Not Just Another Hunt

By Camelot101

256 12 0

Sam's heart beat rapidly as he continued struggling against the ropes. He flipped his hair out of his eyes as... More



20 1 0
By Camelot101

OPENING THE DOOR, Dean moved to the side as Castiel marched in. "What was so urgent?" he asked as Dean shut the door behind him.

Sam stepped up to Castiel and sighed as he looked down. "It's Jack."

Castiel gave an alarming look.

"He claims he's been killing people," Dean continued, "but has no memory of it." He crossed his arms. "He said it came to him in a dream."

Castiel turned to look at Dean with a questioned look. "A dream?" He paused. "But... angels don't sleep."

"We know," said Sam. "That's why we called you." He looked over at Jack who sat on the edge of the bed staring at them. "Can you see into him? Know if he's really been doing what he says?"

"I'll try," Castiel said as he walked to Jack.

Jack followed Castiel's movements with his head, looking into Castiel's concerned eyes. "Can you help me, Castiel?"

Castiel knelt in front of Jack, squinting his eyes as he stared. "I'm not sure. Nephilim's are powerful beings. My powers might not be strong enough."

Jack, instinctively, reached out grasping Castiel's forearm. "Please," he pleaded. "I have to know if I did what I saw."

Letting out a soft sigh, Castiel nodded his head. Using his index and middle fingers of both hands, he placed them on Jack's temples and closed his eyes.

Jack stared at Castiel feeling nothing happen. Was anything happening? He glanced up at Sam and Dean, who had moved behind Castiel, waiting for something. "Is anything happening?" he asked, impatiently.

Staring back at Castiel's clenched eyes, it looked as if he could've found something, but what? Castiel opened his eyes, releasing a puff of air, almost like he had been holding his breath, and panted as he stood to his feet.

"What happened?" Sam asked, gripping Castiel's bicep. The angel looked drain and like he could collapse at any moment. "Did you see anything?"

Collecting himself, Castiel stood up straight. He held an expression of concern and confusion mixed together. "Yes. I did. I opened a memory that had been closed off and..." He turned his gaze towards Dean. "In the memory, he killed a girl. The memory was from last night."

Jack's heart began to race as he glanced down and gripped the edge of the bed. He had killed Callie? He really did it? It wasn't a dream? It was a memory? "So, I am the murderer."

"And you weren't asleep earlier," Castiel explained. "Something happened inside your body that rendered you unconscious, and it awoke the memory."

"Like what?" Jack asked. "What happened to me?"

Castiel adverted his gaze. "I'm not sure."

"How can that be possible?" Dean asked. He thrust a hand Jack's way. "She was killed last night. When would Jack have had the time to kill her? She was alive during the game. We saw her!"

"Shapeshifter?" Sam questioned.

Jack shook his head. "No, it was after the game," he corrected. "She was walking away from the stadium."

"I'll restate my sentence. How?" Dean shouted.

Castiel glanced between the Winchesters'. "Was there ever a minute after the game that he was out of sight?"

Dean looked like he was thinking. "Well, he was gone during the time they took him out on a stretcher."

"But he was unconscious, Dean," Sam said. "He couldn't have gotten away then." The room was silent for several more seconds before Sam snapped his fingers, and turned to face Jack. "You were gone for about a half hour changing clothes while we collected the money. When you got back, you said it was because you were cleaning up your head, but it was still bleeding pretty badly."

"So it must've happened then," Dean said, catching on.

Jack glanced down as he scanned his memories. Sam was right. He remembered changing out of his uniform, but everything after that was fuzzy. Like there was a missing piece of time. He slowly turned his gaze towards Sam as he whispered, "You're right. I don't remember anything. One minute, I'm changing my clothes. The next, I'm by your side." He shook his head as tears pricked his eyes. "What am I going to do? Should I turn myself over to the police?"

"What are they going to do?" Dean asked. "You're a Nephilim, kid. No prison is going to hold you." He shrugged. "Unless you stay willingly."

"We're not giving him over to the police, Dean," Sam nearly shouted.

"So what do I do?" Jack mumbled, barely audible. "I don't want to hurt anyone else."

"You're staying here," Dean said, marching toward the door. He withdrew his impala's keys as he opened the door. "I'm going to the police station. Maybe they'll have some more details on the other cases. Something that we didn't see with Callie."

"Yeah, hold on!" Sam said, jogging to Dean's side. "I'm coming with."

"I'll stay here with Jack." Castiel glanced from Jack towards Sam. "I'll make sure he stays put."

Sam gave a nod as he closed the door behind him.

