his toes, trying to avoid being hung by Daniel.

"My girlfriend is Lauren Davis! Have you seen her? Just look for the hottest girl in this fucking school!" - He bragged, speaking loudly so everyone would hear.

"What was that..?" - He taunted him, waiting for the boy to say something, but he couldn't. I could hear him gasping for air as Daniel's grip on his throat tightened.

"What did you say to me, I can't hear you?" - He continued taunting him. The boy was turning blue from the lack of oxygen.

Nate, who was there too wearing only a towel, approached Daniel carefully from behind and whispered something that made him drop the boy, who legitimately took the biggest inhale.

As the boy gasped desperately for air, still on the floor, Daniel looked around the room fiercely mad.

"Does anyone have anything else to say?" - He stared down at the boys menacingly.

All the boys present looked away from him and proceeded to change and shower. He then came walking in my direction, still naked with the towel over his shoulder. I tried not to look at him, but honestly it was impossible to avoid it.

He approached me with such determination that I flinched when he stood within an inch away in front of me. I gasped before his commanding presence. Not to mention his very hot nude body.

"You have nothing to fear from us here. Just keep to yourself and you'll be fine." - He stated, looking me deep in the eyes. Then, he turned around and left for the showers.

As I stood there in awe, admiring his physical form from behind, trying to keep myself from drooling, I thought to myself:

'What a fine specimen! Oh my God!'

Then, I proceeded to take my clothes off, grab my towel and shower like the rest of them.

The remainder of my day was uneventful, but I could never manage to shake that image of him naked off my mind. I mean...

Damn, what a man!

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