By deb-iwrite

203 92 1

When she was done, she handed our different assignments to us. It was a list of names, people who were yet to... More



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By deb-iwrite

Our cumulative experiences showed God could use anyone, as long as you are willing. He will love you as long as you love him. My brain flashed on proverbs 8:17 immediately.

      While they were sharing experiences and ideas, I flattened my self on the floor in reverence to God. In submission to his wisdom and abilities. It broke me that my spiritual life had been tailored to work in a limited way, to attain only a limited height.

    The illusion that crippled my mind began to give way and my eyes opened to the unlimited workings of God. We had toiled in the place of prayer, praying for hours till it was 6pm.
I retired to my office, where I prepared myself for the all night vigil with the ministers. The students from the minstrel school would be joining us for the night. I needed sleep so I could prepare for the night.

          My rest lasted for approximately four hours. I woke up refreshed. My footsteps paced to the grocery store in the campus, as I searched for what to eat before the vigil.
I grabbed some peanuts and sparkling water. Added some bread and fruits to my shopping basket.
Suddenly, I heard my name from behind. I didn't turn my head. I knew the voice, I just shook my head and ignored the caller.

        "Pastor Jacob,  it's nice to see you." A familiar voice spoke.

The excitement that came with it reeked of falsehood and manipulation.
I slowly turned around and there she was, standing before me wearing a free flowing African print gown. Her face void of make up.

        "Hey, sister Unique, Its been a while." I observed, making contact eye contact.

I knew that was my first line of defense against her manipulative spirit.
She lowered her eyes, searching for whatever on the floor.
After hours praying and fortifying myself in the spirit, I even caught her hands shaking in my presence.

        "Yes Pastor, Its really been a while. I've been busy with work and life." She paused, glancing backwards. "Are here with someone?" I asked, sensing her fight to continue to stand with me.

She turned to face me again. "Erm, No....Well, Yes.... My friends, they are in the car. " I nodded. 

          "But how are have you been Pastor?" She went back into her game, still avoiding my gaze.

Wait!  I don't get it. Why is she referring to me as pastor? I'm simply known as Bro. Jacob.

         "My reasons for referring to you as a pastor is personal, so drop it!" She snapped.

I Shrugged, noting she stole my thoughts again. I decided not to engage her.

        "Haven't seen you in church for a while now, Are you alright?" I asked, searching her face which was still slightly hidden under her hair.

       "Erm, Yes. But will attend the emergency worship session today. She said, her eyes going through the products on the shelves.

     "What 'emergency worship session?" I asked, confused.

     "The media team sent out an email to everyone on the mailing list. A group of fire brand young ministers would be ministering, including the minstrels."  She have up the information gleefully. Her eyes staring at me.

Shocked, I looked at her in bewilderment. "That can't be. It just can't. That program was supposed to be......" I stopped, halting my words before I fail basic Pastoral ethics.

        "Wait, wait, .... Oh my! You didn't know about it?  She snarled. " Are you not part of the decision counsel in your fathers church?"

The Holy spirit came on me immediately and cut off every shade of anger in me. So in response, I gave her a very happy chuckle. The devil cannot come and pour sand sand into my garri.
Dazed, she gazed at me with a twitched shocked expression. "You are not angry?"

I simple shook my head with a smile on my face. " And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose." 

Her face darkened and her eyes glared at me. "You see, the Holy spirit works in mysterious ways. And his leading is never fractured."

She was still shocked at my response when I decided to push the question on my lips forward. "See you to night? " I asked.

        "Yes Pastor would definitely be there. Plus I invited some of my friends, they are in the car. Would you like to say hi?" She inquired.

        "No, not really. Stay blessed Sister. " I watched her walk away from my presence. I shook my head, fished my phone out of my pocket.

After checking my mail, messages and all, nothing showed the changes Unique spoke of. Nothing. Gradually, I picked all I needed, paid for it and went back to the church.
The media, music and protocol departments were having a short meeting.  I walked pass them, and made it to my office.

     The entire young ministers team were waiting for me right in front of my office. Their faces, a mixture of disappointment and betrayal. Jackson, their group leader, walked up to me, his face, expressionless. But I felt his anger blistering me.

           "Hey," I greeted as he approached me. He waved reluctantly, and I knew why.

           "We were not informed of a worship session this evening. I thought it was just between all of us minus the entire church." He complained in the most polite voice for a man who was simmering in anger.

I could have commended him but I knew it would just spook him. Who wants to be around someone who reads minds and heard thoughts?  Plus the less people knew about my abilities, the better. 

With my key card, I unlocked my office and went in, ushering him in as well. Tossing my grocery bags by the corner of the room, I turned to face him.

         "Brother Jackson. I am as surprised as you are. Matter of fact, I got to know about this huge meeting at the store where I went for groceries. I honestly thought I missed an email or didn't get the memo. I still intend to find out what's going on here, okay?" I explained, watching his reaction.

        "We intended to come, fellowship with you and fire up ourselves. Then go back home knowing we have dropped something on each other." He said, his eyes a shade of disappointment. "This was unexpected."

My head went up and down. "Please, accept apologies on behalf of the church administration."

He sighed.  "It's alright, maybe, there's something bigger God wants us to accomplish here before we leave."  

I nodded in agreement. "Let the spirit of God lead us."

          "May he lead the way." Jackson exited my office without a hint of anger in his system. And yes, I read him.

       I sat back in my chair wondering what in God's name was going on. I dialed Isaiah from my phone. He'd been a known partner in crime with my father, so he must definitely know what was going on. He picked up on first ring, as though he was waiting for his crucifixion.

        "I'm so sorry Brother Jacob." He began to beg before I could even mutter a hello.