An hour must've passed by, and Jack remained seated on the edge of the bed. He didn't say a word to Castiel, and vice versa. He just wanted this to all be over. If there was ever a time he wished he would wake up from a dream, it was now.

Castiel stood up and began walking towards him when suddenly, someone burst through the door. It shattered into a million pieces, wood chips flying everywhere. Castiel ducked behind the couch as Jack slipped off the bed. Kneeling, he covered himself with his wings to protect himself from the debris.

He jerked his head up as four men, dressed in a suit and tie, barged through the threshold. With his powers, he automatically sensed them all as angels.

Castiel jumped to his feet and snarled. "What are you doing here, Makiel?"

"We're here for the boy," one of the angels, Makiel, said. "Move out of our way, Castiel, or we'll have to kill you."

Jack heard his blood thumping in his ears as he balled his hands into fists. Who were these angels? Why were they out to get him? Did they know he was doing all the killing? Were they here to permanently stop him?

"I won't let you kill, Jack!" Castiel shouted, an angel blade falling into his grasp from his sleeve.

Makiel chuckled. "We're not here to kill him, Castiel. Just to retrieve him." He snapped his fingers and the other three angels moved around him advancing on Castiel, each holding an angel blade.

Makiel moved around the fight and advanced towards Jack.

Jack slowly backed away fearing the worst. "Stay away from me!" he shouted.

"Come on now, Jack," Makiel folded his hands behind his back. "You want to stop all this killing don't you?" He withdrew an archangel blade from a pocket in his suit jacket, its golden blade gleaming in the dim light. "You can either come peacefully, or..." He spun the blade in his hand. "In pieces."

Sensing danger, Jack quickly ducked as Makiel swung a fist. He swung a foot out, and swiped it under Makiel's legs, causing the angel to fall backwards onto his back.

Jack quickly stood up and dashed towards Castiel to help the angel who was being punched numerously by one of the three angels while the other two held him. Thrusting a hand forward, the three men flew backwards from Castiel.

As one of the angels climbed to his feet, Jack, again, forcefully threw him.

Another man shouted as he charged Jack from behind. Swirling around, Jack raised an arm to block the man as he swung a fist downward with an angel blade in his grasp. The blade was inches away from Jack's face when he delivered a blow by thrusting a hand at the angel, his opened palm landing on the angels chest sending him slamming into the TV.

Feeling someone creep up behind him, he twirled around once more, only this time, he was met by another angel blade to the side. He winced feeling the sting from the blade. That was strange. When had an angel blade ever hurt him before? He pulled the blade from his side and, swiping a hand through the air, sent the angel tumbling into the bed. Jack raised a hand to his side and glanced down to find his palm coated in blood.

"That's enough, Jack!"

Jack turned his head towards where Castiel stood moments ago to find Makiel holding an arm around Castiel's throat with an angel blade between his shoulder blades. "No!" He reached out towards Castiel. "Don't hurt him!"

Makiel smirked. "It's too late for that."

Castiel swung himself around, reached for the angel blade, but yelped when Makiel jabbed the blade into Castiel's side.

"No!" Jack shouted.

Castiel collapsed to the floor, and Makiel grinned. "You should've come with me when you had the chance."

Rage boiled in Jack's blood as his power grew. He felt a tingling in his eyes as he knew they were glowing gold. Raising a hand, he clenched it into a fist.

Makiel suddenly gasped for air as he clawed at his neck.

Jack lifted his arm a little higher as Makiel was dragged from his feet into the air. "You'll regret that, Makiel," he said through gritted teeth. Squeezing his hand tighter, Makiel suddenly turned to dust and dispersed into the atmosphere.

Collapsing to his knees, Jack panted as he felt his powers die away. He felt exhausted, drained. But why? He had never felt this way before when using his powers. What was happening to him? He was killing innocent people without any knowledge of it, hurt by a weapon that would normally never touch him, and now, he felt worn out from using a small amount of his powers.

He slowly climbed to his feet and glanced around. The angels he had thrown across the room had vanished. All of them. Glancing down at Castiel's still body, he felt fear overcome him. Was he dead? He was stabbed with an angel blade. How could he survive that?

His throat tightened as he gazed at the opened doorway. Sam and Dean could be back at any moment. Would they think he did this? That he killed Castiel? Dean would never forgive him, nor listen to him. He couldn't stay here. It wasn't safe. For anyone. Castiel was dead because of him. If he stayed, would Sam and Dean be next?

He had to run away. Somewhere far away. Somewhere where neither Sam or Dean could ever find him.

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