rougefort x almond oneshots

By france_plays037

19K 249 177


"staring at the stars"
"sleeping mid-chase"
"getting in trouble at school..."
"The juice bar incident"
"Rain day"
"Discussing with some old friends"
"Cat army"
"Snow day"
I really need to know where is everyone coming from .-.
"Shopping for new clothes!"
"A peaceful night"
"Beach Day!"
"Telling the truth to walnut"
"Merry Christmas!"


637 8 1
By france_plays037

(A random song lol-)

Almond pov

Its been a couple of weeks me and rougefort were visiting each other and that we both confessed to each other. I was happy but then rougefort was still stealing because they didn't know how to live a normal life. they been living like this ever since the cheese manor fell down. I sighed as I got a new call and picked up. "yes I'll be right there." I said while getting up from my chair and driving to the scene. I was thinking about ways to maybe stop rougefort from committing crimes and maybe they could live with me in a peaceful life. as I got to the crime scene, a police officer came up to me. "detective almond! I'm so glad you came! The jewels has disappeared! all of them!" they said out of breath, clearly rougefort has been running away from them for a while for fun. as they kept explaining suddenly a alarm broken out. I turned around to see rougefort standing on one of the fence and a spotlight on them. "Try and catch me if you can dear detective!~" they said as I prepared to chase them. we kept running til they turned to a alleyway. I did the same, then they stopped and turned to me. "I'm sorry dear did I tired you out?" they said as I came closer to them, out of breath. "no I'm fine-" I said regaining my breath, as they wrapped me in a tight hug, I smiled and took off there hat. I cupped his cheek and he smiled. "rougefort may I ask you something after this?" I said as we both let go of the hug and he adjust his hat back on. "Of course dear!" they said as we pretended we kept chasing. after a while. I handcuffed him and set him down in the jail. "see you soon dear." they whispered as I secretly close the door, not locking it so it would be a lot easier. I waved at them and then I went back to my own house. I settled walnut to sleep after reading her a story then waited in my room for rougefort to come. about 20 minutes later I heard tapping on my window. I turned to see rougefort knocking on my window. as I opened my window, they smiled as they got in and took off their hat. "so what is it that you need to tell me dear? they said as they sat there waiting for me to say something. "well I was thinking about teaching you how to live a normal life. you know its very tiring to case after you everyday." rougefort sat still thinking about the idea. "yeah but I'm still going to be wanted." they said as they scooted next to me. "you could wear a disguise whenever you go outside. your costume always seems to fool other cookies but not me since I already know. in as for your crimes... for time to time people tend to forget about a criminal if they stopped committing crimes, they will be more focus on the current ones so if you stop, eventually everyone will forget about you, or that's at least what I think..." I said as they were deep a thoughts. "I mean even if would like to live a normal life buts it's just that I don't have enough money to supply myself nor buy a house. that's why I turned to stealing in the first place." they said as they looked down. "you can live with me. we can find you a new job and change your name. nobody knows your real name and only know you as Phantom Bleu. I'm the only one who knew your name because I was the only one that had your case file and nobody else had." I said while rougefort looked back at me. "I would love to stop being on the run...I'll accept your deal, even though it might be hard to get use to it. I'll try my best!" they said as they smiled. I smiled as well as I sat on the edge of the bed. "would you like to start today? also you might want to give me all the jewels that you stole back." I said while they nodded. "I'll show you where I keep the jewels right now if you want." I nodded as we both got up and rougefort leaded me somewhere.

=time skip to where they get to the cheese manor=

I looked at the manor as rougefort helped me climb across the wall. as they opened the door. I looked around and they leaded me to a vault. "all the jewels should be in there, though it would be quite hard to carry." they said as they opened the vault. I saw many jewels in all different colors and sizes. "how do you-" I said as the threw a bag at me. I catch it and they told me to put the jewels in the bag while he pack up some things. as they went off, I started collecting all the jewels. after a while I got all the jewels in the bag and he came out with a medium size bag and lord crumbles III. we went back to our own house and I told rougefort to be quiet as I called someone. "I found all the jewels but the criminal seem to be nowhere to be found." I said as the other line gasped. "Thats wonderful! we should return the jewels right away!" they said as I got the bag "I'll be right there." I said as I hanged up. "wow it was that easy?" they said as they were patting lord crumble III head. "well I have to leave now. please don't cause any trouble ok?" they nodded as I got in the car and drove to the station. I gave the bag to the police and they were shocked. "How did you get this!?" they asked as I kept my face expression neutral. "I found that they were moving and once they saw me. they ran away but left the bag." I said as they all nodded. "thank you so much for your service detective almond! you were a HUGE help to this city!" they said bowing. I nodded and excused myself to leave. I drove back home to see that rougefort was in the kitchen eating away on a chocolate. "hello almond!" they said almost finishing the chocolate. I smiled softly as they finish the chocolate. "what is this? it taste so good!" they said throwing away the wrapper. "you never ate chocolate before?" I asked as we went to our room and closed the door. "Nope!" they said as I rummages into the closet for pjs. "hm. alright." I said as I pulled out some pjs and handed them to rougefort. they went to the bathroom to change and I just change in my own room. after I finished, rougefort came out of the bathroom and sat on the bed. I sat on the bed as well and wrapped us around the blanket. as I wrapped my arm around rougefort. they smiled as they cuddled closer to me. we both enjoy the moment before we both drift off to sleep.

=-bonus-= (what am I doing with my life and why am I planning to write a 3 chapter- we will never know because now I have too many free time :) )

Rougefort pov

As I woke up. almond was already awake putting on his coat. I yawned as he turned to me. "how have you slept rouge?" he asked as I smiled. "I slept well." I said as I took out a disguise out of my bag. "ready to start your new life rouge?" he said wrapping his arms around me. "Ready as I'll ever be dear detective." I said as I put both of my hand on his cheek and pulled him into a kiss. my life is about to be a lot more interesting now.

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