BSD Oneshots || On Hiatus

By UnrandomHumanBean

4.4K 44 35

A compilation of Bungou Stray Dogs oneshots! Will include x reader and ships one shots along with random one... More

Never Know - SKK πŸ’ 
BSD As Stuff My Family/Friends Has Done/Said #1
Christmas with the ADA and PM πŸ’«
Fire - Chuuya Nakahara x Reader β—»
Ideally Not Ideal - Kunikida x Reader πŸ’«
Let Go, Forget, And Forgive - SKK β—»
Dark World - Dazai x Reader β—»
Hurt - Chuuya x Reader β—»
Kunikida x Dazai!Sister πŸ’«
Sick - Atsushi x Reader
Dead to Us - SKK πŸ’ 
Nail Polish- R. Akutagawa x Reader
Thought Process - Kunidazai πŸ’«

The Adventures of Mark Twain- Mark T. x ReaderπŸ’«

174 1 0
By UnrandomHumanBean

This is pretty random, but I found a bunch of Mark Twain quotes in this joke book my brother has and decided to write this, so I hope you like it!

You are a member of the Guild along with Mark. For this one-shot I basically found a bunch of Mark Twain quotes and decided to use them to make a one-shot.

And sry if this is OOC there's just not a lot to base Mark's character off of with such a short amount of screentime. 

Your ability: The Whispering Wind, gives you a map of the area in your head, showing where people and things are and where they're about to move.  

 Quotes are in bold.


"Boss called a meeting." You called to your boyfriend, Mark Twain, who was laying on your couch reading a book.

"What does he want now?" Mark replied with yawn.

"I dunno, something about smugglers I think." You replied, leaning over the back of the couch to try and see what he was reading. 

Mark put the book down and smiled at you, his green eyes sparkling. "Well then let's go find out what Fitzgerald wants."

Turns out, he was having a small mental break down over a group of smuggles that had stolen some of the Guild's precious cargo.

He paced his office while you sat on the edge of his desk, Mark standing nearby.

"They're asking us to come retrieve it but it's obviously a trap... OH I KNOW- I'll insist the bring it back here! Then I'll have Hawthorne kill them!!"

"The man who does not read has no advantage over the man that cannot read." Mark replied in a bored voice, tossing a ball in the air and catching it over and over again.

"Are you calling me dumb, Twain??"

"No, I'm saying that they'll realize it's a trap as well." The ginger elaborated with a sigh. You giggled and caught the ball before he did, resulting in a dirty look from the man.

"Well fine then." Francis said in a hurt tone. "If you're so keen on properly catching these guys, then do it yourself."

"Get your facts first, then you distort them how you please. I don't really care what happens to the smugglers, I'm just saying your plan would never work."


"Isn't that Miss Louisa's job?"

"...just do it."

"Nike." You interrupted with a straight face, twirling a strand of your h/c hair around your finger, and the arguing men both turned to glare at you.

"Y/n, you can go with your boyfriend." Francis said, waving his hand as he turned back towards one of his big windows.

"What, no, this sounds boring." You declined, rolling your eyes. 

"As your boss I'm telling you to go with Mark." Francis snapped. 

"Jeez fine, no need to be so grumpy." You grumbled back and your boss sighed, rubbing his temple.

"Just go please, you two are giving me a headache."

"Yessir." You jumped off the desk and grabbed your boyfriend's hand, dragging him out of the big office with you. "C'mon we can make this into a fun little adventure."

You ran down the red carpeted hallways of the Moby Dick and paused at the door.

"Now where do we start..."

"We could ask Miss Louisa." Mark replied, yawning. 

"She isn't here at the moment." A girl's voice said haughtily. Lucy Maud Montgomery.

You turned around and smiled at the girl. "Do you know where she went?"

Lucy frowned, twisting the towel in her hands. "Down to the city to buy supplies I suppose."

"Hm ok, thanks. Maybe Poe will know." You said, turning to look at your boyfriend. 

The redhead shrugged. "That shady racoon guy? Yeah, maybe. I hear he's smart."

The two of you continued down the hall until you found the writer's room.

 "Poe? You in there?" Mark asked, knocking on the door. 

"Come in." The man replied. 

"Lady's first, darling." Mark said teasingly as he held the door for you. You stuck your tongue out at him and walking into the dimly lit room.

"You should open some windows." You suggested but the dark-haired man shook his head, the racoon on his shoulder chittering.

Soft classical music played almost eerily from a small radio on the desk, and you shuddered. 

"You sound like a classic villain. This music sucks, play some rock or something."

"Wagner's music is better than it sounds." Mark unexpectedly butted in, and you raised an eyebrow at him. 

"First of all, that makes no sense, and secondly, I didn't know you liked classical."

He shrugged and Poe sighed. "Do you need something from me, Y/n?"