          "What are you saying?"

A shallow whooshing air came to my hearing. "This was all Pastor's idea."

         "By pastor, you mean my father?" I asked.

         "Yes. I tried to dissuade him but he was too resilient."

My hand held the phone hard as though my life depended on it. I stood in between the lines of yelling and completely losing it. I whooshed air out of my mouth repeatedly  waiting for Isaiah to tell me hi part of the conspiracy.

             "My question is, how did he know the ministers and I were going to do extensive worship session tonight? I never discussed this with him."

A flustered sigh left the young mans lips. "That is what baffled me. I didn't even know what you guys had planned. How he got that information is a puzzle to big to solve."
I listened patiently as he also tried to keep his calm. "Help me holy spirit." I muttered under my breath. A second later, I felt that same peace.    

             "Isaiah?" He responded faintly. "Its fine. Do not stress yourself anymore. God will do only what He will do.    

           "I am deeply sorry Jacob." He pleaded.

          "That's fine. So is there an order of service? Or is this one of those people call 'freelance worship'?" I asked.  He chuckled at my insinuation.

          "Well, Your Dad said he would manufacture the order of service before the real service commences."

         "Alright. See you in church." I and hung up and bowed my head in exhaustive expression.

Thirty minutes before the service began, the young ministers and I hunkered down there. We jointly made intense demands on the service of the night. We prayed with everything in us.

       The church service started with praise and worship, my Dad and Mom were seated in their designated seats. I watched their expressions and body movement. The worshiped religiously.
After the praise leader was done, I took up the microphone before my Dad could stop me. Ignoring the gestures he made with his hand, i took my worship high up to the king of kings.

I saw ahead of him, But only God would Control today's service. He wanted to control this night with those evil things residing in him.
Without wasting time, I invited all the young ministers to join me on stage.

The tens of thousands of people physically present was mind blowing. This was the biggest crowd since the inception of the church. The over flows were full, the protocol department had to create make shift overflows around the entire campus.  Online crowd alone was over a million watching.

Honestly, thank God for internet and thank God more for social media platforms, they have helped spread the gospel.

     Our team planned to worship and pray down heavens for the night, before my Dad thought he could disrupt the move of God. He didn't know that the one who sits in the heavens sees and knows everything.

We moved into the realm of worship quickly, dragging every one with us. Our voices vibrated through out the building. We channeled our spirits through the realms of glory and opening up portals of supernatural encounters.  The physical manifestations began. I flowed in  low worship bidding my time, waiting for that  divine instruction.

    Twelve midnight, Another dimension of worship began. Aleaah took the church up in prophetic worship that left the whole house filled with heartfelt praise.

She sang so much that the pastor Kelvin, the deliverance departmental head was thrown out of his chair and dropped in front of the altar. The height and length at which the Holy spirit took him down was incomprehensible. Even my own my father shuddered.
Then Chuks took over and brought down the house with a song that broke even me.

Let the hungry come, there is food in His house.
Let the thirsty come and drink until you're full.
There are no restrictions in your presence Lord
There are no conditions to worship you.
Until you fill us, we are going no where
And until you are satisfied, we will wait.

I hadn't even recovered from that one when he released another one. Back up singers went on their knees. Chucks raised his hands to the king as tears cascaded his face.

It's in you, Lord.  It's in you.
It's in you, everything
I'll ever need
From the workings of your spirit
To your functions in my life
It's all in you, for You're all I'll ever need.

          The church broke, filled with broken seats and broken people. Every man, woman, boy, girl and children were sucked up into the atmosphere of worship.
The CCTV screen captured scenes that proved that the Spirit of God has no limits. The people's hunger was palpable. Truly, for those who wait, there's no limit that can't be attained in the spirit.

My team and I went into chains of prayer thereby creating clusters of prayer cells. We took the weak, the hungry and paired them with those on fire.
Soon the wind of fire went through the crowd like hurricane. It blew up the place. The spiritual intensity was well above boiling point.

Oh my! I never knew a church could be 'Firerized' like this. The smile on my father's face suddenly disappeared and his real self became visible.
He shifted from point A to point B looking for a way to escape. I paid him no mind.

The limitations of human nature has no effect on the unlimited nature of God. When God is ready for him, there would be no escaping it.
I said went into deep prayers for them, making demands on the mercies of God. I just wanted them free and re-dedicated to God.

         We stopped praying when Ezekiel ran into the crowd and proceeded to bringing people out. He kept pointing them out, one after the other. He had the gift of prophecy, a very radical prophetic spirit.

The people he brought out had one thing in common. "Glowing wrist". Then a surprising thing happened and a lady confessed that she was a Shukura vessel. More followed.
My father gasped when the lady mentioned that name. I mentally saved the name in my brain data plus. I was determined to investigate it.

          I soon realized that this Shukura entity had serious hold on the church. Half of the people had her channeled into them. I didn't even waste time, we went back into prayer for God to expose and deliver.

About ten minutes later, my parents were conspicuously absent. I walked back stage to my father's office to see him and my mom planning their exit.

     "You can't leave!" I said forcefully.

My Dad gave out an evil mocking laughter.. "Says who? This is my church, I come and go as I please!"

     "The service just got started. It very bad PR issue for you to leave!  I complained, trying so hard to stifle the rising anger.

     "This is young people's thing, so it's best we leave it to young blood, and something else, Lena, she won't be staying with us any more." My mom confirmed.

     "Is she still at home?" I asked, she nodded.

     "We gave her a week to park up and leave and we compensated her as well."  She smirked. I Shrugged  and went back to the church. I didn't want argue with them. I couldn't be sucked into their mind games.

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