"Boss has us looking for some smugglers but he threw us out without telling us where they were." You explained, rolling your eyes. 

"Ah those, I heard Steinbeck talking about them with Lovecraft. Very well, they should be in one of the docks warehouses. Easy enough. Will you leave me in peace now?"

"Thank you, Poe!" You beamed at him, and he looked a little flustered as you grabbed Mark again and skipped off down the hall.

"I can use my ability to see which warehouse they're in and then we're all done, easy peasy." 

"I have a feeling that's not how it's going to go, my love." Mark groaned as he ran after you. "Didn't Fitzgerald say that it was a trap?"

"Yes, but my ability also shows me where danger is sooooo... and if it's an ambush, can't you just use your own ability to shoot them?"

"I suppose so."

And that's how the two of you found yourselves in this situation. 

Arguing, crouched behind a block of cement, with a warehouse halfway in flames behind you. 

"FUCK" Mark swore loudly as he glared at a burn on his abs. 

"Maybe you should button up your shirt then." You laughed, flicking his nose. "And swearing isn't good."

"When angry, count to four, when very angry, swear. I am very angry." Mark snapped.

"How was I supposed to know they'd literally throw the stuff at us?" 

The smugglers, when confronted with the two of you, had quite literally thrown the stolen cargo at you. The case they had thrown, unfortunately for you, had been full of explosives.

"Isn't your ability like, predictive? Whatever, arguing isn't going to do anything. Are they all still alive?"  Your boyfriend asked, pulling his shirt halfway off to inspect his wound. 

You closed your eyes and activated your ability, a light purple glow surrounding you. A grey map of the building appeared in your head with about 16 red dots to show the smugglers. The one green dot was Mark beside you and the black squares was the rest of the cargo you were after. There were a few light grey dots that indicated corpses.

"Eh, four of them died. Still 16 alive." You responded. A glowing path indicated the way men were walking and you sighed, opening your eyes. 

"Five of them are headed this way, a few went outside, most likely to see if we had backup on the way, and the rest are with the stolen stuff.

"We can fight five." Mark said, putting his shirt back on. 

You nodded in agreement. "They probably think that explosion killed us anyways. And you're right, my ability is slightly predictive which is why I was able to get us behind this slab in time." You tapped your fingers on the cement.

"Well, thank you then." 

"Thank me later~"


"What?? You should be dead-" 

The men had found you. 

You looked up, caught in quite the awkward situation of pretty much making out with your boyfriend when you had been confronted by the enemy.

"Well as you can see," Mark said with a smirk, "the reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated." 

"And I'll have to kill you now, so sorry about this." You added on, standing up and brushing off your clothes with a cheerful smile as you drew your knife. 

A big burly guy scoffed, his words thick with a heavy foreign accent. "Girls can't fight."

Mark winced as your e/c eyes started to glow with a cold fiery feminist rage. 

"All generalizations are false, including this one." He said with a chuckle. "Good luck, lads, I don't envy being you."

"Wha-" The men stumbled back in horror as you leaped. 

Swish, swoosh, slice, other noises

The smugglers all fell backwards, throats slit.

"That was rude." You said with a pout, wiping the blood of your knife. "And you guys didn't even fight well. Congrats to that one guy for getting a swipe in." 

A small cut on your arm was the only injury you had as you turned around. "Let's go get these other guys! Only eleven left! You can probably snipe most of them anyways."

Mark smiled at you. "Sounds good."

You paused, waiting for some inspiring words or something. "No words of wisdom before we battle?" You teased.

"It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech, love." Mark replied with a laugh, Tom and Huck appearing as he activated his ability and drew a gun. 

"Oh alright." You sighed sadly in mocking disappointment.

                                     .                .              .

"So, it all went well?" Francis asked. 

"Yep, super easy." You replied. "All the supplies are in the hold."

"Thank you, but someone reported that about 2% of the wine they happened to steal is missing... according to my information, you are probably the ones who took it."

Both you and your boyfriend glanced at each other, and you grinned. 

"Lies, damned lies, and statistics!" The ginger crowed as you raced from the room, leaving your boss shaking his head in disappointment. 


Alright I'm not the fondest of how this turned out cuz the ending was kinda rushed but here we are! Hope it was alright!

I'm going to try and start an updating schedule of updating on Wednesdays because school is starting back up and it may help keep me more organized. I might also occasionally post a new chapter on Fridays or Sundays depending on how motivated I feel and how many stories I have ready.

In the works are another Chuuya x Reader, a SKK one-shot, an Atsushi x Reader and maybe soon a Dazai x Reader.

On another note, I'll also probably be creating a separate BSD meme and textposts book just to make life easier and neater.

Thank you all so much for reading, seriously when I'm not feeling motivated every read inspires me a little bit to write more for you guys. Not to be cheesy or anything but it's true :P

Wishing every single one of you the best <3

- Aurora-chan

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